• Published 9th Jun 2014
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Discord on Diaper Duty - CatFlash

When the Mane Six are out of town saving Equestria, the Cakes ask Discord as a last resort to babysit the twins. When you have Discord around, you of course never know what will happen.

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Chapter Two

After pondering what to do, decided to suck it up, because I mean, who would pass up all you can eat chocolate?
Slowly, I began to walk towards the back of the store.
I reached the door that lead to the other half of the building where the Cakes live.
I willed myself to change into an officer’s uniform before walking in.
Pushing the heavy door open with a burst, I marched into the room.
The two twins looked up from their game of blocks and what ever the fuck they were doing to stare like idiots at me.
“Hem hem.” I began as I cleared my voice. “Listen up, little pea brains. I’m in this solely for the access to as much candy and shit as I want. All you need to do is sit there and do nothing, ok?”
The two weirdos looked at each other and burst out crying.
“Shut your butts! Jeesh!”
The only thing that that smart comment did was make them ball even harder.
I disappeared and reappeared in between them. Picking them up, one in each hand, I held them up to eye level.
“Please don’t make me put tape on your mouths.”
But of course, they kept crying.
“Fuckers.” I mumbled as I dropped them onto the ground unceremoniously.
I turned around and was about to go and read the Sexy Mare Magazine when I heard giggling.
Stopping, I slowly turned to face them.
I was about to use even more colorful language against them, when the little girl filly, at the time I was pretty sure her name was Punch Cake, opened her mouth.
“Fu-” she started.
And her brother finished for her.
Again, they began to laugh.
I groaned and sank to my knees.
“Shit!” I swore again.
“Shit-a!” they repeated.
I knew I was in deep trouble, or according to the asses I was supervising, I was in deep, deep shit-a.