• Published 21st May 2014
  • 1,862 Views, 19 Comments

Button's and the CMC's Minecraft Adventures - edwinflores428

Button and the CMC play Minecraft with Youtubers

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Hunger Games - Round 1

24 players has gathered in the center of the map Orient in the Hunger Games on the Nexus server. Naturally, BajanCanadian and JeromeASF are playing a round of the Hunger Games along with 1 other player..


"What is it buddy?"

"We got a new friend here who demolished us last round at the hunger games!!"

"The one who killed me and Ryan with Betty!?"

"That's right, what's up everybody it's Mitch or BajanCandian and we're playing the hunger games with our friendly bacca and our new team player ButtomMash!!"

"Great to be here guys! I didn't think I would be playing along side you!" said Button as he readied himself to get to the chests first as the countdown began to start the hunger games round.

"Hey no problem buddy, we never expected someone like you demolished us during that last round..."

"Guys it's starting and 3...2....1...CHARGE!!" and just like that most players converged on the tower at the center of the map and started looting the chest presented.

"Come on come on....yes!!" as Button quickly dashed away "Golden chestplate and wooden axe!!"

"Nice and I got a stone sword" said Mitch running towards the river for more chests..

"Oh great fantastic, guess what guys!?" said Jerome.

"What is it?" asked Button

"I only got a baked potato and a wet noodle~!"

"Oh..wow, just keep running Jerome, Imma coming!!" as Button quickly looted a nearby chest getting a TNT, and chain-mail leggings.

"Yes please! Hurry sir!!" said Jerome as he hid inside the building pressing shift to hide his player name that's above his body.

"I see them and now chopchopchopchopchopchopchopchop!!!!" Button yelled as he eliminated the player that was hunting the suited Bacca.

"Whew thanks buddy!" Jerome said as he came out from his hiding hole.

"No prob and here some gear I picked up from the way here!" He said as he dropped a stone axe, chain-mail chestplate and an iron helmet.

"Ooh, lingerie boobies~!" Jerome exclaimed as he put on the gear.

"Uh....sure let's go with that....." Button said with an awkward tone, being a teenage colt and dating the beautiful mare known as Sweetie Belle, their relationships don't come without awkwardness involved. At his age, his hormones are raging every time he gets close to his marefriend, yet he dreads the day Sweetie Belle hits her heat cycle or 'estrus' as the biology geeks calls it. From what he heard from Princess Twilight, when Sweetie Belle's older sister Rarity had hit her heat cycle she said and he quotes 'I'm gonna make a stallion out of Spike'.....but why the hell am I talking about the birds and the bees with Button and teenage ponies!? back to the story!

As they ran across the map, they chop up the opponents with their weapons and gain more and more loot until...

"Diamonds!!!" yelled Mitch as he scooped up 2 diamonds from a defeated player. "Does anyone have le sticks?"

Button checks his inventory to check "Nope"

Jerome checks his inventory.."Nada senor..." a notification appears on the chat "and it looks like we got a piggy after me!"

"Aw those things are so annoying! Once they kill you, they are back in the game and take all your stuff!" Button complained as he readies an iron sword. "wait..' he sees in the distance a zombie pigman barreling right towards them! "Jerome run!! He's coming!!"

"Righty-o!!" said Jerome as he fled leaving behind a spiderweb to slow him down. But suddenly the pigman is attacked and killed by another player: spiderpig567. He flashes the team movement with his stone sword. "Spoods!!!"

"Spoods?" Button tiled his head in confusion.

"Spooderman!! He's a friend of mine who saved my butt a couple hunger games ago."

"and boom we're going to the D!!!" yelled Mitch as he killed another player activating the countdown to the sudden death match.

"Alright everypony, let's do this and let's do this right!!" yelled Button. He preps his gear as the clock counts down to the death match, iron sword, full chain armor with 3 TNT. the clock hit down to 10 seconds...then 5 ...4 ....3....2.....1....

And the 4 remaining players :BajanCanadian, ASFJerome, ButtonMash and spiderpig567 were all telepoted to spawn and were let loose to go all out in the death match. as Buttom Mash swung his sword wildly hoping to get a hit and thus a kill but suddenly..

"Dropping the TNT!! SO LONG BOYS!!!!!!!!" yelled Mitch as he places tons of TNT in a self-destructive move!

"YOU CRAZY CANADIAN!!!' Yelled Button Mash as he jumped out of the way to the large TNT blast that killed 'spoods' and Mitch leaving a huge mess of items ranging from armor to weapons to the diamonds themselves which amazingly...

"O....M....C....Spoods had 2 diamonds also and 2 sticks!!" Jerome exclaimed.

"You really realize what this means you fluffy bacca? DIAMOND SWORD BATTLE!!!" yelled Button.

And just like that Button scooped up the diamonds and started to craft the 2 diamond swords "one for me." he places the diamond sword on his hot bar. ".and one for...." button suddenly stopped crafting and turn towards Jerome "PLOT TWIST! BETRAYAL!!!"

"No BUTTON NO!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" Jerome tried to flee from the diamond sword wielding Button Mash, but was then chopped up by such diamond sword ending the round Hunger Games.

"Oh my gosh Button you're a monster! Cruel world~!" yelled Mitch while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Oh please you're too kind Mitch~." said Button.

"Wow, that was a sick plot twist did not see that coming. Well everypony I hoped you enjoyed this episode of Hunger Games with me, Mitch and Button. Check out our channels and the Nexus server in the description below and make sure you leave a like and subscribe!" as Jerome started to sign off the video "any last words before we end it here?"

"Thanks everypony for watching and ...." Button makes an odd slurping sound " be sure to subscribe~, good night everypony!"