• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 8,140 Views, 242 Comments

Imperium - Sam Cole

Just another glorious day in Ponyville, till the nanite infection is activated. Now it's up to Rarity and an infected Twilight to save the world.

  • ...

Waypoint: Griffony

Chapter 2
Waypoint: Griffony

The steady clicks alone marked their travels now as the pair raced on through no pony’s land to Griffony. Rarity was busy catching up on the sleep she thought was owed to her by this point, even if it was not exactly restful. But the same was not true of Systems: Twilight.

“Miss Rarity.” The mare pleaded, tugging at the sheets of her friend. “Miss Rarity, there is an urgent matter that has arisen. Please wake up to clear conflict error.”

“Mmhumph.” Rarity grunted in her sleep, not moving as Twilight began twisting in pain.

“Miss Rarity, I am in error. Please.”

But there was no reply. Rarity was secretly the heaviest sleeper ever it would appear. “Miss Rarity, my system is in pain. Please.”

“Huh?” Rarity asked as she rolled over. Some things in the universe could pierce even her slumber. “You’re in pain, darling?”

“You’re fine.” Twilight sighed in relief till her face contorted with pain. “I-I-I… The error has- has passed…” Twilight sniffed as her eyes watered. Rarity looked to her questioningly, attempting to rise to care for her friend. But a lavender hoof stopped her. “I must ask you do not step out of your bed, Miss Rarity. There was a spill here that needs to be seen too…”

“A spill? Twilight, are you alright?” Rarity asked sternly, not wanting to beat around the bush.

“I do apologize, Miss Rarity.” Twilight sniffed again as Rarity realized all too fast what just transpired.

“You just… Oh dear. Twilight, you don’t ever need my permission to relieve yourself or attend to personal matters like that, dear.”

“I am sorry, Miss Ra-” Twilight began till she felt the warm embrace of her friends hug wrap her up.

“Don’t. I should have realized these sick freaks would not write in a bathroom code for their pony slaves.”

“No, there are bathroom protocol, Miss Rarity.” Twilight corrected. “I overrode them to protect you.”

“Protect me? Goodness, from what?” Rarity asked as dread washed over her delicate features.

“In your sleep cycle, your breathing had become quite irregular and even shallow at times.” Twilight frowned.

“Oh?” Rarity inquired.

“You were talking as well…” Twilight nodded. “I could not let this pass without checking on you. You seemed to be in great distress in your slumber.”

“What was I saying dear?” Rarity asked as she sat up more properly.

“To quote,” Twilight hummed, before she shocked her friend, imitating her voice perfectly. “No... Twilight, Sweetie Belle. Don’t hurt her… Don’t change her… Take me instead... Spare her… Spare them.”

“I guess I was having a nightmare,” Rarity frowned, looking away from her friend.

“Your condition is now being called into question, Miss Rarity. Does this happen to you frequently?” Twilight asked.

“No,” Rarity sighed. “Just when I’m scared… Here, let me help you.”

“How, Miss Rarity?” Twilight asked till she felt the white unicorns magic take hold of her, running over her in a warm embrace of sorts.

“Fur cleaning spell,” Rarity smiled weakly. “I have to sometimes get a lot of… messy things, out of client’s clothing. It’s not much of a stretch to clean it out of fur and carpets.”

“I was unaware the boutique ran as a dry cleaning service as well, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled warmly for her friend’s lack of any.

“Oh darling, I’m the best seamstress in town.” Rarity chuckled at long last. “It just became expected of me to offer dry cleaning, alterations, laundry, repairs, and fitting services. It’s how I keep afloat in a rural town actually…”

“Miss Rarity…”

“Hmm, yes Twilight?” Rarity asked gently as she looked back to her friend. To those old eyes she had studied many a time before during a debate, or a conversation, or a game of cards. No matter what, Twilight was impeccable about eye contact when she spoke, and Rarity was always thankful for the respect.

“Would you like to register your WINRAR license at this time?”

With a snort, Rarity patted the bed next to her. “Not a chance. Now sit with me, please? I don’t feel like being left alone.”

“Of course, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded.

Before Rarity could say anything though, before her mind could spin out of control, Twilight stopped her. It was just a simple gesture of taking the white hoof between Twilight’s own as Rarity had done several times to Twilight. That was probably where Twilight had learned to do this actually, but it was more than enough for the emotionally strained mare right now. Rarity broke down that night as she grabbed a hold of Twilight, and wept.

With a hiss of steam and a grind of brakes, the train ended its run to arrive in Beaklin, Griffony. Not a bag between them beyond just the bare necessities, Rarity and Twilight set off the train into the new world ahead of them.

“I must admit, this is the first time I’ve ever left Equestria, now that I think about it.” Rarity noted as she tracked down a tourist center to find directions. “What would you like to do after we see the doctor, Twilight?”

“Error, I am-” Twilight began till Rarity glared at her.

“If you tell me you are my property again, I’ll hurt you. Do you understand?”

“Understood, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded.

“Good, now which way to the university?” Rarity thought aloud as she wandered over to a tourist information kiosk.

“The university is 3.5 miles southeast of us currently, Miss Rarity.” Twilight informed.

“Did you search online for that information?” Rarity chuckled as she rejoined Twilight and exited the station into the warm Griffony embrace of early autumn, twisting and turning down streets and alleyways that Twilight knew like the back of her hoof.

“Negative, Miss Rarity. I remember the directions from the last time I was a guest speaker at the university.” Twilight smiled.

“What? You were a guest speaker at the university?” Rarity stammered, almost falling over herself in her bewilderment.

“I have been a guest speaker at several universities, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled kindly. “I am a leading expert in quantum magic after all.”

“I- I never knew, darling…”

“I do not like to brag about it, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded. But the lavender mare looked away, distant. For a second Rarity saw images flash in her mind of a young Twilight, bright and top of her class, locking herself away in her own ivory tower with each passing day.

“You were a different pony back then Twilight. It’s alright. Now you have friends who would love to share in your victories with you.” Rarity kindly assured with a caring touch.

“That has nothing to due with my disclusion of the information. I merely found it to be trivial was all,” Twilight noted as if asked for the time as the pair walked down another alley.

“Trivial?” Rarity asked, dumbstruck. “How often would you be a guest speaker at these sort of events?”

“Three times a week on average for the better part of seven years.” Twilight dutifully informed. “We are not alone, Miss Rarity.”

“Three times a week? For seven bloody years?” Rarity muttered to herself as Twilight paced around the mare, keeping her eyes outward. “Seven years?”

“Miss Rarity, there are two active agents closing in on our location.” Twilight snorted. “You are in danger.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Rarity asked.

“Engage security protocol.” Twilight growled, digging her hooves in and charging her horn.

“Twilight, not here.” Rarity urged. “We’re in a back alley with only one entrance and one exit. We need to blend in to escape.”

“We are out of time!” Twilight snapped. “Security Protocol 1: Engaged. Protect user.”

Rarity felt a cold sweat break out over her despite the perfect weather. How had the collective discovered the pair so soon? What had given them awa-

“And then she said that she was not flirting with Vector, and I was just being a total primadonna!” A youngish unicorn mare snorted as she walked past with another filly her age and race.

“No way. That skank!” The other mare gasped as they exited the alley and turned the corner, leaving the pair alone once more.

“... They’re infected…” Rarity muttered.

“Advise a course of action, Miss Rarity.” Twilight commanded sternly.

“They're just fillies… Barely older than Sweetie Belle…” Rarity muttered.

“Miss Rarity, I need a directive!” Twilight commanded. “You are potentially in danger!”

“Huh? I am?” Rarity asked, trudged out of her thoughts. “From them? Twilight, they’re only foals. They’re probably just infected but inactive.”

“Miss Rarity, if you are sure of your safety, then I shall follow your lead.” Twilight nodded, though she looked none too happy.

“Oh, quit pouting Twilight.” Rarity scoffed. “I’m know your heart is in the right place. Here, why don’t you share some more of your teaching stories with me? I would love to hear some more.”

Even advanced with a digital brain and a cold, hard logic, Twilight was not immune to hubris. “I do not wish to brag… but if you insist, Miss Rarity. The last time I spoke here, I was lecturing about now the lunar gravitational pull affected magnus flow through the body and could potentially boost a unicorns power during a full moon, thus leading to the legend of Night Walkers.”

“Really?” Rarity delighted, following her friend once more toward the university. Though in their wake, trouble stirred.

“Recon 1187-2 to Base.” The unicorn filly from seconds ago spoke. “TOC1 is in area, Oscar Mike To Olo1. Advise on next…”

“Follow at distance of fifteen meters. RCO 3048-7, stay with Recon 1187-2. Advise on Target course.”

“Understood, Base. Sic Semper Tyrannis.” The pair nodded as they began to follow the pair to the university.

A soft knock rang out as the good professor stirred from his most important of tasks, an afternoon nap in his office when he should be grading papers. “Huh? Vas ist dis?”

“Professor Olo?” Rarity softly called out. “I’m Rarity Grace. I’m here with an old friend of yours, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Tvilight? Bitte, bitte, kommt in!” The griffon called as he hauled himself out of his comfy chair. He quickly tried to straighten up several pieces on his desk, attempting to look tidy for that little filly that had endeared to him years ago.

But as the two mares strode into his office, he lost all sight of that, as he only let his eyes fall on the closest he ever had to a daughter. “Tvily, just look at how you’ve grown.”

“Hallo Herr Professor. Wie geht es dir?”* Twilight smiled kindly, though the professor’s smile faltered.

“Niet. Something is off.” The griffon chidded. He looked between the pair as he clicked his beak, though soon the humored sigh broke through. “Du came to introduce me to your girlfriend, didn’t du?”

“Her what?” Rarity recoiled harshly.

“Nien, Herr. Rarity und Ish...das ist eine lange Geschichte…”* Twilight explained.

“Twilight, you know Griffon?” Rarity asked in a hushed tone. “What did you just say?”

“I’ll explain later, Miss Rarity.” Twilight informed before turning back to the professor. “It’s great to see you again.”

Indeed. Your lover seems quite off put.” The old griffon chuckled. “You didn’t come here though to see me for old times sake, did you?

Negative.” Twilight frowned at last. “I’m here because of a nanite infection. Code named: Imperium.”

“I vas afraid of that.” The griffon sighed, returning to Canterlot Commons. “So, my research has been used against the vorld now, eh?”

“Indeed.” Twilight nodded. “I am among the infected, designation TOC1.”

“Tactical Operations Center? Vell, they know vhat they’re doing.” Olo spat. “Who ist behind this tragedy?”

“We do not know, sir…” Rarity said, stepping forward. “We came to you hoping you could enlighten us, so to speak.”

“I’m afraid this ist the first I’ve heard about this, myself.” Olo supplied. “I just can’t believe it.”

“Do you have any ideas on how they might be spreading the infection?” Rarity pressed. “Any insight could prove vital.”

“Vell, it can’t be food or vasserborne, due to the delicate protein compound zat vould makes up ze nanites, du see? It has to be directly administered to the subject, like a shot or medicine.”

“A shot?” Rarity quivered. “I hate needles.”

“Tell me, has there been any large vaccination in your area lately?” Olo pressed.

“Nothing.” Rarity informed.

“The flu shots administered last week in Ponyville.” Twilight spoke up. “The platform of delivery fits the system requirements, and the flu shot has the highest turnout of participants per year. For this strain to be effectively administered, the flu shot would be perfect.”

“The flu shot? Really?” Olo asked in awe. “Clever. The effects of the vaccine vould mask the nanite infection, allowing the users to be upgraded vhile just thinking they vere under the flu remedy.”

“How did you avoid the strain then, Miss Rarity?” Twilight asked as she turned to her friend.

“Ah haha. Um, yes… I, well…”

“Du never took the flu shot?” Olo asked. “But you’ll get sick!”

“I’d rather spend a week in bed sick than get a shot and spend a week in bed sick anyways. The flu shot always makes me sick…” Rarity complained. Twilight though took interest in her surroundings for a change and began to watch the door, but just for a moment.

Wasting no time, Twilight interrupted the exchange between her old scholar and her friend. “Professor, this compound was modified to only work in unicorns. Where could one do such delicate work?”

“Any germ lab.” The old griffon sighed. “The nanites are just encoded RNA und proteins. At least, in theory.”

“Wait, how could proteins do this to Twilight?” Rarity asked, looking from griffon to friend.

“The proteins are ze carriers of the specific RNA strain. The RNA encodes a small section of Tvilight’s DNA, so her brain vill either receive certain chemicals in larger or smaller amounts, or alter the neural connections made, thus causing Tvilight to think und act exactly as they see fit, by controlling how her brain responds to it’s own chemicals.” The doctor explained. It was overly simplified, true, but still effective in getting the point across.

“By the gods, that’s-”

“Thank you Professor. Miss Rarity, we should be going now.” Twilight interrupted, turning to her proper once more.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?”

“The units from earlier have just entered my sensory range along with two other active units.” Twilight frowned as Rarity gasped. “I can now access their detailed schematics. They are a Radio Control Operator, a Recon Drone, and two Capture units programed for hoof to hoof combat.”

“Das ist ein problem.” The professor whistled.

“Oh bloody hell!” Rarity swore. “Professor, how can we all get out of here? Fire escape, secret room, anything?”

“Vell, there is the back door…” The old griffon noted as he pointed out the obvious.

“Of course, the door.” Rarity groaned. She moved over to the desk, collecting papers and anything that looked important as she looked around for a briefcase or work bag. “Um, excuse me professor, but I can’t seem to find your case…”

“That’s okay.” The griffon chuckled. “I don’t need these things. Kommest.” The old griffon lead the pair around to the door, opening it as he ushered them through.

But that was the end of the griffon’s journey. As soon as Twilight and Rarity were clear, the door clicked close as the lock popped into place. Rarity spun around as she banged against the door. “Professor! What are you doing?! You need to come with us!”

“Neit, my dear. Du must protect Tvily now. I’ll do my part to hold them off here for you two.” The professor said through the door.

“Like hell you will!” Rarity swore as she pulled on the door magically. “Twilight, help me get into the room, please!”

“Affirmative, Miss-”

“Nien! Tvily, obey your elders, protect your girlfriend, und finish dis!”

“Understood. Request within operational parameters.” Twilight nodded. “Thank you for all your assistance.”

“Goodbye, little filly.” The griffon sighed as he heard Twilight begin to drag a screaming Rarity down the hall. The old griffon took a seat at his desk as he pulled out a hidden bottle of Kirsch, pouring himself a drink as the door to his office opened for four ponies. “Can I help du?”

One of the stallions looked around the room, letting his eyes fall on the back door at last. “That way.”

“Ah, hold on now.” The professor chided as the group tried to cross his office. “I think you’re forgetting something here.”

“Subject: Professor Han Solo. Danger, minimal.” The stallion surmised.

“That’s Hans Olo!” The griffon screeched. “Quit confusing me for that scruffy-looking nerf-herder!”

“Information registered.” The stallion nodded. “Assessment hol-”

The stallion never did get to finish as he was thrown across the office, slamming against the wall hard enough to damage the drywall considerably. “Did du think only ponies could do magic?” The griffon chuckled, his talons ripe with mana.

“Assessment corrected. Unit 2281-4, proceed with mission.” The other stallion ordered as his comrades exited through the door. “Eliminating resistance.”

“To quote mein Vater, Ich bin ein Beakliner!” The griffon cried as he raised his glass over his head. The glass came down quickly, the contents just meeting beak...

“No, Twilight! We have to-” Rarity fought, trying everything in her power to stop the mare. Though for first time since her world was cascaded upon by the evils of this infection, her orders fell on deaf ears. As Rarity continued her protests though, she was cut off as a sudden cry echoed down the corridor. Last words of defiance, from the sound of things. Rarity couldn’t stop herself as she let the lavender pony drag her away now. No, now there was no sound, no sensation. There was only the white mare bawling hard into that purple fur as her newest friend made his exit unjustly.

“Twilight, I hope you're ready to see this thing through!” Rarity sobbed as she felt a certain weightless feeling. Literally, as Twilight had taken to jumping out a window, carrying Rarity no less. “Because now there is no turning back! Do you hear me?! No turning back!” Rarity screamed at the other three drones she could see looking out the window at the retreating pair.

“Miss Rarity, please do not antagonize the opposition.” Twilight corrected. “That will only make my process that much more difficult.”

“What?” Rarity asked as she felt the mare beneath her leap again, taking to the rooftops.

“I will protect my user at all costs, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded. Rarity couldn’t tell if this was part of Twilight grieving, or just carrying out orders. The white mare prefered to think it was the former.


“Yes, Miss Rarity?” Twilight asked as she vaulted from rooftop to rooftop, her own augmented ability shining through.

“I have an order for you.” Rarity muttered, tears staining her cheeks. “I can only hope I’m wrong, but I think the Professor didn’t make it. So please, darling, don’t forget the Professor’s sacrifice. Please.”

“Command registered.” Twilight nodded. But as soon as her hooves met roof again, she stopped, a touch violently for Rarity’s taste too. “Danger, Miss Rarity.”

“Why did you st-” Rarity began until a young colt landed right where they should have been. Just a teenaged colt, only a few years younger than Rarity when she had first open her business, was now looming over the pair, threatening to become the author of their obituaries.

“TOC1 located. Begin unit reclamation. Eliminate resistance.” The colt noted in a pure monotone. There was no emotion, no passion, no soul. There was just mechanical precision and cold logic.

“Miss Rarity, take cover. I will protect my user as within my operational parameters.” Twilight said as she let go of Rarity, finally letting the poor mare stand again.

“Twilight, tell me about this unit.” Rarity commanded as she took a step back.

“Hoof Soldier. Recently modified for drone tracking. Standard upgrades: increased strength and agility. Tactical ability: None. Instructed fighting styles: None.”

“So, they really do have an army then.” Rarity growled as she watched Twilight spring forward. It was a valiant attack, and quite unexpected. Strategically, it was sound, the tried and true sucker punch. So it came as a shock for the bookish mare when the colt recovered from the hit and countered, striking her hard. His unyielding assault made the mare grunt and lose her grip on the boy, but relentlessly he carried on.

“Twilight!” Rarity gasped, watching from her spot, paralyzed with fear. “No pony hurts my friend!” The white mare rallied as she lunged forward, letting her elbow find a new home in her target’s stomach. The target drone was quick to recover though, coming at Rarity with what was in her opinion a very overly telegraphed haymaker. The boy had no skill. But what he lacked in technique, he made up for in augmented strength.

“Twilight, I could use some assistance!” Rarity pleaded as she dipped and dodged, but felt herself rapidly running out of roof. Rarity’s hoof met the edge, and her options were now fight back, or fall. The colt raised it’s hooves for the final blow, and Rarity figured she could strike hard before that, but it would be a waste of her only opportunity. No, her only option was to tell Twilight to seek cover. To get as far away as possible. Rarity would grab the colt and take him with her. Maybe with that, she could buy her friend just enough time to-

“Error. Error. Error. Systems compromised. Reboot sequence activated.” The colt muttered while it slumped forward onto a protesting Rarity.

“Miss Rarity, are you alright?” Twilight asked as she grabbed the colt with one hoof and tossed him aside.

“What the buck just happened?!” Rarity asked breathlessly. “Was- was that you?”

“Indeed, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled, almost proud of herself. “I overclocked the unit’s processors as I attempted to designate a new target and command prompt. A task implemented to induce an overload failure.”

“But- but how?” Rarity anguished at last.

“I fail to see your error, Miss Rarity. This is one of my tasks as the Tactical Operations Center, to be able to directly interface with any ground units active in my area of operations.”

“To think somepony thought this was a good idea at one point…” Rarity muttered while she moved over to the rebooting assailant. “Twilight, we need to interrogate him. Magically bind him, then see what you can find by doing that interface thingy, please?”

“I have already accessed all relevant information through interface, Miss Rarity.” Twilight informed, but still followed through with binding spells. “He is not a key strategic element, and has limited knowledge of troop movements or goals.”

“Darling, trust me on this. Any enemy can be valuable for interrogation.” Rarity chuckled while she sat down next to the colt, lightly tapping him to awake the poor colt. “Hi there. I’m Miss Rarity, as you well know, I’m sure.” The lovely lady smiled to the prisoner.

“Error. Targets have evaded capture/ shut down. Alert reinforcements.” The colt stated calmly.

“Sorry, Twilight here disabled your communications. Isn’t that right, Twilight?”

“Correct, Miss Rarity. Thirty seconds till unit must make contact with base.”

“Oh, I despise time limits.” Rarity huffed. “So we had better be fast. You, what happened to Dr. Olo?”

“Dr. Olo is no longer a threat to the collective.” The colt informed coldly.

“So, Dr. Olo is dead then…” Rarity muttered. She had been holding onto so much hope. So foolishly holding on, but in the end, it mattered not. “I had just met that griffon. And you know what, I will never forget him. I will remember his smile till the end of time…” Rarity growled as she slipped her hooves around her captive’s neck.

“I will remember him as one of my dearest friends, because in the end, that’s what he was! He gave everything to save Twilight and I! And-”

“Miss Rarity, you seem to be having difficulty interrogating your subject.” Twilight stated while noticing the colt had indeed passed out. “I must question your training in interrogation techniques at this time for future reference.”

“Training? I saw that in an old spy movie.” Rarity confessed as she backed off the colt, only to circle around and lunge at him again with a feral cry. Had it not been for Twilight, she would have done more harm to the colt.

“Miss Rarity, you are emotionally estranged. You are now ineffective for intelligence gathering operations.”

“Of course I’m estranged! These bastards killed my friend! Your friend! Twilight, you’ve known that gentlebeak years longer than I have! Why are you so cold?!” Rarity screamed in protest as Twilight grabbed her up again and bounded across the roof tops again, much to Rarity’s growing protests.

“Miss Rarity, nothing matters except for your safety.” Twilight informed as she landed on a longer roof and picked up speed. “This unit will carry on, as long as my user is safe.”

“Twilight, you are not just some unit though.” Rarity bawled as she buried her face in the lavender mane. “You’re my best friend. And I’m afraid there’s not much left of the real you in there! Please, just give me a sign the real Twilight is still in there!”

“The real Twilight is still in here.” Twilight nodded, mechanically as if she could muster how funny that was of her.

“Twilight, stop jumping around now, please..." Rarity groaned, distant in her thoughts. The mares touched down on a new roof as Rarity noticed Twilight breathing hard, struggling to stay on her hooves.

“There are- no active units- in range now… Miss Rarity.” Twilight gasped and panted, but doing her best to hold her herself upright.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Rarity asked as she tried to check her friend. “You don’t look hurt…”

Twilight shook her head, but her ragged breath spoke different tales. “I am just processing slowly, Miss Rarity. I will be fully operational in less than two minutes.”

“No, you’re exhausted.” Rarity huffed, taking in every detail. “You wore yourself out jumping around like that.”

Twilight looked crestfallen, avoiding her user’s gaze. “This unit has encountered an error with it’s physical augmentations. I do not possess nearly the strength reserves or recovery capacities previously reported.”

Rarity sighed, shaking her head. “Of course. You were never meant for combat. Your strength is a last ditch effort, I presume.”

“The conclusion is sound, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded, drawing up more properly. “I am ready to carry with the mission when needed.”

“In a minute.” Rarity nodded, making the elusive eye contact with Twilight at long last. “But first dear, I want you to promise me something.”

“Awaiting command prompt.” Twilight nodded. “What task do you have in mind, Miss Rarity?”

“Earlier, you said as long as I’m okay, you were okay. But I don’t want that, Twilight. I want you to live.” Rarity stated matter of factly. “Pick something in this world that you love, and live for that.”

“Processing. I have reached a conclusion, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded. “I will live for my user.”

“No, Twilight. Pick something that has meaning to you. Something unique that you want to preserve in this world. Like reading ancient spells, or warm sunny afternoons. I don’t really care what you pick, but pick something you cannot live without, and live the rest of this mission for that.”

“Processing. I have reached a conclusion, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled. “The emotion you are describing would be love, correct?”

“Yes Twilight. Love!” Rarity smiled. “Pick something you love, and fight for that! Please?”

“Then I choose to love you, Miss Rarity, as my user.” Twilight smiled again. The humor was lost on the white mare though.

“Twilight, pick something else.” Rarity groaned as she shook free her friends impossibility.

“Error, Miss Rarity.” Twilight noted. “Just yesterday, you were quoted saying you were somepony that loved me. Therefore, based on my observations of the social interactions commonly referred to as love, it works in tandem, and I love you as well.”

With a snort, the white mare turned around, deciding to just leave well enough alone before she pushed the lavender mare off the roof. “We’ll come back to this later.”

“Understood, Miss Rarity.” Twilight nodded as she followed her friend to the roof access.

The streets of Beaklin were not forgiving to the pair anymore. Although most of the city was Griffons, there were still a large population of ponies around, and any unicorn among them could be an agent. So it was with careful steps and lots of looks over the shoulder that the pair progressed. But eventually, the restraints of biology won the day, and the pair had to risk stopping for lunch.

“Miss Rarity, I-” Twilight began while Rarity read the menu, or at the least tried too.

“Just order the fruit salad, Twilight.” Rarity dismissed without looking up.

“Affirmative, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled as she waited patiently for Rarity to make her choice.

“I can’t read this.” Rarity eventually huffed, sliding the menu across the table and folding her forelegs over her chest.

“Would you like for me to read the menu?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“No, just order for me, please darling. I don’t really care what I eat, as long as it’s vegetarian.” Rarity grimaced while watching a Griffon pair a few tables away eat strips of cooked meat. She had heard it called bacon before, and had no interest in trying it for herself.

“Understood.” Twilight nodded as the waiter approached, pen and paper at the ready. “Herr Ober, ich werde den Obstsalat zu haben, und sie wird die Stollen, bitte.”*

“Absolut. Ihr Auftrag wird in Kürze sein, meine Damen.”* The waiter smiled, taking his leave.

“How many languages do you know?” Rarity asked, watching her friend converse almost naturally.

“I was previously fluent in Canterlot Commons and Griffon specifically, but I have been upgraded to include корова.”

“Corova?” Rarity asked, lost once again.

“корова. Cow, in their native tongue.” Twilight nodded.

“Cow? Like they speak in MosCow?” Rarity asked, her brow furrowing. “You don’t think that’s where they made the nanites, do you?”

“The conclusion is sound, Miss Rarity. MosCow is home to several large pharmaceutical companies and laboratories.” Twilight nodded. Rarity slapped her hoof to the table, a smile spreading across her face.

“Then we have a lead, darling. Twilight, would you be so kind as to book us a couple of tickets on the next train?”

“Affirmative, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled as she hummed and bobbed her head quickly. “The next train departs in two and a half hours. Would you like to book a cart rental upon arrival?”

“No, I th-”

“Would you like to book a hotel?” Twilight asked, earning a glare from Rarity. “Miss Rarity, would you-”

“No, Twilight. I do believe we will be fine. Besides, the shorter I can keep this trip, the better.” Rarity sighed, looking away at the other patrons around her, and letting her mind wander. “Twilight, do you think we stand a chance of stopping this?”

“Affirmative, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled.

“Oh, you’re just saying that.” Rarity giggled, happy to finally connect with Twilight.

“Affirmative, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled to another angry glare from Rarity. But before the white mare could correct her faux pas, Twilight interjected. “Incoming message from Ponyville.”

“What?” Rarity asked as a whisp of smoke curled through the air, coalescing into a scroll above their table. Rarity hesitantly picked it up, looking around to see if anyone else had noticed. But thankfully, no one around them really cared. Opening the letter, Rarity read fervently, thinking their friends needed help.

Rarity, you gotta bring me on the mission! Please? I’m dying here! Applejack made me get up at, like, dawn today! She said I was going to be productive if I was going to stay here! Can you believe this? First Twi, now AJ? Can I please catch a break?

Oh yeah, Shy wants me to tell you guys to check out her ponyhoof page again. I don’t know, but she made me promise to tell you guys.

Also, Princess Celestia sent a letter earlier. She wanted to know if Twi would like to come by and help her write a speech tomorrow. Again, I dunno what that’s all about.

Anyways, I have to get back to my indentured servitude. Say hey to Doc Olo for me when you see him. Or just bring me along and I can say it myself? Please?

Yours, Spike T. Dragon.

“And too think for a second I was worried…” Rarity muttered. But there was a subtle shift in her mood, as she imagined the heartbreak Spike would go through upon learning that Dr. Olo was no longer with them. But Rarity drove these thoughts away as she hoofed the letter over to Twilight, their food was arriving as well. “Oh my, this looks fantastic. Thank you, sir. And thank you, Twilight.”

“Gern geschehen.”* The waiter smiled, taking his leave.

“It was my pleasure, Miss Rarity.” Twilight hummed while reading the letter. “Miss Rarity, the letter makes reference to a linked page, would you like for me to examine this?”

“No no, that’s alright. Would you like to split our orders, Twilight? Share some of your salad for half of this cake?” Rarity asked as she set her napkin in her lap.

“Yes please, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled, taking a slice of cake for herself. “This unit has a past favoritism of dish:stollen.”

“Then why didn’t you… I told you to get the salad…” Rarity muttered, looking defeated. “I’m sorry, Twilight. From now on, I promise to exercise more care in the instructions I give you.”

“Thank you, Miss Rarity.”

The pair ate in relative silence. Rarity was too exhausted to carry on a conversation, and Twilight had no command prompts to run one at this time anyways. But eventually, the lavender mare did speak up. “Miss Rarity, we should be going if we wish to procure some luggage and clothing for our travels.”

“I’m sorry, did you just say you want to go shopping?” Rarity almost snorted. Almost.

“It is much less conspicuous of two ponies traveling together to travel with luggage than without. I do believe given our next destination and the seasonal unfavorability, warm clothing and business attire would be best.”

“Oh, why business?” Rarity almost chuckled, leaning into the table with a sly smile on her face. Now Twilight was speaking her language.

“MosCow is not known for it’s tourism during this time of year. Therefore, the cover identities I have created revolve around a more formal business approach, and bearing in mind our target, a cover in the pharmaceutical line. Does this meet your expectations, Miss Rarity?”

“Twilight, that’s… well, that’s brilliant.” Rarity finally admitted. “But I don’t know a thing about pharmacology.”

“Processing. Your role has been updated to accounting manager then. This will provide a better cover as well, with more systems access and less inspection to our work.”

“How? They’ll surely know I’m not their accountant.” Rarity was swift to point out.

“You are now, according to several large firm databases.” Twilight smiled. Rarity was left speechless. “A security badge will be ready for us at each destination.”

“How?” Rarity finally managed.

“I fail to see your error, Miss Rarity.” Twilight frowned. “This is only the base line of my capabilities now.”

“Twilight, you’re amazing.” Rarity finally conceded.

“Thank you, Miss Rarity. Would you like to register your WINRAR license at this time?”

“Can’t I opt out of that?” Rarity asked, defeated again.

“Action denied. Would you-”

“Later, Twilight.” Rarity dismissed. “What does WINRAR even do?”

“It is a program added to assist me in compression, decompression, and organization of files, Miss Rarity.” Twilight informed. “Essentially, it allows me to communicate with any computer I need too by translating computer files into neural impulses my biological brain can decode.”

“More computer nonsense, wonderful.” Rarity groaned. “Wait, does this mean the bastards that did this too you are using pirated programs on top of everything?”

“Affirmative, Miss Rarity.” Twilight smiled.

“Hmmph. Why am I not surprised?” Rarity muttered, leaning back. “Don’t. That was rhetorical.”

“Affir-” Twilight began, but froze. “Danger, Miss Rarity.”

“What?” Rarity asked, sitting up again. “Are the units from before…?”

“Negative. We are past our time limit. We need to leave now if we wish to procure the items needed for our cover.” Twilight informed simply.

“Ah.” Rarity breathed in relief. She flagged down their waiter and paid, and together with her friend, trotted out the door.

Back in Ponyville though, things were going about as smooth as sandpaper.

“Did they read it? Did they?” The butter colored mare asked, bobbing and weaving around Spike as she pestered the small boy for an answer.

“For the last time, I don’t know!” Spike huffed as he grabbed a basket full of apples, lifting them onto the cart Applejack had brought around. “Why does it matter so much to you, anyways?”

“I- well… it’s just important, alright?” Fluttershy muttered, looking away.

“I thought you already ran a ponyhoof page for this?” Spike noted.

“This is a new one.” Fluttershy explained as Spike just furrowed his brow.

“Ugh, fine.” Spike huffed, grabbing another basket. “If it means that much too ya, I’ll give ya a like.”

“Thanks Spike, and it’s just that I- I really need Twilight and Rarity too look at it, too. It’s- it’s important. To me, I mean…”

“Shy, there ya are!” Applejack yelled from the barn. “Come on, the pigs are this way.”

“Be right there!” Fluttershy called back, a smile falling over her face her heart did not wear. Please Celestia, let them see that page. They really need to see it…

Author's Note:

*Translations in order of appearance:

Hello Professor, how are you?

No, sir. Rarity and I... it's a long story.

Waiter, I will have the fruit salad, and she will have the Stollen, please.

Absolutely, I'll have that out to you in a moment, ladies.

You're welcome.

Thanks to Doctor Candor for editing this chapter, as well as too Macho Madness for their conceptual assistance.