• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


The reason I write is because I want to read a story written for myself. One day, I want to read one of my own stories and say to myself "That is the best story I have ever read."

Comments ( 143 )

Your off to a very interesting start here. I look forward to seeing where you go with this.

Hmn, this is a fairly interesting idea, let's see where it goes.

Hmmmmmmm. You've caught my interest... Now you have my attention. I wait for more of this

Will read later. You had me at the use of "courtesan".

Wha–no! Vren!

If you'd listen to me, I've learned from previous mistakes.


Post just the prologues *yes and I mean multiple...*

that was supposed to be a joke, cause I made it plural and stuff and–

What I'm saying is, from previous experiences posting just the prologue might not be enough for new readers. (What I'm talking about we're new readers reading a new story.)

If the new reader likes what they're getting and per say just finished the prologue he or she is going to want to move on. You know to get the full fix of the story (A.K.A chapter 1).

But what am I talking about I'm not one to give writing advice! BAH!

Other than that goodstorymanIlovedithere

10/10 Best story 2014

Breaks the box office!

No really I liked it.

… Interested... following because people with PTSD always push my guilt button.

“Chains,” is a sadistic dominatrix who loves to torture the stallions under her control. Winding Sheets is a cunning courtesan. Love is just a fairy tale to them.

Sorry, couldn't get past that without ":facehoof:ing" and ":rainbowlaugh:ing".

Read both the chapters… I'm rather impressed. This is a whole new direction for this site. I wanna see how far this sh*t goes! By the way, isn't it 'Lace's Arc' now?


Well then now that the next two chapters are up... are you now... satisfied?


Well the plan was to hit the prologue first and then shortly afterward hit the "Latest updates" section with the next two chapters within about 6 hours. But for some reason... well I see no story summary on the Latest Updates section :twilightangry2: But here are the next two chapters for your enjoyment

4472629 Holy how fast do you read? :rainbowderp:. And well yes it's technically Lace's arc now... but we wanted to make good the impact of her name reveal so we decided to use "Chans's" arc instead.

you know this is in the featured box right?


I just found out. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I've been featured. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. YEEEESSS

BUt hopefully they'll come because its featured and stay because its good :twilightsmile:

4472702 :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: lmao Lucky bastard! But I am really happy for you! Congratulations

4472712 Thanks a bunch :twilightsmile:. It was... really random. Obviously I did my best to update in a certain amount of time, and have my co-author the awesome Comet Burst promote the story on his blog (as did I), but I honestly never imagined this :rainbowderp:. The featured box can be quite random at times.

4472719 Well good Luck with your Popularity. You might just need it lol

I normally skip pure oc stories, but this one actually seems interesting

Comment posted by Supergumgum deleted May 30th, 2014

Lured here by Comet Burst...must say, I look forward to seeing where this fic goes. Little weird for me though... Black Lace sorta reminds me of my sister. It is...offsetting, to say the very least.

This story...

Black Lace...an interesting name, for an even more interesting character.

4472630 I know how you feel, man, I tried that once too. Hit the recent update box twice a day with the same story, I actually think that's a mechanic the site has to prevent bigger writers who are able to crank out chapters in an hour. Just imagine someone's story reappearing in the box in between a 24 hour period. It's unfair.

4472808 Well I needed that :twilightsmile:

4472758 :raritywink: I'm good at that.

4472888 Official Reply: This story is by no means based off any real persons and any resemblance cannot be held accountable to the story authors.

Wait that just sounds downright creepy, here's my actual reaction when you said that.

Bwah? That's just... a weird coincidence. Comet and I both had an equal hand in designing her... though Comet knows her backstory details+ motivations better than I do. I just set up the framework for her.

Responding here because I can! Muwahahahahahaha!

(I've actually read the whole thing)

This was very much not what I was expecting from you. Curious. How can you go from two of the most conniving/messed up ponies and two of the (presumably) most shell-shocked warriors, and turn it all into some kind of happy ending. I know it's Equestria and all, but this seems like a particularly hard story to play.

Oh, this is finally here. And featured too? Nice job, boys. Been keen for this for some time now.
Here, have some tokens of my esteem. :coolphoto:

This is one of those situations that you know would crash and burn in real life, but it works in a fictional setting.

4473005 Me and Comet and currently prepping and writing the 3rd and 2nd chapters respectively. :pinkiesmile: I'm afraid updates will still be on a monthly basis since, well you're getting double updates every time (Lace and Sheets's chapters are published at the same time), and both of us need to work on our own personal projects.

4473078 It was a combination of me and Comet brainstorming. We'd already picked out her descriptive characteristics and were thinking of a more suitable name than just "Chains" her original name. We're not sure who suggested it first. I will admit I was thinking of black lingerie when the name was picked and thinking how well that fit as it was kinky enough to fit her character, with enough elegance as well.

4473177 Good news, we've basically laid it all out. So there will be a happy ending and so far we think its realistic enough to work in a fictional setting.

4473647 :moustache: Much appreciated

4474002 Indeed. You'll find out that once the Rehabilitation Program's details are revealed that the crash and burn potential would have probably doomed a large section of his story if it weren't fictional.

What I do like about writing this story though is that while it is fictional, there's a real weight and depth to the romance I'm writing and I enjoy that greatly compared to other shipfics and romances I've read on fimfiction.net. Screwed up characters draw pity and when screwed up characters find love when the stakes are so high, well its the best kind. I hope we're going to be able to provide that experience for you all as well.

As long as there's more, I'm happy!

awesome start, cant wait to see where it goes :pinkiehappy:
also, THIS WAS JUST POSTED LAST NIGHT?! :pinkiegasp: amazing

was a bit skeptical when i read the discription but seeing as this is a collab with comet burst, who's work i tremendously enjoy, i gave it a try.
and i haven't been dissapointed. i like the story, the writing and the characters. can't wait to see more :twilightsmile:

But you've been featured before. =P

Well, as for the story, it's really good. Lots of intrigue, lots of tension. I'm looking forward to the next chapters. :3

4475223 :pinkiehappy: You can bet your ass (geddit) that they'll be tension, intrigue...and lots and lots of sexy teasing. And we'll have two more very interesting mares to the OC party.

4474753 It'll go places. :pinkiehappy:

4474905 Thanks! I really love working with Comet and he's a great writer. We're really glad you're not disappointed.

i love the idea... moar please

Okay, at first I was like "I don't know...."

But now, I'm like "Oh HELL yes!"

Great job guys! Continue this pleeeeeeeaaase!


I love it. L-O-V-E it. I demand more. More I tell you. MORE.

Man, it's not easy to write politics like this.

I'm interested, and taking notes. Well done.

Interesting, so far.

“But you don’t. How could anypony possibly like being considered as some sex object?”

There probably is something they like, there would have to be for ponies (or people) to do such things. Either the money, or perhaps the illusion of being wanted (I say illusion, because what they think they want and what they actually want might not be the same).... who knows.

I look forward to seeing where this story will go.

Man she knows nothing of Safe Sane and Consensual does she. :derpyderp2:

4480311 Well alright, but have you ever heard of the phrase don't just a book by its cover? :moustache:

This is really damn impressive. Great writing, very unique characters and an utterly original and creative plot. I anticipate future chapters greatly.

I'll admit I'm intrigued enough that I'll be following this as it progresses. However, I did notice a few mistakes that I feel you should know about.

He couldn’t smile, couldn’t talk to wife, or even face his children.

"couldn't talk to his wife,"

A slight hint of annoyance broke Celestia’s her serene expression as her thoughts turned to the Council.

Remove the first "her" here after "Celestia's"

He kept trying to shut down the program by reasoning its a waste of tax dollars,

If the its could be perfectly replaced with "it is" or "It has", then it should be "it's"

However, she always wore false mask that eventually became everything she knew.

Should be either "always wore a false mask" or "always wore false masks"

Scarlet, had found in Stalwart, a new father.

Remove the set of commas here.

However, less than year ago

less than a year ago

Emerald had a down-to-earth and trustworthy character made him the perfect choice to monitor the program’s veteran participants.

This should either read "Emerald had a down-to-earth and trustworthy character which made him the perfect choice to monitor the program’s veteran participants" or "Emerald's down-to-earth and trustworthy character made him the perfect choice to monitor the program’s veteran participants."

Its as if they don’t want normalcy!”

Should be "it's" or "it is" again.

Drawn in from the very first sentence! EXCELLENT work! Here you go: :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

P.S. "hoofkerchief" Priceless!

A joint project with Comet Burst? I'm in. Oh and, uh, you too, dear author...


Intriguing, original, and very well-written. Have a like and fave!

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