• Published 12th Jul 2014
  • 2,457 Views, 29 Comments

As Red as Apples - overlord-flinx

Forced onto a blind date without any heads-up? Yeah. That's how you start a relationship!

  • ...

Dress Up

A woman's jammies are their pride and joy; their pleasure and their comfort. It serves to hold them close, caressing them indiscriminately no matter how the day treated them. They were the truest of friends. The staunchest of allies. As warm as a hug, yet not as constricting as one. They are great for all occasions around the house when someone just wants to relax an cool off from a long day at the office; or the hospital in some cases.

But, they are not the best for going out on a date with. Perhaps a stay-in date, but not one for actually "going out". That being the reason why Vinyl quickly excused Redheart from her blind-date's presence. Before either Redheart or Applejack could blurt out a word, Vinyl whipped her best friend out from the doorway and into her bedroom; she of course coming right along with her. Most dates would ask a question or maybe be put off by their own date not being ready for them. But Applejack felt different. An amused smile arose across her lightly freckled face as she watched Vinyl drag her pajama-wearing friend -her would-be date- into the bedroom.

The young farm-girl welcomed herself into the well maintained apartment while she waited for Redheart to be released from whatever plans Vinyl had in store. The scent of cat litter and abandonment air-freshener was what met her deeper into the humble home; followed soon by the ones that the litter was used for. They converged at Applejack's feet, mewing and pawing at her with bright yellow and green eyes. Being the dog person she was, Applejack never really handled any cats before. Still, she knelt down ever-so slightly to run her hand against the tops of one of their heads.

She could already feel bits of cat hair now clinging to her dress as the clowder of cats started to rub up against her, purring at the sensation of a new 'friend'. There was no telling how long Vinyl would hold up Redheart with changing her clothes. At least now Applejack had some adorable little friends to keep her company.

"Look at'cha, you're a hot mess!" Vinyl paced from one side of Redheart's room to the other, hand tugging at where she would have had a beard if only she could grow one, "And I don't mean like shit hot mess. I mean you're hot but you're looking like a mess. I mean, PJs? Come on! You have a date tonight, Red!"

Redheart sat at the end of her bed while she watched Vinyl try to figure out what they were going to do; watching her friend tug at her imaginary beard in thought as she would often do. "You did sorta... Pop this onto me..." Redheart rebuked Vinyl's critique, though knew it to be futile all too well.

"PSSSSH!" Vinyl waved off the comment, "Life is full of surprises! The unpredictable! Me dragging you into a date you didn't see coming is -crazy enough- not one of those surprises or unpredictable happenstances. This is real! This happens every other week! Don't order a hot dog if you don't got the bun!"

She was right, of course. This sort of thing should be predictable at this point when it came to Vinyl. In a way, Redheart was thankful for that. To have a friend always on her side, looking out for her and trying to make her life that much better. On the other hand, Vinyl was always doing that: Night or day. Sometimes both. At times it was exhausting for Redheart to deal with. To always have Vinyl clinging to her back; prowling with eyes and ears for someone to "sweep her off her feet" and "make her toes curl".


...But she smiled. "You're right, Vinyl..." A sigh parted and a peaceful smile took form, "So, perhaps you can pick something out for me to wear?"

Beautiful were those words. No greater words had ever been spoken since Ali Baba spoke "Open Sesame" to gain entrance to the Thieves' trove of treasures. But while all that was for worthless gold, this was for love. For a friend. For booty. The greatest trinity of treasures to ever be gathered in one place without things getting awkward. Vinyl was like lightning from one side of the room to the other. She threw herself into Redheart's closet--sparse though it may have been. Redheart wasn't one for shopping for clothes that often. She had her work uniform, her jammies, her 'lazy Sunday' shirt-pants combo, and her sassy 'I-Broken-Heart-Dogs' shirt. The rest were gifts from friends and family; ones that she happily accepted but never wore outside the house.

Every hanger Vinyl pulled yielded the same response from her: a cock of the head as she thought about it, a disgusted scowl after she envisioned it, then the toss of it onto Redheart's perfectly clean floor. All with the same: "Hmmmm... Yeeeeees? Nnnnnnooo...? No!"

"Well... What if I wore my--"

Before Redheart could finish her suggestion, Vinyl turned to look at her with a disappointed frown. "No, Red, you can't just wear your nurse stuff everywhere..." Vinyl turned back to the closet for just a second before looking back to Redheart, "It's weird. Alright? You've got a fucking hot -'s'cuse my language- farm-girl waiting in your living room, probably stroking pussy -your pussy- and you wanna go sporting the Nurse look... Save that for -you know- after the dates, alright? People eat that kinky stuff up..."

Redheart was true to her name right after Vinyl went back to searching her closet: red. Vinyl lacked a filter in the worst of times and didn't care what she said at the best of times. Redheart understood what she meant, but it still served to quiet her up very well. While Redheart sat on her bed, thumbing her fingers together with a fluster, Vinyl screeched her search to a hard stop. Her ruby eyes twinkled mischief, surprise, and hope. Redheart noted the sudden stop and peered over to see what had finally caught her friend's complete attention.


"Oh, Vinyl, please no..." Vinyl undid it from its hanger, "I wore it once, and I didn't like it. It's... It's drafty," Vinyl's eyes gleamed a devilish red as she set her sites on her recanting friend, "Please don't, Vinyl. Pleeeeeease. I-I bet there's still something really nice in my closet if you just keep looking. Something cute," Vinyl drew closer with one step, "Something fitting," Another step closer, "Something with more to it!"

With a pounce from where she was standing to where Redheart was sitting on the bed, it was all over. Vinyl was on Redheart like an animal, clawing at her with woeful abandon. Redheart squeaked and protested, but Vinyl paid little mind as she went to work. "It looks awesome, Red! Just stop struggling!" Vinyl grunted and huffed at Redheart as she fought her.

As hard as Redheart fought, it was without much return on her side. Why did I cancel my gym membership? That thought nagged at her as Vinyl flipped her over and found the zipper to Redheart's pajamas. Redheart's eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed the deepest red when she heard the sound of her back zipper going down. She could feel the warmth of her pajama's leaving her back and the sudden feeling of cool air gracing against her now naked back. "V-Vinyl! I can change myself!" Redheart wanted to yell, but her words fell to that of a mouse.

"No! I know you, Red. If I leave, you're gonna go fishing for something else to wear or put on your uniform," Vinyl chirped playfully, her fingers lightly grazing against Redheart's exposed back, "Mama's gotta make sure her baby puts on the right stuff for her big night."

Somehow, Vinyl's words did not invoke a feeling of relief to Redheart. But any feeling of anxiety quickly twisted as she felt Vinyl yank the pajama sleeves off from down Red's arms. "There's the top half! Now..." Vinyl cooed very lowly, her eyes going down Redheart's backside.

"Vinyl, please. Not again!" Redheart pleaded, but the cycle continued.

From outside the room where Vinyl and Redheart fought and argued, Applejack couldn't help but look to the closed door curiously. Yelps, groans, even a moan or two escalated from behind closed doors. If she was an assuming person, she'd maybe think the worst. But, Vinyl promised Applejack everything was going to be fine before she showed up; so maybe this was just how the two did things. At the very least, she would just have to wait and see.

As soon as the thought came to her, the answer came just as soon. With a bang, Redheart's bedroom door swung open and Vinyl came stumbling out. She looked haggard and out of breath, the tank-top she wore tugged off to one side and her hair prickled more than usual. A thick aroma permeated from the room behind her, which Applejack took a whiff of once before giving a little snicker. "Y'all doin' alright?"

Vinyl made a tired but satisfied smirk as she shot a thumbs-up to Applejack. "She's a fighter...! But I am a warrior!" Vinyl threw her hands up in triumph, still panting, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, look sharp and say~~~~~" Vinyl ran over to the nearby kitchen counter to start drumming her hands against it for her own make-shift drum-roll.

The drum-roll had to extend for a little while longer than Vinyl had wanted as her 'main event' was hesitant to leave the safety of her room. But, when she did, Applejack was pleasantly surprised. Redheart stepped out into the living room, bashfully looking to the floor to avoid eye contact with her date and her 'best-friend-attacker'. Her pink hair had been fashioned into a brand new bun, one that allowed her bangs to frame around her meek visage. And though it was clearly uncomfortable to her in some way, her arms were exposed as well as her shoulders thanks to the dress she wore. A simple pink one-piece dress with a low-cut skirt was all that framed out her thin body as she stood before her blind-date.

"Hello, Nurse!" Vinyl finally ended her drum-roll and waved her hands out before Redheart as if presenting her.

"...Hello, Nurse," Applejack greeted the after-hours nurse with an almost off-guard surprise.

Author's Note:

Finally! I hope to get back to this REALLY soon in a week or two. There will only be one or two chapters more depending on what people want.

Also, if you'd like a little look into what happened during that changing scene, let me know. Maybe I have a "M" rated add-on story for what happened there. Maybe I have one for after this story too. Who knows?

Comments ( 7 )

"Hello, Nurse!" Vinyl finally ended her drum-roll and waved her hands out before Redheart as if presenting her.
"...Hello, Nurse," Applejack greeted the after-hours nurse with an almost off-guard surprise.

I can't resist:

I kinda want to know what the outfit looked like. What? Don't look at me like that, I like clothes!


And though it was clearly uncomfortable to her in some way, her arms were exposed as well as her shoulders thanks to the dress she wore. A simple pink one-piece dress with a low-cut skirt was all that framed out her thin body as she stood before her blind-date.

Sorry if that's not enough detail. Heh.

6828837 I'm just not very good at imagination.

Finally it updates!

Looks like all my begging has finally paid off.

I'd like to know what happened. And I think a few more chapters would do it; just include a nice round of 'private time' with Redheart and AJ.:raritywink:

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