• Published 30th May 2014
  • 27,881 Views, 1,528 Comments

The Sun & the Rose - soulpillar

An English knight married a kindly woman, touched in the head, who thought she was an alicorn. She was right.

  • ...

Chapter 16: The Sun & the Rose

Ragged breath dragged through Gareth's lungs. He kneeled, staring transfixed at the closed portal. There was no way out.

Explosions crashed and stone shattered from behind. The church's walls began to crumble beneath the sustained assault of magical energy. Uni-guards shouted orders, preparing for yet another barrage.

Gareth felt every blast, every shockwave. He glanced over to the fallen form of the Uni-guard that had sealed him out. If he had just taken the sword then he could have cleaved the Uni-guard without a second thought. No, instead he had to fumble with an improvised mercy weapon, now snapped in half, that couldn't defend him from the tide awaiting to come.

Another whine of energy came from over the wall.

He squeezed his eyes shut.

Energy thunder clapped, tearing into the wall. Crackling stone and sizzling smoke filled the air. Shards of rock clattered off his armour.

Dread filled Gareth's chest. He turned back, he would stare his executioners in the eye.

Yet, through the smoke, the church's wall still stood.

What? Gareth's mind twisted in confusion. He rose to his feet, peering through the debris.

Although there were large pieces of the wall missing, it remained mostly intact. Rumbling and chittering pieces of brickwork began to move under their own power, as if alive, rolling and climbing up to their old places of rest, settling back in. Flashes of golden armour and grey coats appeared for just a few seconds before the wall managed to heal over itself.

Of course. Self-healing. That's how the church had survived so long. He doubted it would take them long to start destroying the wall without blowing up themselves in the process, but maybe he'd have just enough time to find a way out of here. He turned, looking past the portal, to the crystal walls.

Although hard to make out, there were paths leading away from the plateau upon which Gareth stood. Caves leading away into the crystal caves, or winding up into the greater chasm.

He could climb his way out! Noise aside, his armour made him hard to spot by ponies. There's a good chance that they wouldn't see him at all! But… but he'd never make it back in time…

A muffled yell came from the camp. One of the tied-up Uni-guards wriggled wildly in his bindings. Bruises littered his grey coat, wild blue eyes glanced about. Ropes hog-tied his hooves while another wrapped his muzzle closed. Without the barding his cutie mark could be made out to be a sparkling blue and white light. Sparkling blue and white…

Gareth's head swam, he pressed a steadying hand up to it. That mark. Visions flashed before Gareth's eyes. Gleaming Horizon's room. Burning light, a flash of thunder and an explosion of pain. He recognised that mark.

The familiar uni-guard looked back. Surprise replaced by a hatred-filled glare.

"Flash Bang," Gareth hissed. He pointed towards the closed Mirror portal.

Flash Bang glanced up to his horn: an ornate ring wrapped around the base. His face twisted in concentration, sending out a few spluttering sparks from his horn's tip. The ring's contours glowed white-hot.

Gareth frowned. More bindings. It made sense, of course. Hand-cuffs for magic. But if he took it off, what would stop Flash Bang from turning it on him?

Electricity burnt Gareth's eyes. The sounds of iron shot rumbled in his ears.

He hissed at the phantom pain, brushing his fingertips across his dented visor. There had to be another way. He glanced back at the path through the crystal caverns. If he ran now, he'd escape before the traitors broke through. He wouldn't need to trust Flash Bang not to betray him.

Yelling and arguing Equestrian words drifted over the top of the walls. The pegasi's wings stopped flapping, their owners' voices joining the growing din.

Division. Why now? Gareth looked down at the rest of the unconscious guards. They weren't just tied up, they were beaten within an inch of their lives. What could they have done to deserve that? Perhaps if he'd had more chance to learn their bloody language, he could have asked them.

The arguing was getting louder, but now there was only one voice speaking… ordering. Flash Bang's ears folded back, his muzzle twisting in fear.

Gareth looked Flash Bang in the eye, trying to understand. Why? What was the reason for his fellows betraying him? Was he secretly loyal to Celestia? No, that couldn't be it. He wouldn't have done all those things, if that were true.

A chorus of magical humming poured over the walls.

Adrenaline shot through Gareth's veins. Time's up. He drew his dagger and pounced forward. Boots pounded through the dirt, sprinting towards Flash Bang.

Flash Bang struggled hard, letting out a panicked, muffled yell. His eyes widened at Gareth's approaching blade. The hum of energy increased in pitch.

A pang of guilt shot through Gareth's heart. Now he cared about how traitors felt? He was getting softer by the minute; best do this quickly. Gareth fell into a dive, boots first. His reached out a free hand, catching Flash Bang by the throat.

Flash Bang struggled, twisting his head to and thro. The magical energy reached its height.

Gareth pulled Flash Bang into a head lock, his free hand working off the ring. "Hold…" his dagger slipped into the ropes holding Flash Bang's hooves, "STILL!"

The sound of cracking stone ripped through the air. Two stone slabs pounded into the ground. The church's stone doors skidded past, leaving a cloud of dust, stone and dirt following in its wake.

The impact vibrated through Gareth's bones, chattering his teeth. No, focus! With a struggling yank, he tore the ring free.

A blast of blue, crackling, magic fired out from underneath Gareth's arm. The Mirror Portal sprang back to life with a golden glow, shards of glass pulling up from the ground, drifting in the void. Flash Bang sprang and rushed forward. He didn't look back.

Gareth did. He wished he hadn't.

A sea of glowing horns trotted through the cloud of dust engulfing the church's entrance. Pega-guards swept down from the top of the wall, holding their hooves out in a diving charge. Their eyes focused on him.

Gareth's heart leapt into his throat. He turned and sprinted towards the mirror.

Bolts of magic and falling hooves slammed into the ground around him. Dust and stone choked the air. Snarling Pega-guard reached out, trying to tackle them to the ground. They weren't fast enough for Flash Bang, who despite his wounds, vanished into the mirror.

Gritting his teeth, Gareth pushed forward, through the hail. He dodged low under a flying Pega-guard and jumped through.

Rainbow-lights blazed past. Traveling a thousand leagues in a second. The lights vanished. Gareth's boot hit soft ground.

Gareth whipped around, glancing back with a raised dagger.

The Mirror looked… different. The shimmering surface shone gold instead of red, and in an oval instead of rectangular. Both he and the Mirror stood on plush carpeting. Beside it lay a white, four-corner bed, an ivory armoire, a desk filled with scattered sketches and an opened balcony.

Relief flooded Gareth's chest; Cecilia's bedroom! He was back! Everything was as he remembered. Well, except for the traitorous guardspony. Was he still traitorous? He betrayed the betrayers, was that loyalty or just double traitorous?

Crowds of furious snarling echoed from inside the Mirror portal. "MOVE!" Flash Bang roared, running over to one side of the Mirror. His forehooves clapped onto one side, pushing and straining against the Mirror's bearings.

They needed to shatter it! Gareth shifted to opposite side, gripping the Mirror with both hands.

Steel moorings let out a popping, warped groan, twisting and giving way. With a final combined shout, they slammed the freed mirror to the ground. A crash of shattered glass send shards scattering across the carpeted floors.

Gareth huffed, staring at the glass.

Light faded from the shards. Cecilia's room grew silent. Flash Bang slumped to his flanks, hanging his head.

It was over. For now. Gareth let out a sigh of relief, sitting down on Cecilia's bed.

The bed sighed with him, pulling him into a cushiony hug.

Every muscle, every joint ached. Gareth's hauberk dug deeply into his shoulders, his helmet stunk of stale sweat and exertion, his shin-guards agonised his feet and his gloves… best not talk about his gloves. Gareth reached up to the straps and clips around his helmet, pulling the dented armet off.

The helmet clattered to the ground. A cool, refreshing breeze passed Gareth's face.

Gareth closed his eyes, breathing deep. It was nice here; warm, refreshing. What he wouldn't do to just take a moment to draw up a bath, change into some silks and sleep. Sleep. Right. that was a thing that he did. Why wasn't he sleeping right now? He was supposed to be doing something. Argh, this was going to bug him. Take the plague rat across town. Done that. Find the research papers. Done that too. Oh right, find his horse-wife and expunge a rebellion. Goddamn it, marriage is hard work.

A crackle of lightning filled the room.

Gareth looked up.

Energy ran up and down Flash Bang's horn. He struggled to his feet and stabbed it in Gareth's direction. Hooves crunched glass underhoof as Flash Bang backed away towards the door.

Gareth stared, numb to the inevitable betrayal. His blood warmed, but didn't boil. Given the distance, he could rush Flash Bang. Not killing the last unicorn he met had came back to bite him, after all. Gareth gave a sigh and rocked to his feet.

Flash Bang's breath picked up, his eyes flicking to the doorway behind him. He almost looked afraid. The way he was moving went right past Gareth's armoury. Both his self-bow and the dog-bow lay there, along with a bundle of wood arrows, and that pair of enchanted ones from Era's room. The Boar Spear stuck out as most prominent, standing tall and within easy reach.

It'd be trivial to pick it up and run Flash Bang through. Yeah, trivial… Gareth looked down at his gloves.

They were clean.

Another deep sigh, Gareth struggled to find the words for "Where is Princess Celestia?"

Flash Bang halted. His eyes went wide. "Th- the Throne Room."

"And Larms?"

Flash Bang lifted his horn. "H-he's there, too."

Good. Gareth walked over to the armoury, through the field of crunching glass. He reached down, picking up his quiver and attaching it to his belt.

"Stop right there!" Flash Bang's horn trained back on Gareth.

Gareth filled the quiver, grabbing the bows and checking over their strings. "Where is the Throne room?"

"You—" Flash bang stared at him, then to his weapons. "Y-you're alone."

Yeah… he was. Gareth threw a venomous glare at Flash Bang. "She is too."

Flash Bang's mouth fell open. The lightning around his horn dissipated. "Y-your face. I can see it."

Gareth didn't know what to feel. He turned around, hiding his torn expression, busying himself by gathering his bow staves into a makeshift sling.

Flash Bang took a step forward, opening his mouth to speak. "Listen, I—" A roar of magical energy drowned out his voice. Bright, rainbow lights turned the night sky into day. It poured in through the balcony, polluting the white fabrics with their own hues.

Cecilia. Gareth clenched his hands. He walked over to the balcony, pulling the sling over his shoulder and clutching the rail.

The rainbow lights in the form of arched windows beamed out from the castle's direction. Magical energy raged, centred on a single the point. Although difficult to tell from the sheer blinding spectacle, from the size of the room, it had to be the Throne room.

She's there. Gareth looked up to the conical roof of the tower. Judging from the distance and the angle, he'd need to climb to get a clear shot through one of those windows. With a huff, Gareth looked up and down the side of the tower.

The masonry was rocky enough to climb, leading right up to the roof. Climbing up over the side of the roof would be the most dangerous.

Gareth forced himself not to look down. There was every chance that if he climbed this tower… he wasn't climbing back. Not like he had a choice. Even now, he'd never make it on foot. Gareth stepped forward and reached up to the first hand hold.

Flash Bang stepped out onto the balcony, baffled. "What? You- you can't… you're tute nuben!"

He had a point. Whatever it was. Gareth licked his lips and dragged himself higher.

Wood clattered in his sling as the wind blew through. The night air turned from refreshing to freezing, chilling his sweat-soaked hair. A white moon rose high over the sky, illuminating the way.

Gareth reached up, pulling himself up and over. His chest hit the tiles, the hauberk clinking and clicking. No time for a breather. He struggled to his feet.

The Throne room lay before him, still venting raw rainbow light. Through the windows were multitudes of magical streams, all flowing in one direction, washing off a single, golden ball of light. Within it were two figures, a yellow stallion wearing a blue jacket, and a white mare twice the stallion's size.

They were killing her. Gareth pulled the dog bow from his sling, strung it and nocked a glowing arrow.

There were so many targets. So many unicorns. These arrows were explosive, but they'd never hit that many, not with just two.

A sharp pain and the taste of iron filled Gareth's mouth. He'd chewed open his own lip. A racking growl erupted from his chest as he let the bow go slack. With forty 'training' arrows and just two real ones, his only hope was to watch and wait.

Watch and wait… while the rainbow lights began to melt the very grounds upon which Cecilia stood.

The pressure stopped as one by the one, the noble's horns flicked out. Deafening blasts of sizzling, bone-crunching energy subsided. The blinding lights died away, filling the room with darkness.

Celestia head throbbed in agony, just barely catching herself from dropping the shield altogether. Burning pins of fatigue stabbed into her muscles and horn. Gasping for air, struggling just to keep her legs underneath her body.

The darkness faded to a flickering golden light, her shield was still up. On the other side, hundreds of noble ponies stared on in mute awe… and horror.

Did they realise what they had done?

A forehoof pressed against Celestia's side. The Colonel, his face stoic, awaited her command to the bitter end.

Celestia forced herself to look up. "…why?"

Larms ignored her, turning back to the crowd. "Did you see that? The Solar Tyrant is nearly defeated. One last push, and Equestria will forever rule its OWN destiny!"

She hung her head. This was what they had become.

"No." A blue, elderly stallion approached.

The pain began to peel away from Celestia's body. She struggled back to her full height. That pony… that was Radiant Star, head of house Star; Noble Era's great uncle.

Larms whipped around, fixing the stallion with a glare. The stallions' slicked back white mane and groomed blue coat provided a bizarre juxtaposition against the wrecked throne. "I've had quite enough of this, Larms. This isn't what you said would happen." He gestured in Celestia's direction. "You said that she'd fight tooth and nail, that a few of us could even die! The lives of our children and Equestria were at stake if we didn't strike together, but this… she's not evening fighting back!"

Celestia shook her head, trying to remain conscious. It was all she could do but watch and wait.

Larms heaved a sigh, frustrated, but not surprised. "Radiant Star. So disappointing. Of all those gathered here, I figured that at least YOU would have the most to lose. Allow me to remind you; Equestria still IS at stake, as are your children," Larms's voice took on icy chill. "We never know just how vulnerable the ones we love are. Isn't that right, Radiant? I've lost a wife and a son. Gone in a blizzard, just like that. Do you know why? Because I took a chance." He turned back to the throne. "A returned Celestia is a chance that we cannot afford to take."

A spark of energy welled up in Celestia's chest. It was enough. Enough to teleport away… but not with the Colonel. Running, leaving the ponies of Equestria to Larm's madness, to face the consequences of their own actions: an easy choice. A tempting choice.

A distant burst of energy echoed across the throne room.

Celestia's ears pricked up. It came from outside. She glanced over to the shattered window.

The Royal Tower and the moon loomed in the distance. Nightmare Moon's imprinted face almost seemed to glow. "You got a helper, Celestia?" Larms scowled, he looked up to the guards in the rafters. "Boys, whatever it is, take care of it. We don't have time for this."

She saw something, on top of the tower. A familiar figure. Celestia squinted, leaning forward. It looked almost like…

"Now," Larms turned back to Celestia, holding up the flask, "Where were—"

A white burst of magic tossed Larms aside like a ragdoll. His surprised shout distorted as he rolled over and over across the floor.

Celestia flinched. Her ears and eyes twisted up to the tower. "Luna…?" She breathed

The moon moved, glowing behind the figure, filling in the features. Four legs became two, glittering magic turned out to be moonlight reflecting off armour. The figure stood higher, peering down at the throne room.

An animalistic growl rumbled from Larm's throat, pushing himself to his hooves. The flask lay before him, purple liquid pouring out the crack in the side. His voice shook, anger tempered with disbelief, "Gareth…"

Gareth. Celestia looked again.

The figure tossed a long wooden object aside, pulling another from his back. Gripping the top, he pushed down and touched the bottom. Stringing a bow. A bow.

It was him. He was alive. "Gareth!" Celestia cried.

"GARETH!" A glare, maddened with fury, followed her gaze. "He's on top of the tower: KILL that son of a bitch!"

A lump rose in Gareth's throat. He grasped the bowstring between fingers. He got their attention; now what?

Wings flapped from within inside the Throne room. Pega-guards flooded out of the windows, swarming towards him. Four dozen or more.

Gareth sucked in a breath, glancing down at the training arrow. Training or not, if it hit one in the eye it'd be a mortal injury.

Down in the Throne room, Celestia looked back at him. Her head stooped, haggard wings touching the ground. Rose-pink eyes watching.

Her eyes stared through him. He promised. Gareth screwed his eyes shut. They tried to kill her. They were going to kill him. He promised.

War cries rang out over the night sky.

They were going to kill them both. "Celestia, I'm sorry." Gareth levelled the bow and pulled back the string. "Conlidis tu mihi vasa belli: you are my weapon of war."


"Et ego conlidam in te gentes: for with you I will break in pieces the nations."


The arrow soared through the sky, striking one of the pega-guards in the wing with a fleshy thunk. The guard let out a wail of pain, falling into a dive. Just one guard out of dozens.

Gareth reached into his quiver, drawing four arrows, one between each knuckle. He didn't need to penetrate deep, just hit the wings. "Et disperdam in te regna: and with you I will destroy kingdoms!"

The Pega-guards slammed into the roof of the tower. Tearing up tiles and brickwork. They weren't so much as looking at him.

Vibrations ran up Gareth's legs, staggering him. Pulling the bow back up, he plucked the string repeatedly, dodging around diving Pega-guards, firing off point-blank shots at half-pull.

His enemies yelled and shrieked from the pain, one by one. Not enough. They attacked wildly, ripping up stone. Hooves flashed and swiped; each one capable of knocking Gareth off his feet and into ground below.

Gareth's head swam, the tower shuddered under his feet. He ducked under a wild dive and lashed out with a kick, punting a guard over the side. At this rate they wouldn't need to hit him, they just needed to destroy what he was standing on.

The Pega-guard drew away from the tower as one. High in the air, they regrouped and formed up in a line.

Wait a minute. Gareth blinked, pulling another four arrows ready to mow them down. That looked just like a—

The Pega-guard dove into a steep charge.

"FUCK!" Gareth shrieked. He fired up into the air, just hoping to hit centre mass.

Three out of four arrows hit, leaving thirty pegasai swooping down through the top of the tower. Brick cracked and crumbled underneath Gareth's feet as the Pega-guard reappeared out the other side of the tower in a cloud of pulverised stone. The tower swayed.

Bile rose up in Gareth's throat. He bent his knees, trying to maintain his footing.

It didn't work. The tiles vanished underneath. Gareth fell tumbling back into Cecilia's room in a choking cloud. Cracking, falling rock crushed down upon him, striking his shoulders. Shingles bounced off his head, compounding an already splintering headache.

Smoky dust filled Gareth's lungs. He coughed and choked, shaking his bleeding head, glancing around him.

The remains of the roof lay scattered through the room, polluting the white, gold and ivory furnishings. The room was still recognisable; most of the tower must have fallen over the side. Flaps of wings circled above. The Pega-guard were still looking.

No time to check for damage. Gareth pulled himself back to his feet and drew another quartet of arrows. He pulled the bow high and fired another volley through the cloud.

Guards fell out of the sky, an arrow sticking out of each of their wings. They buzzed about in a blind panic, yelling, searching.

Feeding another four into his hands, Gareth backed away. He wasn't sure how much longer this cloud of dust would last before—

One of the Pega-guards let out a shriek of rage, charging straight towards him.

Adrenaline spiked Gareth's heart. He pulled his bow up and drew.

The arrow struck deeply into the guard's wing, driving straight through. He roared in agony, spiralling out of control mid-flight… right into Gareth.

Air drove itself from Gareth's lungs. The guard collided with a dull thud of flesh and snapping wood, sending them both of the ground. Gareth growled, swinging himself free and punching the guard in the face.

The Guard slumped underneath, his faceplate dented.

Pain lanced up Gareth's gauntleted hand. He grimaced; lacing another four arrows and pulling his bow back up.

Only splinters stood where the top half of his bow should be. The still attached bowstring tugged at the other end, underneath the unconscious Pega-guard.

Gareth threw the shattered self-bow down with a snarl. He staggered over to what remained of his armour and shoved aside some rocks. Please still be here.

There it was. Despite the rocks and dust, the Boar Spear remained intact.

Thought his hands trembled, Gareth grabbed his father's weapon and turned, pulling it up.

The cloud began to lift. One by one, the Pega-guard turned towards Gareth. A larger guard pointed a forehoof down at Gareth's direction, shouting orders to the others. They nodded, drifting down onto the debris-ridden floors.

A chill ran up Gareth's spine. This was it. Blood flowing down his forehead, exhausted. Out of tricks, out of strength, out of time. This was his final stand.

His father's spear groaned underneath Gareth's grip.

Just like his father.

The roof sloughed off the side of the Celestia's tower, crashing into the courtyard below. Stone, masonry and tree vanished in an expanding cloud of dust.

Cold hands clutched Celestia's heart. No. NO! "GARETH!"

"Do you see?" Larms growled at the crowd, still trembling, "She only cares for her fooking Prince-Consort!"

The world began to blur. Tears welled up in her eyes. This… th-this.

"You killed her husband," Radiant Star muttered, wide eyed.

She was alone again.

"I did what NONE of you had the stones to do!" Larms snapped, waving his forehoof to an increasingly horrified audience.

The energy within Celestia's chest peaked. Her breath grew deeper, coarser. Larms...

The Colonel nudged Celestia's shoulder. "Look up," he whispered, gesturing to the empty rafters. He punched one forehoof into another, glancing towards Larms.

Celestia nodded, lifting her head high. "You're right Larms," She stated. "They were merciful, and they were patient with him. It takes courage to tolerate something that might hurt you or even kill you."

Larms gave her a dismissive grunt. "What now, a speech about kindness and loyalty? You're a liar and a turnco—"

"And I am afraid," Celestia continued in a furious snarl. Her horn twitched, the golden shield flickered. "That I have run out of tolerance for you!"

The Colonel took to wing before the shield vanished, forehooves extended. Larms's eyes widened before squinting back into a glare. They collided in a thud of flesh-on-flesh. A spiral of shed feathers followed the Colonel as he span out into a nearby column, cracking it and bringing loosened rafters down around him. With a furious roar. Larms surged forward in a blur.

No! Celestia triggered her horn, flooding it with energy. She lowered her head, aiming for the charging Larms.

The burst of energy released, exploding the floor in a cloud of dust and shrapnel. Larms leapt through, driving a forehoof into her gut.

Burning air forced itself out of Celestia's lungs. Weakness sapped at her body, sending her to her knees.

Larms, huffing and panting, trotted over to her and planted a forehoof on her neck. "You brought this upon yourself." He lifted a hoof, readying to crush her skull.

Celestia struggled, gasping for breath. Gareth… she—

A sharp whine of energy filled the throne. Larms lifted his head, realisation spreading across his face before a burst of rainbow energy ripped across his body. He reared back, screaming against the tide.

Air rushed back into Celestia's chest. She gasped, pushing away and lashing out with a simple blast of magical energy.

That was enough. Larms lost his footing, sent careening into a wall. The rainbow energy pinned him, charring his fur for a full second before dissipating, letting him slide down and into a steaming heap. The stench of burnt hair filled the silence.

Celestia kneaded her throat, getting to her shaky knees. She turned back to the room.

Three hundred pairs of eyes looked back at her with nothing but guilt. Radiant Star stepped forward, bowing his head. "Celestia, we…"

The taste of iron filled Celestia's mouth. "He threatened your family, didn't he?" She asked, wiping a line of blood away from the corner of her mouth.

Radient glanced away. "Yes, but… not just that."

"So, blackmailing Canterlot's nobility was enough to convince all of you to commit treason," Celestia grumbled. "Equestria sure was going places in my absence."

Shifting sounds came from Larms's direction. He struggled to his hooves, trying to pull something from his vest.

Celestia's muscles twitched. She turned, flooding energy into her horn.

Before Larms's hoof could even clear his vest, he was tackled by a blur of blue and orange. The Colonel span Larms to the floor, savaging him with a flurry of punches before grabbing him into a backwards spinning kick. The violent thud buried into Larms's gut, driving him through the air and out the broken window. A damp thump echoed up from the courtyard.

She wasn't going to let him get away. Celestia rushed over to the window, peering outside.

Larms lay spread-eagled in the grass. He let out a few hoarse coughs, struggling to stand. He looked up at Celestia with a defiant sneer on his face.

Celestia glared back, keeping hold of the energy in her horn. Take no chances, time to blast him into unconc—

An errant arrow arched over the moon's surface.

Celestia's pulse raced. Gareth!

The Colonel placed a forehoof on her shoulder. He didn't look too good. "G-go to him ma'am, we'll handle Larms," he said, glancing back to Radiant Star. "Won't we, Star?" The noble gave a sheepish nod in response.

White wings flicked out from Celestia's back. She didn't spare a word, kicking off, out the window and towards the crumbling tower.

On hoof and on wing, the traitor-guards surged forward.

Crouching down into a fighting stance, Gareth twirled the boar spear in his hands, blunt-end facing outwards. No killing. He'd promised.

A sharp whine of energy filled the air. Before they could even get half way, a beam of golden magic blasted a swath of charging pega-guards mid-flight. They flopped to the ground into their companions, tumbling into a multi-limbed spiralling heap.

Gareth's muscles seized. He dodged to one side, slapping a falling pegasus with the butt of his spear.

Heavy, golden-shod hooves clapped onto the floorboards. Cecilia stood beside him. Her shimmering mane plastered against the side of her face, drenched in sweat, expression twisted in worry.

Fatigue and fear lifted off Gareth's body. His mouth hung open, tucking his spear under one armpit. She was alive! She was…

Blood dribbled down the other side of her mouth, mixing into her coat.

She was… having as shit a day as Gareth was. He flicked the spear around, stepped up beside her in a closed formation. "Oh good, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who's been bleeding today."

The pega-guards untangled themselves, rushing forward with a roar. Cecilia lowered her horn, smirking. "What, that's it?" She said. "No 'oh, my dear beloved wife, who dares injure you?' I don't warrant that anymore?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Gareth replied, sweeping his spear under a guard's legs. "Try again when you've scaled half of Canterlot, with a rat, then had a church dropped on top of you, AND had an angry horde of traitors try to blast you into oblivion!"

Cecilia shrugged, effortlessly brushing a squad of pega-guards away with a wave of her horn. "Yeah, not impressed, I got that last one, AND I had to dive into Noble Era's dreams!"

A chill ran up Gareth's spine. He paused, giving her an emphatic nod. "Yeah, alright, you win." He held up pinched fingers. "By a narrow margin."

"I can see that you've lost that headguard I gave you." She added, bucking a pair of guards. They slammed into the wall and kept going, rock raining down in their wake.

Gareth frowned, slamming a pega-guard over the head. "Come on! I had a score of Uni-guards of trying to blow me up! With. Magic. I had to use something to distract them!"

A thrum of magical energy enveloped Cecilia's bed. She clapped a hoof into the ground and dragged it up into the air. "You were--" she ground out; sweat dribbling down the side of her face. With a final tug, the mattress swatted a group of guards out of the air, both flying off into the courtyard. "You were using my gift as bait?"


"You're sleeping in the courtyard, Gareth."

Gareth peered off the side of the tower. "Yeah, well, given where the bed just landed, so are you."

They turned from each other. Nothing moved or rustled. Groaning traitors crawled off, mostly down the stairwell. None of them were in any condition to fight.

Adrenaline exited out through Gareth's trembling hands. He twirled his spear, planting it into the floorboards. "Finally."

Cecilia turned to him, genuine worry in her eyes. "You're hurt," she said, a forehoof gingerly hovered around his bleeding head injury.

She was warm. Gareth sighed, gently pushing her way. "Yeah… more or less. Oh!" He dug into his belt, pulling out the bundle of research papers. "Here, I found these in Larms's house. I'm sorry, but… Larms took the actual diary."

She blinked. "Oh. D-did you look inside?"

Confusion twisted Gareth's lip. "What? No, why?"

"Is… is it true?" Cecilia quailed. Her eyes stared through him. She sniffed, choked back a sob. Tears forms in the corners of her eyes.

Determination burned in Gareth's gut. He placed a hand on Cecilia's withers. "Is what true?" A finger snaked under her chin. "Cecilia, is what true?"

"That I left," she answered. A tear rolled down her cheek. "That I left them. And all that's happening is my fault."

Solid ground swept from underneath Gareth's heart. He gripped tighter. What could he say? What could she say?

Cecilia looked him square in the eye. "It's true, isn't it?" Somewhere in there, she wanted him to prove her wrong; that she didn't leave. That this was all a misunderstanding.

But it wasn't. "Yes, Cecilia… you did."

Strength vanished from Cecilia's eyes. Her knees buckled, legs crumbling underneath her. Cecilia broke down, sobbing. "I saw it! I saw it in Era's dream."

Gareth sat down beside her. What could he say? What should he say? She wasn't the person that left, or was she? Who was to tell?

"You nearly died tonight, didn't you?" She cried.

Flashes images of crumbling brickwork, bucking hooves and sliding tiles. He couldn't look her in the eye.

Cecilia's ears swept down. She trembled, shrinking back from his touch and burying her face into her forehooves. "I'm no better than Larms."

She was warm. Gareth could feel it on his fingers, see it in her eyes. Whoever she was… whatever she was… maybe it mattered to them, to her, but only one thing had ever mattered to him. "Cecilia," he placed a hand on her cheek, cupping it. "Do you love me?"

Cecilia looked up, confused, tear-drenched cheeks puffy and red. Her hot breath tickled his nose, sweet and warm. "Gareth?"

"When you said you would marry me… was that because you loved me, or because you were lonely?" He pulled her closer, placing a hand on her forehoof.

Cecilia's eyes fluttered, widening. She pulled away from his hand. "I wouldn't believe anything that comes out of my mouth."

Gareth blew air out of his nose. That wasn't an answer. "Princess Celestia lied to Equestria like a parent would lie to a child. Eventually, the child grows up and realises the truth." He leaned forward, looking into her eyes. "You have a choice, Cecilia, follow her example, or tell the truth."

She looked up, ears perking up with them. "How?"

Gareth held the research papers up. "Give them the notes. Let them draw their own conclusions."

Her eyes widened, looking down at the note with a measure of restored hope. Then she glanced up, despair returning. "And what about you?" She whispered.

Me? Gareth frowned. What about him? "Well, you may not trust your own wedding vows, but I… I made a promise. I'm not going anywhere." He smiled. "Looks like you're stuck with me."

She let out a gasp, something between a sob and a laugh. "Oh… woe is me."

A melodramatically offended hand slapped onto Gareth's chest. "You wound my honour, dear lady! You think me to be a scoundrel?"

Cecilia flinched, genuinely concerned. She placed a forehoof on his chest. A forehoof that felt soft, warm. "No, no, I didn't mean it like—"

Soft. Warm. His wife. Love. Emotions streaked through Gareth's mind and body. He was tired, tired of being alone, tired of being apart from his wife. He'd had enough, and so had she. She needed to know who her husband was. He planned to remind her. Very carefully, Gareth placed a hand on her side.

Cecilia looked down. Her ears twitched. Ethereal wind blew her mane past Gareth's face. It smelt like the summer breeze.

It was warm. Gareth brushed the strands away and rocked forward on his heels, pushing Cecilia onto her side.

His wife let out a soft 'ah', falling with grace. She didn't move. A flush coloured her confused features. "Gareth, wh-what are you doing?" Cecilia said in a half-amused murmur.

Gareth veins lit on fire. He breathed in through his mouth: no distractions. "Like I said," he repeated, leaning over, palming the back of her head and pulling her in. "You're stuck with me."

Her eyes widened. Her lips parted.

The moment their lips touched, electric pleasure sparked through Gareth's body.

Cecilia trembled underneath him, limp, afraid. He was in complete control. Her teeth were wrong: too wide, too flat. Her tongue felt like a cat's, abrasive. The smell, the taste of horse drenched Gareth's mouth. Yet… she was warm.

He pulled back.

Their lips parted with a pop of saliva, a line trailing between them. Cecilia stared, eyes shivering, gasping, short of breath.

Heat pooled in Gareth's groin. He brushed a hand down Cecilia's cheek, whispering into an ear, "Tonight."

Cecilia's eyes snapped open, her ears wrenching towards him. "Wh-what?"

He was ready, he was sure of it. Gareth drew his finger down her neck, to her wings. A smirk crawled onto his lips. "I hope you're ready to sleep in the courtyard."

A rush of wings flapped into the remains of the tower.

Muscles burned in Gareth's cheeks, grinding his teeth. He stood, wrenching up his spear. "Oh FUCK right off!"

A monochrome Pegasus landed in front of Gareth, sending shockwaves through the floorboards and up Gareth's legs. Neither her, nor any of the other attackers wore any armour. "Princess Celestia, Prince Grey Spear! We --" she trailed off into a long, jabbering spiel.

The cavalry? Gareth frowned, glancing over to Cecilia. "Yeah, that figures."

Cecilia pushed her legs underneath her, trying to school her features. "Monochrome Sprint is saying that we've retaken the castle."

Relief swept over Gareth. "Finally, some good news."

Cecilia clicked her tongue. "Not all of it. Larms has escaped."

"Fucking, what?" Gareth wheeled around, giving the monochrome pegasus a scathing glare. "Have you considered firing all your guards and replacing them with training mannequins? It'd be cheaper! I'll draw the angry faces on them myself!"

"Gareth!" Cecilia admonished. After a brief pause, she began to nod, admitting, "Though, they would be less inclined to betrayal. I can say that we're going to be having a much smaller force after this."

Gareth jabbed a finger at the mare, who glared back. "Better training too." He turned, leaning off his spear and counting on his fingertips. "I've humiliated, what, three, four platoons… maybe an entire battalion. Just today?"

Yelling and clattering of hooves echoed up from the stairwell. Styre crawled over the side; his golden armour abandoned, wearing only a weathered and determined look on his face. A pink mane poked up behind him, trotting up the stairs, her head entirely still.

They were alive! "Styre, Butter Pie!" Gareth yelled.

Styre glanced over, returning the grin. Butter Pie nodded serenely… then her mane trembled. A beady-eyed rat poked out, sniffed the air, and then snapped its eyes to Gareth's face. It gave out a loud shriek and jumped out, rushing towards him.

Wait, was that—Gareth took a knee, reaching out with his steel glove.

The Rat jumped up onto it. It grinned, standing up on its hind legs and giving a triumphant double-'thumbs up'.

"Oh thank goodness!" Gareth sighed in relief, putting him back down.

Cecilia stared at him. Then to the Rat. Then back.

Her eyes felt uncomfortable. Gareth frowned, shifting his weight. "What? You said that they don't carry the plague."

She shook her head. "Nothing… i-it's nothing."

Alright, whatever. Time to find Larms again. Now, Styre was Larm's son, so… maybe. Gareth turned to Styre. "Your father?"

"Hn," Styre grunted, nodding. "The Cave."

Gareth frowned at Styre. Did he mean? "Outside Canterlot?"

"Hn." Styre nodded again.

Memories flicked in Gareth's mind. A damp cave. Questions about species. Late to pick up the bedroll. The cave Gareth spent the night in on the first trip to Canterlot. If Styre thought it was likely, then that was their best shot. Gareth turned to Cecilia. "Larms is going to a cave outside Canterlot, on the main road. Styre and I know where it is."

Cecilia glanced at Styre, then back. "I see." She walked forward, placing a forehoof on Gareth's shoulder. "Stay here, you've done enough tonight."

Gareth gave her a deadpan stare. "Really, Cecilia? Really?"

She shook her head. "Don't misunderstand, Gareth, we need to get there before he does. I won't underestimate him again, we need to fly."

Flying. Gravity shifted underneath just thinking about it. No. You know what? Forget it. By this point Gareth wasn't sure what he feared anymore. "Well if you're flying, then I'm flying too."

"Gareth," Cecilia explained, as though speaking to a small child. "You're afraid of heights."

"Woman, I've CLIMBED UP over three hundred yards and FALLEN DOWN over three hundred yards, all in just one fucking day! I'm a little bit past it at this point!"

Her look turned flat. "Alright then: how?"

She… had a point there. Gareth glanced at the monochrome mare. No, too small. Moreover, from the petrified look on her face, also catching on that he was sizing her up for a mount. Damn it, Cecilia may be right; there weren't any mount here that was big enough to fly him. He turned back to her.

Cecilia cocked a brow. "Well?"

Wait a minute. Gareth grinned. There WAS a mount big enough.

Cecilia glanced over her shoulder. "Wh-what is it?"

"Cecilia," Gareth began, stepping forward. "Do you remember that bet we made back in the forest?"

She paused, glancing to the ground in thought. A moment later, she looked back up with an aghast look on her face. "Gareth… no."

Gareth grinned. "Cecilia, YES."

Whipping wind blew through Gareth's hair and clothing. His proud and noble steed was certainly the later, but not so much the former as Cecilia's powerful wings propelled them through Canterlot's sky.

Gareth didn't care; he was too busy cackling into the on-rushing wind. Society was wrong, he decided, when your wife was an alicorn, it was not unseemly for her to carry her husband. Quite the opposite, riding on your alicorn wife was fucking awesome!