• Published 24th May 2014
  • 2,533 Views, 29 Comments

Royal Day Off - spideremblembrony

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna just want to have a day off. And they make it the best day ever.

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Royal Day Off

All that was needed was a day off. That’s all she wanted. As the sun shined brightly through the glass of her window, it slowly crept up to her face. Her eyes began to twitch as the rays assaulted her eyes, causing her discomfort. She opened her eyes slowly with a groan. Her vision was blurred out as she attempted to take in her surroundings. The rays assaulting her eyes caused her to shut them almost immediately. She placed her pale white hooves on her face and rubbed it gently. Her mouth opened to a gentle yawn. Her stiff body was slow to awaken as she stretched her forelegs as far forward as she could. Her eyelids opened once more.

As her hazy vision began to dissipate, her eyes were greeted to the sunlight bursting through the window in several rays of bright yellow, illuminating the entire room. Her bright blue curtain fluttered as the gentle summer breeze. The sounds of bird chirping filled the silence, almost as if they wanted everypony to greet the morning with a song.

Celestia smiled as she lay under the covers of her blanket. The bright blue sky spoke volumes of the beautiful day ahead. There was not a cloud in the sky. The fields were green and bursting with life. The birds were full of energy, continually chirping without rest. She could even hear the young chicks singing their own song. The sun’s energy seemed to be feeding the energies of everything it touched. Celestia wanted nothing more than to go out in the world and just run in the fields. It took all her restraint to keep her in bed. Today is going to be the best day ever!


The blue filly unleashed a series of coughs as the much larger alicorn trotted into the room. She laid in her bed, wrapped tightly in her dark blue blanket. She shivered as she dug her head deeper into her pillow.

“Luna, honey, are you alright?” A white alicorn with a long red mane came to the bedside and place her hooves on blue alicorn’s head.

“I don’t feel so good, mommy,” Luna whimpered as she slowly turned to her mother.

The white alicorn exhaled as she placed her hoof on Luna’s cheek. “Oh, you poor thing,” she whispered into her ear. “You’re burning up.”

Luna let out a series of coughs, each one sounding worse than the last. The filly slowly started to lean up as if to rise from her bed.

The white alicorn placed her hooves on Luna’s shoulders. “And what do you think you’re doing?”

Luna coughed once again. “I have a class with Mr. Starswirl.” She lowered her head as tears started to form in her eyes. “I don’t want to miss class.”

The white alicorn smiled and shook her head. She kissed Luna on the forehead and gently leaned her back on her pillow. “You are staying right here until you get better.”

A look of concern gripped Luna’s face as she stared into her mother’s eyes. “What about Starswirl?”

“I’ll talk to him.” She gently stroked Luna’s face. “You just get better.” Her horn started to glow as a tiny purple monkey gently floated up to Luna. Luna smiled and wrapped her hooves around it, giving a gentle giggle. The queen laughed along with her as she kissed her on the cheek.

The white alicorn rose from the bedside and made her way to the door leaving Luna curled up in her bed. She turned towards the window on the other side of the room, slipping under the covers. She smiled as she watched the sun’s rays enter her room. Your turn, Tia.


Celestia carefully placed a warm rag over on her face, just above her eyes and below her horn. Her face started to sweat as she silently waited for hoof steps to approach her door.

Celestia leaned over to the two buckets sitting on the floor just away from her bed. She dipped her hooves into the bucket filled with ice water. She shivered as the freezing cold chilled her front hooves. Despite the discomfort, Celestia kept her ears open and paid close attention to the beyond the door. No doubt the maid or her mother would come to her door to awaken her. She took a deep breath trying to ignore the cold for as long as she could.

Celestia smiled as she patiently waited, removing her front hooves from the pail every once in a while. She shook off the excess water from her hooves and then would place them in the bucket once more.

Celestia focused her magic on the warm cloth on her forehead. She knew it would only be a few moments before they arrived. The sound of hoof steps approached the door.

Celestia quickly removed the cloth from her head and placed it in the ice bucket. She quickly used her magic to engulf the ice bucket beside her. She then pushed the bucket under her bed and out of sight. As the door slowly started to open, Celestia dropped back into her bed and wrapped in her blankets.

Celestia faked a series of coughs as her mother entered the room. Her mother came to her bedside and eyed Celestia. “Oh, no. Not you too.”

Celestia coughed again. “Me too, mother?” Celestia replied, rasping her voice so she could sound as weak as possible.

Her mother placed a hoof on her face, feeling the warmth and sweat. “Luna is sick. And apparently, so are you.”

Celestia gave a weak smile. “You always said you wanted us to share everything.” She gave a laugh before she interrupted herself with her hacking.

Her mother gave a chuckle and smiled. “This is not what I meant.” She gently stroked Celestia’s face and in her other hoof felt her hoof. Her eyes widened as the cold and wet hooves stole her attention. She wrapped her hooves in Celestia’s. “Celestia, your hooves are clammy.”

Celestia rose slowly with a moan. “I need to get up.” Celestia coughed again. “I need to attend Starswirl’s class.”

Her mother shook her head and giggled. “You sound like Luna.” She placed her hooves on Celestia’s shoulders and gently rested her against her bed. “You need to lie down and get some rest.” Her horn started to glow as she set the warm blue blanket over Celestia. “Now, I have an important meeting with the griffon king, but if you really need me, ask the maid to send for me.” Her horn glowed as the dresser next to her opened to allow a bell to be lifted from it.

Her mother placed it on the nightstand. “You just ring this bell if you need the maids. I’ll make sure they let you rest otherwise.” She leaned forward and kissed Celestia on the cheek. “I love you, Tia.”

Celestia smiled as her eyes met with her mother’s. “I love you too, mother.”

Her mother placed a hoof gently on her cheek and then rose to her feet. Celestia coughed as her mother left the room, the door closing tightly behind. Celestia laid in her bed, almost waiting for to reenter the room. When they didn’t, she leaped out of her bed, silently exclaiming, “Yes!”

She skipped to the window, opening it wide open, allowing her to feel the soft breeze against her body. Every ounce of her body wanted to leap out the window and fly all across the country side. But she still had one thing she had to pick up before leaving. She looked at the distant mirror on the other side of the room and noted the spikes forming from her hair that looked like branches on a tree.

She sighed as she perched herself in front of the mirror. She lifted her hair brush with her magic and started to straighten the tangled the clump of mess that was her mane. Some days she hated her mane and hated brushing its entirety, but loved it when it was presentable. The brush glided through her mane, undoing the snags within it. With every knot encountered, she grumbled under her breath as she forced the brush against it.

She brushed and brushed against it, causing a slight tingling at the base of the skull. She couldn’t help but let out a discontented grunt as she freed her hair from another knot.

After a few long minutes, her mane finally resembled something nice. Her pink hair gently rested against her chest, rolling towards her back with a large portion hanging towards the ground. She closely examined her mane again, smiling at her progress. The sight off her presentable mane seemed to lift her spirits and looking out the window seemed to remind her of the day she had planned.

She was about to leap out the window when her mind stopped her in her tracks.

She was supposed to be asleep. She knew that the maid would be in later to check if she was awake. She turned her bed, which had been turned into a mess of chaos by her excited leap. Her blanket was hanging off the bed by only a small portion, leaving most of it on the floor. One corner of her sheet had been removed from the mattress during the course of the night. If the maid walked into that, her cover would be blown.

She focused her attention on the bed. Her horn glowed as she moved the sheet back into its proper place. She engulfed the pillows and blanket with her magic and moved them back to the bed. Neatly and carefully, she placed the pillows under the blanket, hoping to fool any onlookers that the lump was actually her.

Once she was satisfied with her ruse, she gazed out the window. The sun seemed to illuminate the field of green brightly, as if they were inviting her to join their merriment. She inhaled the summer air as its warmth seemed to fill her body, giving her a burst of energy. She leaped off the balcony. Her wings spread out as she started to glide to her sister’s room, just on the other side of the tower.


Luna had looked so frightened when she had mentioned that she was going to miss Starswirl’s class. Queen Faust couldn’t help but think Luna a little silly for such a thought. True, they had spent most of their days with her top general, a pony not known for his patience, but that was no reason to be petrified of fear for missing one day.

Starswirl was more than reasonable and an old friend. If any pony was less intimidating, they would be a beautiful butterfly.

Queen Faust trotted to the magic hall, where Starswirl kept his lessons. The guard nodded as she approached the doorway. “Good morning, your highness.”

Faust gave a genuine smile. “Good morning, Sir Apple.” Faust entered the room where Starswirl stood in front of the row of students lined up in front of him. Unicorns of every size, shape and color turned their attention to her as she entered the room.

“Good morning, your highness,” the children greeted in unison.

Starswirl bowed his head. “Good morning, my Queen.”

Faust nodded. “Thank you, everypony. And good morning.” She started to approach Starswirl.

Starswirl raised his head until his eyes met with the slightly taller alicorn. “Today is your meeting with the griffin king, is it not?” Starswirl smiled. “I wish you the best of luck today, your highness.”

Faust nodded and smiled. The griffin king was on his way and would no doubt arrive within the hour. She had been preparing for this day for months. Planning for every event that could go wrong and taking proper measures to prevent them. This was going to be the most important day in Equestria’s short history if she was to succeed. “Thank you, but that is not the reason I am here.” She looked down and shook her head. “I’m afraid that Celestia and Luna will not be attending class today.”

The group of students started to murmur among themselves. One of them finally spoke up. “Are they okay?”

Another student. “Did something happen to them?”

“Is there anything we can do?”

Faust almost giggled as the students continued to express their concern, with worries ranging from a broken limb to monster snatching them up in the middle of the night. She rolled her eyes and smiled. “No, the girls are just a little sick.” She then turned her attention back to Starswirl. “I hope you will excuse them from class today.”

Starswirl smiled under his beard and bowed his head. “Of course, your majesty. I will pardon them.”

Faust placed her hoof on Starswirl’s shoulder. “Thank you, Starswirl.”

A voice then came from behind her. “Your highness.” Faust turned to see a purple stallion bow his head. “The griffin king will be arriving soon.”

Faust nodded her head. “Thank you, Sir Roland.” She then turned back to Starswirl and giggled. “Duty calls.”

As she turned out of the room, she heard a collection of the student’s voices wishing her children speedy recoveries. It warmed her heart to know that her children were so loved by the other students. Her children were always gentle and kind, even if they were a little rambunctious. Celestia, especially, was a tad spirited and she would always somehow drag Luna into her mischievous side.

But she knew deep down that Celestia would never act immature out of spite or rebellion. She simply wanted to have fun and she had a large quantity of energy. Like the sun, she wanted to share it with the world and that made her a lot of fun to be around.

Faust almost frowned. Celestia needed to learn to control her lust for attention. She needed to learn not to overshadow others with her light, but needed to guide them. Faust shook her head and smiled. She convinced herself that Celestia was just young and that she would one day learn.

And Luna… She was so shy. She was lucky to have Celestia to help her make friends, but she was always alone. Faust often wondered what Luna would do without her older sister’s guidance. She considered herself blessed that Celestia adored her little sister. They both needed each other, even if Celestia didn’t quite know it yet.

But for now… Kids will be kids, she thought as she followed her knights to meet with the griffin king.


Luna sat on her bed, waiting for her sister, Celestia, to enter her room from the window. She remained perfectly silent as she waited. The sun was beautiful today, but it always was that way. Everypony loved the sun. The way it shined brightly over the land and illuminated the world with this rays and seeming gave life to everything around it.

But she was different. She loved the moon. She couldn’t answer why. She felt a strange connection to it every time she looked upon it. So lonely, save for the tiny stars that surround it. Always in the shadow of the sun and without any pony to look upon her beauty.

She would spend nights gazing upon the night sky, hearing the stories the stars would tell in her mind. The night sky was like a large storybook that she could always come back to. She heard a new tale each night, based on the stars in the sky. However, she often had no pony to share her stories with, save for her toys. But that wasn’t the same as a pony to talk to.

Then the image of her older sister appeared before her. Luna nearly leaped up as her sister’s smiling face greeted. “Looks like it worked,” Celestia stated.

Luna lowered her head. “I don’t know about this, Tia.” She then looked up to her big sister as she trotted into the room. “What if we get caught?”

Celestia made her way to the smaller filly. She placed herself on the bed, gently pushing away the collection of stuff animals Luna had and wrapped her foreleg around her. “We’re not going to get caught.”

Luna shifted her gaze to the floor and bit her lip. “Tia, maybe we shouldn’t do this.” Celestia was always the brave one. She always had a plan and knew how she was going to execute it. She envied her creativity. All she could do was paint pictures with single dots and bright colors. Celestia would always say that she had talent, but she was never sure. She wished she shared her sister’s boundless confidence.

Celestia gave a smile and giggled. Her horn started to glow as she lifted a brush resting on the nightstand. The brush started to gently stroke Luna’s mane. “Why wouldn’t we do this, Luna?”

Luna felt the brush rubbing against her mane, as Celestia gently pulled her towards her. She felt a knot in her hair that Celestia was able to get out quickly. She frowned, wondering if Celestia ever got knots in her hair.

Luna was silent, her head drooping to the ground. Celestia continued as she gently tilted her sister’s head back up. “We were stuck in survival camp for six weeks. I think we deserve a day off.”

Luna’s memories started to replay in her mind. Survival camp was a miserable six weeks of intense physical activities. Their instructor was a strict, uncompromising, and merciless loudmouth who would put them and other students through rigorous training. Waking up before the dawn, surviving off the land, long hikes without the use of magic or their wings. Celestia and Luna hated it. The only reason they survived was because they had each other to lean on to. The truth was Luna wasn’t sure she would have made it without her big sister to protect her. Oft times, she wondered how Celestia was able to stand the instructor, smiling as she did.

Even after their harshest berating, that would nearly cause her to shrivel down and cry; Celestia would always wink and make a snarky remark, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Luna would start to chuckle and would always feel better.

When things got long and boring, Celestia’s mind always came up with a plan to make them more exciting, much to the dismay of their coach. She made some of their most strenuous activities fun, such as painting a large wall they were expected to climb over and a pool party in the training pool.

Everypony at the camp seemed to flock to them after learning of their defiant ways. They seemed to share the same mentality as Celestia. They just wanted to have fun. Luna couldn’t help, but feel a little more alone thinking about it.

Most of the ponies were a little older than her, closer to Celestia’s age. She was probably the youngest of the little group. They never treated her with any disrespect, but they seemed more interested in Celestia than her.

When they finally survived the six week period, they were immediately placed in Starswirl’s magic class. Ever since that day, Celestia had been determined to have a day off. Celestia had talked about it for weeks. It seemed to be all that was on her mind. Every time Luna found herself alone with Celestia, she would hear about the new fun activity they would do on their day off. She must have had more than a hundred ideas by the time she finally put her plan into motion.

Luna took in gently breaths as Celestia continued to run the brush through her mane. “But we lied to mom.”

“We’ll make it up to her.” She then set the brush back on the nightstand and placed her hooves on Luna’s shoulders. She turned her little sister to face her. “For right now, we’ve got the whole day ahead of us. We can do whatever we want.”

Luna’s head lowered to the ground. Celestia’s hoof then gently raised her head up to face her. “We are going to have so much fun. Trust me.”

Luna smiled. She followed her older sister as she made her way to the balcony. Celestia leaped off and stretched out her wings, gliding towards the ground. Luna leaped after her, following her older sister’s example.


Starswirl finished instructing his students on a teleportation spell. “Alright, class. Remember what I taught you. Focus on the location and then concentrate.”

The class nodded their heads as they turned to face the large green field. Starswirl then called out one of the students. “Buttons. You start.” He pointed to the outer field, a long green plain that seemed to stretch for miles.

A lilac unicorn closed her eyes tightly, her face intensifying, as if the concentrating with all her might. Her horn started to glow with a pink light, enveloping her in its radiance. A few moments, later she vanished with a burst of light. Only a second later, another burst of light appeared in the field and when it dissipated, Buttons reappeared. She looked around her as if she couldn’t believe what had happened. Buttons got a wide smile on her face as she leaped up and down. “I did it!” She exclaimed.

The other students cheered. They all seemed eager to want to try their luck, hoping up and down with a grin across their faces.

Starswirl stepped forward, a smile on his face. “Excellent work, Buttons!” He shouted towards her. He then turned to the other students. “Fizzy, your turn.”

Before the turquoise mare could step forward, a loud, gruff voice came from behind Starswirl. “Starswirl!”

Starswirl rolled his eyes, knowing exactly who the voice came from. He turned around to see a dark red Pegasus in a steel helmet. “We need to talk,” the Pegasus said in an almost growl-like tone.

Starswirl simply smiled. “Good morning to you too, General Hurricane.” He then turned back to the students. “Continue to take turns teleporting, students.”

After a short jaunt away from the field, Starswirl finally asked, “So, what’s this about general?” Another day with the famous General Hurricane was more than he could tolerate. But the queen trusted him and when he actually used his brain, he was a brilliant tactician and was always loyal to his country. However, he had less appalling aspects of him. A lot of less appealing aspects.

“You know darn well what this is about!” the general snapped.

Despite the general’s abruptness, Starswirl kept his composure. But that didn’t stop him from rolling his eyes. “The Princesses again?”

The general hovered over the ground, allowing his front hooves to fly to the air. “Who else?!” He turned around and started to hover back and forth as if he was pacing. “Those little twerps are skipping class again!”

Starswirl shook his head and smiled. “Not the way I hear it. The queen said that they were sick and that they couldn’t attend class.”

Hurricane rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen that kind of thing before from those two! They’ve tried multiple times to get out of class!” He then held his head high and puffed out his bottom lip. “Not that it ever fooled me,” he proudly announced.

Starswirl was all too familiar with General Hurricane’s history with the princesses. The general was a strict officer and didn’t offer room for fun or relaxation. Private Patsy, for the short time that Starswirl knew him, described him as ‘a storm with a very short fuse’. Once Starswirl got to know Hurricane better, he realized how much of an understatement that was. It wasn’t made any better by Celestia and Luna’s rambunctious nature.

In the short time he had been teaching the princesses, Starswirl learned that the girls loved to have enjoyment and they just wanted to share it with others. After learning this, he became focused on allowing the students the fun they wanted, but still giving them the lessons they needed.

But clearly the general was unable to pick up on this. General Hurricane only thought of them as disrespectful children who broke the rules for the pleasure of tormenting him. “The girls aren’t evil, general. They are just children.”

“I never said they were evil!” he shouted. “Except maybe once or twice,” he murmured under his breath. Despite the general trying to hide his whisper, Starswirl raised his eyebrow as if he had heard every word. He then shook his head and faced Starswirl again. “Not the point! What’s the point? Here’s the point! Those kids are skipping class and I aim to catch them!”

Starswirl rolled his eyes and lifted his hoof up. “General, the queen gave me her assurance that the girls are ill. According to her orders, nopony is allowed to see them unless they request it.”

“It’s a conspiracy, I tell you!”

It took every ounce of restraint Starswirl had in his body not to place his hoof on his forehead and shake his head. He simply took a deep breath and took a step forward towards the general.

Starswirl placed his hoof on the general’s shoulder. “Don’t you think you're letting your past experiences with the girls cloud your judgment?”

The general’s eyes widened for a moment as if he was shocked. They then narrowed as he sported a vicious look. “What?! My judgment clouded?! I only know that those brats will do anything to get out of a hard day’s work!”

“General, you’ve been working nonstop for the past six weeks,” Starswirl pointed out. “I suggest you take a day off and just relax.”

The general took a deep breath and started to storm off. “I tell you those kids are up to something.” He turned around to face Starswirl, pointing his hoof in his direction. “I know they are.”

Starswirl shifted his gaze trying to not look the general in the eye. Then something caught his eye. From the highest point of the tower, he saw two figures descending to the ground by their wings. A pale white alicorn with a blue alicorn not far behind. Starswirl smiled as they moved to the ground and out of sight.

Starswirl then faced the general as he turned around, storming off. “Just try not to think about the girls. Just try to relax.”

He turned back to the field where his other students awaited him.


Celestia and Luna made their way to the edge of the small town outside of Canterlot. They didn’t want to be princesses today. They just wanted to be two girls out and having fun. Celestia and Luna couldn’t help but view the world around them. There was so much to see and so much to do.

Ponies stood on the sides of the streets, selling whatever items they wished to sell. From food to jewelry. From dining wear to fashion accessories. Luna and Celestia couldn’t help, but eye the merchandise that the suppliers ‘guaranteed’ would satisfy them.

Celestia and Luna would indulge themselves to the some of their merchandise. Such as the magnificent twisted bread treat the merchant called the pretzel. The salted treat made their taste buds dance as they bit into it. Celestia loved them so much, that she purchased a second after finishing her first. Luna couldn’t help but laugh a little as Celestia acted like a filly in a candy store. After finishing her second, Celestia heavily considered taking a third, but Luna swayed her that if they would spend the whole day at the pretzel stand if she continued.

The two sisters made their way to one of the dress making stores in the area. Celestia and Luna modeled whatever hat, scarf or shoes that caught their eye. Celestia wrapped herself in a red velvet scarf, slipped on a pair of bright pink shoes, and topped her head with a red sun hat. She looked at herself in the mirror, pretending to be a high class member of society, prancing around the store and speaking in a high class tone. Luna then took her turn to model equally exquisite accessories, such as a black sun hat, a pair of large ebony glasses, with a dark velvet scarf. The two posed in the mirrors, continuing their mimicry of high society ponies.

The store was filled with the sounds of laughter and mocking eloquent voices as Celestia and Luna tried outfit after outfit. Their nature caused them to get a few estranged looks from on lookers. Luna lowered her head and blushed, but Celestia just seemed to laugh and smile as if they had told her a joke. Luna started to feel a little better as she joined her sister’s laughter.

After several dozen more outfits and laughing at each other’s attempts to out snob the other, Celestia and Luna made their way back to the streets and began to wander through the town, looking for their next fun activity. The girls happened upon a tent with a large stage in front of it.

They made their way into the crowd. Celestia looked up to the stage to see a group of performers. Upon the stage, two mares and a single stallion enacting a scene of a troubled romance. The scene spoke of a one mare forced to marriage with another stallion, rather than the one her heart desired. The scene continued the other mare begged her counterpart to speak of how she could charm the stallion she was being forced to marry where she is unable to.

Celestia couldn’t take her eyes of the set. The story was entrancing. The words that were spoken were fluid and in perfect harmony. She was only distracted when she felt movement at her side. She looked down to see Luna desperately trying to poke over the heads of the ponies above her. Luna started to paint an expression of irritation as it seemed every time she tried to see what was going on, she was blocked by another member of the audience.

Celestia smiled as she kneeled down to Luna’s side. Luna gave a glance to her sister and smiled. Without exchanging a word, Luna climbed up on Celestia’s back. Celestia slowly rose to her feet, as the two kept their eyes on the performance before them.

They were treated to a comical story of love, magic and mystical creatures. Celestia and Luna laughed as the fairy trickster cast the spell on the wrong stallion, causing him to fall in love with another mare. When the trickster transformed a pony into a chicken and the fairy queen fell in love with him, they couldn’t control themselves.

All through the performance, they were laughing, giggling, and celebrating the performance before them. As the troupe took their final bows, Celestia and Luna made their way out of the crowd, with bright smiles on their faces.


General Hurricane stopped by a local dinner for a bite to eat and a place to collect his thoughts. The princesses still corrupted his every thought. They were trouble makers and Celestia was the worst of all. She would rally up her fellow classmates and they would often do something that was both destructive and against the rules. He recalled a time where Celestia had turned a pool that was only to be used for intense water training into a ‘pool party’, as she called it. He would have stopped it, but he had received a letter only moments before about a meeting with the queen. However, it turns out that Celestia had forged that letter. Not that he had proof, but deep down he knew it was her.

And that was the least despicable thing she ever did. She carried out many of her wars with food or ‘food fights’ as she called them, and probably the worst of all, she turned his famous training course into a playground.

The thing that irked him the most about the young princess, is no matter how much he detested her, everypony else seemed to love her. They almost seemed drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Hurricane slunk in his stool and rubbed his forehead. His mind was so distracted by his memories of past six weeks that he didn’t notice the plate of cabbage and carrots before him.

He heaved a heavy sigh as Starswirl’s words repeated in his mind. Maybe he was right. Maybe the girls are sick and I’m overreacting. He straightened his posture and lifted a carrot to his face, his teeth ripping into it. After all, the queen checked on them personally. And if the queen says they are sick, than that must be the truth. Hurricane smiled as he lifted his mug to his face and drink.

As the cider slithered down his throat, something caught his eye. Just out the window, a figure passed by the small diner, smiling and laughing. It looked like a pale white alicorn with a long pink mane. In shock, he spat out the cider from his mouth violently. It must have been a mistake. His eyes playing tricks on him. His own paranoia out to get him. But when he looked again, there was no mistaking it. It was her. It was Celestia and her sister, Luna. There they were, hopping into a wagon, destined for wherever they wanted to go.

“I knew it!” he exclaimed. Had his mind been paying attention to his surroundings, he would have noticed the entire diner turning towards him. But his mind was on no such thing. He only thought about Celestia and how she had gotten away with every single evil deed she had committed. But not today. Today, she was going to be caught red-hoofed. He leaped off his stood and darted out the door. Celestia wasn’t going to beat him, not this time.


Celestia and Luna sat in the chariot taking in the scene around them. The city was small, but peaceful. The buildings bright reds, oranges, and purples made it as if the city was always a painting of a sunset, even during the day time. Celestia could only imagine what it might look like during the night.

She looked out the window as many ponies passed by, minding their own business. Celestia stretched out her hoof and waved to them hoping that they would wave back. For everypony that ignored her or gave her a raised eyebrow, she received a friendly smile and a wave. She wondered what she could do to get everypony to smile. She looked up to the sky as she noticed the sun shining brightly. The soft breeze blew against her hair as she soaked up the sun.

Then, Celestia felt a nudge at her shoulder.


Luna’s voice didn’t sound like a cheery voice that she had expected. Instead, it sounded very concerned and very worried. She turned towards her little sister. Luna was racked with anxiety as she pointed out of the back of the carriage. Celestia looked out where her sister pointed to see a red Pegasus giving chase to their chariot. Celestia felt her pulse pick up as the image of General Hurricane slowly started to get closer. Suddenly, the sun seemed a little darker, as if it mirrored their situation.

Luna leaned into Celestia’s ear. “What are we going to do?”

Celestia’s mind quickly went to work. She leaned forward and spoke to the ponies dragging the carriage. “I’ll pay you double to go faster, please.”

The ponies gave each other a look. “Okay, but it’s your money, lady.” With that, the ponies picked up their pace, but it wouldn’t be enough. Hurricane would still catch up. If anything, they only bought them a few moments. Celestia continued to think of a plan.

Luna looked up to Celestia was a terrified look on her face, her eyes begging for a way out. Celestia just turned towards her with a smile. Somehow, that was enough to get Luna to smile as well. Celestia still didn’t have a plan, but at the very least, Luna wasn’t afraid anymore. Celestia took another quick glance around her and notice a quick corner they could turn. She leaned forward towards the ponies. “Turn here!”

The ponies turned sharply around the corner, causing Celestia and Luna to jerk to the right. Celestia was still unsure what to do, but she knew she would need to come up with something fast, or their day of fun would be cut far too short.


General Hurricane was slowly gaining on the carriage, despite it picking up its pace. He cursed himself for being spotted so easily. Regardless, he knew Celestia’s game was up. He was mere feet from the carriage and it would only be a few seconds before he had them.

The carriage turned sharply around a corner. General Hurricane pushed himself to go faster, almost failing to notice a pedestrian trotting across the street.

The green pony spotted Hurricane coming straight for him at an incredible speed and as a reflex, coward into the fetal position. Hurricane was able to pull himself up in the nick of time, narrowly missing the bystander.

After a moment of calm, the bystander stood up with rage coating his face. “Watch where you’re flying, you idiot!”

Hurricane turned towards the pony. “Why don’t you watch for oncoming Pegasi?!”

The pony’s mouth dropped as if he had been insulted. “You have a whole sky to use!”

Hurricane would have retorted, but his mind quickly went back to the matter at hoof. The princesses were getting away and he needed to catch them. He ignored the bystander and flew off after the chariot. After turning the corner, he finally spotted the wagon that carried Celestia and Luna. It had slowed down quite a bit from he last saw it. No doubt, she had figured they lost him. He smiled at the golden opportunity. He darted straight for the carriage with immense speed.

He couldn’t wait to see the shocked look on their faces when he opened the carriage doors to see him taking them back to the castle. Their mother would be sorely disappointed in their antics and Celestia would no doubt receive her just desserts.

With a burst of speed, he dove straight in front of the carriage. In surprise, the ponies drawing the carriage stopped in their tracks. They glared at the Pegasus before them. “What the hay is your deal, pal?”

Hurricane ignored the ponies and rushed towards the side of the wagon. “Alright, you little twerps!” He placed his hooves on the doors and flung them open. “I’ve got you-“he was stopped by the sight of an old stallion and an elderly mare, embracing each other, their backs against the other side of the carriage.

“We don’t want any trouble,” the stallion whimpered.

“Please, we don’t have much on us,” the mare cried.

Hurricane felt a void in the pit of his stomach. His heart dropped into that void as his mind finally took in the event before him. He gave a nervous smile and made an anxious giggle. “Um… this is not what it looks like.”

The elderly couple turned to each other, their eyebrows raised. The stallion turned to him. “What is this about?”

Hurricane felt a ray of hope in his heart. His chance to catch Celestia was still within his grasp. “You see, I’m looking for two girls. They were in this carriage before you.”

The stallion turned towards his wife. The mare simply shook her head and spoke, “We didn’t see any pony in this carriage before us.”

And with those words, like the girls, that ray of hope vanished.


Celestia smiled as she and Luna continued on their way. She counted herself lucky when that old couple appeared on the side of the street. All she needed to do was pay for their wagon ride and they would keep silent about where they were or where they were going. A simple and honest trade. She almost patted herself on the back for her quick thinking.

Luna skipped across the street. “That was close.”

Celestia smiled as she gently nudged her. “I told you we wouldn’t get caught.”

Luna looked up to Celestia and lowered her head down. “Maybe we should go home. I mean, I don’t think we should push our luck.”

Celestia leaned down towards Luna’s ear. “But the day’s still early and we’re having so much fun.”

Luna turned away from Celestia and bit her lip.

“Come on, Luna. Let’s go to the beach,” Celestia suggested. “We wanted to go all summer. Let’s just go and have some fun.” Luna smiled, but tried to hide it from Celestia. Celestia wasn’t fooled though, so she continued, “We can go swimming, play volleyball, build a sandcastle.” Celestia gave a gentle nudge to her sister’s side, causing her to giggle.

Luna turned to Celestia giving a smile and with that, they were on their way to the beach.


Queen Faust made her way to the conference room where the griffin king awaited her appearance. As her guards opened the doors, she was greeted by the large griffin with a delightful smile on his face.

“Ah, Queen Faust of Equestria,” his deep voice welcomed her. “A great honor it is to be here in your presence.”

Faust smiled and bowed her head politely. The table before them was littered with food and drink to feed an army, yet only four were in the room. “Thank you, King Silvertalon.” She entered the room and sat in the chair before her. The griffin king sat in the seat only across from her. “Before we begin, may I introduce you to my retainer, Sir Roland.” She gestured behind her to the purple stallion.

Roland bowed his head. “It is an honor, King Silvertalon.”

King Silvertalon smiled. “Thank you, Sir Roland. And this,” he pointed to a large black griffin behind him, who Faust had failed to notice when she walked into the room. It shocked her to see another figure in the room. “Is Raven, my shadow.” Raven didn’t speak. He only bowed his head to Faust.

King Silvertalon gave out a laugh. “Forgive him, he rarely speaks, but he has proven his loyalty time and again.”

Faust smiled and turned her attention back towards the griffin king. “My friend, we have been holding these meetings for some time. It warms my heart to know that peace between our two kingdoms can be achieved.”

Silvertalon smiled. “As it does mine. Ponies are not the only creatures who seek friendship.” He then clapped his claws together. Like a signal, Raven picked up a plate that sat upon the table and presented it before Faust. “These are special treats made from the finest berries in the Griffin Empire.”

Faust’s horn started to glow as one of the breaded treats rose from the platter. She bit into it. As she did, the creamy fruity filling seemed to melt in her mouth. She gave a satisfied moan as she swallowed. “We do not have flavors like this is Equestria.”

Silvertalon smiled as Raven came by with tray, holding it for his master. Silvertalon grabbed one of the treats. “They are my favorite. We call them doughnuts.” Like Faust before him, he bit into it and his smiling face gave Faust a sense that he wasn’t lying about that.

After swallowing his treat, Silvertalon spoke, “Do you have any children, Queen Faust?”

Faust smiled. “I have two wonderful daughters.” Her horn started to glow as she placed two chalices on the table. She sat one before the griffin king and one at her side. “They are my whole world.”

Silvertalon nodded. “I have a son. He’s a brash lad, but he’s got a good head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest.”

Faust lifted the bottle of cider sitting on the table. She poured into each of the glasses carefully. “Perhaps, I could meet your son someday.” She smiled.

Silvertalon smiled as his claw gripped his glass. “Perhaps, I could meet your daughters today.”

Faust turned her glance away and bit her lip. “I’m sorry, but they are very sick today.”

Silvertalon’s eyes widened. His smile vaporized into a frown. “Oh, dear.” He leaned forward. “It’s not serious, is it?”

Faust shook her head. “I do not believe so. But they did not feel well this morning and I told them to rest it out.”

Silvertalon’s smile reappeared on his face like magic. He lifted his glass in the air. “To your children’s speedy recovery!”

Faust giggled a bit and raised her glass as well. “To our two countries obtaining peace!” With a ding of the glasses, they drank to the good fortune that was to come in the future days.


The calming ocean breeze soared over the sandy beach. The relaxing sounds of the waves ebbing and flowing against the shore surrounded the air, only to be overpowered by the laughter and sounds of ponies enjoying their last day of summer.

Celestia and Luna had sat themselves down at the beach and started to build their sandcastle. Luna wanted it to be the biggest and best sandcastle on the beach and Celestia wasn’t about to let her sister down. Their progress was astounding. Their castle wall spanned out as long as Celestia’s foreleg on all four sides. Their towers were almost as tall as Luna, and they were determined to make them taller if possible.

The thick walls were carefully sculpted to resemble their home, with turrets all at each corner. Inside, they carefully crafted a little village for the walls to protect with them as its two beloved princesses.

Then like a boulder against their sandy walls, a heavy volleyball crashed into the collection of towers. The towers collapsed, causing them to deform back into a glob of sand. Celestia and Luna turned to see a brown mare with a red mane trotting towards them, a cruel smile on her face. “That was a pretty good shot.”

Celestia raised her eyebrow as she turned Luna, who had a sad frown on her face. Her normal smile vanished from her face as she continued to stare at Luna, who could only look upon the destruction of their hard work. The mare then spoke again. “Pass me the ball, rookie.”

Celestia turned towards the mare and stood up. “I will. As soon as you apologize for ruining our sandcastle.”

The mare’s mouth dropped open and she started to laugh. “Aw, did I wuin the wittle castle?” she mocked in a baby speech patterns.

Celestia took a step forward, her face livid with anger. However, a tight grip around her hind leg stopped her from charging. She looked down to see Luna, holding her hind leg, as if to stop her. Luna’s eyes were racked with tears, but they weren’t from the sandcastle. It was genuine fear for Celestia. She didn’t want to see her sister get hurt. Celestia smiled and embraced Luna in her wing. Celestia then picked up the ball with her horn. She looked back at the mare. “Tell you what. How about we play?”

The mare raised her eyebrow. She gave a giggle. “You want to play, huh? You might be new here, but I’m the queen of this beach.”

Celestia simply ignored that last remark. “If we win, you apologize.”

“And if I win, you lick my hooves clean.”

Luna looked up to Celestia as if she was still uncertain. Celestia just gave her a reassuring wink. She wasn’t exactly new to volleyball. In fact, on the slim chance they ever played, she was one of the best many ponies had seen. She felt an overwhelming sense of confidence she could and would win.

The two made their way to the volleyball net. A crowd of ponies started to gather around to see the competition. Celestia couldn’t help but listen to the crowd whisper to each other. Apparently, nopony stands up to ‘Cookie’. Celestia guessed that was this mare’s name.

Cookie took the ball in hooves and turned to Celestia, who stood on the other side of the court that had been drawn in the sand. “No flying, no magic.”

Celestia nodded. She was already familiar with the rules. Besides, she was facing an earth pony. Using her wings and magic wouldn’t be fair.

Cookie tossed the ball into the air and leaped after it. She hit the ball as hard as she could towards Celestia’s side of the court. Celestia reflexes picked up and dove for the ball as fast as she could to her left, but no matter how fast she was, the ball was just out of reach. Celestia looked up to see Cookie giving her a smug look. Celestia hadn’t expected her serve to be quite so fast and powerful. She knew she would have to be quicker to catch it.

It was her turn to serve. Celestia took the ball in her hooves. With a mighty blow, she sent the ball soaring towards Cookie. Cookie dove for it, knocking it into the air. Quickly, she got up and sent it flying towards Celestia.

Celestia dove for the ball, barely hitting it. She quickly got up and kept the ball aloft before giving it a powerful buck while in the air. Cookie attempted to get it, but the ball moved far too fast. Cookie stomped the ground in irritation and glared at Celestia, who only replied with a smile and a wink.

The battle was a fierce competition, with neither side backing down. It seemed like the whole beach had attended this one volleyball game. The crowd was following Luna with their cheers to Celestia. However, in the little time she was able to rest and listen in on the crowd, she couldn’t hear anypony cheer for Cookie. She sort of felt sorry for her.

The game caused the two players to dart across the entire court almost the entire time.

Cookie hit the ball towards her, sending it like a thunderbolt across the court. Celestia’s reflexes guided her to the other side of the court with as much speed as her body could muster. She dove into the ground, sanding rubbing against her skin. Her hoof tapped against the ball, sending it into the air. She quickly made her way to her feet and sending the ball back across the court. She watched as Cookie darted across the court, performing the same maneuver.

The cycle repeated with very few mistakes being made by either party. She should have felt tired. She’s never played one on one before, but it should have been the most exhausting thing she’d ever done. And yet, she felt fine. A little tired maybe, but she could still give her best game. She began to wonder why.

Then the answer hit her like a rock. Those six long weeks at General Hurricane’s survival camp had finally done her some good. She was working as hard as she ever had been there. But because the general would make this routine constant, she was already use to it, even if she didn’t know it. She smiled a little. Looks like she owed the general some credit after all.

“Are you going to serve or what?!” Cookie shouted.

Celestia nodded and held the ball up in her hoof. She turned to Luna, who was cheering as loud as she could for her to win. Celestia tossed the ball into the air and served it with all her might. It was down to the last point. The point for the game was decided here. The ball soared towards Cookie’s side and she was able to get it with ease. It flew back to Celestia. Then back to Cookie. Celestia’s again.

The pattern repeated itself, the two ponies diving for nearly impossible shots, only to get back up to make another impossible shot. The suspense killed all the cheering around them, causing it to go dead silent as the two waged war. Cookie hit the ball back to Celestia. Celestia dove forward, catching the ball with the tip of her hoof. But instead of perfectly straight up, like she had hoped, the ball started to fly behind her. She quickly turned on her back and using her hind leg, bucked the ball just enough to buy her time. She quickly got up and leaped after the ball, giving it another buck. The ball flew fast enough to keep out of reach of Cookie’s hooves. The game was over. Celestia had won.

The silence was replaced with the cheers of the beachgoers. The crowd went wild as the proof presented itself before them. Cookie, the so-called ‘queen of the beach’, had been dethroned. Luna made her way to Celestia’s side and gave her a tight hug. “You did it!” Luna shouted.

Celestia returned her sister’s hug and giggled. She couldn’t help, but look towards the other side of the court. Cookie picked herself up. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. Celestia released Luna and they made their way to the other side of the court. Cookie lowered her head and fell on her rump, hiding her face.

“W-what do you w-want?” she wimpered.

Celestia raised her eyebrow. She couldn’t believe what her ears were hearing. It sounded like she was crying. She turned her attention to the ocean and got an idea. She smiled. “Luna and I were about to do some swimming. You want to join us?”

Cookie didn’t move for a second. She then poked a single eye out from her mane. They were red and tears were flowing down her revealed check. “W-what?”

Luna turned to Celestia with an eyebrow raised, as if to ask what Celestia was doing. Celestia just kept smiling. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

Cookie revealed her entire face and smiled, but only for a moment. She looked away, as the tears began to fall. Celestia stretched out her hoof, waiting for Cookie’s. A moment passed and Celestia still kept her hoof out. A moment still and still was Celestia persistent. Finally, Cookie took Celestia’s hoof. Celestia helped her to her feet and the three made their way to the water.


Celestia dove into the water with a giggle with Luna not far behind. Cookie, however, didn’t seem like she was sure what to do. All she did was float and keep her distance from Celestia and Luna. However, Celestia urged her to swim over to them. Cookie bit her lip and started to make her way to them. Celestia smiled.

Suddenly, she felt a wave of water hit the side of her face. She turned to see Luna giggling as she slapped another wave towards her. Celestia smiled as she swam towards Luna. She wrapped her little sister in her hooves. “You’ve got me wet.” Celestia playfully accused. Luna struggled to break her sister’s grip, but was unable to escape her bear hug. “Now it’s my turn.” Almost instinctively, Luna held her breath with Celestia doing the same. Celestia dove backwards until they were both completely submerged in the water. A moment later, Celestia and Luna reappeared to the surface.

Luna giggled alongside her sister as they shook away as much water as they could from their faces. Celestia released Luna from her grip and dove back into the water. She made her way behind Cookie. Finally, she emerged from the water and wrapped her arms around Cookie.

“What the hay?” Cookie shouted.

“Your turn,” Celestia said. “Hold your breath.”

As soon as Cookie felt Celestia drag them both under, she held her breath as quickly as she could. They were both submerged for a moment or two, but then reemerged to the surface.

Cookie wiped away the water from her face and turned to face Celestia, who only poked out her eyes and horn from the water. “Are you crazy?”

Celestia quickly pulled the rest of her face out of the water and blew a long stream of water at Cookie’s face. Instinctively, Cookie splashed at Celestia, giving out a giggle. Whether she actually meant to or it slipped was unclear. But one thing was clear, she was having fun. Celestia retaliated with a splash of her own.

Suddenly, Luna wrapped her hooves around Celestia. Celestia turned her head and laughed. Celestia told Luna to hold her breath and leaned back, engulfing them both. After coming up, Cookie and Luna started to splash at Celestia. The three continued their war, laughing the entire time.

After soaking each other, the three made their way back to the beach, where they started to build the sandcastle from before. It was coming along better than the first one. “Wow, Cookie, I didn’t know you were so good at building sandcastles,” Luna stated.

Cookie started to blush. “I grew up on this beach. I use to come here every day.” She looked away and frowned. “Look, I’m sorry for everything I did.”

Celestia smiled. “It’s alright. Everything worked out alright.” Just then, a group of ponies came to them, looking straight at Celestia.

“Hey, Celestia,” one of the stallions spoke. His face started to get red as he approached her.

Celestia turned her attention towards the group. The stallion was shoved forward by his friends, as if what they wanted to say was too embarrassing to ask. The stallion scratched the back of his neck. “We were … wondering if you would… show us those sweet volleyball moves.”

Celestia smiled as she stood up. Luna turned towards Celestia and placed her hoof on her leg. “Tia?”

Celestia turned towards her. “It’ll just be a minute, I promise.” Celestia continued further down the beach, following the stallions.

Luna lowered her head and sunk to her belly. Cookie placed her hoof on Luna’s shoulder, but Luna just got up and walked away, slinking back into the sand.

Cookie picked herself up and raced after Celestia. Celestia started to explain everything she had learned when Cookie came and grabbed her by her hoof. Celestia forcefully removed her hoof from Cookie’s. “What’s the big idea, Cookie?”

Cookie pointed back to Luna. “That!” Celestia looked back towards Luna, who was lying in the sand. Even from a distance, Celestia could tell that she was crying. Celestia felt a sharp pain in her heart. She didn’t expect to hurt Luna and she never wanted too.

A voice came from behind them. “Celestia?”

Celestia turned to see the group waiting on her to continue. Celestia tossed the ball back to them. “Sorry, everypony. But my sister comes first.”

She turned back towards Luna, but then something else caught her eye. In the distance, was a red Pegasus surveying the area. It was General Hurricane.

Her mind started to panic as her thoughts were consumed with an escape route. Luna was too far away to call to her without yelling. And if she did, Hurricane would surely hear. And if she tried to run for her, she would be spotted. If she did nothing, Luna would surely be spotted by Hurricane. And with Luna’s head in her foreleg, it would be impossible for Luna to see him coming. “I need to get Luna out of here,” Celestia whispered to Cookie. She started to look around for anything she could use to distract the general. The distraction came to her when a hoof touched her shoulder.

“Leave that to me,” Cookie replied.


General Hurricane had lost Celestia’s trail earlier, but he wasn’t about to lose her again. He was ready to do whatever it took to bring Celestia to justice. He spent his time trying to guess Celestia’s next move. He then realized that a beach was nearby. It was too good an opportunity for Celestia to pass up. Hurricane surveyed the beach carefully, knowing that the young princess had to be here somewhere. Finally, his eyes set on the young white alicorn rushing over to her sister’s side. He smiled as he knew he finally had them. Just as he was about to rush over to them, a mare stepped in front of him and blocked his path.

“Oh my gosh!” the mare shouted. “You’re General Hurricane!” She then gave a high pitch squeal. “I’m a huge fan! Tell me about the time you were frozen in that ice against those Windigos.”

General Hurricane attempted to move around the mare, but she kept blocking his path and vision everywhere he went. “Excuse me, miss, I-“

Before he could finish, the mare spoke again. “Oh, tell me about the time you led the Pegasi against the Ursa Major!”

General Hurricane gave a slight chuckle as awful memories haunted his mind. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind and again, tried to move around her. “Listen, I really don’t have time for-“

“Or what about the time you flew through a cavern of cave trolls!”

Hurricane gave a low growl as he spread his wings and took to the air. Once he was high above the earth mare, he scouted the area in search of the two sisters. After a moment, he spotted them heading down the beach. As he moved forward, a Pegasus blocked his path.

“General Hurricane, I’m your biggest fan!” she shouted.

Just then another Pegasus appeared. “No, I am!”

And another.

And another.

A swarm of Pegasi surrounded the general, telling him of how great he was and how they wanted to hear him tell tales of his life. The general only growled in frustration as he fought his way through the crowd of ponies that he found himself in.


Celestia and Luna made their way back into the city. Celestia smiled as her plan seemed to work. The ponies on the beach were able to distract Hurricane long enough for them to get away. Celestia placed her hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “Looks like we gave him the slip.”

Luna shoved her sister’s hoof away and started to trot away. “Leave me alone,” she moaned.

Celestia turned towards Luna. “Luna, what’s the matter?”

Luna turned to Celestia. Her eyes were red and tears were soaking her cheeks. “Do… you … not like me?” she whimpered.

Celestia’s jaw dropped as the words reached her ears. “Not like you? What are you talking about, Luna?”

Luna whimpered, breaking up her speech. “You-you always want to spend-” she let out another whimper. “-with other ponies.”

Celestia wrapped her hooves around Luna. “Luna, I would never not like you.”

Luna placed her head on Celestia’s chest as the tears soaked into her coat. Celestia’s eyes started to water as she held her tightly, “I will always love you.”

Celestia kissed her on the forehead as tears streamed down her face. “I’m sorry.”

Luna shifted her body away from Celestia.

Celestia gave a sly smile as she gently scratched her horn against Luna’s body. “Hey, I can change.”

Luna gave a slight smile as the horn tickled her. Celestia then stretched out her forelegs and started to tickle Luna. “I can change!”

Luna turned her sobs in to screeches of laughter as she fought against her sister’s tickling hooves. A moment later, the two embraced. Luna sunk her head into Celestia’s chest. “Do you think ponies will love me like they do you?”

Celestia moved her head to face Luna and wiped a tear from her face. “Anypony who doesn’t love you the way I do is a foal.”

Luna smiled as she rested her head back on Celestia’s chest. Celestia smiled as she got a wonderful idea. “Come on, I know what’s going to cheer you up.”


Celestia and Luna made their way to a local candy store. There were very few things that pair enjoyed more than candy. And they were going to spoil themselves with whatever they wanted.

As they entered the store, the stallion greeted them with a smile. A group of colts and fillies were rampantly asking for their orders as the stallion would rush back and for grabbing whatever they wanted. And for all his moving around and working, he always seemed to have a smile on his face. Maybe it was because he loved what he did or maybe he loved seeing children having a smile on their face.

Finally, after a few moments, Luna and Celestia stepped up to the front desk. “What can I get for you two, today?” he greeted with the same smile he had been carrying since they arrived.

Celestia placed her hoof on her chin and started, staring at the wide variety of assorted sweets. “I’ll take one of those.” She pointed to a long strand of red sweet. “I’ll take one of those” To a large chocolate oval. “I’ll take three of those.” She continued to point. “I’ll take two of those, one of those, six of those, eight of those, three of those.” She then pointed to the top shelf to a jar with small white orbs. “And I have no idea what those are, but I want six of them. Nine of those and twelve of those.”

After gathering all of Celestia’s requests, the stallion gave a smile. “Will that be all?” Celestia shook her head. “That’s just for me.” She placed her hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “What do you want, Luna?”

Luna stepped up to the desk and started to flap her wings. “I’ll just have one of those.” She pointed to the same long red sweet Celestia wanted. Luna then pointed to large chocolate oval. “And one of those. And two of those, one of those, six of those, eight of those, three of those, six of those and nine of those and twelve of those.”

The stallion shook his head, but kept his smile on his face as he gathered Luna’s order.

After paying for their order, Celestia and Luna started to pass out their candy and shared it with the fillies and colts around the store. The store owner gave them a raised eyebrow. Celestia simply gave a wink. “I had to make sure I had enough to share with my friends.” Again, the stallion shook his head and smiled away.

Celestia and Luna talked among the children they passed out their candy to and laughed among them. They stated that they never met anypony who had such boundless generosity. Celestia gave a laugh as she stuffed a chocolate orb in her mouth. It seemed to melt in her mouth as she gave a sigh. She turned to Luna as she started to give a series of licks to her lollipop. Luna was all smiles as she leaned against her older sister. Celestia embraced Luna with a hug. Celestia gazed at the other filly and colts and replied. “It’s more fun to share everything.”

Luna looked up to Celestia and smiled. “Come look at what I made.”

Celestia followed Luna to a small table where Luna had placed her candy in a strange pattern that sort of resembled a pony, but the shape had large holes in them as if she didn’t have enough to fill its entire portion. “What is it, Luna?”

Luna sat in the chair and pointed to the large white unicorn shape. “That’s you.”

Celestia smiled as she examined the image. She looked to its left to see a smaller unicorn shape. “Is that you?” Celestia asked.

Luna nodded. She then pointed to the centerpiece, separating the two. An almost rectangular shape shown by its four corners with small pieces of candy. “And this is Equuleus.”

Celestia raised her eyebrow and turned towards Luna. “What’s Equuleus?”

Luna turned to her older sister and tilted her head. “You don’t know?”

Celestia shook her head and kneeled down to her side. “But I’d like to,” she stated. She smiled as she patiently waited for Luna to tell her the story.

“Well, Equuleus was said to be the first alicorn. The first pony.” Luna explained. “He was created by a goddess who wanted to have a friend. The goddess created him so that she couldn’t be alone. And at first, they were. They were the best of friends. They did everything together. ” Luna lowered her glance. “But then one day, the goddess decided to make even more friends. So she made other creatures. The birds, the trees, the insects, the rabbits, and everything until the world was filled with other creatures great and small.”

Celestia ears continued to focus solely on Luna’s words.

“The goddess was happy because now she had hundreds of friends. She loved every single one of them. But, she forgot about the first friend she had made. The one who she had spent all her time with before. Equuleus was sad. He was alone and none of the other creatures wanted to play with him and the goddess had so many friends that he never saw her. “

Luna’s voice became softer.

“So, Equuleus ran away. He ran away for many years and wasn’t seen again. But when the goddess learned he was missing, she went in search of him. She searched high and low and across the land for him, trying to find him. She never saw him. However, she discovered three strange creatures in the middle of the forest. A unicorn, an earth pony and a Pegasus. She did not remember creating them. She made a promise to love all the creatures equally and departed the world, never again to play with any of the creatures down below.”

Celestia’s heart felt heavier after hearing the tale. She was silent for several moments, as her mind contemplated on such a story. She wrapped her foreleg around Luna’s body. “That was a wonderful story.” Luna looked up to her and smiled. “Did mother tell you that story?”

Luna looked down and shook her head. “No. I read it in the stars.”

Celestia tilted her head and raised her eyebrow. “The stars?”

Luna nodded. “Yeah, the stars tell all kinds of stories.”

Celestia placed her hoof on her chin and leaned into Luna’s ear. “Would you show me tonight?”

Luna mouth opened with glee as she nodded vigorously. “Yeah! I can show you some of my favorite stories!”

Celestia giggled. “I look forward to hearing them.”

They left the candy store after saying the good-byes and buying another lollipop for the two of them. They continued to lick their sweet treat. Celestia looked up to the sky to see the sky started grow darker. The sun started to set on the horizon. The sky painted a dark purple as the clouds began to glow orange and black. Celestia and Luna took a moment to admire the painting before them.

After taking in the scene of the coming night, Celestia gave a gentle nudge to Luna. It was time to go home. Their day off was officially over. Their mother would return from her meeting with the griffin king soon and she would lower the sun. And they needed to be in bed before she got there.


Celestia and Luna made their way to the outside of the castle. For some reason, their luck seemed to be turning south. Guards seemed to pop up when they least expected it. Sneaking in through the sky was infinitely difficult this time around. They finally manage to sneak into one of the windows closest to Luna’s room. Celestia poked her head into the hallway. She noted that Luna’s room was only a short jaunt away and there didn’t seem to be anypony else around.

She turned to her sister. “Luna, go. Get into bed.”

Luna bit her lip and gave Celestia a worried look. “What about you?”

Celestia smiled and kissed Luna on the forehead. “I’ll be fine. Now, go.”

Luna entered the window and Celestia watched as she snuck over to her bedroom door. She slipped inside her room and disappeared behind a closed door. Luna was safe, but now it was her turn. She was about to make her way to the other side of the tower from the outside, but as she turned around, a station of guards hovered nearby. If she tried to sneak by them, she would be caught. She looked back inside and noted nopony coming. She decided that she would rush to her room before she could be seen.

Celestia leaped inside and darted down the hall. So far, so good. Nopony was coming. She sprinted down the hall, keeping her room in her sights. It was closing fast and she couldn’t count herself more fortunate. As she came to the front door, her magic started to pull it open. But then, it closed suddenly. She looked up to see a red hoof slamming the door shut and connected to that hoof was Hurricane.

He gave Celestia a sly smile as he towered over her. “Hello, your highness.”

Celestia felt a hole in the pit of her stomach start to grow. The one pony she had hoped not to run into. She had been so careful to avoid him. She had planned for him, making sure she was ready. Admittedly, she got lucky a few times, but she kept one step ahead of him. Her mind went into a frenzy, desperate for a way out of this. But nothing came. Every time her brilliant mind attempted to outsmart the general, it came up empty. She was beaten.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment all day!” Hurricane snapped. He grasped Celestia’s hoof and started to drag her down the hallway. Celestia attempted to break free of the general’s grip, but he didn’t seem to let up. He had a grip of iron and no matter how she struggled, she couldn’t break free.

Hurricane dragged her to the other side of the tower, towards Luna’s room, where coincidentally, her mother appeared. “Your highness!” the general shouted.

Faust turned to the general, who was dragging Celestia by her hoof. Faust gave the general a glare. “General, what is the meaning of this?! Why is Tia out of bed?!”

The general gave a smirk. “I believe Celestia can answer that!” He gave a gentle push to Celestia, placing her in front of her mother. “Well, Celestia. Do you want to tell your mother what you’ve really been doing all day? Or do you want me to?”

Celestia lowered her head and closed her eyes. She didn’t know what to do. She was fresh out of options. The only thing she could do was admit the truth and taste defeat. After all her time against the general, she never actually thought she would be outsmarted by him.

“Well, Celestia?” her mother’s voice called to her. She looked up to see a pair of scornful eyes, impatiently waiting for Celestia’s response.

Celestia gave a deep swallow and opened her mouth to speak, but then a series of coughs was heard on the other side of the door. A little voice then came through the door. “Tia?”

The queen turned towards the doorway and opened it. It revealed Luna wrapped up in the covers of her bed, shivering. The queen darted to her daughter’s bedside. “How’s my little moonshine?” She asked in her sincere voice as she gently stroked Luna’s head.

Luna let out another cough. “Better…” she said in a weak voice, as if trying to convince them that she was okay. “I had Tia take care of me.”

The queen turned to Celestia, who was standing just outside the doorway. “Tia, do you want to explain this?”

Celestia attempted to speak, but she wasn’t sure what to say. As if Luna could sense Celestia’s uncertainty, Luna spoke, “It’s my fault, mommy.” The queen turned towards Luna and placed her hoof on her face. “I was embarrassed that I got sick.” She let out a series of coughs. “Tia found out earlier. I was afraid the other kids would laugh at me for being sick.” The queen gave her a smile and giggled. Luna continued. “So, Tia pretended to be sick too.”

The queen leaned down to kiss Luna on the forehead. “You silly, the kids at school aren’t going to laugh at you for being sick.”

The queen then turned back to Celestia. “And, Tia, I do appreciate what you did for Luna.” The general stepped forward as if he had something to say, but the queen interrupted him. “But next time, just tell me what you are doing. You don’t have to lie to me.” She stood up and placed her hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “Understand?”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “Yes, mother. I’m sorry.” The queen kissed Celestia on the cheek.

The general spoke up, “But your highness-!”

The queen turned to him. “General, if you don’t mind, my little girl needs her rest. May we take this outside?”

The general was stunned as his mouth hung open for a moment or two. Finally, it must have clicked what had happened. He turned around and made his way out the door. Celestia couldn’t help but turn to Luna, who gave her a wink and a smile. Celestia replied in kind. She made her way out the door with her head held up high.

She crept passed the general and her mother. Her mother spoke directly to the general. “Now, general, do you want to explain why you had my daughter by her hoof and dragging her?” her voice filled with irritation.

Just then another voice came from in front of Celestia. She looked up to see Starswirl, barring her path. “I believe I can explain that, your highness.” The queen turned towards Starswirl and allowed him to speak. “After hearing about the girl’s condition, he personally wanted to check up on them.” The queen raised her eyebrow. “He knew it went against your orders, but the truth is your highness, he’s rather fond of the girls.”

The general’s mouth flew open. Celestia almost laughed, thinking that if his mouth wasn’t attached to his face, it would have fallen off.

Starswirl continued. “He must have learned the truth about what Celestia was doing and couldn’t let her pass without her being recognized for her selflessness.” He then turned back to Celestia, “Isn’t that right, your highness?” He then gave her a wink. Celestia didn’t know what the wink was for, but she decided to run with it. She nodded.

The queen turned towards the general, whose mouth was still hanging open. “Well, I thank you for your continued concern, general.” She placed her hoof on his shoulder. “You have my gratitude. And here I thought you didn’t like the girls.” The general turned down the hallway, silently mumbling to himself. Celestia didn’t hear what he was saying nor did she care.

Celestia couldn’t help but smile as she trotted back to her room. She silently cheered, Best day ever! And as she opened the door to her room, she knew it was. And it was all because of the filly just across the hallway. Her best friend. Her sister. Luna.


Luna sat at the window seal, glancing at the night sky. The stars were shining brightly tonight. As if they wanted to show Luna their magnificence. She was shaking with anticipation. It was her chance.

Celestia finally appeared in her room through the door behind her. “Tia!” Luna rushed over to her sister, wrapping her hooves around her legs.

Celestia wrapped her wing around Luna. “Would you still like to show me those stars?”

Luna looked up and nodded. She darted to the window with Celestia not too far behind. She perched herself on the window seal as Celestia laid on the floor beside the window.

Luna pointed in the sky to three stars in a straight line. “See that line in the stars?” Celestia nodded. “That’s Orion’s belt! He was a great hunter.”

All through the night Luna continued to tell Celestia stories about the stars, with her constantly reminding herself. Best night ever!

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. Wow, it has been a while since I actually wrote a story. Anyway, thank you for making it this far. Let me know what you thought. Good or bad, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on this.

Also, I would like to give a huge thank you to Fedorasarecool for his help on this. Again, he was a great help in ideas and pointing out issues and proofreading. Great guy. Please help me to say thank you by giving him a follow. Anyway, that's all I've got for today. So, I'll catch you later. Take care.

Comments ( 29 )

Oh, and you found very nice cover art for this story as well. :raritywink:

Tugging at my heartstrings, well played with a nice story. :twilightsmile:

This is so freaking adorable :twilightsmile:

4438045 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

4438698 no problem. Btw, I think the story's perfect

i felt bad for the general.

4441017 Yeah, admittedly the original idea was that he would accept that he liked the girls, but that was scrapped because it didn't seem to fit the character and felt incredibly forced. (and since I wasn't smart enough to come up with any other way of doing it, this is what we got.)

Dawww, so cute. I love these types of stories! :pinkiehappy:

4450461 Thank you. I enjoyed writing it. :pinkiehappy:

I think this should be an episode :twilightsmile::heart:

4461577 Thank you. That would make my day. :pinkiehappy: My dreams would finally come true. :raritystarry:

4464627 you are welcome

Kinda like 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' with ponies. I LOVE IT! :pinkiehappy:

4583864 It played a large part of why I wrote the story. :pinkiehappy:

This is one of the most heart warming stories I have ever read. Hats off to you!!! :moustache::moustache::moustache:

4749743 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

4750309 You should make a few more. You seem to write them really well and I would enjoy more Woona and Tia!!!:yay::pinkiehappy:

4752587 Perhaps I will in the future. :pinkiehappy: I really enjoy exploring their relationship as sisters.

4753362 Same here!!! I look forward to more adorableness...ish...shemur...

This is a great story! Its got a great overall story-line, and you characterized Luna and Celestia really well.
My only complaints are:
Faust's character seemed a little off. she seemed more like Celestia than Faust, and you never really give her anything more than just being a loving mother.
This story was also a little bit long, and it had a lot of scenes that seems like it would be better if they were taken out. you give away some things before they even happen (like general hurricane could have been more surprising if he hadn't encountered starswirl before)
It also has no tags, which isn't really a problem, but i think you could at least put slice of life on there.
My final remark is that it doesn't really have much that would set it apart from other fic. its good, but if you were able to add something more it could be even better.

5206988 Thank you for your words. I appreciate you taking time to review my work. I do see where you stand on the adding something thing. Overall, it really isn't that ... engaging I guess would be the word.

Again, I want to thank you for your assistance with your review.

I don't want to inconvenience you, but since I changed my name your link to my page no longer goes to my homepage. I doubt it'd make a huge difference anymore, but I'm trying to gain a reputation as a proofreader. Could you change it when you have the time?

...GAH!!! Diabetic shock.

This fic is just, ahhhh! I need a moment

*Watches somethign manly*

Ok, I'm back!

This story is a perfectly sweet and adorable bundle of cute. I love how you protrayed Celestia in this fic, while being rambuncious and like a teenager, she saw a lot of th foundationos of what she would eventually grow into. At the same time, we could see the little Luna's soul as it begins to grow and the bond that probaly kept her from growing full on nightmare. We see smome of the lessons on display here that will carry them on later in life.

Also, I think I saw all six elements on display throughout the story. Each one stragnely presented themselves in a believable anbd workable fasion that added somethig to the story.

It also doesn't hurt that this storyt was adorable!!!

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