• Published 25th May 2014
  • 1,574 Views, 36 Comments

Night Angel in Equestria - Diokno44

Kylar Stern, the infamous Night Angel of Midcryu, dies, and finds himself in... Equestria? What?

  • ...

Chapter 1: First Steps

Kylar opened his eyes and discovered that he was lying down on grass. It felt oddly spiky. There was something grey in his face. His whole body felt… off.

He groaned, then tried to stand up. The grey thing in front of him twitched as well, and Kylar felt his arm shift. He lifted his head slightly, eyesight still somewhat blurred. He saw a longish grey body stretched out behind him, a scabbard strapped to its back with Iures in it. The body had four legs, each the same color, ending in a darker grey hoof. His vision cleared more, and he noticed that the body had fur coating it -- it was this that was grey, not the skin itself. There was a jacket lying next to him.

He put his head down and groaned again. Concentrating, he pulled his legs under himself, then tried to stand up -- and failed. ”Urgh, I haven’t felt this bad since Logan’s thirtieth birthday, and Lord Tofusin had his best Sethi wine served to the guests.” He moaned, holding his head, shaking it. He noticed that he was… a horse?

“Pony” is what they’re called here.

“So, this is the form the Wolf chose for me? Why does fate need to dick with my life?” he grumbled, before moving to take sip of the crystal clear water, sighing as the cool liquid swirled in his mouth, “By the Night Angels, thats good.” He sighed, “At least it isn’t the gutter piss I drank as a Black Dragon.” He chuckled darkly.

Check your back, Kylar. I think you’ll end up liking it.

Kylar’s eyesight was finally completely cleared, and he noticed that he had… wings?

“Right, this could actually be a blessing,” he said, grinning. He groped for a tree trunk next to him, and slowly pulled himself up, groaning. “Hmm, moss, that means...” He tilted his head to the side of the tree. “North,” he muttered, then laughed to himself. “Yeah, right. Whatever.” Picking himself up, he began trotting forward uneasily, getting used to the feeling of going on all fours. “Now, to find civilization.” He muttered, as he closed his eyes. He would let his other sense aid him. “A blind man sees more than a man with both his eyes open,” he muttered, remembering a phrase he’d read in a book decades ago. He used his magic to pull his jacket on, and was relieved that it worked without too much trouble.

Soon enough, he stumbled -- quite literally -- onto a small cottage. He had gotten fairly used to walking on all fours by this point. “Hmm, a hermit’s hovel? An exile’s home?” He wondered, noticing it had a thatch roof, and was made of oak wood. Swiftly, he moved to the front door, and wrapped a forehoof, which bore modified versions of boots and gauntlets, and rapped on the maple wood door, saying, “Hello, is there anyone--”

They say “anypony” here, you fool.

“Anypony home?” He asked, grumbling internally as he rapped on the door once more. “Hello?” He called out. He took a step back as the door slid open, and a violet eye poked through, “Oh, hello, ma’am,” He saw another ho-- pony face, and guessed it was a woman -- mare -- due to the delicate features of her face. “You see, I’m kind of... lost. Might I ask if there is a town nearby?”

The yellow gi-- mare squeaked, before opening the door fully. “Oh, yes, Ponyville. Its right down the path.” She pointed to a well-worn dirt path leading from her home. “Whats your name, sir?” She asked, “I’m… Fluttershy.”

“Excuse me? I didn’t quite hear that,” Kylar said, swiveling his ears towards her since he could barely make out what she had said. “Futashy?”

Kylar Stern might be considered a strange name here. Hmm, I need a fitting name. Night Angel? Shadow Blade? Ooh! I know! Shadow Sword!

That is a ridiculous name, Azo. Shit Eater would be classier, seeing as they don’t know what “shit” means. Just go by “Kylar” and say you’re not from around these parts. Your accent’ll do you good as well.

“Kylar, my name is Kylar.” Kylar said, “I’m from...” He had no knowledge of the cultures or countries in this world. Better play the “amnesia” card. “I can’t remember, actually.”

“Hmm, your accent seems like its from Trottingham.” Fluttershy replied, tapping her chin with a hoof. “Maybe that’s where you’re from,” she suggested.

“Yes, Trottingham, thats it. I’m from Trottingham.” Kylar replied quickly. Smooth, Kylar, smooth. “Thank you for the directions, Fu-- Fluttershy.” He nodded, swiftly turning around, and trotting down the path, his jacket rustling in the gentle breeze. Trottingham, a bizarre name, though this is a bizarre place, he thought as he was wandering down the path. As he rounded a large boulder, he saw a medium sized town nestled in a large swath of land. On a nearby mountain, some kind of structure lay anchored to the side. “How does one build something on the side of a mountain?” He thought aloud, pulling his weathered hood over his head to shelter him from the sun.


Kylar started at the voice of the ka’kari. He hadn’t realized that the inhabitants of this world had magic -- or, at least, not enough. He hadn’t sensed any latent Talent in Fluttershy.

Not the kind of magic you’re used to. It’s… different here.

Kylar shrugged, accepting the ka’kari’s statement. He continued down the path and, soon enough, came upon the town of Ponyville. It appeared filled with more ponies, a square with stalls containing more ponies than any other area. There was a river running through it, and Kylar decided that he would get there faster if he tried to fly.

He spread his wings, which seemed far too small to support him. He gave an experimental flap and, to his surprise, he took off! He grinned and tried flapping slightly differently so he would go forward -- and flew. He flapped again and sped up slightly. Before reaching the town, he tried flaring his wings to stop and successfully landed.

Not to burst your bubble, but that’s pretty much instinctual for you now. You’ll be able to do what the average adult pegasus can.

Kylar grumbled something about how that really did burst his bubble, thanks, but the ka’kari ignored it. He noticed that he felt… different, but he couldn’t place how. His wings weren’t tired, but it almost felt like his mana supply -- his glore vyrden -- was running low. He checked on it and found it was full, as was to be expected when he was standing in full sunlight.

Shrugging -- and then wondering how he had done that while standing on all fours -- he took off again and this time used his Talent to boost his wingpower. He grinned and felt his cheeks flapping in the wind and the air pressure began to build up. He made a spear of power in front of him to cut the air and dropped friction to zero, easily breaking the sound barrier. He felt a surge of magic but tamped it down before it could activate anything.

Suddenly, he was passed by a rainbow contrail. It spiraled around him before shooting off into the distance. Curious as to what it was, Kylar boosted his Talent and took off after it. He closed his mouth and pushed his Talent farther ahead. He swiftly caught up with the source of the contrail to find it was… another pony?

She looked to her right and saw Kylar next to her and nearly lost control from surprise. She shouted something but it couldn’t be heard over the wind flowing between them. He gestured that they land and, when she nodded, he just folded his wings and let himself drop. He let go of his Talent and slowed down greatly from the force of air pressure alone. When he was perhaps forty meters off of the ground, he snapped his wings forward and managed to execute a perfect landing.

Kylar wasn’t quite sure how he had done that, but he was proud of himself nonetheless. Rainbow landed beside him a moment later, and the first question out of her mouth was, “How did you fly that fast?!”

Kylar shrugged. “I don’t know. I just put up a cone of force to lower air resistance and flapped my wings.”

Now that she was standing still, Kylar could see she had surprisingly pretty magenta eyes. Her eyebrows were raised almost comically high. “What do you mean,” she asked, “a cone of power?”

He sighed. “I push my Talent in front of my to push apart the air. I make a cone-shaped field of power and it lets me travel faster that I otherwise would be able to.” He had kept eye contact with the other pegasus as he spoke, and sat on his haunches at the end. “Does that explain it?”

She furrowed her brow. “So you like, used magic?”

He sighed again. “Yes. Please tell me that exists here, because I don’t want to be a freak.”

The mare looked at Kylar oddly. “Well, no duh magic exists! How d’ya think you can fly?” She frowned. “But only unicorns can actually… use it directly.” She looked at him piercingly. “So why can you, huh?”

Kylar was confused. “Why shouldn’t I be able to? It’s just Talent. Nothing special.”

The mare blinked, confused. “It’s your special talent to be able to use magic? I didn’t even know that was possible!” She looked at his flank, only to find bare fur. “Wait, you don’t have a cutie mark, though!”

Kylar laughed. “No! What’s that?”

She looked at him accusingly. She showed him her flank, where a cloud with a multicolored, cartoonish lightning bolt was printed onto her fur.

“What, so like a tattoo?”

She hit herself in the face with her hoof, and Kylar heard the ka’kari giggling. It was so incredibly unlike the artifact to do anything so… childish.

You dimwit, I’m older than you can comprehend. Immortality tends to drive one mad after the first few centuries. I got lucky and found a way around it, but I’m not completely sane.

Kylar groaned, scowling. “So, mind explaining it to me? I’m from another world entirely where I’m not even this species. I didn’t know that… ponies existed until today, so I will need to learn about you folks.”

The mare’s eyes shot open and her pupils -- and irises, somehow -- shrank to the size of pinpricks. “Wait, so you mean… I’m like, an ambassador to the first known alien species on our planet? Awesome!” Her eyes returned to normal as she started hovering, grabbed a hoof of his and vigorously shook it, nearly dislocating his shoulder. She dropped it a moment later and said, “I’m Rainbow Dash! Future Wonderbolt and current record-holder for the fastest 4 klick flight in Equestria -- just under ten seconds.” She considered for a moment, before sitting on the ground again and, suddenly calm, saying, “And I’m gonna be your tour guide.”

She grinned hugely and manically, and for the first time in many years, Kylar felt fear.

Author's Note:

Dangit, Diokno! Where'd you go? Pbtbbtht.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. If you find any errors write them down below. I'll try to answer all comments where it makes sense, and if I can do so without spoilers, so if you have questions, ask away!

This import feature also has the annoying feature of importing comments at the bottom. It's infuriating me.