
Comments ( 426 )

how many chapters with this one?

the best of lies have grains of truth. she had a seizure it just was not fatal to her......... yet what had actually occured? could it be the dream rainbow had did not really have much connection? or did the nightmare just NOT have a fatal effect on her? most of all, why did they lie and where is rarity now?

the plot doth thicken like AJ's after a fifth round of apple fritters.

I'm glad that Rarity's still alive. This way, we can finally get some answers.

Was Rarity crazy or did she try to turn them into sex-slaves with full intent?
Did she do something to convince the rest to participate?
Did she have plans to further enslave other ponies?
Did/does she still love Fluttershy? (RariJackShy ahoy :pinkiehappy:)


:raritydespair: - The farm pony likes to play in the mud too much.

:ajbemused: - Come on over here and let's get those droopy drawers off of you sweet cheeks.

:flutterrage: - Both of you are going to love me!

:applejackconfused: - Woah nellie! We need more rope!

4506145 can a get an actual number.

4506224 could have said that in the beginning.

4506237 And spare the comments from my sarcasm? I think not.

Here's what you can do though. Count the chapters as I post them, then when that status there changes to "Complete" then add them up. Easy peezy.

There were two doors that lead out of this room; one in the front left corner, and one on the right wall.

Possible tense confusion here. Perhaps you meant "led?"

Hooray! Rarity is still alive! Rainbow and Twilight are not murderers! Oh, and Rarity is still alive!:raritywink: Now she will be able to get her revenge.:raritystarry: Or maybe her redemption. Her endings did not end well in the last few Mistress Do Wells in which she was actually featured. My vote is for the revenge route. Enslave ALL of the rest of the mane six!:twilightoops::applejackconfused::pinkiesad2::rainbowderp::fluttercry:

Either way you get a favorite and a like. In that order, because that is how I roll.


Maybe Rarity has been subjected to Babylon´s Death of Personality. She is dead, in a sense.

Rarity is in that bed right? Yet how.. dis goon be gud!

Hmm, interesting.

Hmm... Interesting to see what comes of this. I cant immagaine the what the news will do to fluttershy. Gotta be some issues there.

Celestias got some expalining to do. (I wonder if it's cause she wants to have insurance to use the elments if nessesary?)

Also, No clop sceens in quite a few chapters now?

4506983 that is supposed to be a flasback i think.

i got a fool proof plan to getting information from the regal sisters.
hard cider. lots and LOTS of hard cider.

Something keeps coming to my mind for what happened to Rarity; Do on to others as they'ed do to you. I can't wait to read more.

Given Rarity's actions, I'm curious to see if Rarity was A) Sane enough to make valid choices B) under an outside influence herself or C) A Changeling.

Having the Elements of Harmony just go pop is just so very serendipitous for the enemies of Equestria.

I think it was a power trip.

She got off on controlling fluttershy and it went to her head

4512048 agreed if she wasn't stopped when she did with the first story then she could have turned sombra like in the power trip, because turning someone into a sex slave is just one step away from turning someone into a full slave. Consensual submission in NORMAL BDSM relationships excluded from compairison, though outside of the US someone can actually turn themselves into a slave by every legal standard still

Okay.... okay. Lucky enough. You made me unable to sleep. (I'm on security duty right now, guarding a building, until september, than back to the University)

I can't wait, what will come out of this situation, Twidash ships, Appleshy ships, and moar beating up Rarity. (Hopefully)
THe Dark, and clop aspects of the story are really great, so please keep it up, don't stop.
And still congrats to your work, what you already did, and what you going to do.

"You said Darth Vader killed my father."

"In a certain way of speaking, he did."

Not a lie, yet not entirely the truth either. Very clever, Luna.

the truth. Tell them Rarity is dead."

I knew it!

...... kinad obvious that she would hurt rarity luna...... like very obvious. cause she was kinda sexually, physically, and mentally tortured and had part of her ear cut off too......... jeeze.

it does not seem everything is actually gone though, just..... hidden, buried. she still has representations of the ponies she hurt in her mind, and it is best to find where she has hidden their faces too. even if she has no intention of giving rarity's memories back, if they come back on her own it will be a problem.

So wait, Luna's plan was to bring Rainbow to Rarity...and have her not immediately start carving her up?

Well, that explains it.

Realistically speaking, if her memories are truly gone forever, they should not pursue her at all. As all this will do is ruin whatever new life a now innocent person has, and not allow any of them to truly move on. I can't see how they're going to justify trying to find her other than if they want to straight-out murder her.

They'd have to go to the ponies who know what happened to her, Celestia and/or Luna, and that would burden them with the knowledge that if they do anything to Rarity, they're doing it to someone completely innocent. All of them would deserve to go to jail, including Rainbow if she participates.

And I find it hard to believe Celestia has never encountered a situation where someone is innocent of something their body and former mind did.

4525771 Well, depending on the situation with Luna, I'm surprised Celestia seems so confused.

4525631 She was not expecting to have it effect her like it did.

4526061 Then she was not really think very hard about how someone would react to coming face to face with the one who completely ruined her life in the exact situation they used to ruin it only with the tables turned. What the hell did she think was going to happen?:ajbemused:

Total identity loss, interesting. Makes sense then why Celestia and Luna told the others she died. Still, all this time Dash has lived with the belief that she actually killed Rarity. Can't be easy to live with something like that, regardless of how much she may have desired it at the time. Maybe we can get a look at how Luna and Celestia feel/felt about letting Rainbow believe she basically murdered someone who was once her treasured friend.

4526796 What I mean is, she had a good idea of what Rainbow was going to do, she just didn't think it would give her a memory-erasing seizure.

4526805 Indeed. Wait and see.

4526808 Ah, ok that makes more sense, but the way she relays her surprise to Celestia makes it sound like Luna did not expect Rainbow's reaction.

Rainbow Dash's presence was enough to jolt her mind awake, but I didn't anticipate her actions in the dreamscape

She didn't expect Rainbow to act the way she did, or at least that's what the line makes it sound like.

Oh I will, eagerly I can assure you. Very interested to see what Luna wanted to accomplish.

Things are certainly beginning to look interesting. Normally amnesia is a cliche use of the reset button. But I could see it working out as described in this case. Amnesia follows serious brain injury, and with the horn likely being connected to the brain to some degree, the damage inflicted in the dream world through Luna's meddling could translate back to the real world body.

"I'm gonna go after her guys, she shouldn't be alone right now. Just... Just try and figure this out, alright?"

They are all females living in a gynarchy, "guys" seems like the wrong word here.

When I got to the AppleShy (FlutterJack?) scene, this song started playing on Alicorn Radio:

I could not help but laugh. Have a Fluttershy ahegao for cute little sex scene.:fluttershbad:

Silly Luna, Rarity is not innocent. The pony Rarity is now is not innocent. Ignorance of your crimes is no excuse. The proper thing to do is to tell the amnesiac exactly what they did and carry out the proper punishment.

Well, Rarity, that is your name, by the way. You raped, tortured, mutilated, and basically ruined the life of one of your closest friends. You bullied and threatened the rest of your friends into helping you. After one of your friends got up the courage to help the friend you were raping, she beat you into this coma. After what happened came to light, you and your friends actions brought shame onto your families. Your little sister, who looked up to you as a role model, was inconsolable and devastated. After bringing shame to their families, your remaining friends became social pariahs. Even though they have yet to be punished by the law, because the friend you physically and mentally mutilated ran away and cannot be found, they suffered immense emotional trauma and guilt for what they have done. While you, on the other hoof were in a coma, and now have no recollection of the horrible atrocities you have committed. No. Do not turn your head or cover your ears. You need to hear this. As the mastermind behind the torture you must be punished.

However, it does not look like she will be. Luna and Celestia have no idea how to deal with something this awkward. Rainbow refuses to prosecute and the Statute of Limitations ran out.

I cannot wait to see how this turns out.


Well. . . I was not expecting that. This is definitely a surprising development. But I wholeheartedly agree with Luna, the mare who was called Rarity is, for all intents and purposes, dead. Now I'm even more concerned with what will happen. And with what's happened in this story so far, I can bet you that it isn't gonna be good.

regadless the state of Rarity's mind. they are not going to be able to see her without a FLOOD of emotions coming back...

I doubt fluttershy and Rainbow could anyway.

And every time Twilight looked at her she would see the mare she wanted to and almost did kill

Rarity ruined their lives in every single way. It would be impossable to accept a new personalitly that had the same exact body. (IMO)

Quick question. Not sure if it was ever covered but why didnt twilight turn them all in after the events with riarty.

I know you said they did not have the evendencce (the tape) But you figure that Twilight's story would be more then enough (If she felt guilty enough to try and drink herself to death I doubt she would have any quarms about turing them all in)

Just thought I would ask.

Good read, cant wait to see what happens.

4529637 Celestia chose not to press charges because Rainbow took the tape with her, and did not turn it in, as a last gesture of friendship.


Ok, thanks for clearing that up.

Mind Fuck! here's the issue thought with Luna's statement, the possibility she could always come back.

4530700 Exactly! The images of ponies in Rarity's mind and the fact that said images are either afraid of or angry at her is an indicator that she remembers something. That means there might be a chance that those memories could come back. What the consequences would be is only something we can guess at right now.

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