• Published 27th May 2014
  • 15,149 Views, 522 Comments

Celestiphobia - Dr Atlas

With the Queen incapacitated, she turns to one of her few subjects who is still in good health to deliver a treaty to the princess, only problem is that the changeling has a phobia for that hatchling eater.

  • ...

Take this...


Every changeling in the room jumped as Stan yelled at his crippled queen. After realizing that, Stan recoiled and said, “I-I’m sorry queen, it's just that...It's just that I don't want to.”

“Stan…” His queen said. “You’re one of the few changelings who can still walk on all fours, you are perfectly capable to handle such a mission.”

“No, I’m not.” Stan looked around his fellow brothers and sisters, most of them we either sleeping, awake, or still in a coma, and almost all of them had a bandage on them, or a limb missing since it was no longer useful to them. Every single one of them were looking at him with eyes filled with desperation.

One of them craned his neck toward him and said, “Yes you are, ya got four legs, you can use them.”

Another one shouted, “And you have wings too, some of us only have one, even more have none.”

“And your eyes have depth perception,” Yet another said. “unlike mine which only has one eye working.” Another yelled.

Stan was darting his eyes around as his siblings continued to rabble. All of his brothers and sisters have been brought here to witness what plan the queen had after the Canterlot disaster, but after she told them about it, most of them thought she hit the side of the cave too hard, and her brain had come up with it while she was still dazed.

Her plan was a desperate one and it was too risky, but after some discussion they knew there was no other option. The only way their species could survive is by getting help. They needed to make a treaty.

They had taken a massive beating after that attack; only a small hoof full of changelings were able to walk after the massive surge of energy came crashing toward them, the only reason Stan was still standing was because a hole in his hoof decided to catch a branch before he could land on a pile of rocks. Unfortunately for him, a couple of his siblings weren’t so lucky at catching branches as they fell toward him, several of them landing on the rocks. Stan could swear he could still hear the bones snapping and cries of pain.

The queen raised a hoof, motioning for her children to stop yelling, grunting in pain as she did. One of her helpers, who was in the same conditions that Stan was, helped lower her arm to a more comfortable position. After a thankful nod to her helper she looked back at Stan. “Listen to me my child, right now, every single one of us is dying.”

“B-but you’re all gonna get better...Right?” Stan gave a weak smile and looked around, none of his siblings smiled back.

“I wish I could agree with you,” His queen continued. “but as you can see, many of us can't even move, even I can’t raise a limb without help.” She looked toward her helpers, one of them smiled while the other two looked at her in pity.

“But why me.” Stan pointed at one of her three helpers. “Why can’t she do it?”

The helper crossed her arms and looked her queen, making Chrysalis sigh. “She can't do it because she actually knows how to take care of a broken bone.”

Stan opened his mouth to object, but he closed it after realizing it wouldn't help. He didn’t know anything about being a healer, the only skill he had was sneaking around, he was glad to know his small size gave him that talent, now if only he had more muscle.

“And Stan,” One of the other helpers said. “besides us, the other three non-incapacitated changelings are too busy helping with the hatchlings; you are the only one who doesn’t have a job in this hive right now.”

Stan raised his hoof in the air. “I do have a job! I take care of...no...I uh, I do the...no...I guard the…” He lowered his arm in defeat.

“You have no job child,” His queen said blankly. “but this is something you can do, and it might just be the most important job anyling has ever done.”

Stan groaned. “All I’m doing is delivering mail.”

His queen turned toward one of her helpers. “Bring me something to write with.” She said. The changeling bowed and flew off; Chrysalis turned toward Stan again. “This is no mail my son, this is an important message, one that must be treated with the utmost care, remember that when you are leaving.”

Stan rapidly shook his head. “I told you, I’m not going.” He started thinking of a way out of this. “W-what if I got caught by the guards, they could lock me away forever.”

One of Chrysalis’ helpers came back with with a jar of ink and a book stolen from the Canterlot library. “This was all I could find my queen.” He said in sorrow.

The queen smiled. “That will do, my caretaker.” Using all her strength, she lit up her horn and levitated the jar and book to her, she took out a piece of her hair and used it as a quill as she wrote on the back of a page in the book. “Listen to me my son, as I said before, you are to take this to the princess up in Canterlot as soon as possible.”

Stan's heart skipped a beat once she said princess. He started thinking that giving it to the guards wasn’t a bad idea. “C-can't I just give it to the guards and have them deliver it to-”

The queen paused for a bit to relieve herself from the pain of using her magic. “No, I don’t trust them, if you give this to them they might just rip it to shreds, plus you said they could keep you prisoner, so you must give it to her in changeling.”

“But what if she kills me on the spot!?” Stan blurted out. He glanced around to see a few of his siblings give in awkward stares, even the queen raised an eyebrow.

“What makes you think that?” She questioned. “I know she might hate us for what we’ve...I’ve done...but I’m sure she will show some mercy if you tell her why you came.” She looked down and mumbled. “At least, I hope she will.”

“b-but..but..but…” Stan was starting to stutter, every part of him didn’t want to go, it wasn’t because of the long journey or sneaking through Canterlot, but it was because of the destination. "The princess...She'll-"

The queen put down the strand of hair and magically rolled the written paper “Stan, Please..Don’t make a queen beg for one of her subjects to help.” Stan stared deep into the eyes of his queen, he could see nothing but sorrow in them, he could almost see a tear too.

“Queen...Its just that...that princess…” He looked away shivered once he said that word.

“I’m sure she’ll understand. She has subjects as well,” Chrysalis looked around the room at her many changelings. “though they may be in a better state than us.”

Stan continued to shake, the more he thought about it the more he wanted to not go through with it. He heard all about that princess. His fellow brothers and sisters told stories about the white tyrant, and what she did to changelings who-


He shook his head and looked back at Chrysalis. “Y-yes?”

The queen levitated the rolled up page to him. “Take this and go.” She said in the most serious tone of voice. Stan took hold of the page and gulped, knowing now there was no way back. “please go, go and...and...and...” Her voice started trailing off and her eyes started to close.

The whole crowd of changelings started shouting, “Queen? What's wrong? Are you alright?” in a mixture of voices, and before any could move, Chrysalis’ head collapsed on her resting bed.

Gasps were heard and voices started raising. Stan started backing up with the paper in one of the holes in his hoof. “Calm down everyling!” One of her caretakers yelled. “She just passed out from the pain, no need to panic. You!” Stan flinched as the caretaker pointed at him, every blue eye in the room was looking at him. “Go take that letter to her, and hurry!”


"Do it for the swarm!"

Stan’s mind went into autopilot as he flew away from the scene, he kept flying past many of his siblings who were still bedridden. As soon as he was outside, he collapses on a nearby tree from the amount of stress and the small workout on his wings.

He looked up at the night sky and sighed. “Of all the changelings,” He said. “in all the world, she picks the one who has a fear of that.....hatchling eater…” He shivered once he said that, then he closed his eyes and drifted off into his deep slumber, not wanting to face the journey he would soon make.