• Published 29th May 2014
  • 1,633 Views, 31 Comments

The Ghost Inside Silver Spoon - goddamnAnimal

A story about Diamond Tiara and her best friend who happens to be more than what she seems.

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Input. More Input!

A horseless carriage came down the road towards a little red schoolhouse. Its wheels spinning as fast as they could, carrying the automobile a little faster than a brisk walk. The cabin shook with the hum of the engine, Diamond Tiara stuffing the last pill into her mouth before the wretched thing could fall out of her hooves once again. She gulped the pill down and took a long swig of her juice box. After emptying the box’s contents, Diamond sighed and rubbed her temple, careful not to mess up her immaculate hairstyle that took FOR-ever to make up. She turned her dull, half-lidded eyes to the being otherwise known as Silver Spoon.

“Silvy, what happened? Why didn’t you get me up this morning?”

Silver Spoon momentarily stopped double-checking their bags for missing supplies and turned towards Tiara. Their eyes met for a second before Silver looked away and began to stiffly rub the back of her head, making a sheepish face.

“I am sorry, Di. The automobile broke down in town early this morning and I had to help Randolph retrieve it. I would have been back sooner but Randolph had misplaced the tools.”

Diamond’s head swayed forward, almost causing her to fall out of her seat. She pulled back to glare at the cabin just as the vehicle hit a smallish rock, causing the whole thing to jerk.

“Why did Daddy buy this stupid thing? It’s slow, it smells and I hate it!” Diamond crossed her forelegs together and made the poutiest pouty face she could make.

“This invention is still very new, I’m sure the creators will improve on the design in the future.” Silver Spoon gave a reassuring smile.

“It doesn’t change the fact that it’s stupid NOW! Ugh!” Diamond slumped in her seat and began to rub her head. She took a minute to calm down and before long she felt the contraption shake to a hault.

“Here is your stop, Miss Tiara. I hope you both have a wonderful day at school,” said Randolph from the drivers’ seat. He pulled on one of the levers besides his steering wheel and the back doors immediately opened. Diamond grabbed her bag and silently got out of the vehicle.

“Thank you,” replied Silver Spoon before she got out herself.

The machine started up again and they watched it slowly make its way back to the mansion.

The two began to walk to the entrance. “Alright Silvy, here’s the plan for today. We need to find a couple of losers to hang around with to make Daddy think I’ve been making friends, so we don’t get sent to some weird boring camp.”

Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow. “Do you have any ‘losers’ in mind?”

Diamond’s brow knitted together “I’m not sure yet, I really do not want to be around any of them. Maybe Snips and Snails? They’re pretty dumb, we might be able to get them to do our bidding.”

“Perhaps you could use the group project we are doing today to find ‘losers’,” Silver mentioned.

“What project?” Diamond gave Silver a surprised look, so surprised that she did not notice she was about to run into a wall. A grey hoof stopped her before it was too late.


“Project time!” Cheerilee sing-songed. A large variety of groans sounded out through the classroom, with only a couple of ‘hoorays!’.

Cheerilee’s eyes narrowed a little before she went back to smiling. “Anyway, as I was telling you all last week, we will be ending the biology section with a large multi-group project. In this project, each group will report on a species of local plant or animal and its place in the environment. The project consists of a group presentation and an essay that each of you will write. While you will work on the essay alone, the presentation requires all members of the group to actively participate, so remember to get along with your partners! Each part makes up half of your grade, while—”

Diamond Tiara was having a hard time paying attention, and an even harder time trying not to laugh. Right behind her was a sight so hilarious, that if she made full eye contact there would be no hope. She would laugh so hard that she might not just get detention for disturbing the class, she might get double detention.

Right behind her was the Crusaders glaring at the back of her head. And they were bald. Really, really bald. Apparently, they all needed to get their heads shaved to get the gum out.

They almost had her when she walked in and noticed their shiny maneless heads. She had to use every bit of her willpower not to burst out in laughter right then and there. Even now, with her face scrunched up like she was suffering a fit of constipation, she was having difficulty.

“—now after we finish the projects, I have a bit of a surprise for you all! I managed to convince the school board to allow a field trip to… The Great Crystal Forest!”

Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow at this.

“Of course, each of you will not only have to bring me back a permission slip, but finish the project in order to go. Now, are there any questions?”

Twist raised her hoof.

“Yes Twist?”

“Whath the Crythtal Foretht?”

Cheerilee smiled at Twist’s question. “I’m glad you asked, Twist. The Crystal Forest is said to be one of the strangest ecosystems in Equestria. A forest entirely made of magic crystals that grow and reproduce as if they were actual trees due strange magic that linger in the area. There’s even thought to be crystals that imitate animals. Isn’t that amazing?” Cheerilee hopped a little, getting a bit more excited than she should.

The class looked at her a little strangely due to her peculiar behavior.
She became sheepish, feeling a little self conscious under their gaze. “Well, if there aren’t any more questions I will begin listing off the groups,” she said, pulling up a clipboard from her desk. “Ahem, first group: Snips, Snails, Twist and Truffle…”

Tiara thought this was all so exciting! The place they were going to for once didn’t sound incredibly boring. She tried not to look too excited though, she did have appearances to keep up, after all.

“Noi, Sun Glimmer, Liza, and Featherweight for group two….”

Diamond froze, The groups are being picked by the teacher? If that’s the case, there’s a large possibility that Cheerilee will stick her with the Crusaders in order to teach her some sort of lesson in ‘getting along’. If this happens, she could probably kiss not only her plans but also her good grades goodbye. She visibly cringed when Cheerilee began to call out the next group.

“Group 3: Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo Applebloom and Dinky.”

Diamond Tiara let out a sigh of relief, glad to not have to deal with those three at the moment. She began to think of who was left, besides the Crusaders and few others she wasn’t too familiar with most of the class. Out of who was left, there was Silvy, herself and-

“Group 4: Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Archer and Ruby Pinch.” Cheerilee placed her clipboard back on her desk. “Alright, with that done, I would like you all to get in your groups and begin working. Remember, the project is due by next week!”

With that, everyone got out of their seats to join their respective groups. Diamond looked on as two fillies walked up to her. A rather sour-faced blue earth pony filly with a darker blue mane and the cutie mark of a bow and arrow had walked up to her. Next to her was a pink, unicorn blank flank with a pink two tone mane and the dopiest of smiles on her face. Diamond looked around to see where Silver had gone off to, only to see her friend walking towards the teacher.

“Excuse me, Miss Cheerilee?”
Cheerilee jumped a little when she heard Silver Spoon’s voice. “Y-Yes Silver Spoon?” She said turning towards her.

“Since we never got detention, I was wondering if you were planning on punishing us in some way?”

Cheerilee stared at her, blinked twice and sighed. “Mr. Rich has convinced me not to punish you this time, but if I hear about any more incidents there will be dire consequences.” She punctuated her statement with a menacing look, at least until the bell for recess rang. “Okay class, have a wonderful recess!” She smiled widely and watched as the class filed out of the room.

After the last one left, she turned her attention back to Silver Spoon with a much softer expression. “Silver Spoon, try to keep yourself and Diamond out of trouble. I’d hate to do anything drastic but if you two keep this up I will be forced to do so. Please try your best not to let it come to that. You’re a smart girl, Silver Spoon, and I’m counting on you.”

Silver Spoon shut her eyes, tilted her head and smiled. “I will do my best, Miss Cheerilee.” Then she turned around and walked out the door.

As soon as Silver’s tail disappeared, Cheerilee let out a small shiver. There was something about Silver Spoon that completely unnerved her. Cheerilee couldn’t really put her hoof on it, but there was just something about her. How she talks, moves and reacts just feels so… unnatural.

“Oh, Miss Cheerilee?” A voice broke her thoughts, causing her to jump a little. Silver Spoon was standing by the door again.

“Is there something else you need, Silver Spoon?” Cheerilee said, trying to look composed.

Silver’s expression was unreadable and made Cheerilee uneasy. It was like she was looking at those dolls her grandmother used to keep, the ones that seemed to watch her whenever she entered the living room with glassy eyes and plastic, off-putting faces. “What do you think of Diamond Tiara?” she finally asked.

Cheerilee paused before speaking. “I think she has a lot of learning to do, especially about others and the same applies to you. I think deep down you two are not bad ponies, you both just need a push in the right direction.”

Silver Spoon stood there and blinked. “ Thank you for your opinion, Miss Cheerilee. It has been very informative, though I may suggest that everyone has much to learn about others. We all learn continually, do we not? ”

Cheerilee fought a chill that tried to run down her spine. “You are absolutely right, Silver Spoon”

Silver tilted her head and gave her the same smile in the exact same fashion just as before. Then she was gone once again.

Cheerilee waited a minute, watching the door before letting out a relieved sigh. She walked back to her desk and all the papers she needed to grade, scolding herself for thinking of one of her students in such a way, letting her own paranoia affect her. How could she call herself a professional educator if she continued to think like that and subject such a smart filly to her own fearfulness?

She sat down amongst the ungraded papers and tried to let the negative thoughts wash away from her mind.

Out in the play yard two foes were locked in combat of sorts.
“Great. Out of all the ponies to get stuck with it had to be with the snot nosed brat and her dumb toadie.”

Diamond Tiara puffed up in anger at that. “Those are bold words coming from a low-bred nobody like yourself!”

“Oooh, is that the best you got? I’m shaking in my horse shoes.” She got up in Tiara’s face. “Listen here, ‘Princess’, you better stay out of my way. Remember, we’re partners in this, if I wanted to I could make us fail this project and ruin that perfect little GPA of yours.”

Diamond's eyes widened a little before narrowing. “You think I care if you wanna ruin your own grade to get at me? Go ahead, do it, it’s not like school matters.”

Archer smirked a little. “If that’s how you feel about it,” she got even further in Tiara’s face till they were almost touching noses. “I could always settle for knocking your teeth out.

Diamond Tiara grew a few shades paler at that statement. Her eyes began to dart around looking for a quick escape or perhaps her bespectacled partner for back up.

“Um, Archer, Can we please not do any of those things? My mom will be really angry if I end up in detention again.” Archer turned back to see Berry Pinch giving her a rather pleading look. “Please?” she said.

Archer’s face twisted and she attempted to look away. As soon as she glanced back her eyes softened. “Fine, I guess I can get along with her highness over here. For now. But only because you asked, Pinchy.” Archer smiled at her friend and backed off, giving Tiara a moment to let out a relieved sigh.

At that moment, Silver Spoon was granted impeccable timing and came walking toward the three fillies. “Sorry if I kept you waiting, Di, the teacher wanted to talk to me.” Silver then took note of her surroundings.

Diamond Tiara was excreting abnormal levels of perspiration and had an elevated heart rate. Silver could also see the patterns of discomfort and fear in Diamond’s facial expression and body language. The other two appeared to be showing lesser signs of distress, the blue one in particular appeared aggravated.

“Is everything okay, Di?” said Silver Spoon, adopting a concerned expression.

Diamond snapped out of it when she heard Silver’s question and she locked a glare on Archer.

“You think you can threaten ME and get away with it!? Who do you think you are!? Some sort of bad flank toughpony!?” Diamond yelled with new found energy. Archer smirked.


Diamond’s mouth opened to retort, only for it to close. Her eyes began to narrow with a glint of something mischievous in them and a smile crept on her face. “In that case, since you are such a ‘tough pony’, you won’t mind if I issue you a challenge then, right?”

Archer crossed her forehooves and raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”

“I say, we go into the Everfree Forest and then whoever finds the coolest thing to do a report on wins and the loser gets to be the winner’s slave for an entire day!” Diamond Tiara adopted the evilest of grins. “Interested? Or...?”

Archer gave her a blank stare before bursting out in laughter. “Ha! A wuss like you wouldn’t survive ten seconds in the Everfree, but alright, I’ll accept. Besides, it’s going to be real great making you eat bugs and dirt for an entire day.”

“We’ll see about that.” Tiara growled before sprinting off into the play yard. Her bespectacled partner followed soon after, crying out for her to reconsider, and leaving the two other ponies in the dust.

Ruby fell to the ground and placed her forehooves over her head. “Ugh! We couldn’t have just pushed through this, speak when needed and get our grade and go but noooooo,” she stared at Archer angrily. “you just had to pick a fight with the biggest bully in school for NO REASON!”

“I wasn’t going to stand by and let her act like she was better than me for the entire project, I would've gone crazy. Besides, Diamond Tiara is evil and do you know what happens to evil?” Archer looked at Ruby expectantly.

She just stared back, unamused.

“They get kicked in the flank by the good guys!” Archer struck a heroic pose, her head held high.

“You are so weird, Archer.”

Archer gave her a pout before smiling and tapping her on the nose.


Ruby just groaned.

Author's Note:

Welp, here is the next chapter! Sorry it took so long, been busy with school and whatnot.

Special thanks goes to retroman000 for editing this mess. Go give him your love!
The First chapter has also been edited and partially revised. Nothing big, I just toned down how noticeable the robotness of Silver Spoons Eyes were a bit, in case you were wondering.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the read and I hope you all have a nice day!

Comments ( 13 )

When I read the title, I mistakenly thought SS was an actual ghost. I am now sad.

I'm sorry. Maybe someday that kind of story will appear if it hasn't already. It would be a cool concept!

The project consist of a group presentation and an essay that each of you will write.

The project consists of a group presentation and an essay that each of you will write.

“I wasn’t going to stand by and let her act like she was better than me for the entire project, I would gone crazy.

“I wasn’t going to stand by and let her act like she was better than me for the entire project, I would've gone crazy.

My immersion was kinda ruined by their having to completely shave their manes off to get rid of the gum. There's this much simpler solution called Peanut Butter. It's been around for decades. Works wonders for gum in hair. I just... find it hard to imagine that NO ONE knew about that 'remedy' that they all had to get their manes shaved off.

Wow I didn't know peanut butter could do that! You'd think that it would make the situation worse considering that it is also kind of sticky. I'm sorry I wasn't completely informed on the subject, I'll try to not let it happen again. If it helps at all, you could theorize that there was so much gum that the peanut butter would have been ineffective or that the gum had some unusual properties or something like that.

I will try address it in a future chapter.

6361712 It's alright. I suppose it isn't fair to expect EVERYONE to know about that little piece of trivia just because I happen to notice it. Sorry if I came off a bit... well, condescending. Sorry. :twilightblush:

I liked the addition of "horseless carriages" to the plot but I find it hard to believe that robots were created before automobiles. Minor detail, that doesn't at all take away from the story.

Loved Silver's dry dialogue and her interaction with Cheerilee that unnerved her teacher. I just hope this doesn't take a dark turn and Silver going Terminator on those who challenge Diamond.:unsuresweetie:

and :rainbowlaugh: at the Hair Club Crusaders!

I've been real busy with work and school plus my overall slowness in writing. I've been also focusing on non pony stuff and haven't really had the gumption to do pony fiction. But you know what? I'm still going to finish this. It might take me a while but the next chapter I release will be for this fic.

7468342 AWESOME!! No rush dude. XP


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