• Published 27th May 2014
  • 7,248 Views, 175 Comments

Flying Forward - Tofu-Monstrosity

In the sequel to "Falling Backwards" Twilight Sparkle finds herself raising a filly Rainbow Dash. Hilarity and motherhood lessons ensue. However, there's danger lurking on the horizion for the Elements of Harmony.

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Although The Captain of the Guard suggested taking Twilight Sparkle and her friends to a safe room, the princess refused. She opted instead to investigate the crime scene.

“It seems the attacker flew to the balcony, picked the lock of the door while the king slept and cut his throat before slipping out into the dark of the night.” Twilight stated, looking at the open glass doors that led to the balcony. A cold wind blew into the room and Fluttershy shivered.

Another guard entered the room to join them. “Sir, you are needed in the throne room.” He stated. The Captain of the Guard nodded and left, leaving the new guard there. Though the girls didn’t seem too interested in the exchange.

Rarity, with the attention to detail she had, noticed something. “No.” The white unicorn stated as she examined the room, walking up to the glass doors. “This was staged.” She indicated, as she looked closely at the threshold. “There’s a fine coat of dust here in the entryway. With that much unholy amount of dust it is safe to assume that the door hasn’t been open since fall at least! Even with wings one would have to perch to pick the lock.” Rarity surmised and looked up at her friends. Twilight trotted up next to her to inspect the dust.

“Meaning the assassin wasn’t an intruder but someone inside the castle...” Twilight concluded in shock, looking between the girls and the griffon guard.

It happened in a split second. The guard who stood behind Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie lunged forward. With a wicked smile, he drew his sword in an attempt to attack the ponies, lunging towards Applejack. “Get down!” Twilight yelled and before her friends could turn around, she fired her magic blast and it hit the guard. He slumped to the floor in a paralyzed heap.

“What happened?” Applejack gasped as she got up quickly.

“Is he…?” Fluttershy looked horrified as she looked at the motionless lump on the floor.

“Dead? No. I simply immobilized him.” Twilight explained in a deadpan as if she was describing the weather.

“You…can’t…stop it…” Came the weak voice from the floor. Applejack looked to the griffon guard who struggled against Twilight’s paralysis spell.

“What was that?” Applejack asked the guard.

“You can’t…stop her.” The guard growled, a bit louder so the mares could hear. But it was cut short by the sound of shattering glass and screams coming from down the hallway. With all traces of sleep now gone, the mares looked at each other before they raced down the large hallways in a full gallop.

Twilight was the first to locate where the sound had come from. She stopped dead in the doorway as they came upon the throne room. Upon bursting into the room the mares met face-to-face an old enemy clad in a glistening black armor (under different circumstances, Rarity would swoon over how well crafted the armor was). Beside the intruder lay the crumpled body of the captain of the guard.

“You know, I could really get used to this place.” Said the griffon sitting on the throne as she tapped her front claws on the armrest.

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat as her eyes fell on the frightened filly next to her. Rainbow Dash trembled, obviously malnourished and beaten.

“What have you done?” Twilight asked in horror. Her rage-filled violet eyes flickered up from Rainbow Dash to the familiar griffon who now sat on the king’s throne. She could recognize that griffon from anywhere. It was Rainbow Dash’s old friend, Gilda who held the pegasus on a tight leash. When Gilda didn’t respond to Twilight’s question the alicorn lit her horn. “What have you done!?” She yelled, her eyes held hatred in them as she unfurled her wings and charged towards the griffon.

“Not so fast princess.” Gilda held up the leash in her claw and hit the button on the handle. Twilight stopped dead in her tracks as Rainbow Dash screamed in pain and slumped to the floor. The ponies looked on in horror as their friend was being tortured.

“Dashie…” Pinkie Pie muttered as they stood in shock.

“Oh, you like that? It’s my new shock collar and leash I had my technicians build. Neat huh?” Gilda held the handle up. “You move I send several hundred volts of electricity through her body.” She grinned as the ponies froze in their place. This only made Gilda giddy with glee.

Rainbow Dash tried to get up, but she was weak and only fell back to her face on the floor. Fluttershy wanted to cry, scream, and get sick all at the same time upon seeing her friend in this state. Gilda only smirked at the anguish on the pony’s faces.

“So, here’s what’s going to happen, Princess.” Gilda spat the last word like it was venom. “If you want your precious Dashie back then you and your friends must surrender.” Gilda stated. Twilight clenched her jaw.

Twilight growled, “never.”

Gilda ‘tisked’ and shook her head. “That’s not the right answer.” She held up the handle of the leash and sent a shock-wave down to the little filly. Fluttershy trembled.

“No!” Twilight yelled, feeling completely helpless to save the pony she now considered her daughter.

Gilda threw back her head and laughed. “Now what were we talking about…oh yes I remember.” She smiled wickedly. “You have one of two options Twilight Sparkle. Surrender peacefully, and I’ll give your little Dashie back.” The griffon growled at the name and tugged on the leash with a look of disgust at her former friend on the end of it. “Option two is to resist, your friends will perish, and you will fall to the Griffon Kingdom!” Gilda grinned, throwing her head back and cackling.

“Like Hell!” Applejack retorted, her lips curled back into a snarl. Gilda’s attention turned to the fiery pony who dared to challenge her.

“Applejack…” Rarity tried to calm her friend who was shaking with anger.

“No, there is no way I’m going to let this little…pussy cat do this to us!” Applejack snapped and positioned herself in front of the others in a protective stance.

Gilda looked disgusted. “Pathetic.” She spat. “There’s nothing you can do. Not even your precious Elements will save you now.”

Twilight’s ears perked up. The Elements of Harmony! Of course! She had packed them as a last-ditch attempt to stop this. But she didn’t have them. They were still in the trunk in her room.

It seemed she wasn’t the only one who had this thought. All five friends looked back to the door behind them. Two griffon guards had positioned themselves in the way, holding their spears upright.

“The king was the last pawn in the way of my plan.” Gilda started to walk forward, dragging Rainbow Dash with her. “The rebellion is much larger than you ponies know.”

Twilight spun around to face the griffon with her horn aglow with a teleportation spell. Gilda raised the leash higher. “You cast one spell and I turn up the voltage to your little friend.” Gilda grinned, she had the upper hand and she knew it.

“Now surrender, little ponies.” Gilda snarled.

Author's Note:

One broken computer and over one year of writer's block later, we are here.

Comments ( 15 )

Yay! I remember this... Pretty much my only complaint about this story is Gilda's characterization. Her debut was that of a schoolyard bully. Sure, she was an asshole, but being a murderous foal-beater seems like a stretch.

What happened to Twilight's face?

glad to see your still around. This was worth the wait.

Yup, tortue Dash. That's how all these fanfics go...

I can summarize Gilda's fate now with two words: She dead.

“Oh, you like that? It’s my new shock collar and leash I had my technicians build. Neat huh?” Gilda held the handle up. “You move I send several hundred volts of electricity through her body.” She grinned as the ponies froze in their place. This only made Gilda giddy with glee.

So why not use the statis spell that hold ponies into place ? Can’t push a button of you can’t move. Other rush once while golsa frozen and boom rd at least safe.

Must be honest, I think you've gone a *bit* too far with Gilda.

She's a bully, not a torturer.

Gilda you are so dead

question whats stopping twilight from teleporting the remote to her then going ham on gilda

Ya, Twilight will unleash nigh apocalyptic fury on Gilda.

i hope twilight goes so ham on gilda that she begs for turkey

Finish the god damn story

I'm not sure how to reply to this because it has been over six years since I made that comment. I almost forgot this story even existed.

Please please finish, this is the mother of all cliffhangers and I would really like to know what happens to our little dashie :pinkiesad2:


I certainly wasn't expecting a reply to this comment so long later. But it's linked in my comment. Google "troll doll"

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