• Published 6th Apr 2012
  • 17,223 Views, 488 Comments

Twilight the Terrible - RK_Striker_JK_5

During her entrance exam, Twilight's magic goes out of control... and things get worse.

  • ...

Chapter Ten

A low wind blew through Canterlot, sending shivers racing through the heavily-covered denizens still living in the half-abandoned city. Most of them were indoors, especially after the battle that had occurred a half-day ago. The few that braved the outside kept in groups, and only stayed outside as much as absolutely necessary.

A sphere of energy suddenly flashed into existence, right inside the main gate. It faded, leaving behind Luna, Nightmare Moon and the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Pinkie Pie looked around at the few ponies standing about. “Hi, there!” she said, waving a hoof at them. “We're here to save you all!”

Applejack arched an eyebrow as she looked at the various ponies staring right back at her. “A lot more o' them than I thought there'd be.”

Nightmare Moon strode forth from the group. “Citizens of Canterlot! I am Princess Nightmare Moon, here to aid in your liberation from the Tyrant Filly! Rejoice, for on this day, the sun shall rise again!”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “'Princess Nightmare Moon' sounds so weird.”

The various ponies there stared at her. Some backed up, but most remained in place. After a few minutes, a white-coated unicorn stallion wearing ornate armor trotted up, followed by several other guardsponies. “Greetings, your highness. I am Shining Armor, captain of the Royal Guard. I believe you met some of my subordinates during your last visit.”

Nightmare Moon chuckled slightly. “They were most helpful to me, Captain. Now, please stand aside. We have a country to save.” She walked forward, but Shining Armor stood in her path. “What are you doing?”

Shining Armor looked up at Nightmare Moon and his horn lit up. A concave shield appeared in front of him, stretching out around him and the guards behind. “I know there's a very slim chance of me stopping you, but that's my sister up there. I've seen the damage – “

Twilight walked forward. She kept her head down and hood pulled tightly over her head. “She needs help,” she said, keeping her voice barely above a whisper. “This land needs help. We don't want to hurt her. We want to help her.” She raised her head and her hood fell back. “And the best way to do that is to...” She trailed off as she felt a mild breeze ruffle her mane. She reached up and waved it about her head. “Oh, horse apples.”

Shining Armor's eyes widened. He leaned forward and slowly looked Twilight over. He finally looked up to Nightmare Moon, then to Luna. “What is this?”

Twilight closed her eyes for a moment, sucked in a breath, then began speaking. “I'm... I'm a possibility. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I got the help I needed when I needed it during my exam. She didn't. And you know as much as I do she needs help.” Her horn glowed and the Element of Magic floated out of her saddlebag and onto her head. “There's an explanation, really there is. But it's long, convoluted and there's not enough time for it. I know you have little reason to, but please, trust us. We can help your Twilight, and save Equestria.”

Shining Armor locked eyes with Twilight Sparkle. After a minute, he spun about and waved them on. “I better get that explanation later,” he said. “I'll take you to her. I think I can help her calm down, but she's still pretty agitated after this morning.” With that, he walked away, his fellow guardsponies spinning about on their hooves and falling into formation behind him.

Luna, Nightmare Moon and the ponies quickly followed. Applejack cantered around to Twilight's side. “You handled that a lot better than I did back at Sweet Apple Acres.” She patted Twilight on the shoulder.

Twilight looked to her. “You have no idea how much I wanted to rush Shiny and give him a massive hug and then hop around him. This entire situation has me on edge right now.” She looked up, past Shining Armor and down the street as the few ponies there scrambled out of their way. “I mean think about it, Applejack. A few seconds earlier or later and that'd be me on that throne. And it scares the hay out of me.”

Rainbow Dash, currently flying along, tilted over and floated over to hover right above Twilight Sparkle and Applejack. “But that wasn't you, Twilight. Yeah, it could've been you, but it wasn't you. It might've been, but here you are, helping out and trying to fix this mess. So don't be down on yourself, you hear?” She dropped down and lightly ruffled Twilight's mane.

Twilight squirmed slightly, but smiled. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash. I appreciate that.” She cocked an eyebrow at her. “Lemme guess, that part from 'Daring Do and the Shattered Mirror' where Daring Do got depressed and needed a pep talk was a bit of inspiration for you?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Maybe a little, but not enough for plagiarism,” she said, winking.

Ahead, Luna and Nightmare Moon leaned their heads in close to each other. “I find your tales concerning this Twilight's power level to be most troubling,” Luna said. “It's far beyond what she should be capable of even with the addition of Celestia's power.” She held up a wing. “And no, I am not accusing you of lying.”

Nightmare Moon smirked. “I wasn't going to. I agree with you on that point. It's as if the powers together became more than the sum of their parts in some sort of multiplying synergy.”

Pinkie spoke up. “I'd bet all the sugar in Equestria she doesn't know how to control all that power, either. She probably has trouble opening cookie jars without crushing them.” She suddenly gasped. “Oh, no! It's been five years since she's had any cookies! That's so sad!”

Luna's eyes shifted from left to right. “Yes. Anyway, we must be ready. Hopefully we can talk her down a bit, but I have a feeling things will get rather messy before it gets better.”

Nightmare Moon snorted. “It shouldn't be that bad. We have the Elements of Harmony, after all.”

Rainbow Dash slapped her forehead and dragged her hoof down her face. “You just had to say it, didn't you...”

The group eventually arrived at the double doors that led to the throne room. Some lid thuds and crashes could be heard, even through the thick wood. Shining Armor stood next to them and hesitated for a moment. “She's calmed down a bit since this afternoon, but Twiley is still – “ he suddenly turned and looked up at Nightmare Moon and Luna. “You're going to help her, right? I haven't been played like a foal this entire time, have I?”

Nightmare Moon bowed her head to him. “I swear to you, Captain. We'll help her as much as we can.” She raised her head and narrowed her eyes. “But we can only help her as much as she will allow it.”

Twilight looked around. “Okay, do you happen to know anyone named Cadance or Mi Amore Cadenza?” she asked, finally looking to Shining Armor. “In our Equestria, she was my foalsitter, and one of my best friends.”

Shining Armor's ears wiggled back and forth. “Cadance? Yeah, I know her” She's my special somepony,” he said, his cheeks turning red. “But I'm afraid she's up north at the moment.”

Luna whinnied. She held up a hoof even as Twilight opened her mouth. “We don't have time to get her, I'm afraid. Even now the air grows cold. Captain, if you please? It is time.”

Shining Armor sucked in a breath. His horn lit up and the doors swung inward. He slowly walked into the throne room. “Twiley, are you there? I've got some ponies who would like to meet you.”

Twilight Sparkle sucked in a breath she she beheld her counterpart, standing near a window and looking out at the dark sky. The filly stepped away and turned her glowing white eyes to everyone. “They would? That's fine, big brother, but I've got work to do. I think the sun almost moved!” She suddenly gasped. “H-hey, that's that meanie Nightmare Moon!” The pillar of energy around her horn blazed. “You ran away and didn't get punished! Why are you back?”

Nightmare Moon held up a wing and waved the others back. “I am back... for atonement, Twilight Sparkle. I'm back to make up for my actions against you and my plans for Eternal Night.” She dropped to one knee and bowed her head. “I was wrong, and apologize for it.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Whoa, she has gotten better.”

Luna stepped up to Nightmare Moon's side. “Please, Twilight. You wish to fix things, correct? I wish to fix things, too. We all want to help you.”

The small filly blinked, the light leaking through her eyelids even while closed. She leaned forward and eyed Luna. “Hey... wait a minute! You can't be Luna!” She waved a hoof back and forth between the two alicorns. “She's already Luna!” She placed a hoof on her temple and massaged it. “That doesn't make any sense at all! There can't be two LUNA'S!” With each word, her voice rose in volume, until everyone in the room was wincing.

Fluttershy hunkered down and folded her wings over her head. Halfway through, though, she stood back up. “I must do this, I must!” She slowly walked to Twilight. “M-Miss Twilight? I know things seem a little confusing, but we all want to help you and get the sun working again. Ponies are really cold out there and there's not a lot of food to go around. We all know you're trying your best, but maybe you need a teensy, tiny bit of help to get it going?”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth, but both Nightmare Moon and Luna held a wing up in front of her head.

The filly Twilight stared at Fluttershy as she approached. “I need help? Are you sure? I think I've got this almost figured out.” Her head dropped and she stared at the cracked floor. “It's so hard, though.”

Shining Armor cantered around to Twilight Sparkle's side and leaned in close. “That's the calmest I've seen Twiley in a while! Who is she?”

Twilight grinned. “That's Fluttershy, Element of Kindness. She can calm just about anyone or anything, Shiny – I mean, Captain Armor.”

Shining Armor glanced away for a moment before patting Twilight on her shoulder. “Shiny is all right, and thank you.”

“Thank you for trusting us,” Twilight responded.

Fluttershy gingerly reached out with a wing, holding it right above the filly's head. “I'm sure it is. And you're such a young filly, too, to have such a burden put on you.”

Young Twilight sniffed and her head bobbed up and down. “I-it wasn't my fault, I swear! I-it was an a-a-accident, what happened to Princess Celestia. I'm trying my best, really I am!” She looked up to Fluttershy. “I-I just want to fix things, make them better.”

Rainbow Dash suddenly flew close to Luna and leaned in as close as she could. "What is she doing?" she asked, her voice barely audible. "She realizes she's gotta be over here for us to use the Elements of Harmony on her, right?"

The young filly's head snapped up and the pillar of magic around her horn flared. “W-what?” She whipped her head around and stared at Fluttershy with her glowing white eyes, that were even now brightening. “W-what does she mean by that? Use the Elements of Harmony on me!?”

Silence descended upon the throne room. Nightmare Moon slapped a hoof against her forehead and dragged it down her muzzle.

Luna shook her head and looked to a wide-eyed Rainbow Dash. "There was no way you could've known her senses would be enhanced, as well. Save anything for what is to come."

Fluttershy scooted back, her expression one of pure terror. “W-what s-she m-m-means is – “ She suddenly lurched forward as the Element of Kindness was magically slid out of her cloak and yanked forward, pulling her along.

Applejack's eyes widened. “Hey!” she shouted, running forward. “Yah leave her alone, hear? We're just trying to – “

Pinkie's entire body bounced up and down. “Oh, no! This is one Tartarus of a – “

Twilight suddenly vanished in a ball of light, reappearing in the middle of the group and flinging everyone back. Her head darted back and forth. “And who are all of you? Where did you come from, and what's that magic coming from you?” She scratched her right temple. “No, wait. It's coming from something on you, but – no, still from you?” She stomped the floor, cracking it and shaking the room. “I don't get it! And I want to GET IT!”

Shining Armor rose to all four hooves. “Twiley, please. They don't want to hurt you. You need help!”

Twilight spun around. “But who ARE they? Where did they come from? What are they wearing? Their magic's so different, but familiar. One of them really...” She turned to one pony with her hood drawn tightly over her head and ran over to her. She grabbed onto the older mare's hood and, despite resistance, yanked it back, revealing Twilight Sparkle. “Who... who are YOU?”

Twilight Sparkle swallowed. “Okay, this might take a bit of explaining, but I think you deserve it. I'm Twilight Sparkle, just like you. I'm just an alternate version of you from another Equestria, someone who went left instead of right, like you. We just want to – “

“Wait, you're me? You can't be me! I'm me! I'm the one who screwed up! If you didn't screw up, you can't be me! If you d-didn't screw up then you're not Twilight Sparkle! You CAN'T be me!” A low wind picked up, whipping through the room and tossing bits of detritus about. The walls started shaking and bits of plaster and stone began falling from them and the ceiling.

Shining Armor, standing next to Rarity and Pinkie Pie, lit his horn up and formed a shield around him and the pair. He leaned his head down and gritted his teeth as the shield was battered. “Twiley, please! They're just trying to help you!”

Twilight's horn and eyes lit up and her body began spasming. She rose into the air and the wind picked up. “No no no! You can't be me!” She jabbed a hoof at Twilight Sparkle. “I-it's not fair! If you're me, then you hurt Celestia, but you didn't! Why didn't you? Why was it me and not you?”

Luna's eyes darted around, noting the location of the ponies scattered around the room and huddling behind impromptu barriers. She looked to Nightmare Moon, standing by her side. “The Elements of Harmony won't activate unless they're brought together.”

Nightmare Moon eyed the floating filly. “It might be a bit tricky. We'll have to distract her while they get together.” She suddenly twisted her head around and gasped. “Celestia!” she shouted, eyes widening.

Luna opened her mouth, but her gaze followed Nightmare Moon's to the throne – or the wall behind it. “By Dream Valley,” she whispered. “That is what happened to her?!” She gasped. “The room, it's collapsing!”

“And in her condition, she might not survive,” Nightmare Moon said, her horn glowing. She suddenly looked back at Twilight, floating along, then to the other ponies hiding from her outbursts. “Can I risk going to help her, right now?”

Twilight Sparkle suddenly vanished, reappearing in front of the alicorns. “Wait, where's this Equestria's Celestia?” She suddenly ducked as a chunk of masonry whizzed by, barely missing her head by inches. “Whoa!”

The younger Twilight snarled. “I-I just wanted to fix things! Why won't you let me simply fix things? Just leave me alone! SPIKE! SPPIIIKE!”

The entire room suddenly shuddered, sending everyone hopping into the air. Twilight's eyes slid to the window. “Spike? Spike! Oh, horse apples.” She looked to Nightmare Moon, scratched the back of her head and chuckled nervously. “Say... when you first arrived, did you happen to see a dragon that looked like an overgrown infant?”

Nightmare Moon nodded as the room thumped once more. “Now that I think about it, it looked somewhat like your draconic friend back in your Equestria. I assume that happened during your own entrance exam, then was reversed by your Celestia?”

Applejack, hiding behind a fallen column of stone, raised her head slightly. “You three thinkin' of a plan, maybe? Land's sakes we can't do anything right now!”

Nightmare Moon's eyes narrowed. After a minute, she thrust her foreleg out and slowly pointed from pony to pony. “Twilight,” she began, “my sister is in a room behind the throne. Please get her as far away as you can in five minutes, then get back here.” She suddenly dropped to one knee and stared right into Twilight's eyes. “She is very weak and barely hanging on. Be careful... please?”

Twilight sucked in a breath. She straightened up and nodded, her expression one of determination. “You can count on me!” Her horn glowed and she teleported away.

Nightmare Moon spread her legs out. “All right, then. Luna and I shall contain the filly while the rest of you get anyone in the path of the dragon to safety. As soon as Twilight returns, regroup and ready the Elements. Any objections?” At their silence her horn lit up. “Then get moving!”

Shining Armor gritted his teeth as debris battered his shield. “She's got a name, you know!”

Rainbow Dash, flying about near the ceiling, rolled her eyes. “Not the most important thing to be focusing on, Shiny!” She dove down to the floor and Fluttershy hiding under a table. Rainbow Dash scooped the petrified pegasus into her forelegs and flew out the window, dodging and weaving all the while. “Come on!”

Rarity placed a hoof on Shining Armor's shoulder. “Forgive my friend's abrasiveness, Captain. However, she is right that we have other things on our plate. The ponies outside need our help, for the moment, while our Twilight helps Princess Celestia. Then we can help your sister. All right?”

Luna suddenly popped out of existence, then reappeared with a flash of light in front of Shining Armor, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. A magical shield formed in front of her, roughly three times larger than the one Shining Armor had erected. “Applejack!” she shouted, rattling the air, “break cover and head outside with the others! Nightmare Moon and I shall contain the filly until you've regrouped!”

Applejack rose and galloped over to the other three. “Much obliged!” she said as she, Pinkie Pie and Rarity ran for the door.

Shining Armor sighed as he looked at Twilight, floating and thrashing her forelegs about. He backed up to the door, keeping his eyes on her until he reached it. He then turned and galloped away, his eyes shining.

Twilight screamed and several waves of telekinesis shot out from her, striking both alicorns and forcing them back despite their best efforts. “Why don't you leave me alone!” she yelled. “I didn't mean to! I really do want to fix it!” Tears streamed from her eyes, evaporating halfway down her cheeks. “Why won't you let me fix it and help Celestia? WHY?”

Nightmare Moon sighed. “Forgive me,” she said, her own eyes shining. “I see now my mistakes, in the past with my sister and how I dealt with you. The others helped me to find my way, now it's time I help you find yours.”

Author's Note:

Nearing the end...

EDIT: As 0f 7/13/2015, the scene with the Tyrant Filly and Rainbow Dash has been edited.