• Published 9th Jun 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 3 -- Follow the Equestrium - shysage

The Portal sends Summer Rain and Shysage over a thousand years into the past. In less than two minutes, they rescue two 'nopony' foals, and raise them as their own for two years. Towards the end, they learn who these two girl

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Chapter 4, First Spring

The four coats, a gift from the townsponies, made a huge difference for Shysage and his family. It would be chilly for the next two weeks.

Since they had the coats, they could all do a lot of what they would normally do. Well, except fly, and they couldn't do that just yet anyway. The coats made sleeping at night a lot more comfortable too.

Still, Shysage and Summer would probably never know who the ponies were that gave this amazing gift.

However, after maybe 3 more weeks, the coats went away until the next fall.

Summer took very good care of them during the warmer months, as she knew they would probably be needed again. She found enough random branch stubs on the inside of the tree to easily hang all four coats up, out of the way. She had to hover a little higher inside the tree to hang them, but it worked out fine.

The first few weeks in their new home reminded Shysage a lot of 'camping out' in the Equestria Girls world where he was from. However, the difference between the two worlds was dramatic.

In the Equestria Girls world, a camping trip needed to be very carefully planned out in advance. Every single contingency needed to be carefully provided for. And, to a greater extent, variations in weather needed to also be taken into account.

And after all this planning was complete, the sheer volume of 'stuff' necessary to make such a trip even 'work', would usually limit the duration of the 'camping trip' to two weeks maybe.

In Equestria, daily life was much simpler, and ponies were a much more 'hardy' breed. As has already been mentioned, all a pony really needed was food, water and shelter, and they could live easily for long periods of time.

Shysage and his family had all that here. Their home was amazing, food and water were close, and Shysage and Summer were free to focus on the other more important aspects of raising foals... ..and just enjoying each other...

Shysage and Summer both loved this amazing opportunity.

And it was not unrealistic that they could all easily live here for a number of years, should this be required.

Shysage realized that the Winter months might prove more difficult, but only because the foals should not just stop eating for extended periods like 'grown up' ponies could. Shysage realized that he would need to address that however.

That first spring brought quite a bit if rain at various times.

On those days that it just sprinkled or rained briefly, the whole family simply had fun out in the rain. The air wasn't real cold, and so the rain generally wasn't cold either.

Summer and Shysage were both hesitant to take their foals into the river yet, and so the occasional rain shower helped keep Sue and Lee clean. Well, it helped keep Summer and Shysage clean too.

Near the middle of that spring, it rained for almost a week straight. It wasn't a major downpour, it was a fairly gentle, but continuous rain. The family could easily go out and eat and drink, but then they quickly headed back to the shelter of their home to dry out.

It was hard to do much else besides sit inside and watch out their 'front door'. Still, the constant sound of the gentle rain was very relaxing, and it was easy to sit for hours and just watch.

Well, it was easy for Shysage and Summer to do that. The girls needed a little more activity to keep them occupied.

Shysage remembered a few games from his past, that the girls enjoyed.

One game involved somepony finding an object, identified by either a color or a shape. Everypony else would then guess to see if they could find it. Sue and Lee, well, and Summer too, were all very good at this, and so Shysage would usually sit out, or maybe help Lee if she was having a tough time.

Another game involved finding sets of objects gathered together in the exact number Shysage or Summer would mention. Sue and Lee loved this game, and didn't realize they were learning their numbers in the process.

Both games were actually learning experiences as well as fun.

After a week, the rain soon tapered off, but their river had become substantially swollen as a result. It was closer to their home somewhat, but was clearly flowing very fast. It made a lot more noise flowing quickly past too.

Shysage and Summer explained the hazard to their girls, and required that they all stay way away from the river. Even taking a drink from it was not allowed, they would drink from small pools made by the recent rain.

Three more weeks, and the river was closer to it's 'normal' self, and they relaxed their limits some. Still, Shysage asked that everypony respect the hazard that the river presented. They needed the water it carried, but it could easily drag the girls away.

It was clear the townsponies were watching Shysage and his family to a certain extent.

Sometime during that spring, a long, low, fairly sturdy table mysteriously arrived one morning outside the door of their home.

Shysage suspected that it was probably given as a table for food and such. It was just about the right size that a pony could sit at it, and still eat food that was on it.

For now, Shysage and his family generally ate the grass around them outside, and so didn't need a table. However, Shysage knew this may change if they were still here during the coming winter.

Even so, the 'table' was quickly slid inside their home, and up against the inside wall.

Summer knew exactly what to do. She changed into her Equestria Girls form, then reached down and took Shysage's hoof, changing him too.

Summer called Lee to her, and before long, Lee had her head in Summer's lap, as Summer hugged Lee tightly in her arms. Summer and Lee were soon weeping softly. Summer would rub Lee's ears, or run her fingers through Lee's mane, which was very relaxing for Lee. Lee knew her mommy loved her.

Sue didn't want to be left out, and her head was soon in Shysage's lap, also being hugged by her daddy. Sue loved every minute. Sue didn't cry, but it was clear she treasured the time.

Often, Summer would sit on the bench, and hug both girls, reaching one arm around each of the girl's heads, and would usually weep softly as she told them she loved them a lot.

This would happen frequently in Shysage's home. Sue and Lee quickly knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that their mommy and daddy loved them very much...

Summer and Shysage would spend time hugging each other on this bench too, and Summer realized the girls needed to see that as well. They saw it a lot.

Still, this activity was wisely kept inside their home to avoid having to answer awkward questions from the local ponies with whom they had great difficulty communicating.

Strangely, neither Summer nor Shysage suspected that this would have any effect on the future. It evidently didn't.

This was a Pegsasus family, both girls were Pegasus mares after all. Flying was not optional. The family would fly together.

Soon after the river approached it's normal flow, Shysage and his family set out to find a suitable place for their first few flying lessons.

This was one of a number of areas that Shysage clearly realized his Mare should supervise, and he was fine with that. Shysage had learned to fly as an adult pony, and out of necessity. He knew he would not be a good teacher.

Summer requested that Summer and/or Shysage be in their Equestria Girls form for the first few lessons. This would make it easier for mommy or daddy to hold both front legs of one of the girls while they worked on lift first.

This meant a trip across the river and far away from the road, so they would worry less about being seen

The first time they did this, Summer helped Lee onto Shysage's back, and Shysage flew Lee across the river.

Sue then climbed on Summer's back, and they too were quickly across.

Then they walked together, further away from the road.

Shysage found a nice, fairly large secluded area surrounded on three sides by huge rocks, and their first flying lesson began.

Lee was first, and Summer changed into her Equestria Girls form, and sat on the ground, and grasped Lee's two front hooves.

Next she told Lee to flap her wings. It didn't take much, and Lee was soon a few inches up off the ground, smiling broadly.

"This is really fun, mommy" she said.

Summer was smiling too.

After maybe half an hour of doing this, Summer let Lee rest a few minutes, then she had Lee float a few inches off the ground again.

Next, Summer slowly got up, and had Lee flap her wings a little harder to rise further and Summer was soon standing up. Lee was maybe 4 feet off the ground.

Summer intentionally had Lee look down, and Lee began to be afraid.

Summer just calmly said "Lee, you won't fall if you keep flapping your wings. You can flap harder to go higher, or slower to go lower. Don't let the height bother you. As long as you can flap your wings, you will be fine."

Lee understood, then smiled, and had no problems with the height after that.

After an hour, Lee was tired, and landed. She was happy though. Summer was still a 'people', and wrapped both her arms around Lee's neck and hugged her tight. Summer had nothing but praise for her. The rest of the family was very supportive too.

Flying started out as family fun, and would always be that.

Sue was next, and it was clear she was anxiously awaiting her turn.

Summer changed Shysage into his Equestria Girls form then moved both her hands to his shoulders.

Shysage mentioned he appreciated that, and Summer said she would try to remember.

Shysage would hold Sue's front hooves, but Summer would direct the lesson.

Even so, Sue was quickly flying with Shysage standing up, and could easily have pulled Shysage over. Sue obeyed directions though, and simply hovered there for a while. She also was thoroughly enjoying this.

After maybe 20 minutes, Summer had Sue land, and she let go of Shysage, who said simply "Aww..." and turned back into a pony, and threw himself forward on 'all four'.

Summer had Sue hover, by herself, maybe a few feet off the ground. Then Summer had her try to move around, both turning herself, and moving along a straight line.

Sue mastered this exercise very quickly.

Summer changed back to her pony form herself, flew a few feet off the ground like Sue, and had Sue just follow her around.

Summer explained the 'shadowing' concept to Sue, and Sue was quickly doing everything Summer did. Summer kept them just a few feet off the ground, but even so...

Summer and Sue enjoyed doing this together for another hour.

Shysage and Summer were both amazed at this. Sue was doing very well.

Shysage was hugging Lee, but she was smiling at her sister too.

Over two hours later, the family walked back to the river. Sue asked permission to fly across it. Shysage thanked her for asking first, but would leave it up to Summer.

Summer and Sue flew low and together, and were soon and easily across. Sue was so happy.

Sue never needed a 'ride' again, and flew everywhere she needed to.

Shysage knelt down, and Lee was quickly on his back, and they too were soon across.

"Will I be able to fly like Sue, daddy?" Lee asked quietly.

Summer quickly hugged Lee and said "Of course, honey, your wing muscles just need more exercise. Be patient!"

Lee smiled of course.

Even so, Shysage led his family in a careful discussion about the hazards of flying off by one's self. This was just not allowed.

That spring would see Sue make great strides at flying. Summer and Sue would often fly around the tree they lived in. Sue so enjoyed those times. A few times, Summer took Sue up very high, usually above the river, and then back down. Sue loved it, the view was beautiful.

Summer noticed the natural cloud-bank that would become Cloudsdale on one of these trips up high, and told Shysage about it later. When they could, they both wanted to visit there.

At the end of that Spring, Lee was able to fly across the river herself too. It was not as wide as when Sue had done it, and it was a little scary for Lee, but she made it across, and got a bunch of hugs for that.

Well, both girls usually got a bunch of hugs anyway.

Shysage knew that Sequoias grew very tall, and the tree that held their house was no exception. It was easily the tallest tree around for miles.

This proved very handy for a number of reasons.

During that first Spring, especially after the rains calmed down, Shysage and his family would often go on walks to get to know their new land better.

This helped develop the girl's muscles, and also helped Summer and Shysage stay in shape.

Plus, there were always plenty of amazing sights to see, and Sue asked a lot of questions. Lee started to ask questions too, although she usually asked Summer. Summer would ask Shysage if she didn't know.

But even if they walked far away, the Sequoia was so big that it was always easy to know the way back.

While not an issue yet, Shysage knew that, once they began flying as a family, their 'landmark' tree would be extremely welcome. It would simply be very easy to see it, even from a great distance.

Summer and Shysage also started teaching their girls some basic 'school' stuff that spring.

The content was basic numbers and math, along with writing and reading.

There was a part of the ground inside their house near the wall, that was very hard. Shysage said he thought it was hardened clay or something.

That spot became their 'blackboard' of sorts, and girls could actually draw and write in it.

Dragging a branch across that small area cleared it for the next use. It worked well, for the basic learning they were doing anyway.

Still Shysage knew he would need to come up with a better solution involving 'pen and paper' before the girls would progress very far in these three basic areas.

The family kept the same sleeping arrangement that they had started when it was cold.

Summer and Shysage would sleep with their hind-quarters near the back wall, and their heads next to each other. Sue and Lee would sleep in the middle of the triangle this formed.

It was very comfortable, and allowed Summer and Shysage to rub noses as much as they wanted, which was a lot. They clearly enjoyed just being around each other.

And as many parents had found, sometimes the start or end of the day was often the only time available for simple affection. Well Summer and Shysage made time for this throughout the course of the day if they could. The loved each other a lot after all.

They did enjoy sitting on the bench as people, and would hug, and sometimes kiss, usually just briefly. Shysage honestly explained that this exposed him to more temptation however, so they used that privilege sparingly.

Summer and Shysage would start their day the same way usually.

When both of them were awake, they would rub noses a few minutes. Then they would close their eyes, put their heads down next to each other, and talk to their true friend in the sky. When they were both done, they would rub noses some more.

And honestly, both Shysage and Summer talked silently to their true friend during the course of the day anyway.

Sometimes, if something came up, they would forget their morning routine. Summer and Shysage realized that their true friend was not a fan of self-centeredness, since this short-circuited the very nature of what true friendship was.

But they both knew their true friend understood simple pony frailty, and was not offended by it. He was their true friend too, after all.