• Member Since 31st Dec, 2013
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Founder of "Let's Make You Known!" Group. Wazzup.


This story is a sequel to Blackest Twilight

76 years.

It's been 76 years since Spike sealed away the Corrupted One within himself to put a stop to Twilight's tyranny.

It's been 54 years since Spike finally reappeared.

It's been 40 years since he took over, dubbed himself the Hell King, and nearly destroyed all life on the planet,

And it's been 10 years since Bright Spark has begun her journey to find 'The Fallen'; a legendary group of ponies who can fight the Hell King. With their help, she may be able to fight The Corrupted One and restore peace and life to the world.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 48 )
Comment posted by Not Here Anymore deleted Aug 29th, 2014

This story is intriving to me it's lime a bomb ticking the bomb won't blow till the final chapter of this story. Really fun

As powerful as the Hell King is, he seems like he's pulling out all the stops to try to kill the Mane 6 and not particularly succeeding. Trixie definitely dealt a powerful blow though.

It's weird, because it might seem even worse for the protagonists, but Spike being free in his own mind, and just controlled by the Corrupted One is actually staving off this sort of misery fatigue in reading this. Even if it's a horrible situation, the fact that he is not twisted is a ray of hope.

I thought Rainbow Dash's organic wing was also torn off.

5161891 I wanted to word it so that she started to but got interrupted. Thanks for pointing that out, because I see how that could be assumed for the reader. *goes to change wording*

This story is so good. All the action, suspense, drama is just amazing. The ending gave me quite a chill though but still good never the less.

5358381 I'm glad you like it so far!! :twilightsmile:

Wait...did you read the prequels? :rainbowderp:

No I haven't read the prequels yet but I plan on reading the at some point. Otherwise keep up the good work

5360832 Thank You! The love's appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Crap JUST GOT REAL AND Has Hit the Fan at the same time. incoming rage induced curb-stomping

i feel terrible for what happened to sparks but...
anyway, I can't wait to see the next chapter. Keep up the good work.

Shit just got real. Twilight's definitely going to kick some serious ass now that Dark Star's killed Rarity.
Never the less, keep up the good work.

Damn man didn't see that coming hell of a story keep it up!

Daaaaammmnn it just got real great story keep up the good work also will you continue this story or is this the last in the series?

Godmode Twilight=best Twilght

5526446 Thank you! And more than likely. This will be the final story for this series. There MAY be a spin off, but it wouldn't happen for quite a while. Again, its not a set thing.

Aww that's a bit sad this was one of the first series i read on Fimfic and I don't know what i'm gonna read like this after it's done still as i said before excellent work.

5534778 Don't worry, I've got a couple ideas for some future stories, and I wanna make it a big one. Hopefully, you'll like it and get hooked on it too! :twilightsmile:

Rarity bore an irises that was a pale blue, and a lavender iris that reflected back all the emotions Sparks and Twilight were going through. But instead of her irises being white,

They were now onyx black.

Shit just got really real.

Really, the whole "that's a job for Apprentices" thing is starting to unnerve me. They basically build a caste system, with them at the top, leaving their main troops disrespected and in the dark, and the apprentices as... well... Spike from the first show. A favored person, but ultimately just a servant.

I suppose it's supposed to be brutal and secure, and it hammers in how callous the Elements have become, that they simply dismiss tons of people because they haven't gained the attention, and put themselves above the rest of ponykind, not just in deed or in power, but effectively in social class. Sparks doesn't have to do the tough work, she's better than that now.

5599396 I have them act the way they do because they're caught up in a global war where any moment of weakness can get them killed. The example in my most recent chapter showing that Twilight, the head honcho and even with the amount of power that she has, nearly got killed off because she couldn't attack Rarity. They do care for their Apprentices (an example, that Haze mentions the fact that Pinkie didn't just mentor him, she legitimately raised him. As did Applejack, when she wasn't even his primary mentor).

Now, to cover the caste system, and the whole how they are acting:
Being in a military branch myself, I've seen what happens when people start picking up ranks. They change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst, but ultimately, it's pretty noticeable. When I picked up Cpl in the USMC, I had to act different. Once we pick up the rank of an NCO (Cpl & Sgt) we're placed into a different system, above junior Marines (Pvt-LCpl). I ended up becoming the boss of some of my closest friends, and instead of them calling me just by my last name, they had to call me by my rank, and even stand a certain way when speaking to me. They understood that (not that I was better or some shit like that) but I had earned my rank, and deserved the respect that came with it, and also had responsibilities that differentiated from their own. They also knew that for a while, especially during working hours, our friendships would have to be put on hold. That's how it is in my story. During off hours, they can joke and play, but still keep the respect. But when they're in the middle of battle, they need to be focused on staying alive and keeping their fellow fighters alive as well. That's also why I have the Apprentices treat Sparks with a new level of Respect when she picked up rank and became an Element bearer.

(Holy shit...I think I did a bit of self-projection in this story...)

Anyway, I was already halfway through the next chapter when I published this one. There's a reason I have the Apprentices stay back, and you'll see in due time.

It took a bit longer but it was worth it can't wait to see how the final battles are gonna be.

5600030 Yeah, I've been super busy lately.

YES RARITY IS BACK BITCHES! but on another note sad to see this go but hell of a story can't wait to see the last chapter.


:pinkiegasp:Bu-But I just did!
I just put this chapter up yesterday! :twilightoops:

Once more!

P.S I'm just anxious after an enternity of waiting. Sorry. :twilightblush:

5638496 I'd give your a time frame of when the next chapter will be up, but my fiance' is getting here in a couple days so I wont even be on for more than like a minute. :applejackunsure:

I see how Applejack is still pretty stubbornly holding onto the idea that this is Spike, not Corrupted Spike, or the Hell King or anything, even after Pinkie gives her big speech. At least, if the way she referred to him as Spike and not anything else is any indication.

And what's happening to Spike is... I know the bearers don't know this, but is different from what happened to Spark's father, or Twilight, in that there didn't need to be any brainwashing, Spike is simply trapped in his own body. I think it was more like what happened to Rarity, though.

And... I'd have to reread it to get the corruption's mechanics, but... would killing the host actually destroy the darkness/dissipate it/cleanse it, or would it go back to the cycle of finding a new host shortly?

5652780 It would only send it out to find a new host. There's more that I wish I could say to add on to that, but I don't want to ruin the upcoming chapters.

Holy shit that was good. Been waiting a while but it was worth it, really gonna suck when this ends though. This was one of the first series I read on fimfic and I loved it, it's the whole reason I joined and started writing. So i'm very sad and also happy this can come to an end and I hope to see another series just as good from you.

5747429 Sorry I'm so late in responding to this (My job keeps me crazy busy). Anywho...

Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much, and now that I'll be wrapping this up soon, I'll be able to work on a couple projects. I have a bunch of stories that I haven't decided to submit or not (Not sure what I wanna keep as one shots or turn into massive stories, or series. The list of things I wanna turn each story into goes on).

Seriously though, I saw your compliment this morning, and it put quite the smile on my face. So thank you, for being a loyal reader! :twilightsmile:

5751302 No problem, can't wait to see what you do put up after this.

Poor corrupted I understand you, your not true evil, your just confused and mad at the world

And now the Demon-Dragon King has the first Dark Star weapon...

That was a great ending to one hell of a series, would love to see this animated some how. Now i'm sad because there's gonna be no more to this series:raritycry: but can't wait to see what you do next. PEACE!

5856046 Forgive me, but I don't know that that means...

This story was amazing. I loved it all, good job can't wait to see more of your work in the future.

Yep been here the whole bloody way through.

Hmm, this seem like it s to be good.

Celestia? Shit just got real. I know she had her power drained and all but still.

I am so glad I can read this again

**short chapter** Wow. That's short?!

I'm actually in the process of rereading all my stories to fix errors and inconsistencies. I've caught this mistake and am fixing it for continuity. Thanks for pointing it out though! I had missed it.

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