• Published 1st May 2012
  • 2,123 Views, 19 Comments

April - 2012 (T.W.G.) - The Writer's Group

We asked people to write something amusing. Surprisingly, funny ensues.

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Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Unbridled Fury - GingerNutGin

Author: GingerNutGin

Prompt: It’s rainin’ colts! Hallelujah it’s raining colts!

Title: Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Unbridled Fury

One fine, misty morning, Mister Clippity Clop was strolling through the central square of Ponyville. His long, luscious pink mane dragged against the softened earth, picking up bits and pieces of debris. But he didn't care. He was fabulous no matter how much grime settled into his sleek red coat.
As he walked, he took the occasional deep, loud whiff of air. His nostrils snorted in delight as the fine scent of cooking dough and fresh flowers clogged his olfactory senses.

Yes, Mister Clippity Clop really did enjoy the fine surroundings of Ponyville in the early morning hours. It was a peaceful sensation, to watch the faint silhouettes of the cottages fade and reappear in the inconsistency of the fog. The ground was still mushy from the previous rainfall, though there was no amount of dirt in the world that could possibly tarnish the blinding brilliance that was his magnificent hooves.

With a deep sigh of contentment, Mister Clippity Clop rounded the colorful siding of Sugarcube Corner, his nose picking up the delectable scent of frosting and congealing sugar. Normally, the fine stallion would have halted his pace to take a few elegant whiffs of the shop, though the ominous view of the horizon cut his ritual short.

"Huh?" he breathed, a white puff of air expelling from his puffy, gorgeously painted lips. The sky in the far off mountains had taken on a darkened hue, as large black clouds rolled into town at an alarming rate.

"A storm?" Mister Clippity Clop could hardly believe it. It wasn't supposed to rain today! For a quick second, he fretted over the expensive cashmere coat that he wore over his endowed chest. What if it got wet?

The clouds quickened in their pace, and Mister Clippity Clop turned tail to try and outrun the impending doom that was to come to his fabulous attire. However, the ground was still wet, and it wasn't long before his hooves had slipped, causing the poor creature land face down on the earth.

"Buck!" he cursed under his breath, craning his neck around to hopelessly witness the plump clouds as they dispelled their water directly on top of his delicate, yet manly form. He winced involuntarily, though the stinging pain of the frigid water was nothing compared to the large weight that toppled onto his back.

And then, all of a sudden, the rain was gone.

Mister Clippity Clop slowly turned his head around, gasping as his eyes were met with a pair just like his own.

Indeed, for Mister Clippity Clop was staring at a clone of himself, right down to the perfect contours of his puffy chest.

"You're... me?" the stallion gasped.

"Not really..." his clone replied, rolling off of his other self's back. "I'm just a shape-shifter. I saw you over the mountain and... well..."

"You envy me?" Mister Clippity Clop ventured, his whole self swelling in pride.

The clone blushed. "Ah... Yes. "

Mister Clippity Clop offered his own self a cheeky grin. “Well then, I’m flattered you would use me as a test subject.” He chortled, reaching out a mud-caked hoof to stroke the clone’s marble smooth chin.

And then, amidst the perplexed stares of the wakening townsfolk, a relationship was born.