• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 979 Views, 7 Comments

Through the Looking Glass - nutcase4real

Pinkie Pie has a chat with someone near and dear to herself, as she remembers the events that could have ruined her friendship with one of her best friends.

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In Her Mind's Eye

Through The Looking Glass

Pinkie Pie sat staring into the mirror at her reflection. The mare in the mirror sat staring straight back at Pinkie Pie with the same confused look plastered on her face. Pinkie Pie reached up and forced a smile on her face with her hooves, and as soon as she released her cheeks she found that she couldn't hold the smile in place. She caustiously poked her flat mane hoping that it would just spontaniously reinflate to no avail.

Pinkie Pie sighed and walked out of the bathroom with her head held low. She slowly made her way to her room down the hall as the events from earlier played through her head once more.


Pinkie Pie glanced around the room to make sure nopony had seen her put her greatest prank ever in place. Rarity would walk through the room, spot the dirt that Pinkie Pie had placed, go to get her broom to clean it up, but whenever she pulls the broom, she won't notice the string that runs from it to the pail on top the door frame. It'll topple down and spill it payload of mud all over the floor!

Pinkie Pie giggled at the thought of it. Good ole plain fun. No pony gets hurt, Pinkie gets a laugh, and she'll even help clean up afterwards to make up for it.


Pinkie almost hit herself for being so, so...

"Stupid." she muttered to herself in the darkness.

All she wanted to do was ahave a little fun, get some quick laughs, and hang with her friends.

Pinkie Pie shook her head slightly, "I'm a horrible friend. I don't deserve to have friends."

Pinkie looked up again and found that somewhere along the way to her room she had turned back around and reentered the bathroom.

She looked into the mirror again, "You don't deserve the friends you have. You're a horrible pony. You're... you're... a big pink meanie!"

Pinkie's expression had changed from one of sadness to one of anger. It had been a long time since she had been this angry at anypony, especailly herself.

"You never think anything through all the way. All you care about is fun! You don't think about how it might effect everypony around you! You just do what ever you want to do!" Pinkie screamed at her reflection.

Pinkie's reflection looked down to the floor with a tear in her eye, "I only wanted..."

"Wanted what? Wanted to have fun? Wanted to ruin your friendships because you can't see beyond your own enjoyment?!" Pinkie screamed, cutting off her reflection's retort.

"It was your idea too." her reflection responded.


Rarity entered the boutique and immediately spotted the dirt Pinkie had left in the open. Pinkie, while hiding in the closet, stifled her giggles for as long as she could. She put her hoof up to her mouth and closed her eyes tightly so she wouldn't ruin her prank.

"Oh my! How did that get there?" Rarity asked. "This simply will not do, but I need to use the little filles room. Fluttershy could you be a dear,"

'Fluttershy?' Pinkie thought to her self.

"and clean this up for me?" Rarity asked as she shifted back and forth while slightly bouncing.

Fluttershy, who was already reaching for the broom said, "Oh of course not Rarity."

Pinkie sprung out of the closet to try and stop Fluttershy, but she was to late. She watched in slow motion as the pail, filled with mud, emptied out onto the unsuspecting pegasus. The unseen attack caught Fluttershy off guard. Not even a moment after the mud had stopped falling, Fluttershy was bolting for the door with tears in her eyes.

Rarity, who had witnessed the whole ordeal, speechlessly stood in her stairwell until she finally she said, "Pinkie Pie, what have you done?"

"I... it was a prank! I swear! It was meant for you, but Fluttershy... she..." Pinkie stopped talking and lowered her head. She pulled her ears back against her scalp and just stood there.

"The poor dear was completely frightened Pinkie. I mean what was in that pail?" Rarity asked.

"Mud." Pinkie quietly stated.

"Pinkie PIe, you know you have to apologize." Rarity looked to her front door, "And I'd suggest you start trying to find Fluttershy now. The poor girl is probably half way to Canterlot by now with how fast she was running."

"Yeah, you're right." Pinkie said in a grievous tone.


"Be quiet!" Pinkie shouted at the reflection in the mirror, "I know it was." she added quietly.

Pinkie sat down on her haunches in the darkness of the bathroom. Tears began welling up in her eyes as the whole scene played out in her head again and again, but it would always stop right as Fluttershy looked at Pinkie. The look in her eyes was that of surprise, betrayal, and pain. Tears were building and her mouth was openning wide so she could voice her panic.

Pinkie's tears finally overflowed her eyelids and ran down her cheeks. After they had started she just couldn't stop them. Her breathing became ragged as she slowly sank down onto the floor, and held herself in a tight embrace. She cried and cried, hoping that somehow this would make everything better, but it didn't.


Knock knock knock

Pinkie Pie was standing outside of Fluttershy's cottage.

Knock knock knock

"Fluttershy?" Pinkie tentatively whispered.

The door cracked open a fraction of an inch, and a teal iris gazed outwards.

"What do you want Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy asked in an uncharacteristicly angry voice.

"I... I wanted to apologize Fluttershy. I didn't know that you would..."

"Of course you didn't Pinkie Pie. You rarely think things through, you're completely unwilling to control yourself, and you never stop to think that maybe you shouldn't do something. Even if I wasn't there, would it have been nice to do that to Rarity?"

Pinkie Pie couldn't speak. For the first time in a long time, she was speechless.

"No. It wouldn't have. I'll consider your apology, but for now, I think it'd be best if you leave."

Pinkie's head slumped to the ground as the door closed in front of her, "But... I'm sorry." she said quietly.

She sat at the door for a few more moments, waiting for Fluttershy to open the door and say at this was her pay back prank. She waited and waited, but Fluttershy never came. Pinkie Pie slowly rose to her hooves and began walking away. As she did so the sound of a deflating balloon came from her as her mane and tail went straight and dulled in color.


Pinkie Pie got up off the floor and began walking back to her room when she heard a voice call to her from the bathroom. She turned around again and entered the room. She turned towards the mirror and gazed at herself once more.

"Don't worry, she'll forgive you." her reflection said in a comforting voice.

"But what if she doesn't?" Pinkie asked her reflection.

"She's your friend. She will forgive you. Trust me, would I ever lie to me?" the reflection asked in a more cheerful voice.

Pinkie gave a sad smile, "I hope so." she whispered to herself.

Pinkie began walking back towards her room when there was a quiet knock on Sugarcube Corner's front door. She waited to make sure she wasn't hearing things, and sure enough there was another knock. She turned and walked downed down the stairs to the main room of the bakery. As she opened the door to the bakery she instantly saw who was knocking and walked over to the door.

Fluttershy stood outside and visably shifted her wait around on her hooves. It was obvious to Pinkie Pie that she was uncomfortable to be in town at this time of night. She turned on the lights and opened the door for Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, please come in." Pinkie beckoned to her friend.

Fluttershy smiled gratefully to her and entered the shop. She walked over to the nearest table and sat down.

"Can I get you anything Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked with a smile.

"Um, no thank you, Pinkie. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I reacted earlier. I was just so mad that...," Fluttershy stopped and breathed in deeply, "It doesn't matter anymore."

"Wha... what do you mean?" Pinkie asked as she backed away slightly, preparing for the worst.

"What I'm trying to say is, I accept your apology Pinkie. You didn't mean it and I realize that." Fluttershy explained.

Pinkie's mane instantly poofed back out and her color returned, as a gigantic smile appeared on her face. She swept Fluttershy into a hug and held her tightly.

"Thank you Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Pinkie Pie released her hold on Fluttershy and began hopping back to the door that would take her back upstairs, when she heard Fluttershy say something.

"What was that Fluttershy? I didn't hear you." Pinkie asked as she turned around.

"C... can I stay with you tonight? I... if it's okay with you that is. I don't want to impose, but it's really dark out and... I'll just be going." Fluttershy said.

"What! Don't be a silly filly. Of course you can stay with me tonight!" Pinkie said before she jumped up and down from another realization, "It'll be just like a sleep over!"

Pinkie Pie led Fluttershy upstairs to her room and pulled out two sleeping bags from her closet.

"Why are you pulling out two sleeping bags Pinkie?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Well," Pinkie started as she unrolled the bags, "they're for us silly!"

"But you can sleep in your bed. I'll sleep on the floor." Fluttershy stated.

"Nope! That wouldn't be fair. So unless you want to sleep in my bed with me," Fluttershy's face lit up red, "we'll both sleep on the floor." Pinkie explained.

"Okay." Fluttershy said as she walked over and helped unroll the bags.

After the bags were unrolled, Fluttershy climbed into one and situated herself into a comfortable position. Pinkie Pie on the other hand had one more thing to do.

"Hey Fluttershy, I'll be right back." she said.

Pinkie Pie walked out the door and down the hall to the bathroom. She walked up to the mirror and whispered, "Thanks.", before she turned and went back to her room.

"Well that was fast." Fluttershy stated.

"Yeah, I just had to say something to a friend." Pinkie stated happily.

Fluttershy shrugged and quickly fell asleep.

Pinkie Pie yawned and looked over at Fluttershy, 'Today was an eventful day.' she yawned again, 'Thank goodness everything turned out alright.' she thought to herself as she drifted into blissful sleep.

Author's Note:

Just a little something I did to pass the time. Feel free to critique it, and please have fun. If you liked or not please tell me why below in the comments or pm me. Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 7 )

Pinkie Pie doesn't prank Fluttershy, remember? She stopped Rainbow Dash from doing it, too. The worst she's done in four seasons is accidentally spook her by her enthusiasm. So--that's a problem with the premise of your fic.

The prank was meant for Rarity.:duck:
Fluttershy was an unfortunate casualty.:twilightsmile:

And the premise that she doesn't prank Fluttershy is what made me ask myself what would happen if she accidentally did it.

4491167 I see. Thanks for clarifying. (As you can see, I didn't downrate. I just wanted to know.)

Unfortunate things happen to those who get in the way of something meant for another person. Wasn't something like this done before where she was going to prank big mac but ended up injuring fluttershy in the process? I think that fanfic was called "a sight for sore eyes" by some dude named pat or something. But yeah this story is rad don't worry i was just bringing up another story with the accidental pranking of fluttershy but instead that one turned into romance.

Okay thanks! Glad you liked it, and now I'm off to find that story of which you spoke.:twilightsmile:

No prob you are more then welcome :) if only there was a high five emote i could use. Here's the fanfic i speak of. enjoy.:pinkiehappy:
A Sight for Really Sore Eyes

I love these stories, but it makes me sad that not a single story like this has a hopeless, sad ending. I want more sad stories....

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