• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 15,274 Views, 813 Comments

Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 24- Naruto’s Most Epic Quest Ever

Author's Note:

Don't take this chapter seriously. Well, not too seriously. It's still important to the plot!
The first season grand finale is approaching!

Bold italic is narration. Preferably in a deep, male, sexy voice. Rawr.

‘Twas a beautiful day in Ponyville. A day which started out perfectly for our young hero, Naruto Uzumaki. Not only was the air especially cool, and the sky especially blue, but it was also the day when he would finally open Equestria’s first ever Ramen stand, right in the market of Ponyville.

However, even that was not why that day would be marked as the most glorious day in history. No, it was because on that day, Naruto was about to embark on a most glorious quest. One that would change him, his thoughts and his very standing. It all began as Naruto walked up to his pride and joy, the ‘Uzumaki Ramen’ Ramen stand…

Naruto took a deep, satisfying breath as he looked upon his wonderful, yet humble Ramen shop. It was a few days of hard work, but with some help from Applejack, Rarity and the rest of his friends, he was finally able to put it together. The stand, which resembled a huge caravan, was semi-mobile and situated at the side of the marketplace. It had a built-in roof, and an entry door to the small kitchen inside. It was also connected to water and gas, and had a counter for serving out the prepared dishes.

The caravan was painted mostly orange, but it had a blue roof, and a large, simple sign which simply read ‘Uzumaki Ramen’ in black letters. This was the name chosen for the store, for which Naruto gave no less than five whole minutes of thought.

Applejack had also found some folding tables and chairs at the attic of her farmhouse, which she needed only for family reunions, so she simply let Naruto have them. The orange stallion then dragged them outside from the stand and arranged them in front of it. “Phew, this is hard work without hands or magic…” he thought as he struggled to figure out whether pulling them using his mouth or pushing while only standing on his back legs was more convenient.


After setting the few tables and chairs around in front of the stand, Naruto proceeded to make the Ramen. Using a similar process to the day when he obtained his cutie mark, it took him only half an hour for the finished broth to bubble in a pot on a stove built into the stand. The raw noodles were laying on the inside counter, and a pot of boiling water was ready to have them cooked at a moment’s notice.

Naruto grinned to himself. “I can’t believe I’m really doing it!” he thought in excitement as he looked around, but his heart soon sank to see that nopony was passing by. “Must be because I’m not at the center of the market…” he figured.

“Hmm… How should I get ponies to come here?” Naruto pondered for a moment, and then grinned when an idea popped into his head. “First pony gets a free meal of Ramen!” he shouted out, hoping that somepony will soon come.

Just then, as if on cue, a pony fell down from the sky, impacting the ground just in front of Naruto’s stand and knocking over two chairs. Naruto shielded his eyes from the created dust. “That was… a Pegasus!” he realized in horror and ran outside.

“Hey! Are you okay?!” he called as he approached the Pegasus, taking a closer look at it to see if he should call for help.

To his surprise, the winged pony immediately got up, just as the cloud of dust dissipated. It revealed a blue-gray mare with yellow mane and tail. She immediately turned towards him, a huge grin plastered on her muzzle. “Hi there! Is this the new muffin stand?!” she asked in excitement, looking at Naruto.

Naruto simply gazed at her, unable to speak properly. “Is she… Looking at me? She’s looking up and down… No, left and right at the same time… Right?” he pondered, simply staring deeply into her off-center yellow eyes.

“Hello?” she asked. “Is anypony in there?” she tilted her head at him.

“Oh! Umm… Were you talking to me?” Naruto finally found it in him to speak.

“Yeah, you! It’s not like there’s anypony else here!” she chuckled. “You’re the muffin pony, right?”

“I’m selling Ramen, not muffins,” Naruto replied, still somewhat shocked by the encounter. “You have the wrong pony.”

“Pfft. ‘Muffin’ and ‘Ramen’ are basically the same thing, right?” she dismissed. “They even end in the same letter!”

“No, they’re not!” Naruto replied, somewhat offended by the comparison.

“Look, sir. I heard you say ‘free Ramen’, and I’m gonna get my ‘free muffin’, okay?” she asked sternly. It was obvious she was not going to accept ‘no’ for an answer.

Naruto sighed. “Okay then. I’ll just assume whenever she says ‘muffin’ she means ‘Ramen’,” he decided, in order to save himself more arguments with the odd pony.

“Alright, one… uhh… muffin, coming right up!” he called as he went back into the caravan-slash-restaurant.

Despite his first customer being so strange, Naruto couldn’t help but grin in excitement as he poured the broth into one of the bowls he had bought to use. He then boiled the noodles, removed them from the water with a strainer and then added a generous amount of them into the hot liquid. The prepared meal was placed at the outside counter, with one of Momo’s apparatuses next to it.

“Okay,” Naruto started to explain how to use the metallic device. “Just put the cup on your hoof and—”

“Thanks for the muffin!” the Pegasus called happily and just shoved her head into the bowl.

Naruto was surprised by this, but smiled proudly nonetheless when he saw her eating his dish so enthusiastically.


“So, how was it?” Naruto grinned from ear to ear as the mare drank the last remaining drops of the broth.

“That was the strangest muffin I ever had,” she replied with an unusually serious expression. “Butttttt it was really good! I’m definitely gonna recommend it to everypony in Ponyville!” she then smiled at him.

“Alright!” Naruto cheered, raising a hoof to the air.

“Just one thing,” the Pegasus said. Naruto looked at her questioningly.

“This isn’t very exciting. The taste, the appearance. Any other muffin out there could compare to it,” she gazed at him with her unfocused eyes.

“Well, this isn’t a…” he replied, when he remembered that for some reason, she decided that ‘Ramen’ was ‘muffin’, and he had no choice but to play along. “So what do you suggest?” he inquired. “What could possibly be bad about improving my Ramen?”

“Well, there’s actually a really pretty seven-colored flower nearby. If you add it to that weird muffin of yours, it would look REALLY good, and taste REALLY delicious!”

“Well… I DO want my muffin to be delicious. I mean, Ramen!” Naruto thought. “Alright, how do I get those flowers?” he asked.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea! I was going to go pick some of those flowers anyway, so I might as well come with you!” she said happily, looking at him with those odd eyes of hers.

“Well… Okay,” Naruto replied. “Why not?”

“Hurray!” the Pegasus called happily. “Then let us depart on an epic quest!”

“Err… Alright, I’ll just close up the stand for now,” Naruto answered, not sure what to say about the ‘epic quest’ part.


And so, the duo embarked on a journey of a lifetime, a journey which would take them into faraway realms, into places beyond their imaginations. A journey that would teach them about the entire universe, and even themselves…

“The flower field is on the top of that mountain,” the Pegasus pointed at a mountain nearby Ponyville. It didn’t look too high, and could probably be easily reached in about an hour’s walk.

“Alright then,” Naruto replied with a nod, and the duo set out.

“Oh, right! I’m Naruto Uzumaki,” he introduced himself. “What’s your name?”

“Derpy Hooves! Or Derpy, for short,” she replied cheerfully.

“So… Umm… How do I look to you?” Naruto asked, finally having an opportunity to ask her about her eyes.

Derpy stopped walking, and simply stared at him. “Are you hitting on me?”

Naruto’s face became redder than Applejack’s apples. “W-W-What are you saying?! Of course not!” he cried. “Like hell I’m in love with a pony!”

“I hope not. That was the worst pickup line I’ve ever heard. And trust me, I’ve heard a LOT of them,” she replied and continued walking.

“I really should have worded that better… Never mind, I won’t even question it anymore,” Naruto decided, in order to spare himself further embarrassment.


A little ways out of town, Naruto noticed a familiar filly looking up at a tree, a troubled expression on her muzzle. “Get down, Opal! Please!”

“Hey, Sweetie Belle. What’s up?” Naruto asked as he and Derpy walked over to her.

“Hi, Naruto,” the Unicorn filly replied. “Oh, you’re that pony… Uhh... Ditzy Doo, right?” she asked, looking at the Pegasus mare.

“Nope, it’s Derpy Hooves! But you can call me whatever you want!” she replied happily.

“So what happened, Sweetie Belle?” Naruto asked.

“I had an idea of getting a pet grooming cutie mark, so I tried putting same makeup on Opal. But she got really mad and ran up this tree,” she explained, looking upwards. Naruto and Derpy looked there as well, to see the white cat sleeping on one of the branches without a care in the world. A large red stripe of lipstick was on the side of her face.

“Oh, the poor thing!” Derpy cried. “She must be so terrified!”

“Yeah. Think you can help me get her down?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I’d call Rarity, but she’d kill me if she found out I caused Opal to run up a tree!”

“Well, it’s a good thing Derpy’s a Pegasus,” Naruto smiled at her.

“Actually, I decided not to fly anymore today,” she told him.

“Huh? Why?” Sweetie Belle asked, surprised.

“A couple of days ago I broke a leg when I tried to land. The doctor advised me to ‘give it a rest’ for a while. I thought it would be better today, so I gave it a try. But you saw how that turned out, Naruto.”

“Oh, I see,” Naruto nodded. “So is your leg all better now?” he asked, since there was no indication of any injuries on her.

“Oh, I didn’t break my leg. I broke Bon Bon’s. Poor girl, I landed right on top of her…” she sighed. “So anyways, I decided to take a break from flying for now,” she finished explaining with a somewhat goofy smile. Sweetie Belle and Naruto simply stared at her, utterly flabbergasted.

“Umm… Think you can get Opal down, Naruto?” Sweetie Belle asked after getting over what Derpy said.

“Of course! Piece of pie!” Naruto grinned.

“What a gentlecolt you are, Naruto!” Derpy called in admiration.

Naruto paced towards the tree, infusing his hooves with chakra. “Oh crap! Derpy doesn’t know I’m a ninja…”

“Well… Maybe we should just get another Pegasus to get her down,” Naruto suggested.

“Huh? Why?” Sweetie Belle asked. “You said you’re really good at climbing trees.”

“What, are you scared of climbing a little tree, Naruto?” Derpy laughed.

Naruto blushed deeply with embarrassment as his expression became angered. “Fine! I’ll show you I can climb the stupid tree!” he shouted. “I don’t need chakra to climb a dumb tree!”

Naruto then marched towards the tree, got up on his back hooves and grabbed onto the trunk with his front ones. He then latched onto it with his hind legs as well, and started lifting one hoof after the other.

“Yeah! Go Naruto!” Sweetie and Derpy cheered.


“Dammit… This is really tough with no hands or chakra!” Naruto thought as he clenched his teeth in effort. “Seriously, how do those ponies do it?!”

He had been climbing the tree for over five minutes now and barely got halfway to the branch Opal was on.

As he managed to hold a small branch lower down, it snapped. “Gah!” Naruto cried as lost his grip on the tree, falling to the ground and landing on his rump.

“You stupid cat! That’s why I never liked you! Get down this instant!” Naruto screamed as he looked up furiously at Opalescence. Upon being completely ignored, he kicked the tree just like he’d do at Sweet Apple Acres.

Many leaves came falling down, and Opal’s eyes flung open in surprise. She then looked down at Naruto, hissed angrily towards him and ran down the tree and back towards Ponyville.

“Opal! Come back!” Sweetie Belle called as she started galloping after her. “Thanks, Naruto!” she added without looking back.

“Argh! This was all a waste of time!” Naruto called in annoyance. “I should have just kicked that tree from the beginning!”

“You know, a wise pony once told me: ‘It is not the outcome that matters, but the journey taken to obtain it’,” Derpy said in a sagely tone.

Naruto let out a sigh. “I guess so… Okay, let’s go.”


“So what do you usually do in Ponyville?” Naruto asked after a while.

“I’m a mail carrier!” Derpy replied cheerfully.

“Oh right! I did see you a couple of times around town with the mail,” Naruto recalled. “Oh, and Twilight also told me about you.”

“Only good things, I hope!” Derpy chuckled.

“She actually said you dropped a ton of stuff on her, including a piano. How crazy is that?” the stallion laughed, not believing that outrageous tale for a second.

“I know, right?” Derpy laughed. “But I apologized to her and everything, so now it’s all better!” the mare replied cheerfully, meeting Naruto’s stunned expression. “I even sent her a ‘get well soon’ card!”

“That… actually happened?!” Naruto thought in shock, and suddenly felt really bad for Twilight.

“Hey! Naruto!” a voice called out.

Derpy and Naruto turned to the caller’s direction, to see an orange filly standing by the riverbed.

“Hey, Scootaloo. What’s up?” Naruto greeted the young Pegasus as he paced over to her.

“I’ve got a problem, Naruto,” she explained, when she noticed the mare at Naruto’s side. “Oh, hey Derpy. What are you doing with Naruto? Are you two dating or something?” she grinned at the two.

“No way!” the two yelled simultaneously.

“Naruto has the worst pickup lines ever!” Derpy added angrily, as if offended by the mere suggestion.

“She keeps calling my Ramen a muffin!” Naruto said on his side.

“Sure, alright, whatever,” Scootaloo said, not buying it. “Anyways, my ball kinda rolled into the river. Think you could get it for me?” she pointed at a medium-sized orange ball with a purple stripe along its circumference. It was caught on some branches of a shrub next to the riverbed, which luckily prevented it from being carried away by the water.

“No problem, Scootaloo,” Naruto said as he paced closer to the river, preparing to infuse chakra once more into his legs to allow him to walk on top of the water. “Oh, right! I forgot about Derpy!” he remembered again.

“What’s up, Naruto?” Scootaloo asked. “You told me and the others you can walk on wa—”

“Ahaha! Very funny, Scoots!” Naruto shouted. He’d galloped to Scootaloo’s side and covered her muzzle with his hoof before she could finish speaking.

“She doesn’t know I’m a ninja, remember?” he whispered.

“Why don’t you just tell her?” she whispered back, arching a brow.

“Cause I don’t want everypony to look at me like I’m some kind of—”

“Hey!” Derpy called, cutting Naruto off. “The ball’s getting carried away!”

“Ah!” Naruto yelped and ran over to the river. The ball was slowly moving out of the branches way and into the open, where it would be quickly carried away by the flowing water.

“I’ll help you!” Derpy called as she stopped next to Naruto.

“Thanks, Derpy!” Naruto said as she held his back hooves. He reached forwards, stretching all of his body just above the waterline, and just barely managed to hold onto the ball. Meanwhile, Derpy was holding his back legs just inches off the river, supporting Naruto and preventing him from falling into the stream.

“Alright, you did it!” Scootaloo cheered, standing next to Derpy.

“Okay, pass the ball here!” the mare called.

“Alright,” Naruto replied and reached back his left front hoof, the ball safely balanced on it, for Scootaloo to grab.

However, Derpy grabbed it instead. “Here ya go!” she said happily, giving it to the orange filly.

“Thanks!” Scootaloo replied, when she remembered something. “Where’s Naruto?” she asked. He wasn’t where he was just a few moments ago.

“Help!!!” Naruto cried, carried away by the rapids. When Derpy took the ball, she had let Naruto go, causing him fall into the water and get carried away by the stream.

“Oops, my bad!” Derpy called out to him.


A few minutes later, Naruto was panting heavily, standing nearby the river soaked and shivering.

“Are you okay, Naruto?” Scootaloo asked.

“You sure are lucky you managed to grab that branch over there, Naruto. I really thought you were gonna end up in Las Pegasus or something,” Derpy chuckled.

“Why did you let go of me?!” Naruto shouted.

“Well, I couldn’t let little Scootaloo put herself at risk, you know. She’s just a little filly!” she replied with a serious look.

“She’s got a point, I guess…” Naruto admitted to himself reluctantly.

“Hey! I’m a big pony! I can take care of myself!” the orange Pegasus objected. “Well, I can’t swim though. So thank you both!”

“You’re very welcome,” Derpy said happily, smiling alongside Naruto.

“See ya!” Scootaloo said, trotting off with the ball balanced on her back.

“Great, my shirt’s all wet now,” Naruto grumbled, feeling the soaked top part of his jumpsuit. His coat was drying quickly, so he didn’t mind it.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. You did a good deed!” Derpy tried to cheer him up. “Besides, as a wise pony once told me: ‘It is not the outcome that matters, but the journey taken to obtain it’,” she said once more in a sagely tone.

“You already said that,” Naruto reminded her. “Whatever, let’s continue.”


The duo was now standing right in front of the mountain. The gray, rocky mountain was about eight hundred meters tall and almost completely devoid of plants, save for some pine trees which were growing along its sides. A rocky path was carved in a spiral around it, leading up to the relatively flat summit.

“Well, here we are!” Derpy said happily, looking upwards. “We could probably get to the top in about ten minutes!”

“Are you sure?” Naruto asked skeptically. “I think it would take us like an hour on that path,” he said, surveying it. “Well, if I used my chakra I’d probably get there in five minutes…”

“Oh, we’re not taking that way!” Derpy laughed. “We’re taking the fun way!” she exclaimed cheerfully. Naruto replied with a puzzled gaze.


“This… *pant* is the… *pant* fun way?!” Naruto groaned.

“Yep!” Derpy replied. “Isn’t mountain climbing super fun?”

The two ponies were taking the shortest way to the summit — climbing straight up. Finding little nooks and crannies to grab onto, Naruto very slowly managed to make his way up the mountain, Derpy taking the lead just a few meters above him.

“We’re really behind schedule, though. Think you can hurry it up?” Derpy asked. It’s already been fifteen minutes of climbing, and Naruto could only make it a quarter of the way.

“How the hay is she doing this?! She doesn’t have chakra or even hands! Are all ponies good at mountain climbing or something?!” Naruto thought in frustration. Derpy had made this all seem completely effortless.

“We can take a break if you want, Naruto. We can use that ledge over there!” Derpy suggested, pointing with her hind right hoof to a small ledge a meter to her right.

“Okay!” Naruto replied. “I could really use a break right about now…”

A few moments later, Derpy had managed to get on the ledge, happily looking down on Ponyville below them.

“Isn’t it great to go on trips once in a while?” she asked happily, looking down at Naruto who still had a bit more to climb.

“Yeah, sure,” Naruto replied without really listening. “Can you help me up?”

“Sure thing!” Derpy said cheerfully as she reached down and pulled him onto the ledge next to her.

Now safely at her side, the two ponies stood above the impressive view of central Equestria, the wind fluttering through their manes and the sunlight warming up their bodies.

“Naruto,” Derpy said, turning to look at the orange stallion.

“What?” he replied, looking back at her.

“I don’t think this will work out. I mean, the two of us.”

“Huh?” he replied, not understand her.

“We can’t be together like this anymore,” she said with a grave experience.

“What?! We’re not together!” Naruto quickly denied.

“Look, you should really just leave, Naruto.”

“Why?! I don’t get it! I just got here!”

“I mean you should get off the ledge. It’s breaking.”

Naruto froze. “Wait, what?”

Derpy pointed a hoof behind them. The ledge on which they were standing was slowly cracking from end to end. This continued for a few more seconds until the two cracks met, and the rock they were standing on started sliding down the mountain’s slope.

“Whee!” Derpy cried happily, as she and Naruto were unintentionally riding the boulder on its descent.

“Gyah!” Naruto cried as he lay down on the stone, holding it with all his might as to not fall off. “Get me off this thing!” he hollered as the rockslide started.


“Wasn’t it awesome, Naruto?! Let’s go again!” Derpy laughed as she jumped off the boulder, shortly after it rested on the flat ground.

Naruto wobbled a bit as he stumbled off the boulder. He was still rather shaky after the two minute long ‘ride’ down the mountain. “Why didn’t we just take the normal path?” he asked as he lay against the rock, trying to regain his sense of balance.

“Because it wouldn’t be any fun. It’s just like what a wise pony once told me: ‘It is not the outcome that matters, but—’.”

“I know. You already said that twice,” Naruto frowned. “Who told you that anyways?”

“I don’t know. It was some old Unicorn. He said he’s a traveling merchant, but he looked like a total weirdo to me,” Derpy replied.

You’re calling him a weirdo?” Naruto thought sarcastically, quickly realizing who that pony was.

“Anyway, it’s a good thing we got down the mountain. We climbed the wrong one!” Derpy laughed.

“We WHAT?!” Naruto shouted.

“Yep, we should have climbed that one!” Derpy pointed to a mountain to the right of the mountain they had climbed. It looked very similar to the first one, only it was about three times as tall.

“ARGH! THAT’S IT!” Naruto shouted, completely fed up with everything that happened. “Transformation Jutsu, Release!” he called as he crossed his two front hooves. Out of a cloud of smoke, he emerged as a human.

“You were onto me all along, weren’t you?!” Naruto burst, pointing at her. His face was red with anger and he was breathing heavily. “Well, there you have it! I’m a ninja! I could have walked up that tree, I could walk on the river and I could just walk up on the mountain! You somehow made me do all of this just to get me to admit it, right?! I hope you’re satisfied now!”

“Woah, what are you? You look so cool!” Derpy said in awe. “But you really should have told me in the beginning. Do you know how much trouble it could have saved you?”

“Wait, you didn’t know?!” Naruto asked, shocked.

“Nope! You were really good. I’d have never guessed you’re not really a pony!” she said, impressed. “Well, for a while there I thought you’re like Zecora because of those stripes on your face,” she laughed.

“And you’re not… You know, afraid or shocked… Nothing?” Naruto asked, surprised by her calm demeanor.

“You look weird, but then again, everypony is special,” she smiled.

Naruto smiled, his anger mostly gone thanks to her calm, and somewhat sagely reaction. “Thanks, Derpy. And… I’m sorry for shouting at you just now.”

“Don’t worry about it, Naruto. I've had a great day together with you!” Derpy replied cheerfully.

“Well, let’s go get those flowers!” Naruto called, pumped up and ready to continue.

“Actually, I think I've had enough fun for today. Let’s go back,” the gray mare said as she turned back towards Ponyville.

“But what about the flowers? I thought you wanted some too,” Naruto asked, joining her.

“Oh, you’ll see,” Derpy smiled.


“That’ll be ten bits, please!” Daisy said.

“Here ya go!” Derpy replied as she paid the pink Earth pony the sum, and got a small bouquet of flowers in return. Each daisy-like flower had seven large petals, and each petal was a different color, creating a beautiful, circular rainbow.

“I prefer to pick the flowers myself, because it’s more fun that way. But it was getting kinda late, so I figured we should just buy them here,” Derpy explained to Naruto with a smile.

“You mean the flower vendors were selling them in the market?!” Naruto, in pony form, called in shock.

Derpy and Naruto had returned an hour later to Ponyville. On the way back, Naruto had told her what he had told the others about himself, and had asked Derpy not to tell anypony about his true form, which she had complied to with a ‘Pinkie Promise’, much to his surprise. Derpy had then led him back to the market to meet with the flower vendors: Daisy, Rose and Lily Valley.

“Yeah. Didn’t you know that?” Rose smiled. “And you went all the way out to get them? That’s our job,” she added with a chuckle.

“Are you telling me you’re climbing that huge mountain every time you’re getting more flowers?!” Naruto asked, deeply impressed.

“Mountain?” Daisy inquired, arching a brow. “Rainbow daisies grow on the plains southwest of Ponyville.”

“Derpy, don’t tell me you’ve got Rainbow daisies confused with White cloud lilies again…” Lily Valley sighed.

“Oops, my bad,” Derpy smiled.

“So we did all that for nothing?!” Naruto yelled in disbelief.

“Oh, don’t be like that,” Rose said. “You know what they say…”

“‘It is not the outcome that matters, but the journey taken to obtain it’,” said the three mares simultaneously.

“Everypony here spent way too much time with Momo,” Naruto sweatdropped.

“Well, let’s get on with that muffin!” Derpy exclaimed.

“I can’t wait to make that muffin already!” Naruto grinned. “No, wait! I meant Ramen!”


Back in the Ramen stand, Naruto, in human form again, was working on his new broth for the Ramen. Derpy watched him as he crushed a few of the flowers and added them to the broth. When the hot liquid was done, it was nearly glowing with several colors, contrarily to the usual light brown color.

“Told you it will look great! You really deserve that first bite!” Derpy said happily while munching on another Rainbow daisy.

“Alright!” Naruto said as he poured some of the rainbow broth into a bowl and added some freshly-made noodles. “Itadakimasu!”

Naruto brought the bowl to his mouth, deciding to first take a sip. The moment the broth entered his mouth and touched his tongue, he immediately spat it out. “Sweet! Sweet! Too sweet!” he cried and immediately shoved his head under the faucet to cleanse his mouth with water.

“Derpy! What the hay?! That flower is way too sweet!”

“Well, duh,” she replied, rolling her off-centered eyes. “I mean, you wouldn’t want a salty or a sour muffin, now would you?”

“This is Ramen! This isn’t a muffin! It’s not supposed to be sweet!” Naruto snapped at her.

“Well, you should have said so from the beginning!” Derpy retorted. “But you know what? This was all for the best. Because, as a wise pony once told me…”

Thus, Naruto’s most epic quest ever had come to an end. Never in the history of this world, nor of any other, had a more epic quest existed, nor will one exist ever again.

On that day, many ponies, some of which were as far as Canterlot, could attest to hearing loud cries of anger and frustration originating from the new stand at Ponyville’s marketplace.

On that day, the ‘Uzumaki Ramen’ stand had acquired wide fame, mostly because ponies were curious as to why somepony would scream in such manner and simply decided to stick around to have a taste of delicious, non-rainbow Ramen.

On that day, a most powerful friendship had been formed between our young hero, Naruto Uzumaki, and one Derpy Hooves. A friendship so powerful, Naruto would have described it as ‘don’t drive me crazy again and I’ll give you free Ramen whenever you want’. Truly, a friendship for the ages.

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