• Published 30th Jul 2014
  • 3,587 Views, 19 Comments

Ponymon, the Rarest Pokemon - ThatCactusPony

Rarity finds herself in the Pokemon world, with a few curious trainers.

  • ...

A new Pokemon?

Rarity was sitting in a chair in Twilight's lab. The alicorn had asked Rarity to come over and help her with a spell she found in an old, enchanted book. "Twilight, could you please tell me what this is about?" The unicorn asked.

Twilight walked over, her pink magic aura was surrounding the enchanted book. "Well, I learned this spell. I really wanted to test it out."

"On me?!" Rarity gasped.

"Not exactly. I need a bit your blue magic. You see, the spell requires a lot of magic. Dark blue magic to be exact. In order to preform the spell, and perhaps create a huge advance in technology today, I wanted to use some of your magic. Erm, if that's ok?"

Rarity looked up at the ceiling for a moment, then nodded. "Alright Twilight, I shall." Her horn began to glow. The blue magic aura started to grow bigger. Twilight's horn lit up. The magic from Rarity's horn flowed into Twilight's. As the magic mixed with Twilight's, her pink aura slowly became a dark blue. When it was done, Twilight nodded. "Perfect! Thank you so much Rarity!"

"Not a problem, darling" Rarity replied. Twilight walked over to a thing on the ground. It looked a bit like a landing pad. "Twilight... What exactly is the spell?"

"Well, it takes you to another world. Remember when I went through the mirror when Sunset Shimmer stole my crown? Well ever since then I've wanted to see what other worlds lie out there. This machine I built separates things, then combines it with more power. I feel like I can use the magic to complete the spell."

"So are you trying to go to another.... World? But what if you get trapped?"

"Well, I guess only time will tell!" Twilight's horn glowed brightly. "Besides, I have a back up plan." The purple alicorn shot the magic beam at a prism. The prism broke the magic back into pink and blue beams. The beams zoomed through wires and tubes, then they finally met at an orb, which was above Twilight. "Well Rarity, I guess I'll see you... If this works."

Suddenly, the orb glowed bright. So did Rarity's horn. Rarity's eyes widened in shock as she was pulled forward by an invisible force.

"Rarity? Rarity!" Twilight looked at her. She galloped toward her friend, but she was too late. A bright light, followed by a blast with enough force to knock Twilight off her hooves, filled the castle. When the smoke cleared, Twilight looked up. "Rarity?" The unicorn was no where to be found. "Sweet Celestia, what have I done?!?"

Rarity opened her eyes. 'Where am I?' She wondered. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. 'Twilight? Twilight are you there?' Rarity looked around. She couldn't talk for whatever reason. 'Why did Twilight's spell do that? Oh well... I should probably look around....' Rarity stood up and started to walk around. She looked like she was in the Everfree forest, only sunnier. 'Maybe it was a teleportation spell? Maybe I can find Fluttershy's cottage nearby!' Filled with a new hope, Rarity trotted onward.

The forest she was in seemed to go on forever. Rarity's hopes faded. 'Maybe...maybe I really am in another world. I want to go home... Please! Anypony! Twilight if you can hear or see me, help me!' She didn't know what to do. She felt helpless. In fact, she felt like she was Sweetiebelle's size. Rarity sighed and stopped walking. Suddenly, there was a rustling in the bushes behind the unicorn. Rarity turned towards the sound, then backed away slowly. Then, a yellow, mouse-like creature jumped out of the bush. Rarity stopped dead.

"Pikapi?" It tilted it's head to one side.

'AaaaaAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!' Rarity turned and galloped away as fast as she could. She dove out of the undergrowth and into a clearing. Then, without warning, she was tackled to the ground. Rarity tried to push herself up, but the thing on her back held her down.

"Pika Pikachu!" The mouse said happily. Rarity tried to push up again, but she stopped. She heard a voice.

"Pikachu!" A male voice sounded from not that far away. Rarity looked up and saw a teenage boy running toward the yellow creature.

"Pika!" The weight on Rarity's back lightened as the Pokémon bounded over to the boy. He picked it up. "Hey Pikachu! We were looking everywhere for you"

As he said that, two other people came into view. "Ash! Did you find him?" A female voice called.

"Ya Misty, he's right here!" Ash responded.

"Why did he run off?" A deep voice asked.

"Not sure Brock, I just found him sitting on something" Rarity suddenly felt their gazes on her. She wasn't sure if she should run because she knew the yellow thing with the name of, Pikachu, would tackle her again.

"What is that?" Misty asked in curiosity. They started to walk closer. Rarity sat up. 'W-what are those things? Are those the human things that Twilight met in the mirror world.'

"Could it possibly be... A Pokemon?" Brock pulled out his Pokedex. Nothing but the words, "unknown Pokemon" showed up on the screen.

Ash kneeled down in front of Rarity. "Hello there. I'm Ash. Do you have a name?"

Rarity didn't say a word. She just stared at the trainer. Finally, she tried to say something. 'You. Tell me where I am, I don't belong here, do you hear me?' She tried to say it, but no words came out. She tried again. "Rrrrr...rrrrrrrraaaaa...rarity" she put her hooves to her mouth. "Rare rare. Rarity." 'What in Equestria?!?!'

Misty looked down. "Is it called a Rarity? Strange."

"We should take her to Professor Oak" Brock suggested.

"Good idea! Come on Rarity. Let's go" Ash grabbed Rarity.

"Rare rare!!!!" Rarity squeaked in protest. 'Put me down this instant you freak of nature!!!!' Ash and his friends continued to walk on.


The teens entered a building with Rarity in Ash's arms. She kept squirming to get free. When they stopped walking, Rarity looked up. They were in a lab. She guessed that it belong to the person they called, "Professor Oak".

"Professor! Are you here? We have something to show you!" Ash called out.

Moments later, a tall, middle-aged man walked into the room. "Greetings Ash, Misty, and Brock. And you too Pikachu."


"What was it you needed?"

"We may have found a new Pokemon." Ash held out Rarity.

'What are you doing?!' The unicorn kicked her hind hooves.

"Interesting!" Professor Oak said, looking at the mare. "Do you know what it's called?"

"We think it's called a 'Rarity'" Brock told him. "Go on, talk to the professor."

'I will not! Now put me down now!' "Rare! Rara rarity!" She kept squirming, trying to get free.

"I think she wants to be put down." Misty said.

'Really? What gave it away? The screeching or the flailing?' Ash set her down gently. 'Now, let me go. I don't know if you can understand me or not, but I'm going to get very unladylike like and upset if I don't get home.' "Rara rare rare. Rare, rare, rarity"

"It seems quite smart. We should see what moves it knows in the training grounds." Professor Oak suggested.

"Great idea! Let's go Rarity!" Ash and Brock started to run outside. Rarity didn't budge. Misty gently picked her up. "Come on girl. It'll be fun". The training grounds weren't that far away. Many trainers were training their Pokemon. Every so often, Rarity would hear a command like, "Charmander, use ember! Use Tail Whip! Use Double Team!" The mare wasn't sure what was yet to come.

"Good day Professor." A fellow trainer approached. "What brings you by?"

"We have something, but if you see it, you need to be quiet at first. Ok?"

"Ok. What do you have?" With that, Rarity was placed on the ground. "I-is that a new Pokemon?" The trainer whispered.

"Yes, and we're studying it. So we don't need a huge mob over here." Oak replied.

"Ooh! It can fight my Pokemon! That way, you can find out its moves. So, is it genetically engineered or a fossil?"

"We just found her by the woods." Brock said.

"Cool, well, wanna battle?"

'Battle? What? What are these people planning to do to me?" Suddenly, the other trainer threw a red and white ball while chanting, "Go Skitty!" The ball opened up with a bright light, and a cat-like creature popped out. "Skitty!" It mewed.

"All right Rarity, follow your instincts, and do your best!" Ash said. 'What is going on?!'

"Skitty, use Bite!" The cat obeyed and ran towards Rarity. 'Woah woah woah... Bite?! What is the meaning of this?!' "Rarity rare rarity!!!!!" She yelled before Skitty's teeth sunk into her coat. "RARRRRRRREEE!" Many of the trainers were now aware of the battle. With each person that walked over, they asked the same question; Is that a new Pokemon?.

Rarity stood up. "Go Rarity!" Misty cheered.

"Go Skitty, use Tackle!" Skitty reared back, then charged at Rarity with great force. The Pokemon knocked the breath out of her. "Rare....." 'Why are they doing this..... No, I must not back down. I am no foal! Alright kitty, gloves are off. Hit me with your best shot' Ash, Brock, and Misty cheered when she stood back up. "Rare Rare!" She challenged.

"Hit her with another Bite!" This time, Rarity was ready. She jumped over Skitty before her fangs cut into her flesh again. Rarity then turned around. But, she didn't hear the next command from the opponent. Skitty was going to hit her with some beam thingy. The white unicorn's eyes widened as the laser inched closer. Time seemed to stand still. A memory popped into her mind. Twilight was teaching her how to teleport correctly. "Just close your eyes and imagine the place you want to go to." 'Come on Rarity....' She closed her eyes tight. Her horn glowed blue. Then, with a flash, she teleported behind Skitty, just milliseconds from being hit. The crowd gasped.

"Did you see that?! Is she a physic type? That was SSSSOOOO close!" The trainers all whispered to each other. Feeling motivated, Rarity's horn sent out a magic pulse that knocked Skitty back. Rarity had no idea she had these powers. She made a few crystals rude from the ground, and she threw them at her opponent.

"Skitty! Skit Skit!" The cat yowled. The trainer was at a loss for words. She just stood there, her jaw dropped. Finally, Rarity's horn glowed with great power. She dashed towards Skitty, a blue blaze surrounded her (making her look like a blue fireball). She tackled Skitty and sent her flying. Skitty struggled to get up, but collapsed and fainted.

"Skitty is unable to battle, Rarity wins!" Brock announced. The spectators cheered. Ash picked up Rarity. "Rarity! You did it!"

'Yeah yeah, sure. All in a days work. Now will you put me down?'

"Ash, put her down for a second" Professor Oak said.

'Ugh, thank you Mr. Oat'

After Ash set Rarity down, Professor Oak snapped a picture on his official Pokedex. It logged in Rarity into the Pokedex. "RARITY, A UNICORN POKEMON, PHSYCIC TYPE"

Suddenly, a trainer burst out loud, "Professor Oak! I want a Rarity!" The field was then filled with commotion. "Is it legendary? Is it one of a kind? Ash can I have it? I'll give you my Magickarp for her!"

Rarity backed up as the trainers swarmed around her. "Hey! Don't scare her!" Misty yelled, picking her up.

"How about you guys look for more Rarities in the forest we found her by." Brock said.

"Ok!" The trainers ran off.

"Quickly now, before we get surrounded again. Back to the lab. I have an idea."

Rarity was set on a table once they got to the lab. Ash was sitting in a chair beside the table. Misty and Brock were by Professor Oak.

"Misty, Brock, I need some help. Misty, can you get some Pokemon food? And Brock, help me find one of the Pokemon I need." The three parted, leaving Ash with Rarity. It was an awkward silence until Ash broke it.

"So Rarity, those were some awesome moves out there!"

'Yeah, yeah, whatever...' Rarity thought.

Ash was silent for a bit, then he said, "You know, I was thinking... Maybe after this, you could be my Pokémon. It would be fun! You could go to Pokémon battles. We could go on awesome adventures! You could see the world."

Rarity blinked. "Rare rare?" 'What do you mean? Like keep me as a pet?' She thought.

"You and Pikachu could be best of friends!" As the young Pokémon trainer spoke, the yellow Pokémon leaped onto the table and sat next to the mare.

"Pika!" Pikachu squealed.

'Yeah, I'd LOVE to be BFFs with the rat that got me here in the first place' "Rare rare rarity ra rare"

"So, you want to join us?" Ash said excitedly.

'Wh-wha? You couldn't hear my sarcasm? It's as if you think I said, Oh I'd love to join you!' "Rare rare!"

"That's great!" Ash exclaimed. "Pika!" Pikachu chimed in.

Rarity's jaw dropped. 'Your kidding me? Do you ugly flesh beasts not get sarcasm? Or are you just stupid?" "Rarity rare rare ity"

"Yeah! You, me, Brock, Misty, and the other Pokémon! Come on, let's go see what they're up to." Ash let Pikachu leap onto his shoulder. "Let's go Rare!"

Rarity facehoofed. 'Oh for Celestia's sake...' The unicorn jumped off the table and followed Ash.

"Come on Rarity" Professor Oak said. He led the mare into a yard. It was a large area surrounded by a fence. There were a few other Pokémon in the area.

"Who wants something to eat?" Brock called out. The other Pokémon jumped with happiness and ran into the lab. Once they were gone, Misty asked, "So, what's the plan?"

The Professor looked over to Brock and nodded. In response, Brock threw a red and white ball. To Rarity's surprise, a pink blob popped out. "Ditto!" It cried.

Misty nodded in understanding. "OHHHHH!! I get your plan now!"

"This was the same plan I had back when some of the other Pokémon were declining in numbers." Professor Oak replied.

'Decline in numbers? What do you me-.. waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait.... Back it up...' Rarity looked up at them. 'What do you mean by that. Wait, where are you going?' The trainers went back into the lab. "Rare rare?"

The pink blob sat on the ground. "Dit Ditto." The professor poked his head out of the door. "Ditto! You know what to do" He whispered. Ditto replied with, "Ditto!"

'Kn-know what to do? What does he mean?' Rarity's thoughts were interrupted. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Ditto walking up to her from behind. Realization dawned on her. 'HAY TO THE NO!!!!' She ran around the field with the blob chasing her. After a few minutes of running, she jumped the fence. As she ran, she heard the trainers yell her name. 'Forget it! This place is terrible! Say good by to your Porkeyman, or whatever. This mare is leaving, and I'm not coming back."

Rarity galloped away as fast as she could. When she thought she was at a safe distance, she slowed down a bit. 'I-I want to go home. I need to take care of Opal and Sweetie Belle!' She sniffed. 'I miss Ponyville...' Suddenly, she heard what sounded like something running towards her. Daring to turn around, she saw a yellow shape. Sshe realized it was the mouse thing. 'NOOOOOOO! Not again!' Rarity turned and ran away again. But before she knew it, the Pokémon tackled her again.

'NO! PLEASE!! LET ME GO!' But it was no use. A few moments later, the people caught up to them.

"Rarity, why did you run away?" Misty asked with concerned.

"We just wanted more of you so everyone can be happy. You'd be happy too!" Brock added.

"R-Rare rare...." Rarity hid her face in her hooves.

"Come back with us Rarity" Misty urged.

"Guys! Don't you see?" Ash interrupted. "Rarity is a legendary Pokémon! That's why there can only be one."

"I never thought of that!" Brock exclaimed.

Rarity tilted her head in confusion. 'So, your not going to torture me anymore?' She thought as Pikachu let her go.

"So Rarity, are you still up with joining us on our adventure?" Ash asked.

'Pssh no. But I thank you for the hospitality. I'd rather be far far away from you people. Thank you for letting me go.' "Rare rare rarity ra rare rare rare, rarity". Rarity smiled.

Her smile quickly reversed when Ash looked really happy along with his friends. "This is awesome!"

"Your the first trainer of the legendary Rarity!" Misty exclaimed.

'Wait, what?' Rarity blinked.

Ash pulled out another red and white ball. "Ready Rarity?" 'Ready??!?!' Rarity narrowed her eyes. Ash threw the ball at Rarity. She squealed and jumped out of the way. "Come on Rarity, this is how you make it official. You don't have to be in your Pokeball after that though."

'YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!!!!!" Rarity screeched in her mind.

Suddenly, there was a boom noise in the sky. Everyone looked up. There was something that looked like a Sonic Rainboom. There was a purple commit zooming down from above. It crashed down in the middle of the group.

"What was that?" Professor Oak gasped.

In the crater in front of the Pokémon trainers, a purple shape stood up. It had dark purple wings, a flowing blue and pink mane, and a unicorn horn. It resembled a horse with longer legs.

Rarity's jaw dropped. 'C-could it be?'

The creature unfolded it's wings and stood up tall. "Twi" It said.

Rarity jumped up and ran around the newcomer. 'Twilight! Twilight! It's really you! I missed you so much!'

Twilight looked down at the white unicorn. She was a lot smaller than her now. 'Hello Rarity. I'm super sorry about what happened. I don't know what went wrong...'

Rarity stopped. 'You can understand me? Nevermind, doesn't matter. Did you come to get me? You have no idea what I went through!' Rarity sat down in front of Twilight.

'Yes, I....' The alicorn looked over at the awestruck Pokémon trainers. 'Who are they?'

'Oh don't get me started on those.....human things that you talked about' Rarity replied. 'They made me fight, they threw a ball at me, and sent a pink blob to .... um...'

Twilight cringed. 'Ew. Well, I found out what happened with the machine.'

"Twi Twilight Light Twi"

"Rare rare?"

"Twi Twi"

Rare rare rarity?! Rare Rare!"


"What on earth are they saying?" Brock wondered.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that is the evolved form of Rarity. And by what it's saying, it's called a Twilight." Professor Oak explained.

'So the machine reacted with your magic and sent you instead of me' Twilight finished. 'So we came to get you out of here.'

'We?' When Rarity spoke, a pink pony, a little smaller than herself, jumped off of Twilights back. It stood in front of Rarity.

"Pinkie!" It squealed.

'Pinkie Pie?' Rarity gasped in surprise.

'Yeah! Are you surprised?' Pinkie Pie smiled. Her voice was slightly higher-pitched than usual.

'Yes I am.'

'Remember when I said I had a Plan B?' Twilight winked. 'I asked Pinkie for help'

Just then, the conversation was interrupted by Ash. "So you are the three evolutions of Rarity? This is am amazing. Three legendary Pokémon! We can explore the world together!"

Twilight's horn started glowing, so did Ash's eyes. 'Hello human. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I will take Rarity home now.' She said.

"Wait, how can I understand you?"

'I'm magical' Twilight smiled as Rarity and Pinkie jumped on her back. 'Farewell flesh creatures.' Twilight started to flap her wings.

'GOODBYE FOREVER you hideous freaks of NATURE!!!' Rarity yelled. "Rare Rare rarity rare rare!" Twilight zoomed into the sky and disappeared with another rainboom.

Ash blinked, with the slightest bit of hurt in his eyes. "Twilight talked to me....She said she was taking Rarity away...."

"I'm sorry Ash" Misty said. "You guys really had a true bond."

"Hey Professor Oak!" A trainer spoke up. "Where are the Rarities?" They were surrounded by trainers.

A flash of light shined through the library castle. The three mares returned to the room they left.

"I can talk again! Thank you so much Twilight!" Rarity squealed.

"Of course Rarity. I'm sorry I put you through that. I had Spike watch the machine while I went and got Pinkie and....." Twilight blinked. "Wait, where is Spike?"

Spike looked up at two figures in horror.

"Hey Rigby, it's a dragon" The blue one said.

"Awwww Yeah! Now we can ride anywhere we want Mordecai!" The brown one laughed.

"T-Twilight? Help!"

Author's Note:

Just a random story :)

Comments ( 18 )

I imagined this story as a comic, and the last paragraph ending like the end of a Loony Tunes video.:derpytongue2:
Anyways, good story.
Edit: Wait, this is incomplete??

Hehe, well that was a rather nice tale.

That dito is a pimp.

A four outta five.

Heres a line tho

powers. She made a few crystals rude from the ground

Amusing pic, what's her stage three?

Please continue with the story. It sounds awesome, and I would like to read more.

What?! No RapiTwi reference, perhaps her getting angry and becoming the evolved form of Rapidash, with wings.:pinkiegasp: That would be awesome.

And now Rainbow finds out about a world where you get super powers and get to fight stuff for fun.

I might make a sequel about the ending... But idk yet. Thanks for the support :)

Not bad. 6/10

I laughed. This was funny. A disturbing with the part with the ditto...

5145258 yeah a squeal about the end and where twilight gets stuck in the pokemon world. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::moustache:

Good Story dude. Though missing pinkie pie on your character list. Let pinkie pie fans know she's in the story

5145258 if you ever do make a sequel to this name it a Spike of friendship.:moustache::facehoof:




Don't mean to be rude, but the entire scenario could have been avoided if rarity tried to use her magic to write out what she was saying, unless that would be changed too.

Rarity almost got fucked by a blob... 9/10 would almost get fucked by a blob again!

this was beter then i was expecting 10/10 would read again

Timeline 3

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