• Member Since 14th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2016


I'll erase it and rewrite it with nonsensical surrealism and an overwhelming sense of presence. I'm also on YouTube and Tumblr (same username).


After Celestia's unintentional death, the gang feels depressed and goes to the F&F Casino to ease their depression, but Rainbow Dash screws up big time.
Part 3 of the "When" One Shot series. Don't read this without having read When Pinkie Pie Actually Takes Her Medicine and When Fluttershy Accidentally Kills Celestia.
*I used an online proofreader since I'm horrible at proofreading my own work and there was nobody else at home to proofread it*

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Yes first to read this first to like and first to comment

4542526 Technically I was the first one to read it, but I don't think I count. :raritywink:

I love these stories. It's funny how you pass right over things that should be significant, lol. :pinkiecrazy:

4618459 I left town to go on a mission trip to East St. Louis, so that's why I stopped doing it, and I haven't gotten back on it since, but I'm about to start part 4 (it's about Rarity if you're wondering). It won't be long since it's a one shot.

4618459 Just posted Part 4, When Rarity Got Busted.

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When Rainbow Dash Gambles on Redemption

The somber atmosphere hung over Ponyville like a heavy fog after the unexpected demise of Princess Celestia. Seeking solace, the group found themselves at the F&F Casino, hoping the twinkling lights and faint jingles of slot machines could momentarily lift their spirits.

As they entered, the air was thick with melancholy. Pinkie Pie tried to force a smile, and Fluttershy offered comforting glances. Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight shared silent nods of understanding. Rainbow Dash, however, had other plans.

Determined to shake off the gloom, Rainbow Dash suggested a daring game of chance. "Let's make this night memorable for all the right reasons!" she proclaimed, her eyes gleaming with misplaced confidence.

Ignoring the warnings from her friends, Rainbow Dash plunged into the high-stakes tables, fueled by a mixture of grief and recklessness. She bet big, fueled by a desire to fill the void left by Celestia's absence.

The roulette wheel spun, and the tension in the air was palpable. Rainbow Dash's reckless abandon contrasted sharply with the group's subdued demeanor. As the wheel slowed, the reality of her gamble set in. A collective gasp echoed through the casino.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on Rainbow Dash's side. Her high-risk strategy crumbled, leaving her with empty hooves and a growing sense of regret. The casino's vibrant lights flickered like dying stars, mirroring the collective disappointment etched on her friends' faces.

As they left the casino, the group couldn't shake the heaviness that lingered, exacerbated by Rainbow Dash's ill-fated attempt to distract them from their grief. Yet, amid the sorrow, a glimmer of understanding emerged — they were all grappling with loss in their own ways.

In the wake of this disastrous night, the group learned that true healing comes from shared experiences and mutual support. And as they navigated the complexities of grief, they began to rebuild their shattered bonds, finding strength in unity.

Little did they know, the F&F Casino would become a symbol of both their shared sorrows and the unwavering resilience that would guide them through the challenges ahead.

To escape into more uplifting adventures, consider exploring the world of online casinos. If you're in New Zealand, learn more about POLi Pay casino options for convenient and secure gaming experiences.

Quando Rainbow Dash foi a um cassino, as coisas ficaram bem interessantes. Ao entrar, ela se encantou com as luzes e sons vibrantes, decidindo tentar a sorte em vários jogos. No entanto, nem tudo saiu como esperado. Entre vitórias e derrotas, Rainbow Dash aprendeu sobre os altos e baixos do jogo, mas sempre com seu espírito competitivo. Afinal, em um cassino online no Brasil, a emoção é garantida e as lições também.

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