• Member Since 20th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 25th, 2016



Matt, a human just as important as any other person on earth, finds a Pegasus filly named Fluttershy just abandoned in an alleyway in his neighborhood. He decides to take her into his family to learn more about her, and possibly raise her to become his loving daughter.

This is my first story, so going easy would be much appreciated. Don't go all out flamewar in the comments. Just let me know what you like/dislike about it.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 16 )

Oh look, a shitty knockoff of MLD. Neve seen one of those before

Filly is spelled incorrectly in the short description

4523493 Why, thank you sir. I completely understand your concerns. I'm trying my best to move it away from being a knockoff, and I know exactly how. It's incomplete, see? My version follows the adventure rather than leaving your imagination to it. It is my first story, after all.

Your diplomacy is more obnoxious than your writing.


4523571 Sorry, I guess I just can't please everyone.

We're have I seen this before.......o yeah MLD but nice plot twist yo!

4523586 i havent read the story but i like a lot of stories inspired in MLD, ill wait for it to get longer and then start reading it, but i promise, i will not judge it, just because MLD was the more sucessfull of this genre (i wont say it was the first because i dont know if it was), that does not mean other authors can use a similar plot, obviously many things will appears similar, its inevitable, a man raising the filly as a daughter, the filly loving his "dad", their dayly lives, let see how u put your own mark to separate it from MLD. ok. DONT LISTEN TO THOSE ASSHOLES, not that they can write a good story.

Comment posted by NigelNoscopes deleted Jun 19th, 2014

4523493 dude i get where your comming from by its suposed to be a knock off from My Little Dashie but you cant stop people from writing what they want, and its funny because i enjoyed reading mld and was looking for something similar. i also think this story is pretty good so far as well. and also i don't think anyone cares that its like mld but you!

4559736 Heh, your support warms my feels. Thanks.

is there going to be another chapter out soon because i say Last Modified
19th Jun 2014

i'll give you credit, this is the first mld spinoff that has the pony enter the world and not somehow be deaged.

This is a really nice story so far, and as the other guys said, it has a resemblance to MLD. I like this story because it has fluttershy, my favorate pony.

Omg you should really update this it is awesome and filly Fluttershy sounds adorable

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