• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 7,732 Views, 314 Comments

Meeting The Family - Harmony Charmer

Sequel to "The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie". Sombra and Pinkie visit Pinkie's home to meet her family. Of course, as Sombra soon learns, family isn't all what it's cracked up to be.

  • ...

Chapter 9: It'll Be OK

Igneous couldn't recall when he started pacing. Perhaps it had been when his wife had gone to bed and he had stayed in there with her. Perhaps it had been after she fell asleep and he got up because he couldn't sleep. Perhaps it was when he found out why he couldn't sleep to begin with. He just didn't know for sure.

He gazed at Cloudy Quartz, somewhat envious of her slumber. She was breathing deeply and evenly, almost as if she hadn't a care in the world, when he knew for a fact that she did.

'She must be exhausted, what with all those secrets.' He shook his head at that thought. 'No, no, I won't think about her like that. She hates lying as much as the next pony.'

He sighed and shook his head. Igneous hated lies. Lying never helped anything, nor did it make things easier, despite what ponies thought. Lying was never meant for the benefit of others, except for one's own desires and aspirations. He figured he had made that very clear when it came to his daughters.

Yet, Pinkie lied. Again.

He huffed in anger briefly, but didn't let his expression change. This time was going to be different, he knew. This time, he was going to make sure that it didn't like it did last time.

Igneous took a deep breath. 'Princess Luna, give me your strength...' Then, carefully, he stepped out of the room and into the hallway.

* * *

The waiting was killing him.

The ticking of the clock, never ceasing in it's endeavor to click for signification of every second passed, seemed so slow and painful. Sombra brushed his hoof over Pinkie's, somewhat eased by her returning the gesture, though it wasn't entirely relaxing. Not that he had more reason to be tense, especially at a time like that.

"How long did it say to wait?" Pinkie asked, her voice quiet.

Sombra shrugged. "I can't remember. I don't think I want to know, though. It'd make waiting worse, I suppose."

Pinkie nodded in understanding. "It seems like forever, doesn't it? We've been sitting here for about ten minutes and it feels like an hour, huh?"

Sombra nodded. "Is that clock slow?"

Pinkie sighed, then frowned at him. "You know I don't like beating around the bush about stuff! We haven't said a word since we got back from the pharmacy, you know that?"

Sombra shifted in his spot on the bed awkwardly. "I know."

"Can't we talk about it, then?" Pinkie asked, her head cocking to the side. She was more intrigued and curious than anything. "I mean, if this is really going to happen, shouldn't we talk about it?"

"Where do we even start?" Sombra questioned, "Pinkie, I'm worried. You might be... And we're not even..."

Pinkie's ears drooped. "I know."

Sombra sighed. "It's not that I'm embarrassed about it or anything like that. I'm just worried, is all. About how things will be different."

Pinkie arched a brow. "Will anything be different? I think everything will be the same."

Sombra frowned at her. "We'd have to move out. It's one thing for the Cakes housing us as a couple, but with a foal? They already have two of their own."

"Yeah, but we could just put the--" Pinkie stopped. "Whoa, you're right, we would have to move out." She piped up. "Oh, but we'd get a place of our own! Remember how Minuette said she was getting ready to move out of her place next door?"

Sombra opened his mouth to find an objection, but paused when he found none. "Twilight is paying quite a bit for my services at the library... I think we'd be able to." He frowned suddenly. "But, what about your job? You love to bake."

Pinkie gasped excitedly. "We could make a clothesline for the windows and send goodies over to the Cakes whenever we wanted! I'd still be working and we'd have more space for baking!"

"But what about your room? Is the house going to be able to hold both of our things?" Sombra questioned.

"Minuette says she has a walk-in closet!" Pinkie answered, "We'd have way more room than my closet!" She squealed happily. "We could get another party cannon and have room to spare!"

Sombra, deciding not to question her as to why she would need two party cannons to begin with, turned towards her. "But, what about the foal? Would there be enough room for him?"

"Or her!" Pinkie added, "And there will be! We could make expansions to the house if we wanted! Minuette always complained about how much space she had by herself!"

Sombra sighed. "Pinkie, what about--"

"Sombra, it'll all be fine!" Pinkie told him. She frowned at him. "Why are you trying to poke holes in this?" Her eyes widened. "Is this not something you want?"

"No!" Sombra exclaimed, then softened his tone, "No, I want to have a life with you... I just worry, is all. I can't help it."

Pinkie gave him a reassuring smile. "Sombra, you'd be a great dad! You're great with the Crusaders, you're great with twins, you're great with foals! Why are you so worried?"

Sombra stopped to think about that. Why was he so adamant on trying to find things wrong with having foals? He had proven time and time again to be capable of caring for them and for protecting them. So why was it so hard for him to accept?

He sighed. "I don't know." Then, he smiled. "Though, I suppose anypony would be nervous."

Pinkie returned his smile. "It is a big deal. But, we'll make it through!" She pulled him into a tight hug. "We always make it through!"

Sombra tentatively returned her hug. "Yes... We always make it through." But, unfortunately for Pinkie, she wasn't able to see the troubling frown on his face.

* * *

Sleep continued to elude Sombra that night. After his walk with the twins and a very tense, awkward dinner with Igneous staring him down from across the table, he found that there was little he had to find solace in at the moment. And when he held no solace, he often found himself going into the depths of his mind in which he kept things he hated to think about.

Being a father was definitely one of them.

'Is it because of my history?' Sombra pondered, 'Am I worried for what my past could bring to a potential family? That one day, my foal will come home asking me about being a tyrant? About being evil? About hurting ponies, their mother included?' Sombra cringed in painful remembrance. 'I'll never know how she managed to forgive me.'

Of course she had forgiven him. She was the Element of Laughter, she didn't have to hang onto such petty things like grudges. But, sometimes, he wondered about how much she had truly forgiven him for causing her such pain...

"I forgive you because I love you!" she had said. He wondered how true it was.

Sombra snuck a glance over at his saddlebags, which laid against the couch he was on. With a sigh, he opened up the bag with his magic and rummaged through it for a moment, then stopped as he found what he was looking for. He felt a smile come onto his face for a brief moment.

It was a red scarf, perfectly accented to his eyes, Rarity had assured him. It had been the thing that bound Pinkie and Sombra together, much like the red string of fate that bound two soul mates with one another. Because it was so long on him, he oftentimes wrapped it around Pinkie and then they would stand close together so that the scarf wouldn't stretch out. At least, that's what they told other ponies.

Sombra and Pinkie had an unspoken tradition with one another in the event they were separated for extended periods of time. Pinkie would sleep with his cape and he would sleep with the scarf she had given him, that way they didn't miss each other as much as they did. It gave them both a sense as the other being there, though it was soothing at best.

Sombra wrapped it around his shoulders and neck, then sighed as the familiar scent of confectionery treats filled his nose. He was willing to bet that Pinkie was doing the same with his cape, which made him feel a bit more positive about their sleeping situation.

'I shouldn't be so negative...' Sombra thought as his eyes began to droop, 'I know she cares for me and I care for her... And that should be all I need.'

Yet, even so, he couldn't erase the unease he felt...


Sombra, consumed in his own thoughts, jumped at the voice. He leaped off the couch and took a defensive stance almost immediately, fierce and ready to fight any oncoming threat. He blinked, then sighed, and eased up when he saw it was only Igneous, but still remained somewhat stiff. "Sir, you startled me." He tried not to sound annoyed, despite that being how he felt.

Igneous didn't blink. "You didn't sleep?" He hadn't phrased it as a question, though Sombra assumed that's what he intended.

"No, I... I couldn't sleep." Sombra paused, hoping to find a good excuse as to why, but finding none.

Igneous didn't seem fazed or perturbed. "I'd like to talk to you."

Sombra blinked in surprise. "Sir?"

Igneous said nothing, but instead walked to the front door. When he stood in front of it, he looked to Sombra. "Are you coming or not?"

Sombra, a bit unsure and dubious, was taken aback. Igneous seemed rather intent on ignoring Sombra for most of his visit, if his curt and short answers were any correlation. So, why was he talking to him now? And in the middle of the night at that? But, despite those thoughts, he nodded. "Yes, I suppose."

Igneous let out a brief, "hmm", before turning and opening the door. He didn't even spare Sombra a look as he walked out. Sombra, though extremely anxious, followed after him.

The night was cool and clear, moonlight pouring over the rocky terrain in gracious strokes. The stars were shining brightly and they twinkled off in the distance, very much like diamonds shining in a spotlight. Yet, although the scenery was peaceful and calm, it did little to ease Sombra's already fraying nerves. And he hated it very, very much.

'If it were a year ago, I'd be ready to deal with anything,' Sombra thought, '...then again, it was around that time I was still in the reformation process and perhaps even a bit power hungry. So, maybe I ought to not think about reverting to my old ways.'

Sombra wasn't one to get nervous about anything. He tended to be rather indifferent about most things that came his way, what with his background and regal attributes. If anything, the only times he ever got nervous was when Pinkie or the Crusaders were involved. Their antics and zany behavior proved to be too much for even him, sometimes.

Suddenly, Igneous stopped walking, which in turn caused Sombra to stop, although confusedly. Igneous turned to Sombra, his gaze hard and piercing. "Sit."

Sombra blinked in contained bewilderment, but he obliged nonetheless. "Yes, sir." He was beginning to grow tedious of the formalities.

Igneous nodded, then did the same and sat down next to Sombra. He didn't say anything for a moment, his gaze looking up to the moon briefly before he returned his attention back to Sombra. "Do you know why I brought you out here?"

Sombra felt annoyed at that question and he bit down on a sigh. "No, I don't. Are you a stargazer or something of the sort?"

Igneous didn't blink. "Yes, I am, actually, but that's not why I'm out here. Or you, for that matter."

Sombra blinked. 'Well, that was an unexpected answer...'

Igneous took off his hat and brushed his mane back with a hoof. "Sombra, I've noticed that my daughter has taken quite a liking to you."

'Of course she has, we've been together for the past year, and we've liked each other before then, so yes, she has taken a liking to me,' Sombra thought, careful not to let his expression betray what he was thinking.

"And I've also come to notice that you two are rather... close, in your relationship," Igneous continued.

Sombra, this time, did frown. 'Oh, great... Here comes the parental lecture I get from Sparkler every time she sees me and Pinkie together... Even Applejack isn't as berating as she is about 'traditional values'.'

Igneous remained stoic. "Now, I'm not in any position to talk about 'tradition' or the 'right way of doing things' like a self-righteous protester."

'Wait, what?'

"When I was your age-- heck, maybe even younger-- Cloudy and I used to share a stable quite a bit."

'Oh, sweet Celestia, no.' Sombra shifted awkwardly, but he tried not to show how uncomfortable he was.

Igneous chuckled. "I remember it like it was yesterday... Cloudy and I were always foaling around..."

'Oh, my God.'

"Heck, we didn't know any better... We just liked having fun, I guess."

'I don't need to know this. I don't need to know this. I don't need to know this.'

"'Course, we were just kids, then. We didn't know any of the things we do now... I guess that's why we've been married for so long."

'Oh, my GOD. Ear bleach. I need so much ear bleach.'

Igneous, seeming to realize where he was, cleared his throat. "But, everything changed when Cloudy got pregnant with Maud."

Sombra felt his disgust fade instantly and instead turn into freezing dread, the realization of their discourse becoming clear to him. He remained silent, hoping to find that he was wrong and something to say at the same time.

Igneous sighed. "I'm not gonna lie to you, Sombra. I was terrified when I found out. I felt so-- so--"

"Shocked?" Sombra suggested, finally breaking his unintentional vigil.

Igneous nodded. "Yep. Shocked." He looked down. "I didn't know what to do, to be honest. I loved her-- I still love her. And I wanted to make sure that I could give her the life she needed... That the both of them needed. " He scoffed. "But, like I said, I was just a kid-- how was I supposed to provide for her? I was just a scruffy farm helper, and it didn't pay well enough to feed me alone. How the hell was I supposed to provide for three of us?

"I thought about leaving. I thought about just packing up and leaving." He chuckled when he saw Sombra's face. "Don't give me that look-- any stallion would think that, maybe not at first, but for a moment, yeah, they would. Hell, ask Baritone if you don't believe me."

Sombra bristled at the mention of Baritone and he narrowed his eyes. "What does that liar have to do with anything?"

Igneous blinked. "You know about him?"

Sombra scoffed. "Know about him?" He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I had the misfortune of meeting that caitiff over a year ago. If I hadn't been under Pinkie's watch, there's no doubt that I would have--" He paused when he remembered where he was and he spared Igneous an apologetic look. "Sorry. I still get upset just thinking about what he did to Pinkie all those years ago..." He sighed. "I'm just glad he isn't around to drag her around like that anymore."

Igneous frowned. "Just how much do you know about what Baritone did?"

Sombra blinked. "He said he was going to marry her, didn't he?" He frowned and scoffed again. "And went and married somepony else... Like I said: caitiff."

Igneous just stared at Sombra for a moment, then looked back up at the sky. "Amongst other things, yes..." He cleared his throat. "Like I said, any stallion would consider packing up... when he found out that he got a mare was pregnant."

Sombra froze, his breath hitching in his throat. His ears were raised in the utmost alarm, his eyes were wide and warbling, and his extremities were tense and unable to move. Finally, after a moment of uninterrupted silence, he turned to Igneous. "W-What?"

Igneous's expression was hard and his gaze was piercing through Sombra painfully. "I know, Sombra. I've seen how these sorts of things play out, and I know that if it goes the way it did last time, Pinkie's gonna get hurt."

"No..." Sombra shook his head. "I wouldn't..."

"Really?" Igneous stood up, just barely standing over Sombra because he was sitting still. "Baritone said the same thing. He was so happy with her... Until he thought that she was pregnant."

Sombra tried to speak, to say something, but his words eluded him and his voice was gone from him.

"He ran off..." Igneous snarled, "And he only came back when he found out it was a false alarm." He laughed humorlessly. "And the worst part? Pinkie defended him. She defended him, even though he hurt her."

Sombra felt a spark of anger at those words, at the implications, but he hadn't an idea as to how to voice his thoughts. He was still too shocked to say anything.

"Pinkie forgives too easily," Igneous stated, "she hates holding grudges, especially against ponies she loves. That's something that ponies like to take advantage of."

Sombra felt a ice pick of freezing, cold emotion stab through him. It was so painful and familiar at the same time, though he couldn't place exactly where he felt it before.

"I heard her talking to Cloudy about you. She talked about how you got when you two started talking about foals. About how you practically shut her out when you did." He narrowed his eyes at him. "You tell all these stories about watching kids and you make it out to be that you're good at it... Yet, you're scared of being a father?"

"Sir--" Sombra tried to say, his jaw tight and rigid.

But, Igneous kept going. "It's one thing to be nervous about being a father. But, to make it out to be the worst thing there is--"

"That's not what I'm doing!" Sombra exclaimed, leaping to his hooves.

Igneous blinked in surprise at Sombra's sudden outburst, but he held his ground nonetheless. "Then, what? What could possibly be so terrifying about having a family?"

"What?" Sombra felt his anger grow. "Do you want to know what scares me so much? Do you really want to know?" He didn't grant Igneous a chance to answer. "Because I'm a monster, that's why!"

Igneous blinked in shock. "What?"

Sombra blinked in surprise as he realized how close his face was to Igneous's and turned away from him. "That's all I am..." He was quieter now. "I was a creation of a monster, therefore that's what I am: a monster." He scoffed lightly. "Do you have any idea what it's like, remembering every single bad thing you've done?"

Igneous didn't reply.

Sombra sighed in defeat. "Now, imagine what it's like to remember, but not having done any of it yourself. Yet, everyone thinks you did. And then, eventually, after you realize that no one is ever, ever going to forgive you for it--" Princess Cadence immediately came to mind and he shook his head to rid himself of the thought. "--you decide, 'Why not?' And, then, you start doing it. You start doing every bad thing that you wished that no one blamed you for. You hurt ponies-- Even the ones you love."

"Sombra..." Igneous tried to say, not sure what else to add.

"And that's what I did." Sombra felt tears come to his eyes. "I almost lost Pinkie because of it... I almost lost the one thing that actually matters in my life, and it was all because of my pride, my ego, and need for power..." He took a deep breath. "I already put up with a lot of trouble from ponies who don't know the story, but rather the tyrant... Can you imagine how awful it'd be to have a foal cursed with the same fate? 'Oh, look, there goes Sombra's kid! Let's hope they don't turn out like their old man!' 'Oh, hey, you want some crystals with that hayburger?' 'Oh, what do ya know, they like stirring up trouble! Just like good ol', tyrannical Sombra!'"

He didn't care how bitter he sounded. "My foals would suffer for my sins, no matter who I was with... Pinkie is the kindest, most genuinely sweet mare in all of Equestria. She lives to make ponies happy and to make them laugh. She saved Equestria from certain doom with her friends on multiple occasions. She's the Element of Laughter, for Tartarus' sake. She is the living embodiment of joy and happiness, even if it is at her own expense sometimes."

Igneous couldn't help but notice the glow Sombra took on when he said those things, even though he was forlorn and torn about it all. His sad, ruby eyes seemed to twinkle when he spoke about Pinkie, and he looked like the weights on his shoulders ceased to exist when he did. He looked positively exuberant and zealous about Pinkie in the most affectionate way.

"You love her, don't you?" Igneous realized.

Sombra turned back to him, a weak smile on his face. "Why else do you think I'd ask her to marry me?"

Igneous's eyes widened. "Really? You two are getting married?"

"Are you upset?" Sombra asked, somewhat apprehensive, "I mean, I'd understand why."

Igneous shook his head. "I'm just surprised, is all... If she had said something about getting married earlier, I wouldn't have gotten so upset..." He chuckled lightly. "Pinkamena Diane Pie, getting married. That'll be a sight."

"You're the first to know. Not even our friends know yet... We just wanted to make sure that... That everything was alright before we did."

Igneous put a hoof on Sombra's shoulder. "It's more than alright. You two are getting married!" He laughed. "I thought none of the girls were gonna get married, to be honest... Maud's not really interested in the idea of being with somepony and Limestone's a bit too... rambunctious. Then, there's Marble... She's a bit like Maud, that one. Never interested in any stallions."

Sombra chuckled, more to himself than anyone else. "Yes, it appears as though she isn't."

They were silent for a moment, not sure what else to say or do. Finally, Igneous nodded his head back down where they came. "We should probably head on back. The girls could be in a frenzy as we speak."

Sombra frowned. "You... aren't gonna say anything about what I told you to Pinkie, are you? I don't want her worrying... She gets weird when she worries."

Igneous smiled at him reassuringly. "Walk with me, Sombra." He waited until Sombra trotted beside him before continuing. "Sombra, there's something you need to know about marriage, since you're about to be a part of it."

"What is it?" Sombra asked, careful not to take long strides so that Igneous could keep up with him.

Igneous put on a serious face. "Never, ever keep things from one another."

Sombra paused. "Sir?"

Igneous frowned at him. "Enough of that 'sir' business. Call me Igneous. Yeesh, you're making me feel old." He cleared his throat. "Keeping things from Pinkie isn't going to help you at all, especially with how you've been feeling. I wish I learned this when I was your age, so I'm just gonna do you a favor and tell you something I was taught the hard way: talk to your wife. Talk to Pinkie about any and everything, even if you think it's silly. Every problem and every good thing that ever happened to you, is something to be shared with her. When it needs to be shared, that's for you to decide. But, never, ever, under any circumstances keep anything from her."

"Why are you telling me this?" Sombra questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm saving you from years of needless arguments," Igneous told him, "I'm saving you from pain and misery, even if it wasn't intentional. I want you to be honest with Pinkie, even if hurts your pride. Because, in the end, how is keeping your emotions in going to help you? It's certainly not going to help you be a good husband, and it's definitely not going to help you be a father."

Sombra was silent for a moment and he mulled over the information he just received. How many times had he caused trouble by keeping secrets in his lifetime? He had kept Conscience a secret from Pinkie, which nearly put him and Conscience in danger as a whole. He kept his doubts and emotions to himself, which caused him to lash out at Princess Cadence and release the Shadow. He hadn't told Pinkie about their past together, despite the effect it had on their future and he almost lost her because of it.

'He's right...' Sombra realized, 'I... I need to stop.'

"Toughing things out by yourself isn't gonna help you," Igneous told him. He smiled at him. "That's why some ponies need love in their life."

Sombra returned the smile, only for it to fade when he saw the house come into view. "What am I going to do when I go in? I... I don't know what to say."

Igneous put a hoof on his shoulder. "I know what you should do: talk to Pinkie. Ask her anything you need to know."

Sombra arched a confused brow. "Why are you--"

"Trust me on this." Igneous put his hoof down. "Go on, now. And put those blankets on the couch in the hall closet, would ya? Be a shame to have them there when nopony's going to use them."

Sombra's eyes widened. "You're... letting me sleep with Pinkie? I mean, in the same bed as her?"

Igneous nodded. "I trust that you'll be appropriate in these circumstances."

Sombra smiled at him. "Thank you, sir."

"Igneous, Sombra. Just call me Igneous."

Sombra nodded in response, and with a light skip in his step, he walked into the house, feeling lighter than he had for the past couple of days.

* * *


Pinkie groaned slightly and she rolled over. "Go away, I'm sleeping..."

"Pinkie, it's me, Sombra."

Pinkie's eyes opened instantly and she sat up abruptly. "Sombry?" Her eyes widened when she saw him. "You're supposed to be on the couch! Daddy's gonna kill you if he sees you here!"

"He said I can sleep in here with you," Sombra told her.

"Wait, huh?" Pinkie blinked her eyes, then rubbed her ears. "Do I have earwax in my ears again?"

Sombra chuckled. "No, I don't think so." He climbed into bed with her. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, now that you're here," Pinkie replied almost instantaneously. She tried not to show how uneasy she felt when she realized that. 'I gotta try to keep this truth serum thing under wraps...'

Sombra smiled at her. "Are you wearing the cape?"

Pinkie perked up. "Uh-huh!" She frowned. "I couldn't sleep without it..."

"I know the feeling..." Sombra said, sounding a bit solemn as he traced a hoof over the red scarf around his neck. He sighed. "Pinkie, I need to ask you something..."

Pinkie froze. 'Uh-oh... Please don't be anything bad!'

"Why did you forgive me?"

Pinkie blinked. "Huh?"

"You forgave me, even after everything I did, you..." Sombra trailed off. "I just wanted to know... Why?"

Pinkie let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank Celestia, I thought you were gonna ask me something super, duper serious!"

Sombra furrowed his brows, the way he did when he genuinely confused. Pinkie thought he looked cute like that. "What?"

Pinkie giggled. "Sombry, I forgave you because I love you! I mean, sure, you did something bad, but that doesn't make you a bad pony! I just think that good ponies do bad things and that's bad, but when it only happens once, it's just a mistake! Besides, we learn from our mistakes, and it helps us to grow! And do we ever really stop growing, to be honest?"

Sombra was silent for a moment, stunned and shocked. Finally, he said, "Since when did you get so wise?"

Pinkie scrunched up her nose. "Hey, I'm always wise! You're just too busy sniffing daisies!"

"What are you even--" Sombra shook his head. "You know what, it's not important. I have something else to say... Something that I've been avoiding for some time..."

Pinkie's eyes widened when Sombra took her hooves in his. He looked into her eyes softly, so vulnerable and defenseless. Pinkie had never seen him look at anypony like that, let alone her.

"Pinkie, I know I've been skeptical on the matter for some time and I... I just wanted to say that, after some thinking-- really, really serious thinking-- I realized that I... I want more than just a marriage between the two of us and-- Tartarus, I hate it when I get nervous... I sound like such a dolt right now."

"Sombry...?" Pinkie questioned, her eyes widening, "Are you saying that you...?"

Sombra took a deep breath, then slowly nodded. "Yes, I'd... I'd love to have a family with you, Pinkie. I love you and I... I don't think I feel so nervous about it anymore... At least, not like I was."

Pinkie's eyes began to tear up. "Sombra... I have something to tell you, too."

Sombra blinked. "What is it? Are you alright?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah. I'm better than alright, actually... I'm excited! Nervous and excited!"

"What is it?" Sombra asked, sounding skeptical.

Pinkie held his hoof. "Just... try not to freak out."

"Freak out? Why on earth would I--" He froze when Pinkie moved his hoof onto her stomach. His eyes widened and he looked at Pinkie with the utmost shocked expression she had ever seen him make. "Pinks?"

Pinkie smiled at him. "Are you gonna freak out?"

Sombra's jaw was slacked and practically unhinged from his face. Small, quiet sputters escaped from his lips as he attempted to make words. "I... But... How did... What..." Finally, he swallowed. "Pinkie, are you--"

"Yes!" Pinkie nodded erratically. "I am!"

Sombra smiled. "Really? You're... And I'm going to be a...?"

"Uh-huh!" Pinkie replied. She smiled at him apologetically. "I'm sorry I kept it a secret... I was just worried that you'd freak out or worse..."

Sombra held her close. "Never. I promise, I won't do anything like that."

"Pinkie Promise?"

Sombra nodded. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He kissed her nose. "I'm so happy..." He frowned. "Wait, does this mean we'll have to move the wedding closer?"

"Yep!" Pinkie hugged him. "Don't worry, I sent a letter to Cheesie so he'd help us!'

Sombra sighed in relief. "Good... I don't want you overworking yourself." He returned her embrace. "I love you, Pinkie."

Pinkie snuggled into him. "I love you, too."

Author's Note:

So, um, I was originally planning to have Conscience make a cameo in this chapter, but... It didn't feel right. If anything, it felt forced... Besides, he was supposed to be super serious and stuff, which just didn't fit him. Then, I realized I was just basically repeating everything that was said in The Not-So-Normal Adventures, so it was going to be a bit ridiculous and redundant. Conscience is gonna stay gone, unfortunately... I MISS HIM, THOUGH... So, I may or may not have channeled Conscience through Sombra...

Also, yeah, I tried to write Igneous... I hope I did good with him. Seriously, I'm a bit worried I didn't do a good job with him... Oh, well, moving on, yep, the story is almost over now! We just got an epilogue to go!

And, fun thing is fun~!

Pinkamena Diane Pie
Former King Sombra

Request your presence at their marriage
The birthday of the bride

On Friday, May 3rd
At 5 o'clock
In the evening

Princess Twilight's Castle

Planned by the bride, Pinkamena Diane Pie & Cheese BLT Sandwich
Please RVSP

If you were to receive an invitation to Pinkie and Sombra's wedding, what would your letter back be? As long as it's appropriate, I'll add into the epilogue and credit those who wrote them! Be sure to use proper grammar and spelling, if you are able to.