• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,123 Views, 71 Comments

Arachnity - Rarity Belle

Rarity has become her worst fear, a spider. She isn't really happy about it, at first.

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Arachnity part 1

The sun came again over the horizon like every other day. Its twinkles of golden light vanquished the night and the many terrors that it brought with it. The winds of the mighty pegasus city of Cloudsdale caused the horrible storm to finally part. To part away from the skies above the usual so calm and peaceful Ponyville. Yet at the moment of first dawn itself did the rooster of Sweet Apple Acres open its eyes and turned them towards the horizon.

The golden globe slowly but surely would made its rise in the skies which caused the creature to jump up like it got struck by lightning itself. With the dew of the morning and the waters of the nightly rain still freshly found within the fields, the scent of wet grass went through its nose. With one deep inhale it was time, time for the rooster to release its signature sound to the very world.

It was only some minutes after the silence had returned that the front door of the house opened up. The two hard working, earth ponies had risen in order to do their jobs. Though the calling of the rooster didn't go noticed by everypony. Within the four walls of the wonderful Carousel Boutique near the middle of the town, laid Rarity both calm and comfy within her blankets.

Her eyes were covered with a blindfold that blocked out any light of the rising sun and what managed to pierce through her curtains. The darkness that was created was almost perfect for the mare to keep on sleeping in. Weren't it for the single little fact that her nose began to twitch from that very same light. Another odd, little thing was the fact that it almost felt like her eyes weren't covered at all.

All in all it seemed like a rather strange play that was happening for the unicorn. Something that not even she could understand. Nonetheless it did manage to wake her up and that was just about the most important thing there was in the moment.

The magical charge around her horn appeared again. It was calm while both the blindfolds as and the curtains were being opened. The massive overflow of light caused the mare to keep her eyes shut with force for a moment. Her face was bombarded with light from the new day. Yet it still managed to cause a giggle within her.

After that was the blanket removed from her body in the blink of an eye. And then did the charge of Rarity’s horn finally manage to cease itself. It was no longer required within for her. Though there wasn't much in the known universe, that could have even prepared her for the thing that she would be seeing next. The unicorn of grace and fashion noticed that her body had changed, a lot.

It had changed into something that she hated and despised ever since she was a foal herself. The expression within her eyes quickly turned from having a good morning, to having seen their worst enemy. The signature high pitched scream wasn't released but was close of coming. Instead she released a whimper to herself as the eyes kept on blinking.

Not a single fiber of her entire body could have ever believed that she would have woken up and looked like, whatever it was that she looked like. “My life is ruined!” she whined to herself before her head dumped itself back into the pillow. Yet strangely enough, she didn't cry. The mare just whimpered like a dog who was hurt. And she was hurt, on perhaps the worst spot a pony could be hurt. Right inside their very own heart.


But what was the thing that the mare was looking at? What had caused her to shout those words and therefore turn her wonderful day into a terrible one almost instantly? One might have called it funny how one thing tiny could change a day though. Yet what happened to Rarity was everything but little. Where she had seen her own slender body, perfectly groomed and stylized the night before, there was something else that laid on her bed.

Something that was not from her, something that never, ever could have possibly even been from her. Upon the mattress of the bed laid a large abdomen of a spider. Her wonderful tail had somehow disappeared and turned into something she thought only bugs or creepy crawlers had. But the fun didn't end there though. There were so much more things to discover for the fashionista. Whether she liked it or not.

Next to the mysteriously gained abdomen, Rarity also realized that she had gotten four new limbs. Four extra legs that were just there. All of the sudden and without any explanation had they come. She could feel them clearly and without a doubt. It was something that made her secretly curious to her state. So despite being as sad as she was in on the morning, her body rose itself back up and the eyes were opened once more. She wanted to see how she really looked.

Only to witness the horror of her fully changed body. From her eyes she could see the abdomen actually started to slowly twitch as two of her legs were still in their position of her ‘pony’ self. That was one little relief she would get from it all. The remaining six of her legs were all nicely curled up around the middle part of her body. While the abdomen continued to twitch softly, the legs gently began to spread themselves and their bones snapped into the respectable places.

“This is, not happening!” Rarity mumbled to herself before she noticed the couple patches of ruffed up fur and just gave up. There was no more denying in the thing that she was. Yet it did remain the question to her as of how she became such a thing. Only then did the thoughts race through her mind, she needed to go to somepony. Or better said: somepony was coming to her near the end of the day.

What was the beginning of a rather nice day, had slowly and almost quickly been turned into a disaster for Rarity. Though she hadn't seen her entire body out of bed and fully walking upon the ground. Yet with everything, there still was one thing she couldn't quite put her hoof down to. Why could she see parts of her horn?


After a rough waking had Rarity finally managed to work her way into the bathroom with some adjustments to her new legs. Moving up from four to six seemed to be quite the step forward in her eyes. If it wasn't for the dreaded problem of keeping everything in order.

From time to time she made the casual joke of stumbling over her own legs, then it could be happening for real. A little fact she wasn't happy about it whatsoever. Grumbles of anger were released from the mouth before she looked into the mirror and saw that what to be seen.

Within her eyes fell an ivory haired, mixture of both pony and spider. But one that didn't look like any traditional, creepy crawling spiders. In a sense, she found herself looking a bit cute. It was strange given the fact she hated spiders and was actually terrified of them. Upon the gently wiggling abdomen could her signature cutie mark be seen and admired in full glory. “So that’s still there, but what’s that?” Rarity spoke to herself. Then she noticed two strange little blue dots near her horn.

The right fore hoof slowly made its way upward and the closer it came, the stranger things were getting for her. For where it was clearly visible within her right eye, so it was in the spot that showed her horn. All of the sudden did all of the world’s terror struck her. The ex-unicorn did a couple of steps back. She couldn't believe it what she just had seen, but it had to be the truth, right?

Could it be that she could witness her horn, because of a second set of eyes? It was a theory that was farfetched for certain. But with her unexplained transformation, it made everything a possibility. Speaking about her horn, it no longer was any straight nor was it dull at the edge. Instead it had something of a changeling to itself. Sharp and curled upwards near the end.

“This, is, the worst possible, thing!” Rarity exclaimed in her high pitched, terrified voice before a deep gulp was being released. Out of everything that she had expected to be waking up by or because, wasn’t the thing that she had become something that she could have ever expected. “Am, am I cursed?!” the mare exclaimed as she walked back up to the mirror. Her left forehoof touched the material while the four eyes looked deep within their reflection.

Yet that single string of thought still lingered somewhere deep inside of her. Somewhere deep inside of her, she found herself look rather cute, despite not being a pony anymore. Whatever could have caused Rarity to have undergone such a significant change of body, must have been a powerful force. Not even the unicorn had ever known that it happened. Powerful and silent, that was the power that caused her to have become that way.


Though the day sadly called upon the duties of the fashionista. The only problem was the little fact that she didn't wanted to run her boutique while she looked like a strange hybrid. What would the clients say when they saw her? Would they run away in fear, accuse her of darker arts? Or even worse? Rarity just didn't know and made the wise decision to keep the boutique shut for the day. Only those whom she truly trusted were allowed to get in.

The wonderful day shining bright on the outside world. Rarity would have continued to get more used to her body. All while tinkering about any reasonable answers of who or what had changed her in one of the arachnid kinds. It was something that still caused the shudder to travel down her spine whenever she thought about the creepy crawlers. Yet it also made her wonder about their abilities and in how far they shared them.

Ideas came to her mind that were quickly laid to rest again. The focus then shifted back over to the projects that she was working on. The sheer amount of focus that she needed in order to keep herself concentrated upon her designers work, was something that wasn't required in a long time. The sheer force that she put upon her mind wouldn't have been good for anything.

Thoughts were constantly playing out within her mind. Rarity thought about the things that could or would happen to her. It was something that was everything but healthy. She knew who could enter but secretly hoped that none would be doing so. Yet out of all the visitors she didn't wanted to have within her home that day, there was one that was just unavoidable.

One that was the way it was. Even with all the stars aligned and the sun and the moon both in the skies, it would still come. Such a regularity it had become that no known force in the land of Equestria would have been able to save her from it. And perhaps it was better that the truth was spoken to one of the ponies that mattered most in Rarity’s life before anyone else.

It was a plan that perhaps was just as insane as she could be from time to time but it was all that she had to work with. With the abdomen still wiggling gently, Rarity continued to try and keep herself focused upon the work that laid ahead. All of the projects that needed either finishing or starting. That was her element, that healthy rush of things that needed to be done.

Yet in the corner of her eye she caught something which seemed to have been like a misplaced flock of mane. With the pencil behind her ear it was possible that something like that happened. And with her glasses before her eyes, much more could have been possible. So one of the forelegs tried to rid itself from the purple hair.

Only to make the realization that it wasn't hair whatsoever. All four of the unicorn her eyes went wide at the clop of a hoof. Slowly but surely came the realization to her mind that she and the actual arachnids might have had a bit more in common than she originally had thought. Something which caused her ears to drop and allowed the pencil to fall down to the ground. “Oh this is going to be tough to explain to her,” the mare mumbled to herself. She became more desperate.


The day had gently been traded in for the evening. While the sun was setting itself behind the hills of Ponyville, it was nopony else then Sweetie Belle who left her home. She was packed with saddlebags to her sides and more than ready to enjoy the weekend at her big sister’s place. Despite the two of them having some troubles with one another from time to time, they could both agree upon the fact that they were the near perfect apple pie from time to time.

Sweetie made hums of songs to herself which sometimes became a little bit too loud. Therefore she allowed others to ‘enjoy’ them as well. Not that it was anything new when she happened to have been around though. Most of the ponies had gotten used to it and didn't even seem to be minding it anymore. It was also a help that Sweetie seemed like she was a born singer.

With the weekend that was knocking right at her door, the little filly was just ready to enjoy a late snack before crashing down in her bed and get some good night’s rest for the next day. A day that would be filled with adventures as the wonderful Daring Do would live them. At least that was how the three Cutie Mark Crusaders always pictured it.

With the last streaks of daylight slowly fading away over the horizon, the darkness of the night had fallen in. A darkness that felt gentle to her, calm even. Almost as if it was trying to hide something. Something that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Sweetie couldn't really place it home before she just shrugged the feeling off and continued down the path to the boutique.

When she finally arrived there was a little charge of her horn that allowed the door to be unlocked. And thus granting her access. It was a little trick she learned from her sister in cases that she didn't happen to have been home. The reason why Sweetie thought that was simply because there wasn't any light on. Not a single candle or magical aura could be seen in her eyes.

As silent as a mouse had she stepped inside and closed the door without a sound behind her. Both of her ears perked themselves up as she began to listen to the sounds that could have been picked up inside of the walls. Yet all that she got was nothing but the silence. It felt unusual to her for certain, uncomfortable even.

“Rarity, are you here?” the cracking voice of Sweetie Belle spoke up and echoed a bit through the dark building. Not even the light of the moon shone through the open windows, not yet at least. Though when the words were spoken did the filly remain silent. She had given her position away and could only hope that somepony would reply to it.

Though the thing that happened next wasn't something that Sweetie had expected. The snapping of bones could be heard clear. A sound which was followed up byt the smacking of lips. Something had awoken within the building and the filly began to shiver on her hooves. “W-Who is there?” she asked just after a deep gulp had left her. She became terrified about what could be.

“S-Sweetie? Is, is that you?” the tired and almost brackish voice of Rarity returned within her ears. It was a major relief for the filly to at least hear her sister in one way or the other. The only problem was that she still didn't knew what happened. “W-What time is it?”

That very question did manage to throw the filly of her guard before she looked at the clock in the darkness. It was difficult to tell but she discovered just where the pointers were aimed at. “It’s, a quarter past eight, sis,” she returned to Rarity. Then she trotted into the room a bit further. With a single and simple charge of her horn she managed to undo herself from the saddlebags and just left them near the entrance. “Where are you even? And why is there not even a single light here?”

Another grumble of Rarity was released first before the words continued in that broken and brackish tone of hers. “Working area, dear. And I don’t know, must have fallen asleep during work.” It was an answer that she could have expected though. Rarity sleeping in at the end of the day was nothing new to her. If anything, she would be surprised if it hadn’t happened.

With a bit of fresh courage did the filly made her way over to the working area of the boutique in the hope to fall right in the hooves of her sister. Her pacing was calm but happy until she reached the very archway that was leading to the space. There her whole pace just came to a standstill as the eyes looked into the room.

A room that was a lot more different than that she could have remembered. Because the last time that she was there, the cobwebs before the windows weren't there. That was a thing the filly knew. Sweetie tilted her head a bit before she dared to step forward. Everything was slowly breaking itself apart for her. It all came into a rather surreal state of mind.

The further she walked into the room, the more odder things seemed to have become. It seemed as if a massive spider had been walking through it and spun everything within its web. For countless little webs were stuck within the mane of the little filly. “Sis?” the frightened tone of the filly brought forth. She stood in the middle of the room and looked all around her.

Yet it was the lack of light that really caused her to fall into troubles. The only thing she could do was to charge her own horn again. Within a second or two had the magical green aura returned to it. Though the light caused something above her to move or shy away from it upon first contact.

The eyes of Sweetie Belle moved upwards in order to get a closer inspection of what it was. Though the thing that fell within her eyes was nothing that she could have ever expected to see. The only thing that she could do was scream on the top of her little lungs. All of her muscles were almost frozen solid. The sight that she saw was just terrifying, almost like she had seen a monster.


The horrible scream of the little filly went through marrow and bone. The thing that was above her head shocked up because of it. What happened next was over in a second or two. The body dropped itself from the ceiling and landed on the floor with a loud thud. Neither of the beings present in the building could have imagined that they would be meeting one another in that fashion. Yet the hardest task still laid before them. They both would have to face reality.

Right in front of Sweetie laid something that seemed to have been a giant, oversized spider. A spider which her older sister had always hated more than anything. The screaming would have silenced itself while the light remained. It was for the time being, the only light in the room. Sweetie could clearly tell that something was different about this giant, arachnid, thing. The white fur and purple hair wasn't anything that she had seen on a normal spider. This one was special.

Not even the ones that were genetically engineered or enhanced by Twilight looked like that. There was one conclusion that came to the mind of the filly. One conclusion that could only have come from a pony that has read way too many Power Ponies and Mysterious Mare-Do-Well comics. “Sis, is that, you?” she brought forth with care. She didn’t expected it, but prepared herself for it.

Another groan left the body as one of the legs twitched a little bit. Whether it was a confirmation upon the question was unknown. It didn't show any signs of hostility, yet. Something for which Sweetie seemed to be rather happy with.

Though in a flash and an instant did the body scoot away a couple hooves. Then it managed to work its way upright again. Hidden in the shadows and the darkness it arose before the one true blue magical aura began to coat a new horn. Within its powerful light was the friendly looking face of Rarity revealed as she gave her sister a small smile. “It’s me, Sweetie, it’s your dear old sister. Or, what’s left of it,” the mare said to her sister.

The words, the emotions, the actions even, all seemed to have been rather unusual and not truly fitting for a mare like Rarity herself. Yet on the other end, they did seem to have been fitting her well enough in the situation. Neither of the ponies could be making an actual rope from the stuff that was given to them, so they just had to work with what they had. Not much really.

“How did, why did, who did?” Sweetie managed to stumble out in response. The filly was lost within the eyes of Rarity. Who on her own turn released a gentle giggle and calmly shook her head. Then she moved herself a bit more forward and ignited the candles in the working area. With the flood of light that was given to the both of them, their horns almost immediately discharged themselves as they were given a true and perhaps final look to the other.

Though were Rarity looked kind, calm and collected, she was actually nervous as hell. Her own flesh and blood has seen her in the form of an arachnid kind of pony. Who in the land of Equestria could be telling her how it would end up for the two of them. “I kinda wish I knew the how’s, the why’s and the who’s, Sweetie. But I genuinely have not a single clue of any of those three questions. But, w-what do you think?” Rarity brought forth, keeping her distance from the filly.

It was one of the worst questions that she could have ever asked for her feelings. Everything then depended on that one little moment in the endless stream of time itself. Rarity braced herself for the impact before her two top eyes were closed.

Though where she thought that her sister would erupt out in a discussion, instead she scooted over closer and began to inspect her sister from literally hoof to mane. Once again had the events taken a turn that neither of the two could have ever expected. Yet for Rarity they continued to postpone the judgment. All she could be doing was just standing there with her still twitching abdomen while the eyes of Sweetie missed not a single spot.


Eventually the little filly stood eye in eye with Rarity. The sheer expression within them was something that could have told her enough already. Weren't it for the fact that she knew her little sister a tad bit too well. The emotionless expression was one that she also gave when inspecting something from head to hoof, a trait that got passed on to the next generation as well.

“Well,” Sweetie started before her lips curled up into a smile, “I don’t know what to say! You look so awesome! Almost like a superhero or a villain that Power Ponies would be battling against!” The sheer excitement within the voice of the filly was perhaps more than enough to give Rarity an ease at heart. Relief would have flooded her body while he tension left her.

Somehow had her little sister managed to actually accept the changes to her body and appearances for what they were. A thing that was actually a lot harder than it originally seemed. “Hey, do you have any of those cool powers as well? Like, uhm, webshooting?” The question itself was a bit idiotic, yet strangely on the right place as well.

Rarity didn't really knew how to answer it. She let out a giggle at first before she shook her head. “No Sweetie, I’m afraid I can’t shoot webs like that, although I can make them. Which I may or may not have done a bit too, vividly, this afternoon,” she replied before an embarrassed blush came.

The reaction she got from her little sister was a rather cynical expression with a raised eyebrow. Almost as if she was saying ‘you don’t say’ without any words. For the strings of her webs could of course be found through almost all of the working area. “I’ll, be cleaning that up tomorrow morning, honestly,” she then quickly added in the hope to avoid any more damage done.

“You know sis, this new form of yours got me thinking,” said Sweetie in order to change up the subject a bit. It was a change that actually managed to get the attention of the older unicorn as she walked calmly closer. Only to then guide her over towards the living room while igniting the rest of the candles. Rarity had to admit that she was curious to hear what her sister was thinking.

“Please do tell, Sweetie, you got me quite on my nerves here.” Anything could be said and asked from that point onwards. Rarity wanted to be ready to perhaps counter it if it was going to be needed. The last thing that she wanted was to be humiliated. Although hiding her entire body somehow from the crowds forever seemed to have been impossible in and of themselves.

“Well, you see, the girls and I are, you know, toying around,” Sweetie started nervously. Almost as if it was her turn to be nervous. Yet she wanted to make the request. The request that was perhaps a once in a lifetime. “And since, we all three do have a superhero costume, we never have a supervillain to fight against. So, c-could you become the villain for a day?”


What it basically meant, was that Rarity had to sacrifice an entire day in order to spend time with her sister and her friends. She knew they all were into those comics and even had some experiences sewing such outfits herself. “So that’s where you needed me for when you asked me that. Well I do have to confess that it is something that I didn't truly expect but uhm, how do I say this?” Rarity returned. She didn’t knew how to truly answer the question. It wasn’t a thing she was used to.

Yet all of the sudden could a left forehoof be found upon Sweetie’s shoulder. The filly was turned around rather quickly. The two ponies looked one another in the eyes and the expression that Rarity gave was one not seen on many occasions. “Beware Mare-Do-Well, for the anarchy of the White Arachnity shall only leave devastation and despair in its wake,” said Rarity in a playful but semi sinister sounding tone. Almost as if she already meant her words and was right in her role.

In one swift motion she dropped herself in the sofa before letting Sweetie actually rest upon her soft, hair covered belly. Only to slowly start to stroke through her mane while humming gentle songs through their calm talking. “So, is that going to be a yes?” the filly asked with big eyes. She yawned in a rather cute manner and snuggled up against the fun of her sister.

“It’s a massive yes, Sweetie. Truth be told, I would love to play the villain for you three. I just hope you can keep it a secret from them until then. Though I need to make myself an outfit first,” returned Rarity. She continued to stroke calmly over her little sister. Only to realize that the filly had fallen asleep within her hold.

A gentle giggle was released by the mare before the legs curled up against the body of Sweetie. All to form a little cage as well as a blanket while Rarity slowly began to sink away as well. Thinking about her outfit for the play to come.