• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 3,263 Views, 86 Comments

Requiem For The Kirins - Chaotic Ink

Prequel to The Witching Hour. 1500 years prior to Midnight's birth, the previous generation of kirins disappeared from Equestria. This is how it happened.

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Ch.1 - Tomorrow Looks So Bright

Dandelion tuffs shuddered and broke apart as a breeze blew through them. Like little hitchhikers the floating seed allowed the wind to carry them off to Faust knows where. Some would end up only a little ways away and help keep the flower-like weed prolific in the area, much to the chagrin of the gardeners. Others would be blown clear across the countryside, settling down in areas that may not ever have had the plant before. But it was one in particular that landed on a pointy green snout only a little ways off, causing its owner to open her yellow draconic eyes and stare down at it past her black bangs. With a dismissive snort she sent the seed back on its journey to parts unknown while she stayed behind in Canterlot and continued to sun herself.

Spring was a perfect time for sunning, in her opinion. Winter was over and with it the bitter cold that even pegasi would complain about. Animal populations exploded as young were born so as to take advantage of the similar explosion of plant life. The gentleness of the sun and the equally gentle breezes were enough to make any time spent outside feel like heaven, and- “This is BORING!” –and teenagers still couldn’t appreciate the beauty of it all.

Storm Vine looked up from her place on the ground at her daughter. Bright Storm was on her back, all four yellow legs pointing straight up while her tail whipped around, the white tail-mane fluttering in the breeze. Her blue eyes had that bored look only a teenager could have, the kind you wanted to wipe off and tell them to just enjoy the little things in life. “Why are we just laying here?”

“Because the others aren’t here yet and it’s a nice day out,” Storm said with a matter-of-fact tone she knew would drive Bright crazy.

“But let’s DO something!”

“We are.”

“No, we’re laying in the grass!”

“That’s something.”


Storm chuckled as Bright yelled in frustration. In a decade or two she’d look back on days like today and wonder why she didn’t appreciate life as much back then. Then again, youth was always wasted on the young.

“What’s dad doing?” Bright asked letting her yellow legs flop to the ground.

“Assisting General Steel Spark with things.” Storm answered as she laid her head back down.

“Isn’t that your job since, you know, you’re the Platinum Knight of Equestria?”

Storm opened an eye and looked at Bright. “Even I get a break now and again, especially when I can simply order your father to sit in for me.” They both got a laugh out of that.

“Don’t tell me the unicorns are starting to rub off on you.” Both mares looked up to see a black wyvern with red-ish-orange streaks on his stomach and similarly colored horns descend on them. He had shrunk himself to fit into the courtyard, but he was still an imposing figure to any normal pony. Good thing neither Storm nor Bright were normal ponies. “I thought kirins were better than that.”

“Uncle Firestorm!” Like a bat out of Tartarus, Bright was up and impacted him with a hug, nearly knocking the wyvern over.

“OOF! And hello to you too,” he said with a chuckle.

“Hey big brother.” Storm walked over and nuzzled the wyvern. “How was the hunt?”

“Did the clan get any hydras!?” Bright asked with the same eagerness of a child asking for candy.

“Yes, we managed to get a couple.” Bright turned to Storm, expectation written across her face.

“Yes, we can join the clan for dinner tonight.” Storm said, watching in amusement as her daughter began cheering.

“Brutes put up one Tartarus of a fight; Thunder’s going to be grounded for a week or two while his wing heals.” Firestorm said as he laid down in the grass with them. He let out a contented snort at the feel of the cool grass on his leathery stomach.

“He’d have fewer injuries if he’d quit running into things head first,” Storm said, getting a nod in agreement from her older brother. “Any news from the other clans?”

“Nothing really worth noting. Marble and Quartz are flying into Canterlot toady; should be flying by any minute actually. Hearth wants me to tell them to visit the clan when they’re done here.”

Storm chuckled. “They’re three hundred years old and he still dotes on them like they were foals.”

“The Flame clan is still lazing about in the desert to the south.”

“Thankfully Tempest isn’t as lazy as his relatives.” They all laughed.

“And the Wind clan is still hob-knobbing with the Crystal Empire. You’d think we’d get a crystal kirin by now.”

Storm nodded. During the events that became known as Hearth’s Warming Eve, a group of earth ponies had left shortly after the leaders and their entourages had, traveling in a more Northerly direction. Using a very powerful crystal gem hey had farmed, known as the Crystal Heart, they created a sanctuary from the windigos and named it the Crystal Empire. The Wind clan had discovered them before they settled down and were amazed at how earth ponies had created such a powerful magical artifact. They decided to stay near these ponies, who were eventually called crystal ponies due to their magical abilities with crystal and new crystal-like selves; something most likely caused by the magic of the heart itself.

“How about the colonies and flocks? Anything out of them?” Storm asked. There had been reports of border disputes between them and nearby pony settlements.

“I can’t be your eyes and ears for everything,” he told her with a dismissive snort.

Before she could respond two large shadows passed by overhead, materializing into two wyverns they all recognized.

“Quartz and Marble are here,” Bright said, watching as the two of them buzzed Canterlot Castle.

Storm let out a groan. “Queen Platinum is going to throw a hissy fit over that; she always does.”

“Might I suggest house-breaking them then?”

Storm’s ears shot up at the new voice, allowing one of them to be clamped on and gently nibbled. The normally stoic kirin let out something like a mix of a yelp and a laugh as she jumped away, then turned on the newcomer. “Or maybe I can just send you to apologize?”

Another order? I’ve already seen to the general for you today.”

“And I appreciate it Tempest.” Storm said, moving to nuzzle her husband, soon followed by Bright. Tempest Flame was a bright red kirin with an orange mane and tail-mane, yellow eyes like his wife’s, and two pairs of spikes on his tail that curved upwards. Bright’s tail-blade was what looked like a multi-barbed grappling hook, while Storm’s simply looked like a scythe.

As well as having different tail-blades, each kirin was actually a different type based on what tribe their parents were from. Tempest, with his horn, had a unicorn for a mother. Storm, with her much larger wings than either her husband or daughter, was born from a pegasus. Bright, with a slightly thicker build and larger fangs, was an earth pony type. Storm and Tempest had adopted her after she was discovered somewhere between Canterlot and the Empire, after trying for nearly four centuries for their own. While it’s known that hybrids really can’t reproduce, Storm would point out that the harpies, lamias, and other “hybrids” had to overcome it if they were now their own species.

“That or you could ask one of the archmages.” He motioned down the path he’d come down, and Storm could see two mares coming up the path behind him.

“I figured you two would be the first ones here,” she said, meeting them part-way and nuzzling them as if they were family. They might as well have been having grown up and spent the past five hundred years together. If they weren’t different species they could have passed for sisters with how they acted toward each other.

“Issues in the various magical wings kept us busy this morning,” the white mare said, her regalia identifying her as the Archmage of the Sun. “Several happened at the same time in fact.”

“You would think they were all a bunch of foals by the way they were handling the situations,” the blue mare said, annoyance thick in her voice. “They continued to forget basic counter spells all morning. We’ve only just got the wings under control.”

“Some ponies just have off days Luna; you know that," the white alicorn chided her.

“But all at once Tia and on such a scale? Such a coincidence is near impossible! I would bet the moon I raise every night that your coltfriend was behind all of it.”

Archmage Celestia’s cheeks became a pink as her mane. “If he was responsible for any of it, you know as well as I we would have sensed it. He leaves obvious marks on his works.”

“I agree with Luna,” Firestorm said as he bit into a large diamond he had fished from one of the baskets Storm and Bright had brought with them for the get-together. “It sounds exactly like something that draconequus would do for a laugh.”

“As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, I don’t see the need to lambast him,” Storm said, chewing on a piece of rabbit. “I think he’s rather funny.” Bright nodded in agreement while Tempest merely shrugged.

Thank you Storm Vine; it’s about time someone showed some appreciation for my work.” They all looked around for the source of the voice, then all eyes fell on Celestia’s headdress; a simple tiara with an image of the sun emblazoned on the front. Something the size of a mouse stuck itself out from behind it and grinned at them all. “Besides, who needs to work magic when a few changes in notes and pipe direction will cause just as much chaos?”

Luna and Firestorm shot a look at Celestia, who grinned sheepishly. “That still doesn’t make it right, Discord,” Celestia scolded, though crossing her eyes to try and see the draconequus was more funny than stern.

The draconequus hopped off her head with an umbrella and used it to gently land in the grass, where he grew to his normal height. He was younger looking than his later infamous visage and he ran his eagle’s claw through his tuft of white hair between his horns. “We all know chaos is neither good nor bad, just like the order you’re all so fond of, and you still got a few laughs out of it.”

Celestia rolled her eyes and patted the grass next to her. Taking the hint, he sat down next to his marefriend. “Just don’t do anything that gives any of us more work next time, please?”

“Well, if miss high and mighty number sixteen back there,” he pointed at the castle, “would let me blow in the wind for a bit, maybe I wouldn’t, on purpose or not. I bet I’d even get a fan following who would beg me to display my amazing chaotic abilities.” He snapped his talons, and cameras and autograph books began circling him. “Now now ladies, there’s plenty of Discord to go around.”

Celestia just rolled her eyes again and laid her head on his shoulder, causing the paparazzi paraphernalia to disappear. Blushing slightly, Discord laid his head against hers.

“You are funny Discord, and you probably would gain admirers for your antics.” Luna told him.

“But at the same time Queen Platinum XVI can’t be sending us out to reign you in constantly. We have obligations and cleaning up after you when something gets out of claw isn’t one of them,” Firestorm said.

Discord waved a dismissive lion’s paw and picked up a cupcake. He ate the wrapper, then threw the cupcake away, which turned into a dancing frog who sang all the way to the nearby pond. “First of all, my magic has never gotten away from me. I’m just too good for that.” They all rolled their eyes. “And secondly, then what do you propose I do? I am a being of chaos after all, and doing chaotic things is like breathing for me; it just has to be done.”

“Well, since chaos is just another word for change, why not help the pegasi with the weather?” Firestorm suggested.

“Deciding when and where it will rain at least a week in advance? Not chaotic at all if you ask me.” He summoned a weather chart, most likely directly from the Cloudsdale Weather Bureau, then, hopefully, sent it back.

“Court Jester, maybe?” Bright suggested.

“Believe it or not I did try out for the position when number fourteen sent out a call for one. Let’s just say the nobles don’t appreciate my particular brand of humor.”

“You’ll find your place,” Celestia told him with a nuzzle.

“Easy for someone at the same job for four hundred years to say,” the draconequus muttered. Then his face brightened with an idea. “You know, how about I scratch my daily itch right here with the folks that actually appreciate my work; I promise not to mess with the food this time.”

They all looked around at each other.

“I guess it couldn’t hurt, but you had better keep your word. If I bite into a lump of coal again I’ll make sure you won’t have any fangs in that mouth of yours.” Firestorm snorted a bit of fire for emphasis.

Discord smiled, then bowed. “One lunch and a show coming right up!” He snapped his claws and what looked like several dozen mini Discords appeared around the picnic. “Just sing the first thing that comes to mind,” he told them. They all nodded back at the original and one of them began.

WELLLLL, Kyle’s Mom is-!”

Discord grabbed the mini-hims, cutting off the song. “I’ll decide which songs you all perform,” he said with a nervous chuckle.

The rest of the afternoon passed by in a string of songs, stories, and the odd chaotic event. The fun only ended when a half-pony-looking creature landed near the group. She was a harpy, a creature with a pony head and body and bird wings and legs. This one was a female, made obvious by the long, pony-like tail she was sporting, as well as the mare-like facial features. Male harpies had bird-like tails. They also came in two varieties; normal and owl. The differences, besides one being nocturnal, was that owl harpies had tuffs on their ears, like thestrals only with feathers instead of fur, and larger eyes. “Platinum Knight Storm Vine, Archmage of the Sun Celestia, and Discord. I’m sorry to interrupt, but Queen Platinum XVI wishes to see you.” She said, bringing up a wing in salute. The leathery armor she wore, bearing the crest of the royal army, shifted slightly from the gesture.

“Well, it looks like your little stunt this morning didn’t go unnoticed after all.” Firestorm and the rest turned towards the draconequus, but he was already almost out of sight down the path Tempest and the alicorn sisters had come down before.

“Discord.” Celestia gave him a reprimanding look.

“Oh, well, I’m sure she doesn’t really need me there. Besides, I already have a prior engagement with the Bluebloods and-” He stopped when he saw it wasn’t getting him anywhere. “Oh for- I’m several times her age! I will not be reprimanded by a baby in comparison again! It’s not even funny anymore.”

“You may out-rank her in age, but not maturity.” Luna said.

Discord only snorted.

“The faster you get it over with, the faster you get back to your appointment.” Storm told him with a smile.

That did seem to brighten him up a bit. “Fine. It’s not like she can do more than slap me on the wrist, anyway.”

“Must you encourage him?” Celestia asked the kirin as they took off for the castle.

“Luna’s right, but so is Discord. Anytime she talks down to me I have to resist the urge to spank her,” Storm said with a cheeky grin.

Several of them nearly fell out of the air laughing.


"Really, though, Discord; if you want her to stop bothering you then don't give her a reason to," Storm said as she and the draconequus strolled along one of the palace balconies that looked out over the valley below. The meeting with Queen Platinum XVI had been... stressing. Yes, she was queen, but Storm Vine and Celestia had to agree with Discord about not liking to be chided by a pony who was basically a child compared to them. It was all Storm Vine could do to not growl when she berated her for the simple fly-by.

"Me existing gives her reason enough to bother me," he growled. Picking a nearby tulip, he used his chaos magic to turn it into a large wasp. Said wasp proceeded to fly at a nearby pair of patrolling guards and began shooting candy corn from its stinger at them.

Storm Vine sighed. "Discord, if it was up to me, you'd go anywhere in Equestria you wanted to."

He picked another flower. "Well... why can't it be?" He snapped his eagle claw and the flower turned into a simple tiara that he placed on her head.

"Discord... what in Equestria are you talking about?" she asked as she removed the tiara.

"I mean... why don't we immortals take over ruling Equestria? I mean think about it; really!" he emphasized when Storm Vine gave him a look. "Think about it Stormy! We both think Queen Plat-bum isn't right for the job and we know we can do a better job!"

"Surely you jest?" Storm asked with a hint of humor.

"I do not, and don't call me Shirley." The both laughed at the well-aged joke. "But seriously Stormy, think about it! How many times has one queen made a law only for the next one to chuck it out in favor of a new one?"

"At least sixteen," Storm said, some irritability creeping into her voice. "But I would think you'd like that kind of chaos it causes?"

He waved his lion's paw. "It's not the same; it's not fun. They do it because they're greedy and spiteful and it always causes problems between the ponies and other species!" He snorted unhappily. The harpies, lamias, dridders, moth ponies and other species that called this land home before the ponies ran here away from the Windigos all had been pushed back as the pony population grew and grew over the centuries. It was a subject that rankled most kirins' nerves, including Storm Vine, as well as the wyverns, as both had increasingly become the intermediaries between both groups.

Ignoring her grunt of displeasure, he continued. "But if we ruled Equestria, that wouldn't happen because we'd never leave the throne! Or the Round Table, whatever you want to call what we rule from. And everyone would actually be equal! No more nobles, no more being treated like second class, no more unhappy anyone!"

Storm cocked an eyebrow at him. "I could see it now: Discord, a draconequus for the people."

Discord clapped his paw/claw. "Exactly!"

"But who says that the rest of us want that?"

The smile disappeared from his face. "What?"

"Discord, do you really think the rest of us want to rule? At what point has any of us said, "Gee, you know what? I want to rule Equestria some day!"? Besides, do you really believe that us taking over will solve every problem the kingdom has? Discord, that will never work, and deep down you know it." He made to say something, but she cut him off. "Discord, you don't want to rule; you want to be free. I sympathize with you, more than you think, but this talk is not only foolish but more dangerous than you realize. You can call us immortal all you want, but I highly doubt we are. The last thing I want is to be told by the queen to hunt you or any of the rest of us down and bring you to justice."

"And if she does, just refuse!" the draconequus snapped. "You can't let her bully you or lead you around by a leash! You're better than that, stronger than that, and the minute she tries you should paddle her like the spoiled brat she is!"

Storm Vine sighed wearily. She had always felt they'd eventually end up arguing over this very thing. "I have served the crown all this time for two reasons, Discord. The first is because I actually like being a knight, a symbol for others to believe in. The second is because I can use that influence to help change things for the better. If it doesn't work the first time, I still have more chances to try again. If I try to overthrow the crown and fail, I'll never get another chance. Yes, things are less than ideal right now, but it will only get worse if we try something hasty and reckless. Now, promise me you won't talk about this anymore."


"Promise me."

Discord sighed. "Oh... oh, alright! I promise I won't talk about overthrowing Her Royal Fat-Butt anymore."

Storm Vine nodded in satisfaction. "Alright then."

"I even have a token of my honesty," Discord said, conjuring a box into his lion paw.

Storm Vine quirked another eyebrow up at him. "Oh?"

"Yes indeed. It was going to be for you 550th, but I think I should give it to you now instead." Out of the box he pulled out a silver necklace with a pendent shaped like a kirin in flight, with a large, multi-hued gem in the center of the kirin.

"Oh, Discord! It's so beautiful! Are you sure you want to give this to me now?"

The draconequus nodded. "I, Discord, the only draconequus in the world, bestow upon the kirin Storm Vine, this necklace and pendent as a sign of my belief in her wisdom and as a symbol of our friendship that I will not cause trouble for Equestria or for its rightful rulers. This I promise." With that he set the necklace over her head and down around her withers.

Storm Vine held the pendant up so that the light caught the gem, flashing its many colors between them. "And what does it do? I've known you long enough to know it's not just a hunk of jewelry."

Discord smiled guiltily. "In all honesty I actually don't know; I made this one a surprise even to me. All I can say is that it won't blow up in your face."

"That's... reassuring," Storm said, warily letting it back down to rest against her chest.

They stood there in silence for a few more minutes. "Alright, enough with the sappy stuff," Discord finally said, magicing up a banana crème pie. "I say we have fun with the guards!"

"Discord!" Storm Vine called after the cackling draconequus. Things would get better; it was only a matter of time.

Author's Note:

I know, this first chapter doesn't seem to fit with the story tags. But how can something be tragic and sad if you don't know what you're losing first?

And yes, head cannon. Head cannon everywhere.

EDIT: So I added an extra scene for two purposes. The first is to show a more personal relationship between Discord and Storm Vine to help make later events mean more, and the second is to introduce that necklace. Why? What does it do? Buck if I know what it does, just know that at some point in the main story it'll be important.