• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 4,933 Views, 68 Comments

Tainted Reflection - Imperaxum

The mirror pool clones are just reflections; shadows of the original. Shards of her soul. Only one clone lived long enough to form their own soul, through experience and emotion - and the mirror pool won't let her back in.

  • ...

Respite, Part 1

"So, anyway," said Jars with a laugh, "in my Equestrian class I took before coming over here, I first learned how you pronounce 'J's."

"Ouch, I can imagine." Reflection said, leaning back in her seat. They were in the main dining room of the Embassy; finely ornamented by the Equestrians who built it, but sloppily maintained by its current residents.

"Doubt it. The guys still won't let a day pass without ribbing me about it in some way. Literally everyone I've met here has pointed out my name."

She looked thoughtful. "Uh, how is your name pronounced?"

"The 'J' sounds like a 'Y'. Thank the Gods, you're the first pony to ask me that in a long while." Jars said gratefully.

"And the first pony to cook, looks like." she observed.

He nodded vigorously. "Aye, I got a lot to thank the Gods for today, don't I?"

The conversation had a pause as both scoffed down another round of meat pies. The previous guard/cook, Aerst, must have been a hideously bad chef, because her rather mediocre creation was greeted with acclaim from every griffon who tried it. Which came to a total of 10, as the rest of the Embassy griffons had arrived a half an hour previous. They'd been half-famished, the delicate morsels served at the official dinner proving quite inadequate to their voracious appetites.

Also, she'd found that simply cooking a nice hunk of imported meat competently was gratefully received. Aerst hadn't even been able to cook something that simple. In the words of Ambassador Vorsl, "As terrible of a reputation this posting has, it's utter suicide for a cook to come here; everything's imported, so none of the fresh delicacies of home. Earn the ire of the Ambassador, and your reputations ruined."

Her impulsive revulsion at the meat didn't last long, as she'd taken an equally impulsive bite out of a chunk and promptly scarfed the whole thing down; she was probably just as hungry as the griffons. Better yet, she'd been hired as a cook, after a few lengthy explanations as to just how she got here.

Wiping her mouth sloppily with a hoof, she grabbed her dirty plate and headed over to the sink. While letting the water run over the plate, she stepped to the side and took off the headband holding down her mane. She'd grown quite fond of the thing; originally just to keep her mane out of the cooking fire, it certainly made her look different from her original self. A cooking apron completed the picture, and much to her joy, it obscured her cutie mark.

As her mane flopped down freely, she noticed Ambassador Vorsl staring at her strangely. Maybe he knew something Jars didn't? After all, out of all the griffons here, he'd been here the longest; a few months, while all the rest were newly-arrived. Apparently, the High King had recalled most of his emissaries after somepony called Discord had done . . . something. They were rather hesitant to talk about that one, especially Vorsl, who'd been there.

Now watching Vorsl out of the corner of her eye, she removed her apron; he reeled back, as if struck. He spoke; perplexed, vigilant, and afraid - and not to her, but Jars.

"This 'magical clone' was Pinkie Pie?" he asked harshly.

"Huh?" Jars said, his voice muffled, He swallowed the rest of the pie and turned to his superior, wiping the crumbs off his beak as he did so. "Who's Pinkie Pie?"

Vorsl slowly buried his face in a claw. "Did you learn anything about Equestria before being assigned here?"

"Uh, geography and language mostly. Not much culture, though, if that's what you're asking. I'm officially a merchant, after all." Jars said.

"Miss Pi-" Vorsl smiled wryly, "excuse me, Reflection, do you know who you are?"

"I was Pinkie Pie." Reflection said firmly.

The griffon sighed. "I'll rephrase that. Do you know who Pinkie Pie is?"

"A pony obsessed with fun?" she guessed, shivering at the memories.

"Perhaps. She's also the Element of Laughter!" Vorsl rose out of his chair, his eyes widening and his voice hissing.

"What's that . . ." Reflection trailed off, recoiling a bit at the incredulous stare of Vorsl, "I should know this, shouldn't I?"

"Yes. I- well, where do I begin? Celebrity, protector, weapon." he spat the last words.

"I- I'm a weapon?" Reflection stammered.

Vorsl rolled his eyes with a huff. "Pinkie Pie is a weapon. She's one of the Elements of Harmony; magical artifacts that defend Equestria from evil. They shoot rainbows."

"I, uh,"

"Forget it. What I'm saying is, you're a national celebrity. And may the Gods forbid the Equestrians learn about this and think the Element of Laughter is working as a cook in this Embassy." Vorsl sighed, sitting back down and rubbing his eyes. "I'm too old for this."

"I'm not actually the Element of Laughter, though, right?" Reflection asked after a moment's silence.

"No," Vorsl stated, then shrugged thoughtfully, "well, knowing this insane land, who knows."

Seeing Reflection's look of utter horror, Jars joined the conversation. "What he means, is nothing's for sure here, but probably not."

Looking a little reassured, Reflection yawned. "So, I get to stay here?"

"Until I get this sorted out with the government back in Eas, yes." Vorsl said, again shrugging, "and the Gods know how long that'll take."

". . . estimate?"

"A few months, if they have an answer immediately and don't ask for any clarification. Which won't happen." Vorsl sighed.

Reflection didn't bother hiding her smile, instead trudging off tiredly to the bunk room Jars had shown her earlier. Aforementioned griffon tagged along with her, pointing out various notable artifacts from previous occupants; all very interesting, and more importantly, they took her mind off the revelations of the past minutes.

Outside was dark, the moon beginning to rise into the sky. She plopped onto a free bunk; one of the guards, Karlya, was already snoring on a nearby one. As she lay there, she saw Jars' gaze rest a little too long on the slumbering griffon. She made a mental note to tease him on that later on; it'd be fun, right?

"Hey, uh, Reflection?" Jars said, "you know that head band? You should wear it more often. Makes you different, y'know?"

"Yeah. You got something that can cover up my cutie mark?" she asked. He disappeared into a nearby closet for a few moments, coming out with a green travelling cloak.

"Thanks," she said, taking the bundle and stuffing it under her bunk, "sure was a crazy day, huh?"

"That's every day in Equestria." Jars sighed, collapsing onto an adjacent bunk.

She closed her eyes; for the first time in her entire life, she felt content. Not exhilarated, or fearful, fun-filled or morose. No especially intense emotions were present, just a drowsy contentment.

Blissfully, she slipped away into unconsciousness, until a memory blazed into her head. She suddenly bolted upright, breathing heavily, a look of fear marring her otherwise average features. Recalling those horrible moments in the mirror pool a second time, she irritably huffed and settled back down.

Tonight was going to be a long night.

But that was alright.

Author's Note:

Nearing endgame.