• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 7,327 Views, 366 Comments

Getting Even - Mint

After falling in love Twilight must decide whether to stop Luna from stealing the throne or not.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Nightmare Moon materialized outside the barn, still chuckling to herself. Bridleburg was attempting to escape, but his body wouldn't obey. He was limping on the leg he had landed on, not to mention that when the mist had struck him it knocked the wind out of him. The black alicorn grinned widely.

“Going somewhere?” She asked. Her mist slipped under the gray pony’s legs. She yanked one of his legs out from under him, causing him to fall flat on his face. Nightmare Moon cackled again. The stallion then attempted to scuttle away, looking more like a lizard than a pony. His tail was then seized and he was dragged, kicking and screaming, back to the pony named Nightmare. She had sure that he was pulled across the ground, leaving him covered in dirt. When he was finally in front of her she lifted him into the air and allowed him to dangle in front of her face. “Leaving so soon?”

“Listen...I’ll do whatever you want...just please...” Bridleburg said, trying to beg.

“Hmmmm...” Nightmare Moon stated, briefly bringing her hoof up and scratching her chin with it. “What do I want? Oh! I know!” Bridleburg was flung up into the air. He came hurdling onto the ground, with a sickening thud. “I want pain!” As if he were a cheap cartoon character, Nightmare Moon used his tail like a sling and flung him back forth, from one side to the other against the ground. With each hit, the stallion shrieked, his bones popping and cracking as pain ripped through his body. Nightmare moon briefly paused to get a look at her work.

“You bitch!” Bridleburg shouted. Abruptly, his tail was released. He hit the ground, but didn’t have time to recover. The mist grabbed him on the sides of his face and jerked him up. In an instant, he was face-to-face with a furious alicorn. She wasn’t smiling anymore.

“What did you call me?” She asked, sounding calm. Bridleburg didn’t answer, or rather he couldn’t. The mist had such a strong grip on his face that he couldn’t move his mouth. He was abruptly lifted up and then slammed onto the ground, head-first. He made an awful sound of pain and tasted blood in his mouth. He was then once again facing the terrible alicorn.

“What did you say?” She repeated, her tone irritated. Bridleburg only coughed, still trying to recover from the last hit. Before he could answer he was raised up and slammed onto the ground again. There was an audible “thud” when he hit the dirt. His eyes exploded with stars. When he was brought back to Nightmare Moon he coughed again, this time a few of his teeth came out.

“What...did...you...say?” Her voice was now venomously cold. Bridleburg tried to speak, he really did, but all that came out were coughs of blood. Nightmare Moon didn’t give him time to answer. Bridleburg was once again in the air. “WHAT!” He was slammed into the ground. “DID!” As he hit the ground again there was a hideous popping sound in his neck. “YOU!” When he was slammed down yet again, his face was first this time. Blood splashed on his face, leaking from his nose. “SAY!” The final hit was the hardest. It was halfway between the side of his head and his face. One of his eyes abruptly had everything covered in red. Either blood had splashed into it or veins in it had burst. Either way, he was incomprehensible pain. His head felt as if somepony was driving a hot spike into it with a hammer.

“I called you a “bitch!”” Bridleburg shouted desperately. Nightmare Moon’s eyebrows briefly went up.

“Oh.” She said, as if it were something minor. “That’s what I thought you said.” Bridleburg felt himself being reared backwards and then hurled through the air. He struck a tree a good distance away, right in the middle of his back. He let loose a terrible roar as he felt his spine snap in several places. He knew that some of his vertebrae had cracked, if not broke. When he flopped onto the ground he continued to choked and coughed blood. More of his teeth poured out of his mouth, with some sticking out in odd places. He twitched helplessly, trying to escape. The dark pony waltzed over to him, as if she were whimsically happy. She even casually stomped over dirt that was covered with splatters of his blood. When her shadow fell over the crippled stallion, he began whining in fear.

“I love playing games.” Nightmare Moon said to him. “Did you like my little version of “pinata?” Much more entertaining than “cat and mouse” I played last time.” Abruptly, the black pony lifted up her hoof and stomped it onto Bridleburg's throat. Despite the fact that various part of his body were broken, his legs gyrated around, desperately pawing at the air. His windpipe was nearly closed under the strong hoof.

“You see,” She began, ignoring Bridleburg's frantic attempts to breathe. “I thought that if I could trick my dear sister's little pets into doing the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do that my victory would be far more epic and satisfying.” A dark expression enveloped her eyes. Her hoof crushed down harder. Bridleburg issued a loud shriek of pain, reminiscent of horses being branded. He couldn't breathe at all now. Foam was beginning to leak out of his mouth. “I should have crushed them when I had the chance! That's when I learned, no more whimsical games, just down and dirty. Of course...” For brief moment Nightmare Moon's frigid expression lightened. “they had spirit. Something I had not seen in a long time, even before I spent those lovely years on the moon. It would have been a shame to crush something so rare.” The large pony felt the stallion beneath her beginning to convulse. She gazed down and saw that Bridleburg was spewing foam everywhere and his entire body was purple.

“You're foaming on me.” Nightmare Moon retorted in a very bitter and deep voice. She finally lifted her hoof. Bridleburg twisted his head and vomited copiously. After which he gasped, sounding as if his throat was still blocked. “Disgusting.” She lifted him up by one of his front legs. The rest of his body was limp, black and blue.

“Please...stop...” His voice said, sounding distinctly like a frog.

“Why so glum?” Nightmare Moon asked, grinning devilishly. She spun him around, his body swinging around widely and limply. “Look at that moon!” Bridleburg's head remained limp, his neck refusing to respond. “I said look at it!” The anger in her voice allowed him to muster what strength he had left. He managed to flop his head up, but only briefly. “Wondrous isn't it? If more people would notice it I might not be tempted to continue these games.” She spun him back around, his legs and free arm flailing uselessly in the air. “You don't seem happy.”

“What do you want from me?” Bridleburg asked weakly. Nightmare Moon briefly chuckled.

“Why, I want you to enjoy the night!” She stated. “Perhaps you need a better view?” Bridleburg's body was thrown up into the sky. He soared above the tree tops and continued on and on. His body disappeared into the clouds, giving Nightmare Moon an evil grin.

Fluttershy finally flew out of the large hole in the barn. She had attempted to a few times previously, but the awful sounds of pain kept her at bay. When the noise finally stopped, she mustered her courage and emerged into the night. The first thing she spied was her husband, with horrible injuries, dangling by one of his legs. Fluttershy was shocked and reeled for a moment. He was covered with blood, bruises, and some of his ribs had broken and were pressing against his skin. His head was dangling uselessly and his remaining teeth were hanging out of his mouth awkwardly. Fluttershy was frozen in place. How could she reason with somepony that could do that? Her stupor was abruptly ended when Bridleburg shot up into the air. Nightmare Moon issued a great laugh. Fluttershy stared for a few moments, puzzled. Then she realized what was happening. The alicorn was going to drop her husband, killing him. Fluttershy steeled her will and ran over. Nightmare Moon was staring up to sky as the pegasus pony approached.

“N-N-N-Nightmare...moon?” Fluttershy began. Nightmare Moon turned and saw the tiny yellow pony. She sneered for a moment.

“What do you want?” The alicorn said, sounding annoyed. She didn't attack Fluttershy, leading the pony to be a little braver.

“Please, stop this.” Fluttershy pleaded, looking up. She saw Bridleburg fall from the clouds. He was heading for the ground, fast.

“Why?” Nightmare Moon replied, as if it were a shocking request. “You would defend him after what he did to you and Twilight? He deserves it.” Fluttershy had to think quickly. The pony falling the sky was getting eerily close. She couldn't argue that it was for the alicorn's sake, which probably wouldn't convince her.

“That's probably true,” Fluttershy said. “but I don't want anypony killed for my sake. Especially not him, he's not worth it. Do you think Twilight feels differently?” Nightmare Moon was silent for a few moments, her slit eyes staring into Fluttershy's nervous ones.

“Suit yourself.” The alicorn's mist shot up into the sky. Just as Bridleburg was about to reach the treetops, he was grabbed by his tail. The pony shrieked as all of the hair in his tail was ripped out. It abruptly slowed him down. The mist then readjusted where he was falling. His body fell through the branches of a nearby tree. Each arm of the plant simultaneously assaulted him and slowed his descent. Finally, just as he was about to reach the ground, one of his back legs got wedged in between a forking branch. He cried out and gyrated violently, the bones inside of his limb being pulled apart. Then he just hung limply, completely spent. He swayed back and forth, now finally unconscious.

Macintosh led Twilight around the barn. One of her hooves was around his shoulder and she was leaning on him heavily. Blood was still dripping down her face. As soon as they arrived on the scene, they both heard a slamming noise. They saw Bridleburg become lodged in the tree. From the way he was just dangling Twilight was terrified that they were too late. She relaxed a little when she saw that his ribcage was still moving as he breathed. He was merely out, cold.

“Oh look!” Nightmare Moon said, sounding excited. “A real piñata!” Two large sticks began levitating around Bridleburg. They both began pummeling him, sending him jerking back and forth. Fluttershy watched with a stoic expression. She tried not to feel satisfied at him being beaten, but it was hard. Twilight stood on her own hooves and began stumbling over to the large alicorn. She was swaying back and forth uneasily, but she was determined to get there on her own. Twilight then heard a rather sickening cracking noise. Without even knowing what happened, she lifted her head up and shouted.

“Stop!” The beating ceased instantly. Nightmare Moon whirled around and stared at Twilight. Bridleburg's jaw was hanging off to the side, knocked out of its socket. The unicorn and alicorn stared at each other, silently. “I'm safe now princess, stop this.”

“Stop?” Nightmare Moon asked, smiling. “Why should I? With all this loneliness among your friends, I doubt the elements of harmony would even work!”

“What?” Twilight asked, puzzled.

“In this state, I can feel them, all the way across the kingdom.” The alicorn replied. “Every single one of them...feels the loneliness, the separation. With those dark feelings I'm willing to bet they couldn’t express the traits in the elements enough to make them work. This beautiful night, I think it should last for a little while longer.” Twilight thought for a moment. All of her friends...were lonely?

'Even...Rarity and Rainbow Dash?' Twilight thought. 'But they chose to leave! Why would they...?' Nightmare Moon's chuckling brought Twilight back to reality.

“I want to talk to Princess Luna.” Twilight said.

“We're one and the same.” Nightmare Moon replied, sounding not at all amused. “Besides why would I leave? You summoned me.”

“I did what!?” Twilight shouted.

“How quickly you forget.” Nightmare Moon began walking in a circle around Twilight, as if she were a predator looking for an opening to go for a kill. Twilight rotated with her, keeping them face-to-face. “What is my special power?” Twilight thought for a moment.

“You can...sense emotions?” Twilight replied, unsurely.

“And what were you feeling when you came home the other day?” It took Twilight a moment to think of what she was talking about. She must have been referring to that time Twilight came home after discovering what Bridleburg was making Fluttershy do. The unicorn’s eyes widened.

“I...felt...” She began, feeling her throat become dry.

“Rage Twilight. You felt rage.” Nightmare Moon finished. “Your dear elements may have separated us and sealed me away, but your rage woke me back up. Her mind was flooded with old memories as I crawled my way out of that rainbow prison. Her mind tried to fight me and her body became ill, but in the end, we became one again. Your rage was enough to break the seal...but when dear Luna felt that very same rage in her mind she called out to me, and I returned.” Nightmare Moon had made a full circle and was back where she had been at the start. She stared up at the moon. “Now that I'm back, no more childish games, no more trying to drag it out. This wonderful night will be appreciated, and all will love me...or they will fear me.” Twilight felt her heart pound. This couldn't happen! She was trying to help Fluttershy, not doom Equestria! The unicorn thought desperately and quickly.

“You said that Luna and yourself are one and the same.” Twilight said. The huge alicorn gazed back, her expression was incredulous.

“Yes, what's your point?” She asked.

“What did you say I was back in the barn?” Nightmare Moon flinched. She gazed away at the ground, snarling. “You said that I was your best friend!”

“What's your point?” The alicorn repeated, now through gritted teeth.

“I'm your best friend!” Twilight shouted. “I don't want this! I don't want a fight and I don't want you to destroy all of this! Weren't you happy before? Don't you like this place? Being with me? Being with everypony? You can't be here if you do this! You can't be with us! You can't stay with us! You can't...you can't be my friend if you do this.” Nightmare Moon was frozen stiff, her eyes darting back and forth. Finally, she growled. Twilight noticed...her voice was rising in pitch. Luna was coming back out! Twilight got through! The alicorn gazed back at Twilight, her eyes of rage melting away.

“You always were clever Twilight.” Nightmare Moon said, with both voices mixing together. “A thousand years on the moon and the first thing I see is a young, cute and upstart unicorn who dared to stand up to me.” A thick, black cloud began to emanate off of the alicorn, quickly obscuring her from all the people present. “You had spunk kid...even I couldn't bear to crush that, and that's why I lost. Why I'll probably always lose. I doubt there could be a better pony to have that Spark.” Twilight flinched. There was that word again. Luna...wasn't talking gibberish? What did it mean? Before she could ask, the cloud completely covered the alicorn. For a few moments, the blackness swirled around her. Everypony held his or her collective breath. Finally, as it dissipated, Twilight gasped and smiled.

Princess Luna stumbled back and forth for a moment, a hoof to her head. Her eyes were swirling in different directions.

“Whoa.” She said. “What happened? My head feels like somepony put it in a washing machine. I think I did something stupid but...” The princess turned around and saw Bridleburg dangling from the tree. “Oh yeah.” Her voice was abruptly deep. She turned away from him and trotted away, but not before taking a parting shot with her back hoof, causing him to sway again. She walked up to Twilight, looking concerned. “Twilight, you're bleeding, what happened...? Oh yeah.” She briefly turned her head and her horn lit up. One of the sticks lifted off of the ground and smacked him across the face, putting him in a slight twisting motion.

“He's had enough princess.” Twilight said. “More importantly...” Twilight pointed up to the sky. Luna gazed up. She saw the full moon staring back at her. She then turned back to Twilight.

“That's not supposed to be there is it?” She asked.

“No.” Twilight said. “It's only evening.”

“Right.” Luna walked away a distance and spread her wings to their full expanse. She closed her eyes and lifted up her horn. A blinding light issued from it. A beautiful series of sounds, like that of music, filled the area. Then, with surprising quickness, the moon moved in the opposite direction it should and the sun returned. Eventually, it reached its original position and settled there. Luna's wings folded back into place and her horn slowly went dim again. Once the music stopped however, one of her knees buckled and she nearly fell over. Twilight quickly became concerned and trotted over, finally regaining her balance.

“Princess, are you okay!?” She asked.

“I'm exhausted.” Luna said. “Turning into that monster and then controlling the sun and moon pretty much drained my usual reserves.”

“U-Usual?” Twilight asked.

“I have a lot more, hang on.” Luna said. She closed her eyes and her horn glowed faintly. She then boldly stood up and shook off her body, as if she were wet. “There we go, much better.” Twilight gawked. She looked as if she hadn't even done anything at all!

“How much magic do you have?” Twilight asked. Luna cocked her eyebrow.

“Is that a trick question?” She asked back. Twilight smiled for a moment before looking sad. She gazed at the ground and began kicking it idly.

“I brought Nightmare Moon back.” Twilight said. “I...I made you...”

“Bridleburg made me go berserk,” Luna said firmly. “and he paid for it. You stopped me from turning back at your house, remember? It wasn't your fault. You tried to stop me, he made me unleash it. It was his fault, not yours. I'll have to control myself from now on, but I think I can manage, now that I have friends.” Twilight smiled weakly. “There's something that side of myself probably doesn't want me to admit though.”

“What's that?” Twilight asked, tilting her head. She was immensely interested in hearing this.

“That part of me was happy to be free...because she was lonely.” Twilight looked shocked. She had never thought of that. “You were able to stop her because we share the same memories. The joy I felt at having you as a friend, she did as well. The last thing she wanted to do in the entire world was make you sad.” Twilight smiled, finally feeling happy. “Friends stop each other from making horrible mistakes. I guess that makes you an amazing one.” Twilight blushed a little and looked away. Her eyes saw Macintosh giving Fluttershy a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. The pegasus pony was crying in embarrassment in the knowledge that Macintosh and Twilight were aware of what she had been doing for money. The red stallion was attempting to console her by saying they didn't care about any of that, that they were happy that she was finally free and they would always be her friends. This only made her cry harder.

“She's going to need a lot of help.” Princess Luna stated. “She'll need her friends to stand with her.”

“We will.” Twilight said. “I'll make sure nothing like this happens ever again.”

“Good to hear.” That was when Twilight heard the worst sound in the world.

“Princess Luna! Halt!” It was the voice of the royal guards. Twilight's head whirled around, her face full of shock and fear. She was staring at Luna, trying to tell her to run away. The alicorn held up her hoof and shook her head solemnly.

“I'm afraid my time's up Twilight.” Luna said. “I scared the living daylights out of sis. I'm going to have to go and explain myself.”

“But...but...you're leaving!” Twilight said, her eyes beginning to water. “I...I don't want...”

“I know. I know.” Luna said. She nuzzled their head together, trying to comfort her friend. “I'm sorry I have to do this to you. Listen to me.” Luna grabbed her face and made sure that their eyes were staring into each other's. “Help Fluttershy. Spend time with her. Take her to this farm and applebuck with the Apples. Take her to Pinkie Pie's parties, no matter how many she throws. Help her take care of animals again. Don't let her deal with this by herself. Most of all, don't let you deal with this by yourself. Don't stay in your library. Go and spend time with your friends, every second you are able.” Twilight nodded, weakly. “They may not show it, but they are all just as lonely as you. Save them all from it, including yourself.” The soldiers finally arrived on the scene. There were over a dozen of them and all of them were huffing and puffing. They had likely seen all the activity from a distance and the moon in the sky and assumed that's where the princess was.

“Princess Luna, it's urgent that you come with us immediately!” The lead guard shouted, far too loudly. “Princess Celestia has ordered us to...!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Luna interrupted.

“I can't ignore this! You must...! Wait, what?” He had obviously been expecting resistance, not acceptance.

“One second though.” Luna said, trotting over to the sobbing Fluttershy. The pegasus pony gazed up, wiping tears from her eyes. “I think that a divorce is in order.”

“Divorce?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes.” Luna said. She turned back to her guards. “Arrest that man!” She pointed at Bridleburg.

“Your majesty?” The lead guard asked.

“He's charged with assaulting Twilight and Fluttershy, as well as assaulting the monarch!” The guards stared at each other, but saw that she was serious.

“As you wish your highness.” The head guard stated. Several of the guards trotted over to the hanging man and attempted to take him down.

“Take him to prison.” Luna ordered. Bridleburg came loose and flopped around in the arms of the guards, most of his bones broken. “Er...after taking him to a surgeon that is.” He was put on the back of two of the guards and they rejoined the others. Luna turned back to Fluttershy, who was staring on, confused.

“Assaulting the both of you will probably earn him four years in prison.” Luna explained. “Assaulting a monarch however, will put him away for about thirty-five years or more.” Fluttershy's jaw dropped. “I'm going to shoot for the “or more” part. Now, with that “assaulting a royal” conviction, and he will be convicted, if you were to divorce him, you are entitled to all of the assets rather than just half. Not to mention that he is not able to object. Considering my position, I can easily order that the paperwork be approved immediately by the town mayor. So Fluttershy, what do you want to do?” The pony stared on in disbelief, trying to understand what was being told to her. When it finally dawned on her what the princess was saying, she turned to the only other pony well-acquainted with the law, Twilight.

“Is all of that true?” She asked. Twilight Sparkle thought for a moment.

“Yes.” Twilight finally said, smiling. “That is the law for assaulting a royal, and there is no time limit or restriction on the finalization of a divorce, if there is no objecting party.” Fluttershy's eyes darted around for a moment. She then stood up tall and cleared a throat.

“I want a divorce.” She said firmly.

“Excellent!” Luna said. “I'll drop by the mayor's office and get the paper work filled out. All you have to do is drop by and sign it.” Macintosh was smiling widely at this news. Luna stared at him and gave him a seductive wink. He flinched and blushed nervously, gaining a giggle from the princess. Luna walked back to Twilight, whose forehead had finally stopped bleeding.

“Get that checked out with the doctor.” Luna said, motioning towards her head. “You might have a concussion.”

“I know, I will.” Twilight said. They both stared at each other, wordless for a few seconds. Then Twilight wrapped her hooves around Luna and hugged her. Luna quickly returned to favor. “I'm going to miss you princess.”

“And I will miss you, my friend.” Luna said. They separated, Twilight already crying again.

“It's funny.” Twilight said.

“What?” Luna asked.

“I dreamed about gods coming to this planet.” Twilight explained. “I prayed to them the other night, asking that everything would work out. Even if they existed, I guess they failed a little. It’s pretty silly after all. They were just a dream.”

“Oh Twilight.” Luna said, sounding as if she were talking to a child. Twilight chuckled to herself. Luna leaned in close, her mouth near the unicorn's ear. “They're not those kinds of gods.” Twilight's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

“What?” She asked. Luna didn't respond. Instead, she brought her horn to Twilight's. The unicorn felt something transfer into her mind. Twilight stumbled backwards, momentarily stunned. Luna winked at her.

“Sweet dreams.” The princess said with a smile. She then turned and trotted away. Twilight stared on, trying to process what just happened. The guards parted and allowed the princess to walk past them. They then followed her, the ones carrying Bridleburg bringing up the rear. This was the moment that Applejack finally approached, staring around. She saw the blood on the ground, the new holes in her barn, Macintosh still comforting Fluttershy, Twilight staring on dumbly, Princess Luna walking away with the royal guards, the night that occurred during the day and Bridleburg's broken body being hauled away from her farm. She blinked a few times, making sure she wasn't dreaming.

“Okay, what'd I miss?” The pony asked. All three of the ponies still present stared at her blankly, not knowing where to begin. Twilight then rattled her head. She turned and began walking away.

“I'm going to see a doctor.” Twilight said. “Then I'm...going to get some sleep.”

The dream unrolled again. The crystal stags took the forms of the ponies that inhabited the land. They approached some of them, nuzzling with them.

“The children of these unions were born far more powerful and wiser than their native parents.” The world turned and Twilight saw a massive cliff. Standing upon the edge of it, all in a row, were a new kind of wooden pony. They stood with large, unfurled wings, massive horns pointed to the sky and with light shining from behind them. “These children of the gods, these alicorns, stood more powerful than the rest. They were conceived to guide this fledgling race, lest they suffer the same problems and the same fate as the previous inhabitants. However, the inhabitants...resisted.” Massive amounts of the wooden representations of ponies began charging towards the alicorns on the cliff. The earth ponies, pegasus ponies and unicorns all charged in one direction, but still separate from each other. “Had they fought together, they might have won and there would be no need for the children of the gods, as they would be finally united as one race. However...they did not.” The alicorns flew up from the cliff.

There was now a huge field. Countless earth ponies charged across it, all towards a single alicorn. The lone pony lifted its horn, light coming out of it. The ground across the plain rumbled and began to split. The alicorn flew into the air as the ground broke apart, ponies falling through the cracks. Before any of them could recover, molten rock erupted from the crevices, flooding through their numbers. They cavorted and attempted to flee, but the lava overwhelmed them, consuming them all. The alicorn in the air hung its head, sad at what it was witnessing.

Now there were mountains. Countless wooden pegasus ponies, more than most could even imagine, were flying in a giant circles, as if they were a massive storm. There were so many that the ground was practically dark from amount of sunlight they blocked. At the center of their storm were three alicorns, all of them staring outwards. All of the regular flying ponies were slowly closing in on them, like aquatic predators closing in on prey. The alicorns lifted their respective horns and they glowed. Out of thin air, clouds billowed out. They began swirling violently, lightning dancing between them. In moments, a massive storm filled the sky. The terrible winds whipped around, the alicorns at the eye of the storm, untouched by any of it. All of the pegasus ponies began tumbling violently. They were at the mercy of the powerful force of the storm, tossed around like leaves. Mass amounts of them were slammed against the mountains, smashing to pieces. Some of them were struck by lightning, catching on fire. Others were simply thrown around, savagely hitting each other, their wooden limbs cracking and breaking in odd directions. Two of the alicorns in the sky hung their heads in despair. The other shook theirs, as if disappointed.

The scene then changed to a city. Inside were ponies of all kinds, cowering behind the walls, seeking protection. Standing atop of the walls was a single alicorn, bold and tall ready to give those inside what they sought. Outside of the city was yet another massive army, this one made up of unicorns. They all lifted their horns, each forming their own fireball. All of the spells lifted off, the fires were as numerous as the stars in the sky. Even the massive forest around the city lit up as the endless fireballs ascended. The flares sailed high into the sky and began to descend at a trajectory that would land them directly into the huddling ponies. The alicorn lifted its horn and light gushed forth. The fireballs redirected and they all began gathering above the powerful pony's head. One giant sphere formed, burning brightly. It grew bit by bit, with each addition to its mass. Finally, all of the pieces were collected. The unicorns stared at it, frozen in place, as if in shock. The new massive fireball was so large that it nearly stretched to the clouds above. The alicorn brought its horn down. The blazing sphere flew down beyond the walls of the city and hit the ground. The unicorns fled as quickly as they could, but it wasn't fast enough. The compressed fire exploded, sending a wave of flames in the direction of fleeing army. The flames rushed over the army and surged through the forest. The trees roasted in mere seconds and the ponies fell to the ground the instant the powerful blaze hit them. The woods lay in ruins and the entire army, countless thousands, lay crushed at the alicorn’s hooves. The ponies in the city rejoiced. The alicorn, in contrast stared at the sky, as if it were wondering why this had to happen.

“Finally, it was done.” Now the row of alicorns stood again, this time on the ground. Endless hordes of ponies, all of them different kinds, stood in front them. Standing at the front were three, larger than the rest, although this seemed to be for effect. There was one pegasus pony, one earth pony and one unicorn. They laid crowns on the ground in front of them and they bowed before the alicorns. The endless ponies behind them did the same. “In the end, every knee bowed and every tongue proclaimed. The alicorns ruled, for the good of all pony races, for the good of the planet and for the future of all.” The alicorns took flight and scattered in all directions, with various masses of ponies following them. “The globe was seeded with alicorn kingdoms and peace was finally obtained.” The crystal stags began leaping around the globe, as if in joy. They saw the ponies working, playing and building, all living together peacefully. They reveled in their new-found happiness. They communicated amongst themselves again. Then they began to do something that was hard to comprehend. They began running through time. In moments, villages instantly turned to cities, then turned to empires, then back to dust, then back to villages. They seemed to be popping in and out of time, as if to see how things were going. They would return, see the progress, rejoice and then hop again.

Then the dream shifted. There were two wooden alicorns nuzzling each other. Years later, two small alicorn children were dancing around them. The parents then lay dying in a devastated environment, covered in craters and darkness. The children mourned. The scene then showed the two alicorns grown up. They were swirling around a creature, combating it. The creature was serpentine, like a dragon, with the legs of a lion, goat, eagle and lizard. After a series of violent clashes, the two alicorns combined their power and the creature turned to stone. Countless years after that, one of the alicorns was hovering in the air. She was shouting at somepony on the ground, huddling in fear. She then changed. Her wooden representation began shifting in blocks, turning each of them inside-out. The alicorn was now bigger, with mist coming out of its mane. Now the two alicorns were arguing. Finally, the one that had not transformed used powerful magic. With an apparent scream, the one putting out mist disappeared. The one remaining on the ground gazed up the moon, in apparent sadness.

Now there was a small unicorn, in a nearly empty classroom. The wooden pony floated, sending magic everywhere. All of the ponies, as few as they were, in the classroom turned into various objects. The dragon in the room grew to gargantuan size. The unicorn had lost all control. The alicorn arrived, putting a hoof on the unicorn. Everypony else turned back to normal and the foal slouched. After a few words from the alicorn however, the young unicorn began jumping around in circles, rejoicing, a symbol appearing on her flank. It was then sometime later. The unicorn was sleeping peacefully over a book in the school she had been admitted. It was late at night and no pony was around. The alicorn arrived, pleased to see the unicorn so interested in her studies. The new arrival gazed back and forth, making sure no pony was around. She then leaned over and put their horns together. Something bright, blindingly so, emitted from the alicorn. The light was pure and contained the very same powers the crystal stags had, who were still prancing through time. The radiance passed from the alicorn's horn to the unicorn's. The foal didn't even awake. Once the light had been passed, the alicorn stretched a blanket over the foal.

Now the unicorn stood in a crowded room, looking up at a balcony. The banished alicorn had returned, mist coming out of her mane. Now they were in an old castle. The unicorn had been joined by five others, two earth ponies, two pegasus ponies and another unicorn. Their powers combined and a rainbow of color spewed out. It enveloped the alicorn, who seemed to struggle. When the color faded, the original form the alicorn had reemerged. The two alicorns met again, this time nuzzling each other.

Images then appeared flashes. The six friends were confronting a dragon. Now they were fighting a swarm of pests, where the bugs were adorable. Then they were cleaning up after winter, each of them doing a different job. Now they were all at some sort of cloud stadium, celebrating as one of their friends saved a group of falling people, leaving a wave of rainbows behind her. Then they were at a very large and fancy party, making a disaster out of it. Then they were confronting the old serpentine creature that the alicorns had ages before, turning him back into stone. Now there was a wedding. One of the unicorns, wearing a very ornate dress, was marrying an earth pony with very large and curly hair. The wedding was extravagantly decorated and attended by countless ponies. Then one of the pegasus ponies, the one who had been flying through rainbows, was talking to one of the earth ponies of the group, apparently confessing something. The earth pony shook her head, causing the pegasus pony to lower her head in despair. Despite comforting from the earth pony, in another flash the pegasus pony was flying away from their home, the original unicorn from the school staring on solemnly. The earth pony who had turned down the pegasus one was now getting married, this time on a farm of trees, surrounded by relatives and friends who were celebrating. Then another was getting married. This one a pegasus pony, marrying a much larger earth pony. It was much simpler, in a small chapel with many of the spectators had their heads down, not approving of the union.

Years later, the alicorn who had had been transformed numerous times, came barging into a house, where the one remaining unicorn jumped in shock. Then the unicorn saw the pegasus pony who had married the much larger earth pony with three male ponies, one approaching her from behind. The unicorn ran away, furious. Then the alicorn, now with mist coming out of her mane, was beating the much larger earth pony to bits, making him suffer.

Then there was an image of the world, the one the ponies resided upon. Closer and closer the dream crept to the ground. It zoomed in on one nation, then on one town, then on one house, made out of tree. Then into the house, where a pony and a dragon slept. Then onto the pony...sleeping on the bed. It was the unicorn that had been trying out for the school, the one that had been sleeping in the library, the one that had saved the raging alicorn, the one that had defeated the serpentine with her friends, the one who weathered three weddings from her friends, one of them leaving in shame and the horrible events surrounding the prostitution of the pegasus. She lied peacefully sleeping. Then it went closer, under the covers, into the body where there was darkness. There was a thumping, like a heartbeat. Then something began to glow. It was blinding, pure and seemed to be made of the same power as the crystal stags.

“The spark awakens.”

Twilight Sparkle awoke, sitting up in her bed quite abruptly. She shivered for a few moments. It wasn’t because she was cold. She felt as if somepony was staring at her, into her. Something had been here. It had watched her life and then arrived at her, at this very moment in time, the instant she had woken up. The feeling faded and Twilight again felt alone.

“What...what was all that?” She asked, unable to comprehend what she had just seen. “What does it all mean?”

The next day, Spike finally got his wish. Twilight and himself spent the whole day together. They first went over to Fluttershy's house. The pegasus pony had shut herself inside and refused to come out, saying she needed some time to think alone. Twilight would have none of that. She ordered Spike to bust down the door, which he did was amazing ease. Fluttershy attempted to hang onto the walls and cried for them to leave her alone. Twilight was having none of that as well. She once again ordered Spike to drag her outside, which he did with, again, amazing ease. They then began heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. Fluttershy kicked, struggled and attempted to grab at the ground, but Spike was incredibly strong now. Her assaults on him and trying to slow him down had no effect. Eventually, she stopped struggling and just slouched, sullenly, over his shoulder. When they arrived, Applejack was shocked to hear that they were going to help her. The country pony remarked on how fascinating it was that she hadn't seen either of them for a long time, now they show up every day it seems and even to work. She gladly accepted.

They spent the whole day picking apples and chatting. At first, Fluttershy was withdrawn and even begrudging to Twilight. However, once even Macintosh treated her like nothing was wrong, she calmed down. Once Twilight saw that Fluttershy was enjoying the company of others, she and Spike slipped away to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie was waiting with another party. They jumped around, sang happily and Spike gorged himself on sweets for the first time in ages.

Twilight did the same for many days, dragging Fluttershy out of her house and spending time with Spike. The rumor mill around town was that Bridleburg had run off with some other mare and left Fluttershy. Twilight didn't start the rumor, but she certainly helped it take off. There were more outlandish ones, like that he had run off with a cow, had been murdered or that Fluttershy fed him to some bears. The prominent one however was that he left her and the pegasus pony received sympathy from people around town. She became more and more open and eventually it was like the whole Bridleburg nightmare never happened. No news of a trial or arrest report ever emerged to the public, likely due to Princess Luna hushing everything up.

Spike finally had to leave. His instincts were beginning to take over and he was becoming territorial over the tree house again. Twilight was glad that this parting wasn't as rough as the first time. He knew his jewels were safe and he could visit any time. He was sad, but promised to visit. After he left Twilight only cried for a few minutes, remembering him as a baby dragon, riding on her back. How she longed for those days…

Things were not well for Twilight however. There was some kind of urge inside of her, one she couldn't place. She went around town, apple bucking, partying and visiting Fluttershy's house, which experienced an abrupt return of the animal population almost overnight. Every night however, Twilight tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep. The unicorn couldn't help but feel that she was forgetting something. She spent most of her free time reading and thinking of Luna, locked up all alone in the castle. It wasn't until three weeks after Luna left, when Twilight was sipping tea that it occurred to her what was wrong.

She was sitting with a good book, a teacup to her side and her legs throbbing from the apple bucking she had done earlier. She had briefly looked up from her book and chuckled. Fluttershy had found a new job for herself when she was off working with Macintosh alone, something that occurred with more and more frequency. Macintosh would buck the tree, which would knock off most of the apples. The few that would always remain, no matter how hard anypony hit it and would end up rotting off, still residing on the tree. Fluttershy decided to fly up and pick them herself. The whole Apple family decided that her job, from now on, was to follow them around, knocking the excess apples off the branches. Fluttershy was very pleased with herself, now that she would be spending more time on the farm. It all reminded Twilight of the time that all of her friends worked on the farm together, to help Applejack who was working alone. Twilight could still remember the letter she wrote the princess...

Letter. That's it! The urge within Twilight exploded once she realized what it was. She wanted to write a letter, a letter to Celestia! Just like she had done all of those years ago! Twilight tore out of her chair and ran to her desk, where her quill and parchment was. With her magic she lifted the quill out of the ink and hovered it over the page. She was so excited, she almost began writing gibberish. She paused for a moment, calmed down and began to think. She brought the quill to the paper.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

It has been years since I have written you a report, but I have had little to say. I thought there would be nothing more I could write about. I thought that I had learned everything about friendship and that all I could learn about from now on was how to be lonely. I realize now that isn't true. Princess Luna came to town a few weeks ago. I was afraid of her at first. I didn't know what to do with her. Soon however, I realized that she is just like everypony else. She can feel lonely, happy and angry. She saved me from something quite horrible, and in turn I saved her from doing something horrible. I was so depressed about every one of my friends leaving that all I could think about was my pain and how horrible I felt. I learned that somepony's personal pain may not just be felt by themselves, but all of the people around them, even if they are far away. I must set out to bring us all together. I will restore our friendships and allow this loneliness that I'm sure is in us all to go away.”

Twilight paused for a moment, allowing the flowing words that gushed out of her to stop. Her mind drifted to Luna, away from her friends and stuck inside of that lonely castle. Twilight resumed her writing.

“Princess Luna is a dear friend of mine. She saved me and others that I love and care about. She is a dear a friend of mine. I hope that you will let her come and stay with me sometimes. Her loneliness is probably greater than mine or any of my friends. She spent one thousand years by herself. I realize there is a side of her that is angry and dangerous, but I think that side of her just wants to be with other ponies too. Being lonely is one of the most awful feelings in the world, and I want to save her from hers, just as she saved me.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight Sparkle read over the letter, ensuring that it said everything that she felt. She blew on the ink, making sure that it was dry. She then rolled up the scroll and closed her eyes. She was the one that placed the spell on Spike that allowed him to breathe fire and send letters. It made it easier to transport them, rather than doing a spell individually each time. The unicorn’s horn glowed as she focused on giving the letter orders.

'Go to Princess Celestia.' She thought, pumping magic into it. 'In Canterlot Castle, in Canterlot.' The letter then glowed, absorbed a bit more magic, and then vanished with a flash. Twilight sighed, feeling as if a weight had lifted off of her shoulders. Now she had to go about bringing her friends back. Rarity should be easy to find. There were ads all over the fashion magazines about her clothing lines. Twilight trotted over to a cabinet, where she had previously put them after she didn't collect them anymore to keep up with her friends. Twilight fumbled through them, trying to find the specific ones. When she found an ad, with Rarity in a gaudy dress and her husband in a sharp suit, she also found their office address. It was, of course, in Manehattan. Twilight would have to take a trip. Now...how to get Rarity to come back? She was always busy. Maybe if Twilight could...

A flash filled the unicorn's house. She lifted her head up, gazing back and forth. Something then dropped on her head. Twilight reached up and brought it down. It was a letter! She had gotten a response already? Twilight excitedly unfurled the letter, the first one she had gotten in many years.

“My dearest student Twilight Sparkle,

I am so overjoyed to be receiving a letter from you, after all these years. I believe you are correct, there is always something new to learn about friendship and I look forward to a new series of letters from you.

In regards to your latest quest, and my dear sister...why didn't you just say so?”

Twilight blinked a few times, silently. What did that mean? Then it hit Twilight. A huge smile spread across her face. Another flash flooded her house. She pivoted her head around. Standing in her house, once again, was Princess Luna.

“Did I beat the letter?” The Princess asked, indicating she was racing.

“Nope!” Twilight said, waving it in the air. They both dashed each other, colliding together and wrapping their arms around each other. They both tumbled onto the ground, giggling happily. They hugged each other for several moments. Finally, Twilight pulled away a little, so she could look at Luna. “How long can you stay?”

“As long as I want!” Luna said happily. “Celestia said that as long as I don't attempt to make the night eternal, I can live here!” Both ponies grinned widely. Luna briefly nuzzled their heads together, overjoyed that they were together again.

“One step closer.” Twilight said.

“Hm?” Luna asked, pulling her head back away.

“To bringing everypony home.” The unicorn stated.

“About that,” Luna said, standing up. Twilight followed suit. “I have an idea.”

“For what?”

“To bring everypony home, and it’s a doozy.”