• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 2,693 Views, 241 Comments

Dark Souls:the descent into friendship - star dust pony

I am a undead,im not sure how i got here,who braught me here or what this this place is...but even my strange dreams...they leave me smiling compared to what i feel is ahead of me

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chapter 2:opened to new colors (EDITED VERSION)

Author's Note:

the "(WARNING:not yet filtered through editor)" tag at the start of each recent chapter is basically a warning to you grammar sensitive people, i DO have an editor but he works on his own time so i will be continuing releasing chapters for those people who cannot notice/do not mind/do not care about the mistakes and then the tags will be removed once they have been edited

...I could not believe my eyes...
As a light blue Equine screamed out for me to get away. I don't even know anymore. T
his was not natural, and here I thought the object hurtling towards me was yet another Demon, as is to be expected in my life or un- whatever. But no... this is not a demon and yet I don't know what to make of it; it isn't a steed as far as can see because steeds don't have wings... And its eyes... they were too wide to be from my world (not counting a basilisk's horrifying imitation of eyes) and I only found out this when it looked up at me with its creepy eyes now open, I assumed wide in shock but I couldn't really tell. "W-what in Equestria are you?"

"Wait, Equestria?" Now, this probably got my attention the most, well aside from the oddly colored horse whining in pain in front of me. "...What species lives in Equestria?" I seemed to have confused it just as much as it confused me by now, it probably expected me to kill it. Or kick it between those bloody eyes. Or maybe look at it harshly. I would so love to do the second but it might be more... productive to settle with number three.

"...Y-your not g-gonna' to kill me?" It still had tears on its face and blood oozing from its oddly small wing. Wait a second... Nope. This horse is impossible. I mean, how can something fly on such disproportionately tiny wings!? This world makes my head hurt.
"No." I started having a feeling that this was yet another dream... PLEASE let this be a dream! Why does this feel so real? I fell asleep after eating something bad, RIGHT? Or I've been drinking. A lot. "I must apologize greatly for... Shooting you. With an arrow." I then added, more to myself, "I shot a flying horse with an arrow and now it's talking to me." I began to worry due to the pony's Expression only getting more panicked. And the fact that I was still talking to a horse.

"Wait, Y-you speak Equestrian? J-j-just what are you?" She didn't trust me, I knew this much for when she got up she took a step towards the barn instead of towards me...and to be honest...I didn't trust her either, I just knew I could defend myself. And kick it between the eyes, added a small voice in my head.

I felt a sigh escape my lips as i began thinking, I'm assuming Equestrian is the local language, only makes sense since the name matches the...wherever I am. "Yes I speak...er...Equestrian? Was it? My name is Sparks." Out of instinct I put a hand to my heart and got on one knee before bowing my head, a common tradition when introducing one's self. "I am a warrior of sunl-." Wait...what was I saying? I don't even remember what that was...was it...yet another figment of my dream? "I...am a royal knight." As I rose the Equine suddenly seemed...relived. A rather strange reaction if you ask me.

"Oh, soooooo you're a creation of Celestia?" And now it was my turn to be confused.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Celestia, you know, She's the princess of the-OW." She flinched, fell to her knee and tried to clutch at the wound I had inflicted on her by 'mistake'. "T-the princess of..." I could hear her hissing by now, I wish I had something to help mend her wounds. "The sun...shes the princess of the sun...ooooowwwww... What the heck did you even shoot at me?"

I was thinking about a llot of other questions that would be more appropriate to ask right now. "Its an arrow, made of steel and no, I have not heard of this 'Celestia' you speak of, I am nothing's creation." While this was true I probably should have said other wise because once I finished she flinched further away with even larger lack of trust. I may have just alienated the first individual I have met in this damnable place. Yay!

"O-oooohhhhh...well..." She seemed to struggle to hold in her nervous chuckle but my ears are far too well TRAINED to not notice something as obvious as-

"RAINBOW DASH!!!!" A third voice, one of intelligence...now another question was: 'why am I talking to Horses and not assuming that I am completely crazy? ...It's a dream... It has to be... Just a dream.

As I turned to face the new guest it surprised me although not by much that it was yet another Equine, I have a feeling that there will be a running theme with this dream and I was about to wave in greetings to show I mean no harm when a large group of white Equines with horns and armor of GOLD (Wait gold? How would that even work?) came out from behind her and charged at me... an almost fatal mistake they made, and I nearly made one there too. That voice in the back of my mind wouldn't stop screaming 'The eyes! Oh god the eyes! Make them go away!' "You might wish to consider taking cover, friend." The warning I sent to the... rainbow maned Horse caused a puzzled look but she did as told. Apparently I was considered to be effective cover.

"GET IT BEFORE IT HARMS THE ELEMENT OF LOYALTY!!!" One of these male steeds spoke out to the rest, not yet noticing the talisman I took out. Oh, how I love thee, so small and insignificant yet so much potential is held within.

"Okay... lets see if I can still do this." As they all began to get closer I began to do one of the very few miracles I knew of, which thankfully was harmless as far as I knew. I hope. "RRRRAAAAGGGHHH!!!" I felt my core nearly burst as a force tore from my body, sending everything not in cover flying back in the direction they were coming from, hitting trees, dirt, a barn, a cloud. A horse just impacted a cloud. Thankfully the rainbow maned one was not visibly harmed... Rainbow Dash... that's what one of them called her... Rainbow dash.

The grunts and groans of the steeds before me made me open my eyes seeing that the force, in fact, did not kill them...they still however had their armour ripped from them. "W-what is that thing?" A very familiar sounding guard spoke out in aching pain. I wonder where I've heard a voice like that before...

As I panted, out of breath from the force I had to unleash I saw another Equine, I also noticed the stallions and the lavender one approaching me all had horns on their heads...only the lavender one's was not only glowing but she seemed furious. "STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!!!!" She must have noticed that...'Rainbow Dash' had a injury.

As I reached for my shield an incredibly hard-hitting force hit my chest, scorching my skin through my armor as my vision nearly goes completely black. "A-aaaaahhhh." Was the most i could mutter out as i watched the lavender pony pull out the one that I harmed...ponies...now I remember the name for them, children used to call small Equines ponies.

"T-twilight, how did you know something was wrong?" Rainbow dash spoke and I could only vaguely hear her through the loud RINGING IN MY EARS.

The one she calls Twilight spoke but I could not hear a single word as I was too busy focusing on trying to return to my feet but all I could MANAGE was a pathetic crawl towards the two.

"Stay BACK!!" I finally heard the lavender one say again just as i screamed out from another blast to my left shoulder.

"Wait, Twilight he may not be all that bad, a-at least I don't think so, he apologized to me and he didn't try to kill me when he had the chance...and...it speaks our language." As much as I questioned why Rainbow dash was speaking out for me, I was glad and wished to thank her...when I RECOVERED.

The mumbles through the rings sounded like mere nothings being whispered in the blur of the abyss, the only words I could make out from 'Twilight' were:"How do you know if its even a he?" And. "We'll have Celestia judge it-" Everything after that descended into blackness... We done talking? Yes? Yay, sleep now.

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