• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 858 Views, 7 Comments

Silk Melody - twilightsparkleisbestpony

A short story about my OC, Rarity's big sister.

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Silk Melody

My name is Silk Melody. I am a white unicorn with a ruffled brown mane and tail, glasses, and a cutie mark of a pink microphone. Though I am not very well known, my little sisters are. Their names are Rarity and Sweetie Belle. However, this is not their story. It's mine.

I was born to a very normal family. My mother, father, and I lived in Neighvada for a while untill my sister Rarity was born when I was 10. We moved to Ponyville. Sure I could tell you that I was extremely popular, but that's a big fat lie. In fact, the only friend I had, was a shy red colt named Mac. We both were shy bookworms and clicked instantly. He had a little sister that was Rarity's age, but whenever they got together, they would try to make the other cry.

As we got older, my sister and I became as different as night and day. She was loud and snobby. I was quiet and timid. She dreamed of being a fashionista. I just wanted to sing. See, I had gotten my cutie mark when I was about 9. Before she was born. I had been asked to perform at the Summer Sun Celebration Concert that year and happily found myself enjoying every moment of singing "Ode to the Sun". As I was hanging up my dress, I noticed the pale pink mic on my flank. I bounced around so excitedly, that I passed out from exhaustion.

I slowly climbed the educational ladder. I loved learning everything I could about everything. I skipped two grades. I was sixteen when two exciting things happened. I was going to Julibarn to study performance and my little sister Sweetie Belle was born. I was really pumped about going to college early, and started packing three months before the year started. We were loading up my dad's cart with my trunks when my mom went into labour. I would be late for registration day, but my sister was worth it.

Six hours later in the hospital, as a new white unicorn with pink and lavender hair was cleaned up, dad and I headed on our way to Julibarn. I gave my sisters one last kiss, and turned out of the hospital room. Rarity started crying.

Would she actually miss me? Sure we had fights all the time, never agreed on anything, and could hardly stand being in the same room, but did that stop us from loving each other? No of course not.

I shook my head. On a sadder note, I had to leave behind my boyfriend Mac. We promised each other we'd make it work, but could we? I would be surrounded by high-class acting colts, but importantly, doing the two things I loved the most, learning and singing, while he had to drop out of school to run a farm when his parents died a few months back. His mom in childbirth and his dad committed suicide the next day.

We got there quickly, as it was just in Canterlot, and as he helped me into my dorm and hugged me one last time, I started crying, begging him not to go, and he just looked at me with a sad smile, telling me to visit. I told him I would and nuzzled him. He kissed me on the horn and left.

A few minutes later, I met my roomates. The first was a very bold-looking pink pegasus with pale yellow hair and a cutie mark of the traditional theater masks, ya know, with one happy, one sad? Anyway, she nuzzled a smaller pony whos seemed to be her opposite in coloring whom I assumed was her sister.
"Be good for Aunt Posey, 'K Fluttershy?" The other just nodded and squeezed her elder. She said a very quiet goodbye and ran to the mare whom I assumed to be this Aunt Posey.

The pegasus turned to me and introduced herself as Skipping Stone. I introduced myself and we waited for the last two girls to arrive. They came in together, just them. The first was a green unicorn with black hair, glasses, and a cutie mark of an open book. She simply stated her name of Elphaba and went to her corner of the room and magicked a few things around untill she had a simple living space with an enormous shelf of books, just like the one next to my bed. The other was alot bouncier and introduced herself as "Galinda-with a 'Ga'" She was a dark pink earth pony with a golden and bouncy mane, kind of like Rarity's, and a cutie mark of a few pink flowers. She also said that the green pony was her best friend "Elphie" who I swear I heard growl at that nickname.

College was amazing, and I enjoyed every moment. The three of us became extremely good friends. Even Elphaba. I was packing my things in my dorm, pondering what my future would consist of, when the others walked in and told me that it was time for the ceremony. I put on my little thingamabober that valevictorians wear, and walked into the auditorium, with my friends. Star Chaser was leading the march, and after the princess said a few words, I swollowed hard and walked up to the podium.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts. Friends. Welcome to the Julibarn 1998 graduation assembly. I would just like to say a few words. I have enjoyed every moment of being here." I look in the front row and smile. I see my parents beaming proudly. My now 10-year-old sister Rarity. A very entergetic Sweetie Belle. And my eternally faithful boyfriend.

"There are so many things I would like to say! First of all thank. you to all of the teachers and staff for helping us. To all of our families for encouraging us to push forward and don't give-" *BAM* a horrible pain tore through me. All I felt was that peircing pain. All went black.

I awoke three weeks later in the Canterlot hospital. The first thing I noticed were my sisters curled up at the end of my bed. I instinctivley ran my hooves through Rarity's hair, causing her to stir. She blinked twice and noticed that I was awake. She stood up quickly and met me in a hug. I didn't let go for five minutes. Sweetie opened her eyes and yawned. She curled up with us and went back to sleep.

Mom was in a chair reading and noticed that I was awake. She ran towards me. I asked her what happened.

She swallowed hard. She told me that someone had shot me. I asked her if she knew. She nodded. It had been my best friend Skipping Stone.

I was allowed to go home three weeks later. She had shot me in the back, barely away from crushing my spine. She had been taken away that moment.

This is where I stop now, but my story does continue.