• Member Since 9th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

little big pony

Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....

Comments ( 172 )

Featured box in 3, 2, 1...

what do you want from me?

Moar, beeyatch

I read this in a British accent and it made everything Strider said, just that extra bit funnier! :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, Little big pony (gonna call you Bigs from now on), do you know what time it is for me right now? It's 05:04 right now, and you post THIS. If things keeps going this way my family is going to think I have insomnia... Oh well, like many upon many soulless, desolate, Internet people have said before, sleep is over-rated.

Anyway, on the subject of awesomeness and pirates (which are practically the same thing), I believe this song is rather fitting.

No words can describe how Awesome this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

still rolling out these fantastic stories eh? keep up the good work!

Pretty much everything that your nine-year-old self loved... expect the whores... I guess.]

I've been lovin' whores since I was 5. :moustache:

Cue Pirates of the Caribbean theme.

Awesome awesome awesome premise, great execution for the introduction, and really leaves me wanting more. I don't know how long you want to carry this on for, but mister little big, you have yourself a great project to work on! I don't know if you want to create more stories because if you're intending to turn this into a good moderately sized story, this and "this is love?" Are certainly going to take up much of your writing space. It also concerns me a bit about update times, it would sadden many to see the update schedule only be a month or two at a time, but I'm sure you'll come up with something reasonable, you always do!


Let me be honest here: I have not read the story yet; I just put it on my to-read list.

You claim in the description that it's "Pretty much everything that your nine-year-old self loved... expect the whores... I guess." Although I have achieved that chronological milestone four times over (plus a few extra), I can assure you--as a stage performer at . . . well, pirate festivals, among other venues--that a real man stallion continues to enjoy those things as he grows older.

Especially the whores.

--admiral biscuit.

There it is the first dislike...

[Rated Mature for pirate-y stuff: 'splosions, swearing, adventure, whores, monsters, scallywags, and salty seadogs. Pretty much everything that your nine-year-old self loved... expect the whores... I guess.]

You have my attention, good sir.

expect the whores.

I think the word you're looking for is "except" :trixieshiftleft:

Now I'm expecting whores, though, and I'd better not be disappointed :trixieshiftright:

Luna as pirate pony? Someone find a picture!!!

I don't think I've ever hit the favorite button after only one chapter.
This is immediately my new favorite story on this site.
Can't wait for more, its got the makings of greatness.
If you fuck it up I'll kill you.

Good:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache: Can we get a little most history on the humans and their current status in the world?

This was goddamn hilarious, and I'm not one for human-in-equestria fics. Luna unabashedly hamming up the pirate act to the point of sending your guy Strider into a fit of rage, tossing her blue ass overboard was gold. Not to mention his (completely justified)tirade to Celestia. This guy is like the best of Barbossa and Sparrow mixed together. Hope to read more soon!

I'm seriously going to be mad if luna doesn't give him his coat back...

4593061 or latrine duty for the rest of the journey

Picture, description and title... Instantly this came to mind:

Aye lads, let's get ready to set sail!!! :flutterrage:


Wenches, bro, wenches.

Yes!! It's like another Palladium Wings!

If I was a pirate, I'd have just shot them, to be honest.

Welp, its not a pirate adventure without a rousing sea chantey!

sorry, somebody had to. :fluttershysad:

You must have a cameo of Captain Andy trout.

Hope Strider isn't one of The Pirates That Don't Do Anything that just lets the foursome walk all over his ass.

EDIT: In a sense, I'm still right. While he is DEFINITELY the big dog of the pack and one that hopefully the four hornies will learn not to fuck around with without him having to slap a bitch's teeth off, he's still a big bleedin' heart who's susceptible to doe eyes. And we kno from your stories, Mr. little big pony, who are the greatest bearers of such a persuasion tool.
Sadly, he's hoping that they'll be wimps. Guess that'll change when they start visibly pulling their weights.

Love this!

And, after reading the story description, I only had one thought:

"For this is the day they almost defeated, SKY CAPTAIN MAXIMILIAN VALENTINE! Captain: of the sky"

Pretty much everything that your nine-year-old self loved... except the whores... I guess.

you must've had a disappointing childhood

this is definitely going to be an amazing ride :pinkiehappy:

I liked whores when I was nine.

So far, strider is only a badass in word, but I'm hoping when it gets time to party, he's a jack sparrow mofo with luck coming out the wazoo for every occasion.

Also, shotgun/rum bottle peg-leg, please? It'd be ever so much fun!

Wasn't there a fic with the same cover art called feather something?

Cue the rum jokes! ALL the rum jokes! :pinkiehappy:

and you did well but it's time for the professionals

Love the concept, seems like a really unique idea as far as fics go. Good characterization for the first chapter too. My one problem is that I had hoped the captain wouldn't be as stereotypical pirate as he is. I mean..... I felt the peg leg was a bit much. But I digress, not my story, not my choice! :pinkiesad2:
I'm looking forward to more chapters!:twilightsmile:


Badass only in word? When was the last time you rushed someone who was pointing a pistol straight at you? And went for their hat first? With only one good leg? It seems to me that Captain Strider must have graduated summa cum laude from the Pirate School of Baddassery.

Nice start. Some rough spots, but the overall idea seems very promising. I've got an idea for an airship pirate story kicking around in my head, too, so I might have to take notes. :twilightsheepish:

Pretty much everything that your nine-year-old self loved... except the whores... I guess.]

a scholar and a gentleman

You know, the last person to use that picture that got in the feature box was a year or so ago, and they ended up cancelling the story.

Don't cancel the story.

I clicked on this story to say
My nine year old self fucking loved whores.
That is all.

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