• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 3,672 Views, 74 Comments

Foals - Scarheart

After fifteen hundred years of patience, Princess Celestia finally is realizing her dream of motherhood. It's up to Luna to make sure the day goes smoothly and keep Twilight from doing something...rash. As for the future? Only time will tell.

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Chapter II

Princess Celestia did not leave her quarters for a week. She had her meals brought to her, giving her staff a moment or two to see the foals before sending them off to their other duties. This was a bonding time, important for any pony mother and her newborns. It was a time for them to find their legs as they were born to run. The spacious rooms were large enough for a foal to run about in circles. Antares and Zaniah found chasing each other an enormous amount of fun while their mother looked on proudly. The raspberries were endless when she cuddled them and her quarters was a place of boundless love. It would be months before the twins could speak, but Celestia was more than happy with their wide-eyed stares of wonder only broken by a smile or a sneeze. Snot bubbles were rampant while noses were always runny. The foals went through cloth diapers at an alarming rate.

Of course, not everything could stay this fun. There was a world out there and Celestia knew she would have to rejoin it.

There was several legal matters concerning Antares and Zaniah even an immortal princess eventually had to come to grips with. She didn’t mind them, having established a lot of the foundations of the modern laws a long time ago. By law, a doctor had to examine the foals and Celestia had made arrangements. The poor fellow made the foals cry when he held them as they were not used to the smell of a strange stallion, even with their mother there to comfort them. Luckily, they were too young for their immunizations and he declared them fit and healthy. Despite his impeccable bedside manners, the twins decided they did not like him and would not stop bawling until he left their mother’s quarters.

A lot of nuzzling went into quieting them. As well as lunch. Followed by a nap by all three.

It had been a week since Luna had her first bout of quality time with her niece and nephew, a week since the doctor came in on the heels of her departure. Celestia busied herself with paperwork and responding to the massive pile of letters from well-wishers. Cherilee’s class from Ponyville had collaborated to make an absolutely massive hoof-made card covered with glitter and colorful hoofprints, as well as the names of the foals who signed it. The lettering was as neat as a mass of foals between the ages of eight and thirteen could muster: WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA PRINCE ANTARES AND PRINCESS ZANIAH.

It suffered some damage when the mailmare delivering it slammed into one of the towers (rocking it) and had to be peeled off with the help of some concerned guards (a spatula may or may not have been used). The gray pegasus mare was dusted off, given a blueberry muffin, and sent happily on her way.

Onlooking humans were simply baffled by the whole scene. Those who had been living in Equestria were well aware of some of the odder things occurring on this world. Newcomers were offered their first example of the absurd realities of this dimension. Their congratulations were offered in a bit less self-destructive manner.

Celestia made sure her foals were still sleeping on her bed as she went through the letters and responded to each of them. It would take some time, but she found she enjoyed it. Of course, not all letters were of the positive sort. A few nobles found the courage (probably through strong drink) to openly question their place in the pecking order now that there were two more alicorns in the mix. Celestia made a mental note to thank her secretary for vigilance in screening such letters. Normally Passion Quill did go through her Lady’s mail and was quite good at it, but with the sheer volume caused for a few to slip through.

An army of volunteers had to be called in as the number of letters numbered in the thousands. It was discovered human fingers were perfectly adapted for the task of sorting through letters. Luna was not happy with allowing a slew of the bipeds into the castle, but her sister insisted the trust had to begin somewhere. Reluctantly the Princess of the Night relented, but assigned her Night Guard to watch over the sorters like a murder of crows over a dying deer.

Her mood lightened considerably when some of the humans brought their children.

For a good part of the week, during the few hours in the day she was awake, Luna played with the human children, being far less scary to them than she was to their parents.

By the end of the week, there was still a massive stack of mail to sort through, but Celestia needed to address the formal introduction of Antares and Zaniah to their nation. This meant a public event and letting the world come and see the twins. Of course, all of this had been arranged before the twins had been born and Canterlot Castle had undergone a transformation to rival the preparations for the Grand Galloping Gala. Months of planning was set in motion the moment the first cry had come from Zaniah (she was born first, her brother six minutes later).

Pinkamena Diane Pie was asked to host the party. All the nobles were invited.

Princess Twilight Sparkle, having assumed the duties of raising and lowering the sun, was more than eager to return Celestia her vast power. The day was to culminate with Twilight formally handing control of the sun back to her former mentor. The experience of sharing rule with Luna had opened the eyes of the young princess. Luna found herself in the unusual position of having the final word over the past years both refreshing and at times stressful.

The nobles did the noble thing of plotting and scheming against each other, as there was really nothing else for them to do. The noble caste had sadly fallen centuries behind the times and they were still trying to show there was more to them than wealth and power. There were negotiations for renewed trade agreements with other nations and of course there was the steady stream of travellers going to and from the World Gate.

Of course, Antares and Zaniah knew none of this. Their world consisted of their mother’s bed chambers. Their legs grew stronger during the course of the week and soon they were following Celestia every waking moment. It would be months before they could utter their first word, but for now the alabaster alicorn was content with their happy coos as they played around her hooves.

Other than Luna, the only other creature they met was the fiery pet of their mother, Philomena. The phoenix regarded the twins proudly, chirping happily at Celestia when the bird made her first appearance before her mistress since their foaling. The mischievous bird introduced herself first to Zaniah (because she was so shy) and then to Antares (nipping him gently on the snout until he giggled). Celestia clucked at the phoenix and told her to behave around the foals. Philomena agreed through a series of chirps and squawks with the air of playful innocence. Of course the bird would refrain from playing pranks on the foals!

She would wait until they understood the meaning of a prank.

“No, I don’t think you’re quite suited for foalsitting,” Celestia told her old friend with a chuckle. “Maybe one of these days when you actually grow up,” she added teasingly.

The bird huffed in mock indignation before rubbing her beak against the alicorn’s muzzle. She went to her cage and sat on top of it, watching the foals like a fierce watchbird. Since that first meeting, she was always shadowing the small family. Philomena took her duties seriously as a guard phoenix.

Celestia girded herself with a saddle made for carrying foals on her back, a gift from Rarity at the foal shower months ago. It was of practical design; a white basket trimmed with gold and magenta. Rarity knew of Celestia’s aversion to excess and avoided studding the saddle with gems. She instead went with intricate needlework, the pattern of the design leaning heavily towards a breathtaking sunrise in storybook form, as from the Legend of the Two Sisters. It was a homage to the alicorns: a tapestry of their rise and the love and protection they gave to their precious little ponies. Rarity was gifted in her craft to spare no detail, even if the saddle was meant to carry two little foals.

The straps were made of padded silk reinforced with spider thread to prevent stretching. Celestia could cinch it as tight as she liked from around her barrel or over her chest. If she so chose, Celestia could take her youngsters on flights as her wings were unhindered. It weighed next to nothing and felt like an extension. She could barely tell it was there. Antares and Zaniah could snuggle in it comfortably with room for growth.

They were introduced to the saddle, gently placed there by Celestia. For long moments the twins sniffed curiously at the thing, receiving reassuring words of encouragement from their mother.

As she let them get used to the thing with a giggling smile, she could not help but think of the immortality she had given up so she could carry her most precious possessions. True, as soon as Twilight returned control of the sun to her former mentor, her agelessness would continue. For twelve months, Celestia had been as mortal as any other mare. It had frightened her more than anything, but it was a sacrifice and risk she took for the chance at being a mother at long last. She understood how deep the spell ran into the very world of Equus, tapping into the very heart of the world itself. As she believed she was a child of this world along with her sister, she had to get permission from first the sun and then the earth to surrender her power to Twilight, if even on a temporary basis.

“I want more foals,” she whined softly as Antares looked at her and drooled with a smile. Zaniah buried herself in her mother’s mane at the front of the saddle. “Lots and lots more.”

Happy her family was securely in place, she set forth to meet the world and introduce it to her foals.

Of course, there was much to be done. Her office was a short trot away. No doubt a day of bearing foals had created a stack of paperwork even maternity leave could not stave off forever. Some of it was simply things she had to take care of and sooner was far better than later. At least she would have company while she sorted through the stacks. She had her secretaries and advisors, of course, but some things required her personal attention.

Once she was satisfied her foals were settled on her back, Celestia departed her personal quarters. She was surprised there was a pony waiting for her. The stallion was known to her, though for the moment the name escaped her.

“Good morning, Your Majesty,” he greeted her with a polite bow.

His name came to her. “Colonel Mustard,” she replied with a polite smile.

Colonel Mustard was an older unicorn stallion, his gray coat mixing with his silvery short mane. A pair of small bifocals rested on the bridge of his snout, nearly to his nostrils. He wore an expensive blue pinstripe suit. “I apologize if I appear as though I am stalking you,” he said briskly. “The matter at hoof could not wait and I simply had to see you the moment you emerged from your quarters.”

“Strange you decided to forgo the normal channels,” Celestia noted. “Did Blueblood put you up to this? I certainly don’t see either my sister nor Princess Twilight Sparkle allow you access to the Royal Quarters.” She smiled, but was irritated. The princess already knew what the noble wanted.

“Prince Blueblood voiced his concerns,” was all he offered.

“I’m sure he has,” replied Celestia as she adjusted her wings. Antares and Zaniah huddled together, staring at the strange stallion. The foal filly chewed on a strand of her mother’s mane. “I have papers to see to. Documents for registering my foals. I may be a princess, but I am also a citizen with civic duties and new responsibilities. Please get to the point of your visit. I have much to do today.”

“Of course,” smiled the noble. “The first issue the nobles will want to address is the legitimacy of your son and daughter. We are absolutely thrilled you have borne foals and expanded the prestige of the alicorn race.”

“Prestige is the least of my concerns,” noted Celestia through a forced smile.

“Ah, but not to the upper classes, Your Majesty,” he said. “Who is their father? Is he a noble or a commoner? Is he alive? If so, can the Council meet him?”

“No, you may not.” Celestia flicked her tail.

“But we must establish their bloodlines,” he protested as she moved past him. “You will lose the faith and trust of the Council.” Colonel Mustard followed after her hurriedly, yet managing to maintain an orderly appearance.

"I’m sorry, Colonel Mustard,” the princess told him patiently, casting him a brief glance. “It’s none of your business nor is it the concern of the Council. They are alicorns, as you can plainly see for yourself. They will see the generations of your family tree come and go. They are immortal and they will have their place in this world. They will serve Equestria as I have served her, hopefully better than my ministrations.”

“They still need to be recognized properly!”

“All in due time, Colonel Mustard. I admire your dedication to your duty and you are correct to ask, but there are some things that must be kept secret from even the most loyal of my subjects. In time, when I am ready, I will tell all of Equestria. For now, I wish to enjoy my foals and relish this new role I happily find myself in. May I please have that much?” She gave him the full brunt of a levelled stare, pausing long enough for the stallion to falter in his steps.

“O-of course,” he stammered, splaying his ears back. “I meant no offense.”

Her smile returned. It was warmer this time. “None taken. I promise I will take your words under serious consideration. Let me be a mother for a while before I resume my old mantle as princess.”

Author's Note:

Okay! With royalty comes politics...even with foals.

I think this story is an excellent way to measure how much I've grown as a writer since I published my first story last summer. I'd like to think I've improved, but there's always room to grow.

Shorter chapters so I can spot my mistakes a lot easier.
