• Published 29th Oct 2011
  • 14,791 Views, 299 Comments

Purple Haze - TheGentlemanCreeper

A night at the Harvest Moon Music Festival with a certain purple unicorn goes horribly wrong

  • ...

Chapter 4 (Part 1)

Panting heavily, you do your best to keep rhythm.

“Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”

“Twi, I’m gonna... gonna…”

“Don’t you dare!” she cries “Not yet!”


Pulling your face close to hers, she looks you straight in the eyes. “No. We do it together. Ready?”

Before you can say a single word, she locks lips with you and starts moving on her own, driving you over the edge and-


Your eyes slowly flutter open and you find your nose assailed by a familiar odor.

“Are those pancakes?” you ask dreamily.

Swinging out of bed, you feel yourself blush as last night’s dream comes rushing back.

Was that really a dream? Or was it a memory?

The smell of pancakes hits your nose again and makes your stomach growl aloud.

“Ponder later, pancakes now,” you say as you make a dash for the kitchen.

Trotting your way towards the smell, you find your way into the kitchen and watch as Twilight stands over the kitchen stove with a spatula and white apron.

“Oh, what did it say again?” she asks aloud as she turns to a book on a nearby counter. “Umm… ‘In one fluid motion, turn the pancake over as bubbles start to form on the surface’…”

Turning back to the pan, you watch as Twilight uneasily gets the spatula under the pancake, only to have it fall apart as soon as she tries to flip it.

“DAMNIT!” she cries out. “Not again!”

With a heavy sigh, she lets the pancake sit in the pan for a little while longer before taking it out and setting it on a pile of pancakes just as torn and ripped as the latest.

“Why do I have to keep messing up?” she asks with a sniffle. “I just want to do something special…”

Without a sound, you sneak up behind Twilight and wrap your hooves around her waist and add a tender kiss on the cheek for good measure. “Oh, but this is special, thank you. I’ve never had anyone cook breakfast for me before.”

Twilight squeaks out in surprise as you hold her a little tighter. “W-What are you doing up?!?” she asks nervously.

“I smelt the great breakfast you were cooking and had to take a peak.”

“More like awful breakfast…” Twilight groans. “I can’t get these stupid pancakes to stay together!”

“What are you talking about?” you say as you grab one of the pancakes off of the plate. “They’re fine.”

Taking a bite into it, you make a face as you realize that the center of the pancake was still gooey.

“A little undercooked, but they’re fine. Come on; pour some more batter in the pan.”

“Sure, just as soon as you let me go,” Twilight says with a chuckle. “I can’t really cook with you holding onto me like this.”

“Or can you?”

Grabbing a hold of her front legs, you guide her free hoof over to the bowl of pancake batter and help her take hold of the cup floating in it. “Okay… Now just pour it in the pan.”

Twilight giggles as you guide her hooves over the pan and start pouring. “This is so silly…”

“But it’s fun, right?”

“Yeah… It is.” Twilight says with a growing smile. Her smile quickly vanishes as she turns her attention back to the pan. “Oh! It’s starting to bubble!”

“Alright, now just get the spatula under the pancake…” you say as you help her into position.

“So now we flip it?” she asks as she shifts her grip on the spatula.


“Okay, we do it together. Ready?”

You feel yourself blush as Twilight’s words bring back memories of last night’s dream and realize how awkward this could be if you didn’t control yourself.

Baseball… Cold showers… The smell of rotten milk… That time I drank the bong water…

“Okay, I’m good.”


“Oh, uh... I mean, we’re good. We can flip it now.”

In one fluid motion, you and Twilight flip the pancake over perfectly, eliciting a squeal of excitement from Twilight.

“We did it! We did it!”

“Yeah,” you say before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “Now all we need are four, five more and we’re golden.”

“I think I’ve got it now,” Twilight says as she pulls away from you. “I wanted to have some fresh squeezed orange juice ready, but I never got to it. Would you-”

“Start squeezing some oranges?” you ask as you root around for the juicer. “No problem.”

“Great!” Twilight says as she flips the next pancake with more control this time. “You’re the best,” she says as she walks up behind you and kisses you on the cheek.

You feel yourself blush slightly at the attention. “So uh… What’s the plan for today?”

“Plan?” Twilight asks as she pours some more pancake batter into the pan.

“Yeah, like, what are we doing today? Got anything planned?”

Slowly, she shakes her head. “No… Not that I know of. Why?”

“Well…” you begin with a sheepish smile. “Remember the night of the Harvest Moon Festival?”

Twilight gives you an annoyed look. “Sort of.”

“Wrong choice of words,” you say with a sheepish smile. “Well, do you remember in the hotel room? When I asked you out on a date after the festival?”

“Well…Yeah,” she says as her expression softens. “What about it?”

“Do you want to go on a date tonight?”

“R…Really?” Twilight asks with a growing smile. “You want to go on a date with me?”

“No, I’m pulling your leg,” you say sarcastically as you give her a quick hug. “Of course I want to go on a date with you. You deserve a romantic night.”

Twilight cranes her head back and plants a quick kiss on your lips before smiling. “Thank you.”

Without a word, you smile back at her and lean in for another kiss, longer this time. You even manage to sneak your tongue into her mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from the trembling form in your hooves. Finally, you pull away and give her a smile.

“I know this really good karaoke bar in town that makes a spinach and strawberry salad that’s to die for. What do you say? You, me, some non-alcoholic drinks, and off-key singing?”

Twilight giggles aloud as she makes her way over to the fridge. “You sure know how to show a girl a good time.”

“And don’t you forget it,” you say with no modesty.

Without any warning, Twilight throws the bag of oranges, almost knocking the wind out of you in the process. “Stop being such a ham and squeeze those oranges.”

Pointing behind her, you bring attention to the column of smoke rising from the stove. “Only if you stop the pancakes from burning.”

“CRAP!” Twilight screams as she scrambles for the pan.

You can’t help but giggle as Twilight almost launches the pancake into the ceiling. Acting quickly, you grab the plate on the counter and catch the airborne pancake before it has a chance to hit the ground.

“Nice save!” Twilight says with a little clap.

“Thanks… Now let’s not have a visit from the fire department, m’kay?” you ask teasingly.

“Oh har har. Now less talking, more squeezing,” Twilight says she turns her back to you.

“Whatever you say.”

Sliding up behind her, you reach out and give her flank a quick squeeze.

Twilight gasps aloud before turning to you with a look of shock on her face.

“Oh, you meant the oranges…” you playfully.

“You… You…” she sputters out as she tries to keep a straight face. “You big pervert!” she giggles as she pushes you backwards.

You flail your hooves around frantically as you lose your balance. “Hey, easy!” you cry as you start to fall backwards.

Reaching a hoof out, Twilight grabs a hold of you, only to be dragged down to the ground with you. As you hit the kitchen floor, Twilight lands on top of you, face to face.

“Heh… Sorry.” Twilight says sheepishly.

“No, my fault. I got a little too... personal.”

“No! I mean… Sort of, but its okay,” she says as she helps you to your feet. “I… I actually like it when you pay attention to me like that.”

You blink a few times as you watch Twilight blush heavily. “Really?”

“Yeah…” she says with a nod. “It makes me feel… sexy.”

Laughing under your breath, you give her a quick peck on the cheek. “Well sexy, why don’t we cook ourselves breakfast before we keep fooling around?”

Twilight gives you a fast nod before turning back to the stove.

As you pull the first orange out of the back, you begin to smile. “Hey Twi’?”


“Love ya.”

“Love you too.”


Taking another bite into your breakfast, you sigh aloud and just how good it was. “Good job with the pancakes, Twi’. Even that one you almost burned.”

“Bluch, how could you eat a pancake so crunchy?”

“The syrup helps,” you say before taking another bite.

“So, when do you want to go out tonight?”

“How does eight o’clock sound?” you say after swallowing your mouthful of pancake.

Twilight nods thoughtfully. “Yeah, that could work. I usually tuck Spike into bed around that time. Speaking of which, he should be home soon, so save him some pancakes.”

“Sure, I’m full anyway,” you say as you take your plate over to the sink. “Where is the little scamp, anyway?”

“Oh, he asked if he could go see how the girls were doing on their little trip and spend the night with them.” Joining your side, Twilight puts her dish in the sink and begins to wash it. “It’s so cute how he worries about Apple Bloom and her friends.”

“Huh… What kind of trip did they go on?”

“From what Rarity’s told me, it’s a summer camp. They’re supposed to be camped out in the clearing by the lake and learning about nature and survival. They actually left around the same time Applejack went on vacation, so everything’s been pretty quiet.” Twilight says with a content sigh. “The only exciting thing that’s happened to me so far was that little scene last night with Dash and Snapshot-”

Your breath catches in your throat at the mention of that name. “Oh crap, Snapshot! I almost forgot!”

“What? What’s going on?” Twilight asks worriedly.

“Oh, it’s nothing bad,” you say as you wash your dish quickly. “It’s just I wanted to make a little something for him and I almost forgot.”

“ ‘a little something’?” she asks with a heavy sigh. “You don’t mean…”

“Yeah, I was going to make him some clover brownies. I mean, if you’re okay with it, that is.”

Twilight gives you a tired look and shakes her head. “I’m fine with it, albeit I’m a little… well… envious.”

You blink a few times in surprise. “E…Envious? Twi’, you don’t mean-”

“I liked it, okay!?” she cries with growing blush. “I mean, I had the most beautiful dreams, I was so content and relaxed, and nothing really bugged me, you know? I was-”

“Calm, cool, collected?” you ask with a half smirk.

“Yeah. So… Maybe… Can I-”

“Absolutely not,” you say assertively. “You know what the doctor said. No drugs, no alcohol. No exceptions in my book.”

Twilight gives you an odd look before finally opening her mouth. “I was going to say ‘Can I have some with you once this whole pregnancy scare is behind us?’ You seriously think I’d-”

“No, no. Of course note, Twi’. I didn’t mean to upset you,” you say as you put your hooves around her again. “I’m just… worried. I mean, what if we end up becoming parents? I don’t know about you, but I don’t exactly have the know-how for child rearing…”

“Yeah… Me neither…” she says with a long nod. “But we’re in a library!” Twilight says with renewed vigor. “There has to be books on the subject! And remember what you said. I’ll learn, and then teach you.”

You can’t help but grin from ear to ear. “Gotch’ya. So, do you mind-”

Slowly, she kisses you once on the cheek and gives you a smile. “No, not at all. Go and do what you have to do and when you get back, we can hit the books.”

“I look forward to it,” you say as you begin to make your way towards the library door. Stopping midstride, you turn and face her. “You’re not going to spank me with a yard stick if I’m a bad student, are you?” you ask with a chuckle.

“Only if you want me to,” she says with a sly grin.

You feel yourself blush at Twilight’s words. “Oh, you’re a keeper Twi’.”


“Where the hell did I put that stuff?” you ask aloud with growing irritation. You had stashed some clover for special occasions, but now you couldn’t find it.

Your irritation turns to worry as you start emptying out dresser drawers, only to come up with nothing.

“Come on! I’ve seen it like a dozen times when I didn’t need it and now I can’t find it when I do. Wh-”

You’re struck by a sudden realization and slap your forehead for being so forgetful. “Spice rack!”

Running back to the kitchen, you rush over to the spice rack and begin to rifle through containers until you pull out the one labeled ‘Oregano’. Unscrewing the top, you’re immediately hit by the strong and almost overwhelming smell of clover, making you cough violently.

“DAMN!” you yell as you put the cap back on. “I forgot how dank that shit was.”

Grabbing a couple of buds, you throw them into your herb grinder and start to twist it. I hope Snappy appreciates this…

You keep grinding until the clover reaches a fine, almost dust like consistency. “Alright then, time to cook!”

Throwing the ground clover into the frying pan and oil, you look at it for a few moments before sighing heavily.

“This is going to take a while…” you say with heavy sigh. “Might as well get to work on the other batch.”

As you go to the cupboard and fetch the brownie mix, a thought crosses your mind.

“I can’t wait to lick the bowl!”


You do your best to keep a straight face as you walk down the streets of Ponyville, but it was hard to with all the brownie batter sitting in your stomach. With all the clover and sugar rushing through your system, you were torn between lounging around and going for a jog. As you walk by the Sugar Cube Corner, you see a familiar face and call out to her.

“Hey! Rainbow!”

Rainbow Dash tears herself away from her magazine and gives you a sheepish smile. “O-Oh. Hey-”

“What’chya doing?” you interrupt as you saunter up to her. Looking over her shoulder, you begin to smile and poke her side.

“Wedding cakes, eh? Twi’ was telling me you were getting hitched.” Taking a seat across from her, you pick up the magazine and begin to flip through it. “Need any help?”

“Nah, that’s cool. I got Pinks helping me. Speaking of which, she should be back with our food anytime soon.”

As if on cue, Pinkie comes walking out of Sugar Cube Corner with a heavy sigh. “It’s a no-go, Dashie. The Cakes are busy and I couldn’t get anything out of the kitchen.”

Dash sighs aloud as well. “Darnit! I’m sooo hungry…” her eyes shift from the magazine and glance behind you. “What’s in the pack?”

“Pack?” you ask hazily. Getting to your hooves, you crane your head back and suddenly remember what you were doing out of the house in the first place.

“Oh yeah! Duh! I got some brownies for a friend of mine and some for Twi’ and me.”

“They smell good~” Pinkie says as she sniffs your backpack. “Can we have some? Just a teensy bit? We’re reeeeeeeally hungry!”

“Yeah! We haven’t eaten like, all day!” Dash adds with some urgency. “I feel like I’m gonna pass out!”

You give them both a shrug and put your pack on the ground. “I don’t see why not,” you say as you root around for the brownies. Pulling out two individually wrapped brownies, you hold them out to them with a smile. “Tell you what; you take these and you can join Twi’ and I for a date at the Off-Key Club tonight. Oh, and make sure to bring a date.”

“Thanks,” Dash says as she takes the brownie from you. “And sure, that’d be awesome.”

“Oh my gosh, these are incredible!” Pinkie says through a mouthful of brownie. “How did you make these?!?”

“Oh, it’s nothing special. Just some regular ol’ brownie mix. Threw in a dollop of peanut butter and some chocolate chips for good measure. You like?”

“Mmm! Me like!” Pinkie says as she licks her lips clean.

“Well, I shouldn’t keep Twi’ waiting. See ya gals tonight? Around 8 o’clock?”

Pinkie nods quickly as she looks over the plastic wrap for any remaining crumbs. “Sure!”

“See ya then!” Dash says in-between bites. “This is really good…”

Leaving the girls to their snack, you make your way towards the library again with a kick in your step.

“Twi’s gonna love these…”


Sticking your head into the library, you see Twilight in the corner with her nose buried in a book.

“Knock knock!”

Twilight looks up as you walk towards her and smile. “Hey, I was wondering when you’d get back.” Taking one look at you, she sighs under her breath. “Get a little lost along the way? Or distracted?”

“You can tell?”

“It’s in the way you move. And that smile on your face is a dead give away,” she says with a tired smile. “So, what took you so long?”

“Well first, I had to lick the bowl clean and that took a little while. Then I thought I should cut the brownies up and wrap them. And when I was walking here, I met Rainbow and Pinkie and they were hungry so I gave them some and then I invited them to go to the Off-Key Club with,” you say as you reach into your pack. “Then I went to go see Snappy and I gave him the brownies and he thought they were awesome and… and… what was I talking about?” you ask hazily.

Twilight giggles under her breath. “Oh yeah, you’re stoned.”

“Speaking of which, I’m hungry,” you say as you root around in your pack. “Want a brownie?”

“Sure, toss me one.”

Picking up one of the brownies in your hoof, you go to throw it when a knock at the door stops you. Looking to Twilight, you give her a puzzled look. “Expecting company?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, not really,” she says as she gets to her hooves. “But this is a library. It’s rare, but I do have people coming by, looking for books.”

Craning your head out into the main foyer, you watch Twilight as she makes her way towards the front door.

“Oh, Mrs. Cake!” Twilight says as she opens the door. “What’s-”

Her expression seems to soften as she looks at the mare in the doorway. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Oh Twilight, I don’t know what’s going on…” Mrs. Cake says nervously. “There’s something wrong with Pinkie and Rainbow!

Getting to your hooves, you join Twilight’s side. “What do you mean?”

“They’re acting strange, you just have to see!”

“I’ll be right back,” she says with a stern look. “You-”

“-‘ll come with me because it’s the right thing to do,” you finish for her. “That’s what you were going to say, right?”

Twilight looks to you and nods. “Yeah.” Turning to Mrs. Cake again, Twilight takes a more serious tone. “Take us to them and tell me what’s going on along the way.”

Mrs. Cake nods quickly. “O-Okay.”

Twilight follows Mrs. Cake and you were right on her heels, listening intently to Mrs.Cake’s story. “I don’t know what happened! My husband and I were swamped with orders when Pinkie and Rainbow came in, giggling at nothing! It was like they just heard the funniest joke in Equestria and they couldn’t get over it.”

Twilight nods thoughtfully. “Go on.”

“I tried talking with them, but they just slipped right by us and helped themselves to everything that we were making. I’ve never seen a pony with that kind of appetite! They ate a whole wedding cake, a pan of muffins, a dozen cupcakes, and when we ran out of food, Pinkie ate a bowl of frosting and Rainbow drank all of our dipping chocolate!”

You can’t help but giggle aloud. “Wow, sounds to me like they had a serious case of the munchies.”

At that moment, both you and Twilight stop dead in your tracks and look to each other in shock.

“Oh no…”

“What did you do?” Twilight asks angrily.

“I don’t know! I’m… I’m pretty sure I gave them the regular brownies!” you say shakily.

“Then how do you explain this?” she asks with growing anger.

There was no denying what happened, no matter what you told yourself.

“I…I…” you feel yourself begin to panic. “Twi’, I screwed up! The clover in those brownies was really high grade! I mean, knock you off your ass and into the fifth dimension high grade! Twi’, I’m so sorry! I thought I was giving them the brownies I gave you, not the ones for Snappy!” you feel yourself begin to tear up. “Oh gods above, I’m so sorry, I-I-”

In one swift movement, Twilight grabs a hold of you with both hooves and looks you dead in the eyes. “It’s. Not. Your. Fault. I know that. There’s no way you would do this on purpose. We’ll get the girls and get this all sorted out. Okay?”

You nod quickly as you wipe the tears out of your eyes. “O…Okay it’s just-” noticing that Mrs. Cake was watching, you draw Twilight close and whisper. “I just don’t want to put anyone through what we went through.”

Twilight looks to you with a sad look in her eyes. Slowly she leans forward and kisses your forehead. “I know. Now come on, we’re making a scene.”

Looking around, you realize Mrs. Cake wasn’t the only one watching on as you wiped the tears out of your eyes. “Alright…” Taking a deep breath, you regain your composure and nod. “Let’s go.”


“Listen, listen!” Mr. Cake yells aloud. “We don’t have your orders! We-”

“Why not?!?” a pony from the crowd yells.

“We uh… we… We got a bad shipment of sugar!” he says with a nervous smile. “Yeah… It was uh… confectionary sugar when we needed grain sugar. So if you give us some time to get the regular sugar, we’ll get right to work and get your orders by the end of the day. I promise!”

The crowd of ponies grumbles at Mr. Cake’s explanation, but disperses without further protest. As the last pony walks out the door, he lets out sigh of relief and collapses on the counter.

“Honey, I brought Twilight. Where are they?” Mrs. Cake asks as she steps out of the corner with you and Twilight at her heels.

Mr. Cake simply throws his hooves in the air. “I have no idea! After they finished off the last of the food, they just left, giggling something about going to the lake.”

You shake your head in disgust and walk up to Mr. Cake. “Listen, this is all my fault and I gotta make it up to you,” you say as you look back to Mrs. Cake and Twilight. “Just… Just send me the bill for what they ate and I’ll pay you in full, I promise.”

Mrs. Cake begins to protest. “No! You don’t have to do that! Besides, I don’t think you could afford-”

Reaching into your pack, you grab your checkbook and look to Twilight. “Listen, I can’t leave here in good conscience without doing something, so why don’t you go down to the lake and I’ll meet you there.”

Twilight nods slowly. “Alright, I understand. I’ll see you there.”

As soon as she’s out the door, you turn to both Mr. and Mrs. Cake and let out a heavy sigh. “Alright, how much do I owe you?”

Mr. Cake shakes his head. “No, no. You don’t have to-”

Standing your ground, you stomp your hoof down. “I want to.”

Mr. Cake shoots his wife a glance and gets a slow nod from her. Finally, he looks back to you and sighs. “For all the work and supplies that went into everything that was lost? You’re looking at around three-hundred and fifty bits.” Just saying the number seems to make him cringe.

“Oh, is that all?” you ask with a measure of relief. “When I heard they ate a wedding cake, I would have guessed that number would be in the five-hundred range.” Pulling the pen out of your checkbook, you scribble out the check quickly and give it to them with a smile. “I made it four-hundred even, I hope that’s fine.”

Mr. Cake scrutinizes the check from top to bottom. “It all looks legit,” he says with some level of surprise. “Wait a minute… I know this name. You’re that little night janitor we hired all those years back!”

“I thought you looked familiar!” Mrs. Cake says with a growing smile.

You feel yourself growing red from all the attention until all you can do is nod meekly. “Yeah, yeah… It’s me.”

“I still can’t believe the little cleaner we hired, who had a crush on Pinkie, managed to win the Equestria Powerball!”Mr. Cake says as a he pockets the check.

You feel your entire face go red as you realize the amount of trouble you were in. “Don’t tell Twilight! About anything!” you cry. “About Pinkie, about the lottery, the bubblegum explosion-”

“We won’t,” Mrs. Cake says with a giggle. “We-wait…” Her eyes narrow as she leans into you a bit. “I can understand not telling her about the crush and the bubblegum and even that little incident with baking chocolate… But why wouldn’t you want her to know about your money?”

Sighing heavily, you kick at the ground idly. “Ponies treat you differently when they know that you have money, or play in the stock market, or have a financial advisor. Twi’ thinks of me as a simple pony who likes clover and isn’t thick in the head. I don’t want that to change.”

“Oh come now,” Mrs. Cake says as she puts a comforting hoof on your shoulder. “She’s not going to think any different of you if you’re rich, or had a crush, or ate a pound of baking chocolate. You just have to trust and tell her.”

Mr. Cake nods slowly. “It’s not healthy to keep secrets, especially from someone you care about. We’re not going to tell Twilight about any of this. If she should hear it form anypony, it should be from you.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I really should go though. Twi’s probably got her hooves full with those two,” you say as you take a step towards the door. “I’ll see you around… And thanks.”

“Anytime,” Mrs. Cake says as she waves you off.

Mr. Cake joins in. “Now don’t be a stranger! Stop by anytime!”

“I will!” you say as you turn your attention towards the lake. “And thanks again!”


Well, here it is… you think as you gaze out at the crystal clear lake. But where-

“Ah! No, don’t!” you hear a familiar voice cry out.

Looking around frantically, you call out to her. “Twilight?”

“Over he-ah! HURRY!” The urgency in her voice causes you to pick up the pace as you run towards the source of the cries.

“Oh come on, Twi’… It’ll be awesome!”

Noticing a shape behind a tree, you rush towards it. “Twi’, I’m here! What’s-”

You stop dead in your tracks and feel a powerful blush creep up your face at the scene: Rainbow Dash lying on top of Twilight, her hoof somewhere between her legs. Twilight’s face was equally red as she looked up at you, while Rainbow looked at you with a puzzled expression.

“It’s not what it looks like!” Twilight cries embarrassedly. “She-AH!”

Rainbow’s mouth starts to curl in a smile as Twilight let’s out another gasp. “Come on Twi’, let’s do it! It’ll be even more awesome now that your boy-toy is here!”

“Okay, that’s it!” you say as you feel yourself grow even hotter under the collar. “Rainbow, get off of her.”

Grabbing a hold of the scruff of her neck, you drag Rainbow off of Twilight, much to Rainbow’s protest.

“Oh come on! Let go! Let go! We coulda had a threesome! Maybe even a foursome!”

You drag a tired hoof across your face before helping Twilight to her feet. “No, you weren’t going to have a foursome. You’re going to be married; I doubt your husband would be okay with it.”

In one fluid motion, Rainbow moves to your side and gives you sly grin. “You’d be surprised.”

Ignoring Rainbow’s words, you turn to Twilight. “So… uh… How long was that-”

In unison, both Twilight and Rainbow answer.
“Too long” “Not long enough.”

Twilight shoots Rainbow a shocked look, while she simply smiles back.

“Umm, if you wanted some extra time, I can-”

Twilight turns to you and glares daggers. “Don’t you dare. I dread the idea of going through that again.”

“Oh really?” Rainbow says as she pokes Twilight’s side. “, you were making all these cute little noises and said-”

“Shut up!” Twilight yells as her face goes completely red. “You watch this horn dog while I go find Pinkie. I think she said something about going for a dive.”

“Did someone say my name?!?” Pinkie yells out from the center of the lake.

Looking to the pink shape out in the lake, you scratch your head in confusion. “Where the hell did she come from?”

“She was prolly hiding under the water. She can hold her breath for a looooong time,” Rainbow says with a giggle. “She says it drives her hubby crazy.”

“I’m learning so much more than I should be today…” you say with some level of embarrassment.

Twilight starts towards the lake, her cheeks still red with blush. “Join the club…”

Turning to Rainbow, you let out a haggard sigh. “What am I going to do with you?”

With a sly grin, Rainbow rolls onto her back and splays out. “I could think of a few things.”

Blushing heavily, you turn around and do your best to keep calm. “Please Rainbow, you’re married! Start acting like it.”

It sounds like you’ve gotten through to her, because she lets out a long sigh.

“The clouds look pretty today…” she says aloud.

Shaking your head from side to side, you turn around and find her in a less indecent position on her back, looking up to the sky. With a shrug, you walk over and slump down on your haunches, joining her. “Yeah, they do look pretty.”

You almost flinch when you feel Rainbow start to cuddle up to you, but stop when she starts to talk. “I gotta say something. Something important.”

She better not try to grope me… you think in the back of your mind. “I’m listening.”

“I’m really sorry for yelling at you like I did last night. Like, really really-”

“Rainbow,” you say with a heavy sigh “you don’t-”

“No!” she yells aloud. “No! You gotta listen!”

Closing your mouth, you give her a nod and let her continue.

“I blew up at you because I was scared,” she says bashfully. “I’m going to be married and we were talking about having kids and I was on board with it. I thought it would be cool to be a mom, you know?” she says with a smile. “Be one of those awesome moms that their kid brags about.” Her smile slowly starts to fade before she continues. “But then we got to thinking about it and I realized I wasn’t ready to be a mom. I don’t know where to begin to take care of a kid. I didn’t have any little brothers or sisters around to watch grow up. And then I got scared, thinking what would happen if they got really sick or hurt and I didn’t know what to do…”

Looking up to you, she does her best to blink back tears, but fails. “And it scared me so much to think that Twi’ might go through the same thing I could and I couldn’t do a single thing!” she cries.

Rainbow’s crying openly now. “I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to do and it scares me SO much!”

Before you can react, she grabs a hold of your midsection and cries into your coat. You run a hoof through her mane in comfort as you feel your own eyes tear up. “It’s going to be okay, you just gotta trust your partner.”


“Yeah,” you say as you wipe the tears out of your eyes. “You’re married to a doctor. He’ll know this stuff if it comes up and even if he doesn’t; he’ll learn and teach you. And when he’s stumped, you’ll come along and teach him,” you say with a smile. “Because that’s how relationships work. You help each other and get through everything life throws at you. You don’t have to be scared.”

Rainbow Dash looks at you with a wide smile. “Thank you…” she whispers as she settles down.

From behind, you hear another sniffle, coming from someone else. “That was beautiful…” Twilight says as she walks up next to you. Above her, a sleeping Pinkie levitated behind her. “Rainbow’s the bravest pony I know… I can’t believe she was so scared.”

“Everyone’s afraid of something.”

“What are you afraid of?” Twilight asks as she sets Pinkie down next to Rainbow, who was now fast asleep.

Scooting over next to her, you put a hoof around her shoulder and draw her in close. “As long as you’re here? Nothing.”

Twilight plants a tender kiss on your cheek before smiling. “Ditto.”

“Well, except for clowns,” you add.

“Seriously?” Twilight asks with a giggle.

“What?” you ask, half insulted. “They’re freaky…”