• Published 19th Jul 2015
  • 16,328 Views, 1,193 Comments

How To Ponify Your Dragon - Onomonopia

Berkians meet Equestrians. With 90% more dragons.

  • ...

Viking VS Viking

"Where is she?!" Hiccup demanded again as he practically choked out Astrid, shaking her slightly while he moved the tip of his sword closer to her face. Once again, Twilight and Fluttershy tried to step forward to intervene, certain that there was some mistake, but this time Toothless lunged off of the back of Stormfly and placed himself between the ponies and his rider.

"W-what are you talking about?" Astrid stammered out while she struggled to push Hiccup off of her, but all her small resistance did was cause Hiccup to narrow his eyes and tighten his grip.

"If you're not going to answer my question, then this is going to hurt," Hiccup snarled as he pressed a button on his sword, causing fire to erupt along its blade. Astrid's eyes shrunk while she gazed into the fire, but after a moment she closed them shut and forced herself to look away. "Last. Chance," Hiccup whispered as he moved the blade dangerously close to Astrid's neck.

"Hiccup, are you insane?! That is Astrid!" Twilight called over to Hiccup while she tried to skirt around Toothless, only for the dragon to move in-between them once again.

"No...it isn't," Hiccup snarled with a shake of his head before glaring down at Astrid with eyes colder than any frost giant. "Still not going to talk, then? So be it." Hiccup took aim at Astrid's leg and brought his sword back to strike, but before he could tease the thought of swinging Astrid let out a laugh, a laugh that was not only cold, but it also was identical to a laugh that the ponies knew well.

"No way..." Fluttershy whispered as Astrid smirked and smiled up at Hiccup.

"Oh, Hiccup my darling, how did you figure it out?" the Viking asked with a coy smile on her face, but her eyes had changed from the ones Hiccup thought he knew to ones that were much colder and crueler. Hiccup scowled before a blast of power caught his sword and flung it out of his hand. Then a moment later, "Astrid" slammed her feet into Hiccup's chest and sent him sprawling back. "And here I thought that my disguise was perfect. My voice sounded exactly the same and everything," Wijida pointed out as she rose to her feet, crossing her arms while Hiccup did the same. "So how did you know?"

"Because it was all...wrong," Hiccup began with another shake of his head, before picking up the sword and pointing his blade dead center at Wijida's chest. "The way you spoke, how you moved, how Stormfly acted around you; all of it was wrong. I know for certain that the only time Stormfly disobeys Astrid, is when she's either being controlled or terrified. And when she was chasing those chickens, she was neither."

"It could have just been coincidence," Wijida put forward, but Hiccup shook his head once again.

"Then, there was the question about the gem and not knowing where it was. At first I thought that you...Astrid was confused because of the wounds she suffered, but when you genuinely asked me about it back at Twilight's castle...was when I began to suspect," Hiccup clarified while he slowly walked forward, keeping the flaming sword pointed right at Wijida. "Because I gave it to Astrid to keep a hold of, so if she didn't know, then something was seriously wrong."

"So, that's why I couldn't find it," Wijida whispered under her breath while Hiccup continued to advanced, yet each step only drew a larger smile across the Vikings face. "But that could also be attributed to my...Astrid's injury. Perhaps she struck her head?"

"Maybe, but the final, damning piece of evidence was how you answered me a few moments ago...when I insulted Fearless Finn," Hiccup said with finality, get a small sigh from Wijida as her smile widened slightly. "I know Astrid better than anyone, so I know that if me or any one else insulted her uncle and her family name the way I did, not even the gods above would have been able to save them from Astrid's wrath," Hiccup smiled coldly. "Not even me."

"So, the joke about this Finn was your final test and I failed it. Ah Hiccup, this has been quite the experience," Wijida chuckled as she tilted her head to the side and smiled once again. "So, now that you've deduced the truth, what are you going to do next?"

"It's not what I'm going to do, it's what you're going to do," Hiccup stated as he walked forward and held the blade close to Wijida's face. "Because you're going to tell me what you did with Astrid, and then you're going to take me to her. Because if you don't, then Thor help me..."

"Ah, but Hiccup don't you see? Astrid's already here," Wijida stated. When Hiccup narrowed his eyes at Wijida with confusion, she rolled hers before gesturing to the Viking standing in her place. "This is Astrid. Her body at least. Her mind is currently trapped in a dream that is keeping her preoccupied and allowing me to...have my fun, as it were. So I would advise keeping that fiery blade of yours away from her, because I'd hate for your loved one to wake up and find out that her boyfriend had gone and burned her."

Hiccup snarled in response, but after a moment he pressed the button on his sword once again and the flames extinguished while the blade retracted. Wijida smiled wickedly before lunging forward and hurling a haymaker at Hiccup's face that he failed to block in time, resulting in him taking a blow to the jaw from one of Berk's strongest.

"Hiccup!" Twilight and Fluttershy cried out while Hiccup spun and collapsed into the dirt, gritting his teeth in pain as he pushed himself back to his knees and glanced back at Wijida, who was shaking out Astrid's hand. Twilight's horn began to glow with power, yet before the spell could be cast Wijida flashed her eyes towards the pony and caused her to cry out with pain as she clutched at her head.

"Do not forget, Twilight, that even though I am in this human's mind, I still wield the power that crushed you before," Wijida reminded Twilight while her eyes glowed with an even brighter power, forcing Twilight to her knees as the pain overwhelmed her. "I could still crush you in an instant if I wanted to."

Despite her strong words, Wijida's concentration was broken when a leather-clad Viking slammed into her side and tackled her to the ground. Wijida cursed with pain as Hiccup tried to pin her down, but a smile crossed Wijida's face once again before she strained with Astrid's might to quickly overpower Hiccup.

"Come now Hiccup, you should know better than anypony else here that Astrid is far stronger than you!" Wijida bellowed before driving a boot right into Hiccup's gut and hurling him off of her, smirking when she stood up and glanced down at Hiccup. Toothless and Stormfly both barked and raced towards Hiccup, but the rider held out a hand to stop the both of them before he slowly rose to his feet.

"You really think that?" Hiccup asked with a thin smile that made Wijida raise an eyebrow in interest. "Because what if I said that I could defeat Astrid in hand-to-hand combat? Would you be willing to get out of her body?" Wijida pondered over Hiccup's question for a moment before a sinister smile creased her face.

"Oh, this is good Hiccup, an excellent addition to this story," Wijida chuckled while she stretched Astrid's fingers and took up a fighting stance. "Because the only way you'll be able to keep this body down is if you kill me, but that would also kill your little lover, wouldn't it? Not to mention that every blow inflicted upon her would be a blow that she would feel if you managed to free her. I like it. Very well, Hiccup, I accept."

With that she lunged forward and went to wrap her fingers around Hiccup's throat, but in one swift motion the Viking caught both of Astrid's arms before falling backwards while placing one of his feet into her gut. Hiccup then fell to his back while kicking up at the same time, using his legs' strength to hurl Wijida over his head and onto her back. Wijida coughed slightly before Hiccup wrapped his legs around her waist and clenched his arms around her head, slowly suffocating the Viking who elbowed at him with all of her might.

"And...you're dumber than I thought, if you didn't believe that I'd fight Astrid without a plan!" Hiccup grunted in-between blows to his ribs as he held on for both his and Astrid's life, a smile starting to cross his mouth as he felt her blows weakening. "Because once we've got you unconscious again, I'm certain that Twilight will have no problem getting you out of Astrid's head."

"Ah yes, thank you for reminding me of her," Wijida coughed out before her eyes flashed over to Twilight, who screamed with agony as she collapsed to the ground again with tears streaming down her face. "Now...release me...or I crush her brain!"

With no choice but to follow Wijida's instructions, Hiccup growled and released her, and immediately paid for his decision as Wijida spun around before driving her fist into his jaw, knocking him flat. Wijida smirked while she grabbed hold of Hiccup's chest piece and pulled him back to a standing position, where she cocked a fist back before swinging at his face again. Hiccup's head snapped back as her fist caught him square in the jaw, getting a weak groan out of the Viking while blood poured down his nose.

"Come on Hiccup, that can't be all you've got. You're supposed to be the smart one, the one that has a plan for everything," Wijida taunted as she swung again, her knuckles splitting Hiccup's cheek open while she knocked his head to the side. "So what's your big plan now? Because you can't die here, we still have the grand finale to look forward to!"

"Oh, don't worry. I've still got a few plans left," Hiccup spat out before a loud bark could be heard--followed by a shriek that tore through Wijida's mind. She howled in pain when the noise assaulted her ears, forcing her to release Hiccup as she clamped her hands to her ears in a desperate attempt to shut out the pain. She slowly turned her head behind her, to see that the Night Fury had his jaws wide open and was emitting the sound that was tearing apart her mind. But before the pain got too intense, Hiccup motioned for Toothless to stop and tackled Wijida down once again.

"Found out Toothless could do that when a ferocious Timberjack thought that he had us. Weaponized sound," Hiccup proudly said to Wijida.

"What?!" Wijida yelled back before slamming her head into Hiccup's nose, sending him staggering back while more blood poured from his nose. This time, the both of them staggered back up to their feet simultaneously, with Hiccup wiping the blood away from his nose while Wijida rubbed her ears a few times to stop the ringing. She was the first to act and once again lunged at Hiccup, tackling him while also grabbing the sword from his belt. A right hook to the face knocked him into the dirt before Wijida pressed the button to extend the blade, pointing it right at Hiccup's throat when he turned to face her again.

"Well, it was a noble effort Hiccup, but it seems that either Astrid is just too good or you don't wish to hurt her. Whatever the case...this is where your part in this story ends," Wijida smiled with glee before glancing at the dragons, knowing that at any moment they would attack her. With a flick of her eyes though, Wijida hurled both Twilight and Fluttershy into Toothless and Stormfly, knocking out the ponies and stunning the dragons long enough so that she could smile down at Hiccup.

"Now die," she whispered as she swung her sword...only to find her arm come to a dead stop right before the sword severed Hiccup's head from his body. Wijida looked down at her arm with confusion for a moment before she tried to swing again, but her arm remained locked firmly in place. "What? What magic is this?!"

"Not magic. Just the second to last part of my plan," Hiccup panted while he pushed himself back up, wiping the blood from his nose as he smiled weakly at Wijida. "Astrid may like to show her affection through love punches, but she would never hurt me if she was in control. And even if someone else, like you, was controlling her, I know that she would never allow that person or pony to kill me. I know that she will defend me to the death. And it seems," Hiccup smiled as he motioned to Wijida's motionless arm. "I was right."

Wijida sneered at Hiccup as she prepared to use her power to fling the sword into his gut, but then his choice of wording caught her attention. "Second to last part of the plan? But what then could be the-?" A blast of lunar magic slammed into Wijida's back, causing her to scream as the magic forced her to her knees. She gritted her teeth in pain while looking back--to see a midnight colored alicorn land behind her, eyes narrowed with a devious smile on her face.

"That. That is the final part of my plan," Hiccup stated before waving to Luna. "Greetings, Princess. I take it you found what you were looking for?"

"Indeed I did, Hiccup. After you voiced your concerns to me last night, I investigated "Astrid's" dreams and found that you were right," Luna confirmed while she began to stalk towards Wijida with her horn glowing dangerously. "And ever since then, I have been seeking for the cure and I believe to have found it," Luna continued before revealing a green potion that she quickly ingested, causing Wijida's eyes to widen in fear as the princess advanced.

"No...you know of-?"

"The mind-controlling potion? Yes Wijida, while I may have not seen one since I was a young mare, I remember them all to well," Luna informed her with a wicked grin on her face. "And I also know that, while my magic may not be able to counter your telekinetic power...it is still more than a match for spells or potions!"

With a roar, Luna turned into a bluish wisp that enter into Astrid's mind, causing the Viking to cry out as she collapsed to the ground. Hiccup staggered to her side and pulled her into his arms, watching in concern as red and blue clashed inside her eyes...before a light of gold shone in-between the two lights. Then, a blast of light erupted from her eyes while a red wisp was hurled from her mind and to the ground, where Wijida quickly retook her form as Luna exited Astrid's mind and landed beside the Vikings.

"What is the matter Wijida, you look surprised?" Luna taunted while she began to advance on the dark pony, who pushed herself back up with her white eyes flashing with fury as she turned towards the Princess of the Night. "I thought that you could see the future? So how did you not see this coming?"

"I will admit that this possibility was slim at best, so I paid it little mind. But I suppose the real reason was that this result was a part of Astrid's future, so it would be impossible for me to see," Wijida panted while she glared at Luna, whose horn glowed with royal power as she stared down her foe. "But now I must ask you, Princess, what will you do? You admitted that your magic cannot combat my mental power, so if I wanted to, I could crush your brain and be done with you. How do you hope to stand against me?! How can you-?!"

Wijida was cut off as a small dart dug into her neck, causing her to stop speaking as she glanced down at the small device. She opened her mouth to ask a question before her whole form became stone like, and she collapsed to the ground, stunned as she found herself unable to move. Her eyes twitched once before they rolled back in her head and her eyelids closed, prompting Luna to walk over to her and poke the pony with her hoof.

"Speed Stinger venom, mixed with an herb known to put both dragons and people to sleep," Hiccup explained as he walked over to Luna with the sleeping Astrid still clutched tightly in his arms. "Fast acting, and will create a near paralysis for hours after being injected. She isn't going anywhere for a while."

"That was quick thinking, Hiccup. Much like coming to me last night when you had your suspicions," Luna praised with a nod of her head before turning and walking towards the ponies, who were laying on the ground next to the dragons that were starting to move properly. "And it seemed that your trap worked. But how did you know that she would not look into my future?"

"Because for as much as she can see, Wijida can still be blinded by arrogance," Hiccup said as he glanced down at Astrid, before letting out a relieved smile. "With her ability to see your futures, I wagered that she'd bet that you would all be too afraid to act without me, and thus she wouldn't have to bother with looking into your futures. It was a gamble, but she was arrogant enough to swing the odds into our favor."

"How very clever," Luna whispered as she began to wake Twilight up. "You truly are every bit the dragon master that others have said you are."

"I wouldn't say that. Now let's hurry and get them to a hospital. I'm losing a lot of blood."