• Published 5th Oct 2014
  • 4,512 Views, 70 Comments

Something... BIG... To Take Care Of. - Ceehoff

Whenever the King of the Monsters is in need of care, he knows the one small soul suitable for the job.

  • ...

Chapter I

Something... BIG... To Take Care Of

A Godzilla/MLP Crossover Fic by:


Chapter I

The water was very still during that moment.

Despite the wreckage from the splintered docks and unlucky yachts and boats that were at the port of the edge of city, two figures stood further out in the ocean which was ink-black and gray from the evening sky, sullied with polluted clouds of dust and debris.

However, these two figures weren't of the same size. One was a small fishing boat that had just lost its power, and its only occupant was a battle-dazed Marine, who had an M9 in hand.

The other was a towering behemoth with squinting red eyes, two smaller praying-mantis style arms near its front, a flat triangular head, and six long legs that stretched taller than most of the buildings in the burning city to the side of them.

If there was any other noise within a mile of the two figures, nothing was heard except for the ripples in the water slapping against the hull of the boat and the wood of the docks.

In the air, there was still the faint scent of burning embryos that were birthed by the behemoth just a few minutes ago.

The hatchlings' blood that wasn't evaporated by the seething flames was all on the Marine's hands.

It glared silently down at the Marine like a vulture, waiting for him to make his first move before it would finish him off with just a snap of its mighty jaws.

The Marine blinked the sweat and damp dirt from his eyes before he drew his weapon up and pointed it directly at the behemoth's head. In the back of his mind, he knew that his only available weapon was as good as a pea shooter when using it against something as titanic as this. However, as much as he wanted one lucky shot to kill this diabolical gargantuan, he knew that some resistance was better than no resistance at all. That was what he was trained for, and he was going to die fighting to the last breath.

The creature's head lowered heavily toward him as it belched a blood-thirsty growl, which then increased into a venomous snarl.

The Marine's arm was shaking due to exhaustion mixed with pain. Where should he aim first? The eye? The back of its hideous throat? Up its snout? Death was seconds away. He knew he didn't have time to choose.

His finger weakly squeezed the trigger...

A loud noise rung out in the thick fog.

It sounded of exoskeleton and flesh being punctured by a pillar of spears.

The Marine blinked in surprise to see the creature's jaw trembling, frozen midway before it was going to snap at him.

Then, the creature's head began to rise up away from him as if it were being pulled by something else.

By the time its head was no longer in his face, he saw something else standing directly behind it...

...And biting down on the creature's neck...

A strained wail of pain resonated from the eight-legged creature's lungs as the amphibian giant behind it pulled its head back far enough to wring it with its arms.

As the giant, spiny amphibian kept the she-beast's head wringed in its thick arms, its claws crept up to its face, reaching for its jaw. The giant female beast tried to wriggle out of its grip, but the spiny monster had a wrestler's grip on it and it forced its bottom jaw open before it released the grip of its other arm to grab the top half of the behemoth's jaws.

The behemoth lifted frontal legs to push its opponent away, but the spiny monster had the upper hand, leaving its opponent in a bad spot to fight back.

Underneath the struggled clucks and bellows of the eight-legged one, there was a whirring crescendo of energy charging up, which emulated from the spiny one. Bright blue cracks of light leaked out from its spine and between the cracks of its tough, crocodile-like skin that was near it. Its chest expanded dramatically.

The creature being held down knew that sound. This wasn't the first time the giant amphibian used this upcoming attack, and it knew being stuck by it was more than bad news. It let out a frantic cry and lifted its giant bug-like arms to strike at it.

However, it was one second too late.

The spiny giant thrusted its head down, shooting out a deadly pillar of glowing, bright blue energy out of its mouth directly down into the beast's mouth, directly down its throat.

The giant stared intensely into the beast's dying eyes, feeling its arms slide off of its body.

The flesh in the beast's throat as well as the flesh outside of it evaporated to burning flesh and dust to the point where its entire neck would burn open and drop the rest of its body into the ocean where it stood.

The seething pillar of energy died and the spiny giant stood straight, still holding the beast's severed head.

Then, lifting its head up to the sky, it summoned a loud, deafening screech that echoed for miles.

It was victorious. The beast and its pesky, smaller, flying companion were no more.

Sealing the deal, it dropped the beast's head into the ocean like it was nothing but insignificant trash. It was now food for the fish.

The creature's eyes blurred. Now that the brunt of the moment was over, its mind soon remembered the deep wounds from the duo's damned appendages. Not only that, but since that top half of the building fell directly on top of him, it remembered the blunt force trauma it received. Those humans sure did make those structures pretty heavy.

It wanted to walk away, but the pain coursing throughout its body was too much for even a strong giant like it to endure. Feeling no energy to walk away, its knees collapsed underneath it, making it fall to ground. The moment it landed, it summoned a large cloud of blowing dust and broken glass around it.

Before its eyes blurred it nothing, a bright light emerged from the distance, many miles away from where it lied. When the light dimmed, a large mushroom cloud was visible on the horizon before the everything that beast could see blurred.

Then, all became black.


A loud snort came out from the beasts nose, which made everyone near it jump.

A glowing line beaming from the beast's eyelids was all the beast could see before it opened up to a blinding wall of light.

It blinked a few times to gradually adjust its eyes to the light and the first thing it saw was a man in a hazmat suit stumbling back and falling onto his rear in fear.

Inside, the creature huffed in amusement, seeing this pathetic, puny human scramble away like a bug. They were all the same. To the creature, they were nothing but ants.

It would do it, but clearly, these puny little vermin were not worth its time and energy. It had done its job, taking care of those two diabolical, mating lovebirds of intruders. Now, there was time to recover.

Shifting its muscles in their place, it discovered it salvaged enough energy to move.

It lifted its massive claw into the air before bringing it back down again to push itself up. Even the slightest movement from it was enough to make the humans jump out of his or her clothing. However, these humans as a throng seemed pretty calm and less afraid of it. Instead they started to cheer and applaud it, which made its eyebrow lift.

Of course. The humans were grateful for it sparing them from those two other monsters.

It chuffed half-heartedly in response.

Yeah, whatever. It was a good thing they were grateful for its service. If it hadn't come by, they would be nothing just within weeks.

Planting its leg into the ground, it pushed itself fully up off the ground, standing up straight before it lifted up its leg to take the first step toward the ocean.

Every step it took, it was greeted with cheering, applause, and tears of joy. It had no time to revel in their praise.

Well... Maybe it did.

It reached the shoreline of the city and before it went further, it summoned a loud, farewell screech, which everyone seemed to revel in, coming from their unexpected hero.

It stepped into the water, birthing big waves and ripples in its wake before the surface of the water reached its hips.

It lunged forward, sending bigger waves out from its belly, chest, and neck before its head went underneath the surface.

From what the humans see, they saw three columns of jagged spines slice through the horizon before they descended fully into the ocean.

After that, everything was quiet. The water was rippling peacefully, and the air was still.

Nature was in balance.


While it was swimming in the dark waters of the Pacific Ocean, the giant amphibian winced in pain. The salt in the ocean gave the beast an annoying reminder that its wounds were still open. If it were to swim a while longer, it would be much less than comfortable, and swimming around would be a chore, having to deal with the pain.

Those damned pesky.... "Muto"s? Was that what the humans called them? It recalled hearing radio transmissions from inside the ships that were trailing directly beside it as it tried to catch up with the bitch behemoth.

Huh.... Interesting name. That goes for what the humans named their unexpected savior. The people in the East called it "Gojira", while the rest gave it a name that translated it to...


Both were good names. Both guilty pleasures. Who knew what other crazy names the other races of the humans gave it?

Its thoughts were rudely interrupted again by the stinging sensation within its open wounds by the salt water.

Damn, this was definitely going to interfere with its usual swimming routine. Normally, it would try to heal itself, but it did not feel like waiting. The salty oceans of the world was calling for it to visit, to loom in its darkness like a massive shark, waiting to take down the next intruder that comes to claim its territory.

Besides, it knew a certain creature that was masterful with healing wounds such as these.

Murring lowly, it nodded its head downward, curling its body to dive down toward the ocean floor.

It felt its back being pushed down by the overwhelming mass of the water at the bottom. The amount of salt in the water made its lips slightly pruned. As for it wounds, they stung even worse.

It placed its claws on the ground, pawing over it, trying to feel for something. However, even for the most powerful beast in the ocean, its eyesight was not that powerful. It pawed over the floor, feeling nothing but flat, layered rock. Another sting in its wounds made it growl frustratedly as it grew more drastically impatient that it couldn't find what it was looking for.

However, that all changes when it saw a faint blue shimmer at the corner of its eye. Squinting at it, it saw that it was one of those exotic looking fish that lurk at the ocean floor.

Another glow appeared on the opposite side before one-by-one, and suddenly pouring in, blue lights were shimmering all around it, glowing like stars in the night.

Due to the glowing fishes' efforts, the glow began to illuminate, shining on the ocean floor.

The beast grumbled in relief, now aware of how far its desired location was.

And it was just nearby.

A mile ahead, was a large, circular hole in the ground, the darkest of what the entire ocean had to offer. Hovering over it, it peered down into the ink-black abyss. A cloud of bubbles erupted from its nostrils, equivalent as a nod, confirming this was the objective.

Then, another blue light behind to shimmer behind it as it continued to stare down into the darkness. This time, it came from its spines. The deep whirring grumbled, pulsating through the water, which scared the glowing fish away as their instincts kicked in.

The whirring grew louder progressively before it expanded its chest and thrusted its head forward to spew out its powerful column of bright blue energy directly into the abyss in the exact middle. A maelstrom of bubbles enveloped the column, beating against the giant's face, tickling it eyes.

It kept expelling its powerful beam down into the deep dark hole until it heard a crack that echoed louder than thunder up on the surface, and a swirling surge of mystical energy overflowed the hole, now making it as bright as the sun. Its golden light felt warm as suns as well. It squinted, feeling it sting the back of its eyes after being encased in the inky blackness for so long.

Groaning, it knew what it must do next.

It dove into the hold, being enveloped in the warm light. As it went further downward, it only grew brighter and brighter until it was sure its hide was burning from its warmth.

Then, it started to become cool again, and the beast now felt its blood flow from its head down to its belly.

Now, it was swimming upward.

It opened its eyes to see the sun warping behind a plain of green, clear water.

It grinned inside.


The air was thick with the sound of birdsong. The air smelled of freshly grown grass and flowers that bloomed in the vast, hilly fields, thinly ornate with small patches of trees and sowed fields. The gentle breeze pushed a head of long, pink locks, belonging to the head of a small, frail, yet graceful creature, a female yellow pony with wings, as it sang along with the birds landing gently on top of her head. Her voice was something that angels would be jealous of, making all creatures around feel at peace in the most unpleasant of situations.

The bird that was perched onto her head chirped lively, grabbing the ears of the pony with its voice.

"Oh, Mr. Bluejay!" she exclaimed. "You're getting so much better with your singing! Color me impressed and ever so proud of you."

The bird chirped happily and gratefully in response, throwing in gestures of humility into the mix.

"Because of my instruction? Oh, it was nothing at all, really. You're so kind," she smiled, flattered and most appreciative. "Helping my little friends is what I do best."

The bird chirped again, whistling at the end.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Blue Jay," she smiled warmly. "Would you like to sing us all another song? That'll be so wonderful. Let's see how far you've gone."

The bird nodded before it cleared its throat, ruffled its blue and white feathers and opened its wings, swaying in the breeze before it opened its mouth to sing the first note.


All the animals, including the bluejay, jumped at the sudden, booming noise that screeched in the distance behind them. They scrambled and panicked, scrambling into the safe haven that was in the pony's mane and tail. They shook violently in fear, never hearing such a noise of that tone and power before.

The pony, on the other hand, whirled around, sporting a large grin and a joyful gasp.

"Could it be??" she squeaked.

The animals that huddled in her silky hair stopped shaking to glance at one another, confused as to why Fluttershy of all creatures would respond positively to that horrid, blood curdling noise.

Then the little pegasus flapped her wings to gently push herself off the ground so she wouldn't shake out any small animal that took shelter in her mane and tail. She made a beeline toward the foliage of the forest, gently swaying past trees and branches before she felt the speckles of water in the air that resembled the water being thrust up from having something huge come up from underneath it.

Seeing the light at the end of the foliage, she pushed toward it, and was immediately greeted with the hide of the beast's side rising up from the water of the lake that resided in the open patch of the forest. Thus, she was shown the gaping wounds that bled freshly due to the stinging salt water from the other side.

The beast towered over the trees of the forest like a skyscraper, seeing a vast sea of vegetation surrounding it.

"Down here! Oh, down here!" the small pegasus called, elated to see the behemoth towering over her.

The beast murred, catching the pony's squeaks which she called shouts with much anticipation. Just the one it wanted to see. It lobbed its heavy around, looking down past its shoulder to see the yellow speck at its hip. It lowered its head, crouching low over the ground to meet it face to face...

...Or should it say, nostril to face?

The yellow pegasus fearlessly galloped up to it, lifting a hoof to touch the rough hide on its nose as she looked into its large eyes with the affection and love of a nanny, a nurse, and a mother.

A smile then cracked on her lips as she stroked its massive snout.

"Welcome back, Gary."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Yes, that's right. I made a Godzilla and My Little Pony fanfic.

And no, it's not a shipping fic. It's just a fun idea of Godzilla having Fluttershy as a caretaker to heal his wounds. :P

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! There'll be more following when I have the time to write.

Comments ( 70 )

Well at least Gary starts with a G. I laughed.

Saw Godzilla in theaters. Freakin' AWESOME movie!
Also, they use a track from 2001: A Space Odyssey in the movie.

:trixieshiftleft: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:trixieshiftright:

:trollestia:Go on

I like where this story is going.

A litte sciency fact about Godzilla. His body is so filled with radiation, that the area around him becomes completely uninhabitable. You killed fluttershy. I hate you.

The title of this can also be tge title of a clopfic.

5101509 Welp, story's over, everypony! :trollestia:

... ... GARY :rainbowlaugh:

I know Fluttershy loves animals and also naming them but Godzilla? being named GARY? :rainbowlaugh:

Fear the Mighty Gary!


"Watch as we find the powerful "Gary" as the locals call him, eating his favorite dish, Tuna."

Also, when will spilight twarkle come investigating?

1. I love how his name is Gary. 2. Godzilla...I the greatest movie of all time hands down!! 3.please continue this. :pinkiehappy:

No but seriously though this was amazing. It was so short and simple but you managed to put so much into it! I love it!
but seriously though please continue it. I must have more.

Comment posted by FriendlyTwo3 deleted Mar 12th, 2015

Gary? Heh... I would've never thought of that...
I demand more chapters!
When is Twilight and the others coming to investiage? I wonder how they'll react to Gary??

5102226 XD No worries, man. It was a helpful tip

Two nitpicks. Only two.

1) He wasn’t a Marine; Explosive Ordnance Disposal is part of the Navy, not the Marine Corps.

2) … not actually bothering me enough to mention; never mind.

Welcome back Gary.???? LOVE IT.:yay:

Got to be Spikes older brother.:moustache::duck:

Sorry, it bugs the heck out of me... but godzilla is not an amphibian, he's reptilian.

Otherwise... I am intrigued. :trixieshiftright:

I liked this movie better than the one from 1998...

I feel you used the word "it" far too frequently.

5104612 actually, since this is going by the 2014 series' canon, Goji is an amphibious reptile, so really your both right. :raritywink:

5107322 "amphibious reptile" and "amphibian" aren't the same thing. One is a crocodile for instance, the other is a frog. He should change it as fast as possible, because it hurts to read that Big G is a cousin of a frog.


Incorrect. Godzilla has been established in later films, including the 2014 film, as only generating high levels of radiation when he chooses to. The rest of the time, he produces non-lethal, but recordable levels of radiation above normal background radiation.

5104612 But I thought he was an amphibian because he's Amphibious while in water. I dunno XD

5105555 No one really knows if Gojira's a boy or girl ;) But he's leaning more to the boy side, methinks

He is amphibious, just not an amphibian. Like a crocodile, he's an amphibious reptile, not like a frog or salamander. It probably won't bug most people, it just does me. :pinkiecrazy:

Well, that wasn't quite my point. Whether or not he's a boy, is completely up to you.

My point is that "it" was used far too frequently in my opinion. Although, that is just my opinion.

You've certainly got my attention with that ending to say the least.

Couple small grammatical awkwardness such as the huge, borderline run-on sentences in the beginning made pacing a bit off; but still good :twilightsmile:

Doggi #33 · Oct 7th, 2014 · · 5 ·

No BIG penis for flutters? :fluttercry:
so dissapoint :trollestia:
Srsly,expected a clopfic when clicket butt fuck it

5109825 I'm the worst :P

so far i like this stoy not to meany good godzilla stoys its different to see the king like this but i like it keep it up

Great story so far but...Why gary?

5111214 You'll see why :raritywink:

Gary, huh? Gary.


Good on you, sir. I love the mix of epicness and randomness in this fic. I will be following this one for sure. :twilightsmile:

GARY! Brilliant!:rainbowlaugh:

:pinkiehappy: Hail Gary, the king of the monsters!


Hail Gary, the king of the monsters!


You know how people say that a character would laugh hysterically when something he or she just couldn't comprehend just happened in front of their eyes?

Never had an experience like that...

Until I just saw "Gary".

She named Godzilla Gary.

She just named the biggest, most powerful, baddest mother fucking King of the Monsters, Gary.

I didn't stop laughing hysterically for near five minutes.

5175089 Well well :3

"We call him...Gary."

5107703 As it turns out, he's more like an axolotl, in that he has proper gills along his neck, hence why he can deep dive for long periods, or even cruise from one end of an ocean to the other without ever needing to surface until he hits land. Soooooo, I'd say its better to mark him as a reptilian amphibian, or just call it a crap shoot, and mark him as a prehistoric mega predator and be done with it.

What makes Godzilla's name even funnier for me is that my dads name is Gary.

:rainbowlaugh: The image I have in my head is HILARIOUS!

Awesome explantions of the scenes!

New shipping type: GodzillaShy

:trixieshiftright: Really now? The images that shipping has provided is... both interesting and disturbing...
..............................................HOW THE &*&* WOULD THAT EVEN WORK??????????????
Funny images though........

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