• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 1,876 Views, 24 Comments

Tall Tales' Not-So-Secret Shipfic Folder - Tall Tales

A collection of bad fan fiction prompted by the Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder game.

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Knocked Up [Shining Armor/Cadance]

Of course, there was another, somewhat urgent reason the wedding was so sudden.

— Untitled

Cadance’s room felt like her in many ways. There was her perfume in the air and her touch in the various pink accents of the furniture, of course, but more than that it had wide windows that let air and sunlight in. Her warmth was a constant and reassuring thing. Whatever happened between them, Shining was sure they would get through it.

Now, however, those same windows had their curtains drawn and the door was closed and locked. The owner of the room stood near her bed, waiting for him to collect himself.

Moments passed. Shining licked his lips. It wasn’t awkward, but it was tense. They knew whatever was going to be said was important. One of them opened their mouth to speak.

“I have to tell you something. I’m—I’m pregnant.”

There was silence, a heavy moment waiting for the other pony to acknowledge the information.

Finally, Cadance sat down on the bed. Her voice was soft, unbelieving. “Shining... you’re pregnant?”


Cadance closed her eyes and breathed heavily. There was a momentary stab of fear in Shining’s heart, but he dismissed it almost instantly. Shining knew Cadance would understand. She just needed time to adjust.

“Are you sure?” Cadance said. “I thought we used protection.”

“I wouldn’t tell you if I wasn’t. Something must have gone wrong. Maybe one of my protection spells failed....”

“Or maybe one of mine did. I know you, Shining. You wouldn’t make a mistake with a protection spell.”

Cadance sighed and Shining stepped forward to sit on the bed and embrace her. Cadance leant into his touch and Shining felt her weight settle on him. She had been so stressed lately and he felt guilty that he was adding to it, but he didn’t think there would be a better time to tell her.

“I don’t blame you, you know,” Shining said, voice somewhat muffled by Cadance’s hair.

“I know,” Cadance said, and there was a hint of amusement in her voice when she continued, “I should be the one comforting you, you know, considering you’re the one pregnant.”

“But you’re the one who has to deal with the politics. I’m just a guard, but a princess....”

“A princess has responsibilities.” Cadance settled deeper into his arms, letting her head rest on his shoulder. “Hah, look at us. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. We should be happy.”

“And we will be. I know we will be. It’s just that, well, everything has to be so complicated. We weren’t expecting this. Then there’s the politics.”

“Even without the politics, it’s intimidating. To be a mother... I don’t know if I’m ready for it. Celestia has been giving me more and more important roles and we barely see each other as it is. I worry.”

“Don’t. I’ll be here with you. Princess Celestia will understand, and I know you’ll be a great mother.”

“And I know you’ll be a great father.”

They rested against each other, feeling the other breathe. It was moments like this that Shining cherished, when he could most feel Cadance’s warmth and love.

“You know what this means though?” Cadance said. “We’ll have to get married soon.”


“There are rules for this sort of thing. I didn’t think we’d ever have to worry about them, but we have to be married by the time you give birth. Just one of those things that don’t make much sense but we still have to do because it’s tradition.”

“Well,” Shining said, “we knew we were always going to be married. This just means we’ll have to hurry it up a bit.”

Cadance smiled and slid down, letting her head rest against Shining’s stomach. They would be alright.

Author's Note:

Card: My Little Shotgun Wedding, with tribute to Unexpected Pregnancy