• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 3,218 Views, 57 Comments

Luck of the Rose - Shadowswipe

It's the beginning of summer and there's a certain flower saleswoman who has you head over heels.

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Chapter 1: Summer

The hazy sound of summer is bustling throughout the town, the people seem to be out in full swing. You smile at the bustle of activity. The shoes of the people around you pitter on the cobblestone streets, making a sort of chaotic rhythm to the scene. The air is thick with people’s voices, talking and trading. You lean against the front of a shop, watching the people as they go about their shopping and general townley chores, watching the tattoos they have on their necks. Each one is different, each one meaning something different. You rub your neck where your tattoo is, feeling the little bits of raised skin where it hasn't healed yet.

It is a tradition in the town and surrounding areas to get a tattoo when you enter adulthood, the most important tattoo of all was the neck tattoo, people call it a Cutie Mark. People often spend their adolescent years looking for what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Going through school, going out to jobs, helping other people, and when they find what they like, and what they want to do for the rest of their lives, they get their Cutie Marks. You got your Cutie Mark not too long ago.

You sigh and lower your hand, slipping it into your pocket, fiddling with the pen and the various little things that have found their new home in your pocket. You lean off the wall and begin to wander the market, looking over what was for sale. Basic things you’d find at a flea market, knick knacks, homemade things. The local farms are there selling their produce, milk, cheese, meat, various fruits and veggies. The biggest booth belongs to Sweet Apple Acres, they have the biggest farm in the town. You ventured down the farm stalls, looking over the corn and tomatoes until you came to the apple stall.

“Howdy! It’s good to see ya again! Same thing as always?” You hear a familiar voice with an unmistakable twang.

“Hey, and no thanks, kinda tight on cash right now AJ.” You reply, politely shaking your head.

“That’s alright, take one, it’s on the house.” The girl behind the counter gives a wink and tosses an apple to you.

“Thanks AJ, I owe you one.” You say, catching the apple and rubbing it on the sleeve of your t-shirt.

“Ya owe me fifty,” She chuckles. “Oh hey, I see ya finally got your Cutie Mark.”

“Yeah, got it a few days ago, it’s still a bit sore. Feels weird too, kinda like the muscle is stiff.” You explain while rubbing your tattoo.

“No rubbin’, and I know how you feel, it’ll take some time to heal, but yours looks like it’s healin’ rather well. I got mine two years ago, it was weird for a while, but before ya know it, it feels fine and normal.” She says as she pulls her blonde ponytail out of the way to reveal her Cutie Mark.

“I see, well I hope it’s sooner than later, this is a little painful.” You say, taking a bite of the apple.

“You worry too much, like I said, before ya know it, it’ll feel fine. Now, get a move on, I've got other customers.” She says, turning to tend to the other people who've shown up.

You nod to her and continue down the line of stalls, taking bites out of your apple. It is a good apple, one of the best. It’s a staple in the area, since Sweet Apple Acres is one of the biggest exporters in the town. As you walk down the path you come across the flower stalls, a very pleasant scent fills the air. You very rarely come down this part of the market, and when you did, it usually means you’re trying to fix something with someone. But this time it’s an accident, and you don’t mind, it’s a nice day out. The colors of all the flowers shine bright in the sun, like a rainbow, but actually physical, and closer to the ground. You linger in front of a booth, just staring into the arrangements. There is a certain bunch of roses that really catch your eye. They are the same shape and size as a normal rose, but each pedal is a different color. Blue, red, green, orange, yellow, it’s an explosion of color. You’re so taken in by this flower you almost ignore the person talking to you.

You look up to meet the gaze of an unfamiliar face. She looks to be the same age as you, but you don’t recognize her from anywhere. Her hair is short and red, with a lighter almost pink streak in the front. Her eyes are a dark emerald green and her skin is a pale white. Her Cutie Mark looks new, the skin around it is red and slightly raised, like yours. It is of a single rose.

“Hello sir, see something interesting?” The girl asks in a soft voice.

“U-uh, wh-what do you mean by interesting?” You ask in return.

“Well, you just sorta stopped and stared into my stall, I figured you spotted something interesting… Or wrong.” She said, looking to where you were staring.

“Oh, no, well, yes. These roses here, I've never seen them before.” You point to the bushel of bright multicolored roses.

“Oh those. Those are called Rainbow Roses. They’re really hard to find around here. I had to get them brought in from Canterlot. They’re grown this way using magic, I don’t know exactly how it’s done, but it makes a beautiful result, don’t you think?” She asks, her voice laced with excitement.

“Yeah, they are quite beautiful.” You reply with a smile, taking the chance to look over this girl’s face again. Something about it you like, it’s soft and welcoming. She looks up and meets your gaze, both of you look away shyly.

“Uh, so would you like to buy one? They’re great for that special someone in your life.” She says, a nervous tone apparent in her voice.

“No thank you, there’s no special someone for me. But it was nice to see the flowers and have this quick talk.” You reply, trying to break the awkwardness.

“O-oh, well I hope I was able to teach you something.” She says, perking back up with a smile.

“You have, now I have to get going, I've been holding this apple core and my hand is all sticky now, I’ll see you around.” You give a nod and a smile before turning to leave.

“Alrighty,” She smiles once more and gives a little wave. A few seconds later she calls out to you. “Hey wait! I have a question!” You hear her voice and stop, you pitch the apple core into a dumpster across the road. You wipe your hands and head back to her.

“What’s the question?” You say calmly.

“I noticed your tattoo, it looks fresh, did you just get it?” She asks, the nervousness returning.

“Yeah, a few days ago.” You say raising an eyebrow and running a finger along your tattoo.

“I got mine a few days ago too,” She paused and turned her head to show her tattoo. “My name is Rose by the way.” She smiles at you with a tiny bow.

“Rose, I’ll remember that.” You return the smile and give your name in reply. An awkward silence follows.

“Uh, I won’t keep you, if you have to get going.” She shuffles some flowers around in their stands and looks away.

“Yeah, I really do have to get going,” You let out a little sigh. “Hey Rose, I’ll see you around.” You give her another nod and begin to walk away.

You can feel her eyes on the back of your head, burning into your skull. You push your thoughts aside as you look up to the sky, some Seraphs are flying by. Thoughts of flying begin to seep into your mind. What’s it like? How does it feel? Is it easy? How high can you go? All these things just manifest themselves in your brain. You shake your head and bring your thoughts back to the street ahead of you. Avoiding the people who are walking by.


After a day of wandering around the town you head home. The sun is just beginning to set, the sky a throw of orange, the clouds look like floating fireballs. You gaze up at the scene and head towards the town square, it’s a shortcut to your house. The town grew quiet over the day, and now it’s almost silent. The only noise coming from the few birds that sing the town to sleep, and from the few people who weren't done their business. You feel your legs start to sting from all the walking you've done today so you decide to rest by the fountain. You approach it and sit on the edge, the sound of the water bringing a calming tone over the square. You lean back on your arms and cross your legs at the ankle, letting out a tired sigh. It’s been a good day you think to yourself and you recall the events of the day. You close your eyes as you think back. Spent an hour in the market, met that girl Rose. She was cute… Yeah, she was really cute. Um… Went to the arcade, spent too much time and money there. Went to lunch with some friends and now I’m here… Yep, a good day indeed.

You subconsciously smile as you go over the day, but you’re pulled back to reality when you hear footsteps coming up beside you. You open your eyes a crack and peak to the right, you notice Rose walking by, she looks exhausted. She shambles like a zombie past you and sits on the other end of the fountain, completely ignoring your existence. You shrug it off and look around the square. The sun casting its orange hues over the alleys and streets, the buildings casting grand shadows on the ground. You’re quite entranced with the whole picture around, but you’re taken out of it when you hear mumbling. You shake your head and listen again, the mumbling coming from the other side of the fountain. You look over and see Rose sitting by herself mumbling. You look at the way she’s sitting, she’s hunched over and looking at the ground, her body screams that she’s about to just slump over and pass out. You stretch your legs and stand up, making your way over to Rose. She’s completely oblivious to your presence.

“Uh, hey Rose.” You say, trying to get her attention. Without warning she lets out a violent jump and clutches her chest, looking at you wide eyed.

“O-oh, it’s just you. Didn't hear you come over here. Scared the life out of me.” She says between breaths, she soon calms down and lets out a small smile. You notice the bags under her eyes.

“You look exhausted, was it a busy day?” You ask, trying to confirm what you think you already know.

“You have no idea. About an hour after you left some woman came up saying she needs an entire arrangement for a wedding. It was chaos, she couldn't make up her mind, then she said she was running late, then she didn't have enough money and it just went on. Then after that it was busier than it normally is. So yeah, it was a busy day.” She explains in a tired heavy voice, ending with a yawn.

“Maybe you should head home and get some rest, since you’re so tired.” You say with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I’m on the verge of passing out as is. I guess I’ll get going myself,” She slowly stands and lets out another yawn, stumbling a little. You notice a little bit of color begins to fill her cheeks. “Um, hey. You wouldn't mind walking me h-home would you?” She asks nervously.

“Uh, y-yeah, sure.” You reply with a surprised tone.

“Y-you know it can be dangerous for a young g-girl walking a-alone at dusk.” She says as more color floods to her cheeks.

“Y-yeah, it can be. L-lets get going then.” You reply with an equally shaky voice. Rose nods and begins to walk in the direction of her home.

The two of you walk in awkward silence for a few minutes, questions filling your mind. You watch Rose as she walks a few steps in front of you, watching as she sways left and right tiredly. She stumbles a little bit and she looks paler than usual. You pick up the pace and walk next to her. She looks over to you with heavy eyes. She takes a step close and latches onto your arm, your heart skips a beat. It’s been a long time since something like this has happened. You look over and she’s holding onto your right arm with both of hers, she’s barely applying any pressure and she’s slightly leaning on you. She must be ready to pass out you say in your head. Before long she tugs on your arm towards a house.

“This one is mine. Thanks for walking me home.” She says weakly while she digs through her pocket and pulls out a key.

“You’re welcome. Like you said, it’s dangerous, just protecting a pretty lady,” You cringe as the words escape your mouth, you mentally kick yourself in the stomach. “Uh, I mean, um….” Before you could finish your sentence Rose throws her arms around you and wraps you in a weak hug.

“Smooth man, real smooth,” She says before letting go. “I guess I’ll see you around.” She gives another weak smile before unlocking the door and going into her house.

You just stand there for a few minutes taking in what just happened. Your mind is a big ball of confusion. Was that genuine? Was she aware she did that? What did I do? You just shake your head and make your way home. Maybe tomorrow will bring answers.

Author's Note:

Teenage angst away!

I apologize if this story is starting a little rushed, I didn't really have a plan for the pacing of the first act, but I promise you the next chapters will have more world building. And I just want to note that I wrote this chapter in 13 hours and finished it at about 1:30 in the morning.

Other then that, enjoy! :)