• Published 27th Jun 2014
  • 4,145 Views, 161 Comments

The Aegis - Rokas

Lyra Heartstrings wasn't always a unicorn. In fact, that isn't even her real name. She wasn't even born in Equestria. But it's her job to defend it from various threats nonetheless, alongside her begrudging partner, Bonbon.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Names and Marks

A bright light was the first thing she became aware of as her consciousness began to assert itself, despite the fact her eyes were closed. Too bright, she thought, and then brought up an arm to cover her eyes. Ahh, much better, she thought, with a satisfied sigh.

Something nudged her in the side, and she groaned. “Go 'way,” she mumbled, and then rolled over and away from the offending contact.

“C'mon, Heinkel, time to get up,” a masculine voice spoke, even as the prodding began again. “Today's the day, after all.”

That sentence finally got through the fog of sleep, and Lisa felt her mind kickstart itself as she started to shift into a sitting position. Her back felt uncomfortable at the movement, though, and she reached back with a hand to rub at the affected area. Yet when the limb touched her back, she felt a hard nub where once five fingers had been, and was momentarily confused. Oh, right, she thought, as memories of the recent past came back. “I miss my hands,” Lisa mumbled, as she slowly shook her head to clear the cobwebs.

The voice who had awakened her laughed. “It's been three weeks since you got out of the tank, Heinkel,” the man said. “You'd think you'd be used to it by now.”

Lisa opened her eyes at that, and the large, golden-irised orbs focused on Daniel Vaughan, the man in charge of her physical conditioning. “Your bedside manner still needs work, Dan,” she grumbled, as she glanced around the room.

It was a small sleeping compartment aboard the department's main station, barely large enough to hold a bed and a small, freestanding closet for storing clothes. Temp housing is the same in any station, Heinkel mused, as she shifted her gaze back to the other being in the room. He wore his usual selection of work boots and a naval work uniform that lacked any rank or specialization insigne; a common sight on board the station.

Vaughan chuckled in reply to Heinkel's observation. “So it's been said,” he admitted, with a shrug. “But it gets the new kids like you out of bed after you're all tuckered out from the neural retraining, so I'll stick with it. Speaking of which,” he added, as he took a step back and out of the room's sole entrance. “Let's get moving, the liaison will be here in little over an hour.”

Lisa grumbled, but complied, and quickly shifted her remade body until she slid off the bed and onto her legs. Back legs, now, she remembered, and then let her torso fall forward until she landed on the hooves that used to be her hands. She took a moment to steady herself, and then moved forward cautiously, carefully testing whether her body would betray. Each step of her now-quadrupedal fame increased her confidence, and Heinkel was soon outside the door and into the corridor beyond.

“Not so bad, now is it?” Vaughan asked, and then waited a moment for Heinkel to swing her gaze over and up to his face before he gave her a grin. “Did a transition myself, once, just to see what I'd be helping the new kids through. It definitely takes some getting used to, even after your CNS has been taught how to use the new getup.”

A sheepish smile slowly spread across Lisa's new muzzle. “Yeah, it's still kind of trippy,” she agreed, even as she turned and started down the hall. Vaughan closed the door to the temporary quarters and followed, and soon was walking aside her through the painted metal passage. “I mean, I know we've had this tech since the M'fon passed us the Mantle and all, but hardly anyone goes through something this extreme, so you don't really know what to expect. It's like... like your whole body fell asleep, only without the feeling of needles, and you're not numb.”

“An accurate, if paradoxical, observation ,” Vaughan added, with a chuckle. “Not much in the English language to describe it, I know, but that's a close approximation.” The two fell into a companionable silence then, albeit a short one as they came upon Heinkel's destination. “Well, I'll let you get cleaned up,” Vaughan spoke, as the pair stopped before a door marked 'Water Closet'. “Unless you'd like me to call one of the girls from Acclimation to help you?”

“No thanks, I think I've got it,” Lisa replied, and then turned her attention to the door in front of them. She then concentrated and brought up memories of part of her neural retraining, and then narrowed her eyes as she focused on the door. Okay, push with your will, think it and it will happen, she recalled, and did as she instructed herself. A pressure seemed to form in her head, but she continued concentrating, and soon a faint golden glow seemed to come from above her eyes. It was matched by a golden aura that slowly flickered into life around the door's handle, though soon it strengthened and at Lisa's urging, it pulled the door outwards. “Yes!” she exclaimed, and quickly lifted her right foreleg to pump it up and down.

“Nice,” Vaughan praised. “I'll let you get to it, then. Don't take too long if you want to hit the commissary before the meeting.”

“Understood,” Heinkel acknowledged, and then turned to trot into the washroom. “See ya soon, Dan,” she added, and then closed the door behind her. She looked around the room and took in the setup wit ha brief glance, and then turned to the mirror.

The image that stared back was only vaguely familiar, as she had only seen it for the short time after she had left the nanotank. Where once she had light brown tresses and pale skin she now saw a mane of two different tones of green, fur of yet another shade of that color, and her entire body was in the shape of an equine sapiens equis, as the main local race was classified. Specifically, a unicorn pony, Lisa reminded herself, as her large eyes tracked up on her reflection to look at the horn she had used to gain entrance to the washroom. Amazing that they have this ability from their births, she thought, even as she turned to head for the special-constructed shower that would let even a being in the shape of an 'earth' pony use it. Can hardly wait until the eggheads figure out how to get this ability without going full native, the new unicorn mused. Be nice to wave a hand and have things get done. Ah, well, one thing at a time, I guess.

* * * *

After a short time and some morning ablutions, Heinkel trotted through the drab but well-maintained corridors of the Aegis space station as she headed for the commissary. She passed the occasional occupant, usually with a nod or a brief yet polite greeting, and tried not to think about how she was now completely naked. I mean, sure, it's not like it's all hanging out there like with regular human anatomy and whatnot, Lisa rationalized, as she tried not to think about how the cool air touched particular parts of her body. And besides, it's been three weeks and everyone from Dan to the director has come in and seen me in my birthday suit, right?

Yeah, but half the time you were covered up with a sheet, a niggling little voice replied from inside her. And you were behind closed doors, not walking around letting it all hang out.

It's not hanging out, it's tucked in and back and I even have a tail to cover it. Said tail twitched at this thought, and the alien motion managed to redirect Heinkel's attention. Freaking weird thing, though, having a tail. Nothing like it in normal human life, not unless you're one of those persons who goes for the whole-body modification thing. Dang thing has a mind of its own, but I guess I'll figure it out the more time I have in this body.

Adequately distracted, Lisa made it to the commissary without further worrying and soon enough the smell of cooked food made her stomach growl. A grin slipped over her muzzle and she quickly trotted over towards the beginning of the cafeteria-style food service line. There she once again concentrated on her QT fields—magic, she reminded herself. The locals call it magic, and frankly it's kinda fitting—and levitated a serving tray from a stack, and then adorned it with a plate and flatware. No need to be uncivilized, Heinkel mused, even as she concentrated on her usage of the energy fields now available to her, although not nearly as much as before as she found that the more she used the ability, the easier the act became. Thus she found it little trouble to move down the line and collect her breakfast from the various dishes, save for one minor detail. After all the people who've gone through the whole body-morph thing, after even having some of the locals come up here for months at a time, and they still have the counter at human waist height? Lisa silently grumbled, while she finished assembling her meal. I had to lift every freakin' pan up just to see what was on it; can't imagine that's fun at all for those who pick the earth pony route.

Lisa let the train of though fade away as she put the last tidbit on her plate, and then turned to walk away from the line to look for a seat. Although not even close to empty, the commissary was still rather open as the majority of the station's “day shift” wasn't up yet, and so the new unicorn quickly found a bench seat at an empty table and sat herself down in a manner that was still more human than pony. At least the table will hide anything... risqué, she mused, even as she set her tray down and then took a moment to absorb the ambiance of breakfast fare. Some might have found her choice of foodstuffs surprising, given her assignment, but Lisa had a much different opinion. Going to live with habitual vegetarians for months on end? Who wouldn't want to stock up on delicious meat? she mused. Her thoughts momentarily darkened, however, as an answer popped into her head. Okay, there are some people who wouldn't. But anyone who would willingly forsake meat for anything other than serious health reasons—and 'because there's too many calories' isn't one of them—is a species traitor and needs to be smacked upside the head with a trout. Her decision self-affirmed, Lisa once again concentrated and used her new telekinesis to lift a piece of bacon off of the pile on her plate, and then floated it into her mouth. The flavor exploded over her tastebuds once she began to chew, and she sighed. There's no way these ponies are mandatory herbivores, not with tastebuds like this.

“Lisa Heinkel?” an unfamiliar, feminine voice sounded behind her, and Lisa had to fight off an urge to use her new abilities and send a chair flying towards its owner.

“The person you want is out of service,” the unicorn ground out, without a glance back. “Please call back again after breakfast,” she concluded, and then magicked another piece of bacon into her mouth.

The amused chuckle that came from the newcomer bemused her, as did the reply. “I know predators tend to tunnel vision during meals, but surely you could spare a bit of attention for me?” The question and word choice sunk into Lisa's mind, and she finally turned around in her chair to view the person who'd approached her.

She was a pony, but seemed to be larger than the norm, or so it seemed to Lisa after spending a few weeks in her new body and amongst a few agents who'd come back from the field. The second thing the former human noted about the stranger was her coloration; her coat was a brilliant shade of pink, and her mane and tail a mix of purple, pink, and vanilla. Then Lisa finally noted the horn and wings, and her train of thought was stopped in its tracks. “Uh,” the unicorn muttered, too surprised to properly speak for the moment, although it was brief. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?”

The addressed pony winced at that. “I'd rather be called 'Cadance', if you would,” she replied, and then smiled at Lisa. “Would you mind if I took a seat and joined you?”

“Uh, sure,” Lisa replied, still a bit flabbergasted at the fact that the second most powerful pony in Equestria was on the station, and talking to her. “What can I do for you?” the unicorn asked, as Cadance walked to the bench opposite of her and then sat down on it in the same manner Lisa was.

“You could resume your meal,” the alacorn answered, with another smile. “I didn't mean to interrupt.”

Lisa raised an eyebrow, and she felt one of her triangular ears twitch. Wonder why it does that? she briefly mused. “So, me eating bacon isn't going to bother you?” she asked, and then lifted another piece into her mouth.

Cadance's smile never wavered as the pony opposite of her chewed on the morsel. “I've had to deal with griffon diplomats before,” she explained. “Human eating habits don't even register on me after that.”

“Ah,” Lisa said, after she had finished her mouthful. “So, uh, you come here often, then?” came the next question, even as the unicorn shifted her attention to the syrup-soaked pancakes and the flatware to cut them.

“I do,” Cadance replied. “I'm the head of Equstria's side of the Aegis, and the chief liaison to your department,” she explained, and then let her smile twist a bit into a grin as Lisa gave her a surprised glance. “I make it a point to meet all the new field agents your director sees fit to send to our planet and get a feel for them.”

Lisa nodded, as her mouth was full at the moment, and she took advantage of that to review what she had learned about Equestria, specifically Cadance and her position in the government. Mostly a ceremonial role; Celestia seems to hold most of the executive power, she recalled, even as she swallowed her bite and then lifted her glass of milk to her muzzle. Still involved in higher-level government meetings and diplomatic affairs, and when you add this role in then Celestia definitely trusts her and her counsel. Her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed Cadance staring at her. “What?”

“Oh, I'm sorry,” Cadance replied, genuinely contrite. “It's just, I was told you had only been changed for the first time a few weeks ago?” she asked, and then waited for Lisa to confirm with a nod. “Well, you've certainly adjusted well to using magic, then, because you look like a native-born pony from the way you handle your meal.”

“Hmm?” Lisa hummed, and then returned her attention to her meal. Not only had she grabbed a glass of milk in her mental grasp, but the flatware she was using to work at her pancakes was still floating about in the golden aura, as well as another piece of bacon that had been lifted off the plate. “Huh,” she murmured. Then she shrugged, and stuffed the bacon into her mouth. “Guess it helps being distracted,” she observed, after she finished the mouthful.

“It depends on the personality,” Cadance added. “I've known ponies who needed a lot of practice, and others still who are born naturals.” Her smile turned wistful at the last, and she shook her head a bit, as if remembering something, though she soon returned her attention to the present. “You seem to have very good control, despite the fact you weren't born this way.”

Lisa blushed a bit at the compliment. I wonder if it shows through my coat? “Thank you, your highness.”

“Oh please, none of that,” Cadance replied, with a wave of a hoof. “Up here I'm not Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I'm just Cadance.”

An eyebrow raised on the unicorn's face. “Even to a 'commoner' like me?” she asked, and then took another bite of her food.

Cadance nodded. “Yes,” she replied. “I wasn't born a princess, so I've never been too comfortable with all that 'highness' stuff. I'd rather enjoy somepony—excuse me, someone's company as an equal, and leave the hierarchical mind games to the landed nobles.”

Lisa could only nod at that, as it fit what she knew of the princess, as well as her own views on the world. “Well, I can't blame you for that,” she admitted, and then returned some of her attention back to her breakfast.

“I'm glad to hear it,” Cadance replied. A companionable silence fell over the two as Lisa ate, and Cadance waited patiently for her to finish. Eventually the new unicorn did swallow her last bite, and the princess gave her another smile. “Now that you're done, how about we discuss your mission?”

“I have a mission already?” Lisa asked, as she used her new abilities to stack her dishes. “Ain't I supposed to be trained on the finer points of local culture, first?”

“Ah, I believe I misspoke,” Cadance allowed, with a sheepish grin. “I should say your assignment to my land. And as a matter of fact, yes, the first work you will do once we get to Equestria is to tail along with one of our native field agents, who will take you through Canterlot for a few days so that you may learn how to better mingle with ponies.”

“Aha,” the unicorn said, in understanding. “Sounds good. So what's first?” she asked, as she began the somewhat involved task of climbing out of her seat.

Cadance likewise abandoned her seat, but did so with much more finesse than the newly-changed Heinkel. “Well first, we need to establish a cover for you, including a name,” she explained, as she followed Lisa as the latter telekinetically carried her used dishes to the return area. “Human names aren't exactly common on Equis, especially for ponies. Furthermore, we'll have to coordinate it with whatever cutie mark you decide to wear.”

“Oh, right, that,” Lisa observed, and then glanced back at her blank flank.

Cadance raised an eyebrow at the unicorn's dejected tone. “Something the matter?” she asked.

“Just, the whole idea of being permanently marked with your ability on your backside seems dystopian to me,” Lisa explained, as she turned and focused setting the dishes down. “Like you're pigeonholed into that role forever.”

A light chuckle was the immediate reply, and Lisa turned her head to give the alacorn a bemused look. “Oh, I don't know where you humans keep getting that idea,” Cadance said, with a warm smile. “Miss Heinkel, a cutie mark only displays what a pony excels at. Whether or not they turn that into a career is entirely up to them, and frankly, there's plenty of ponies whose special talents are nearly useless in a paying job.” Cadance sighed briefly at that, and then nodded her head to the side to indicate that Lisa should follow her, and then set off towards one of the commissary's exits. She resumed talking once the unicorn caught up. “Honestly, if anything it gives us even more individuality and diversity by encouraging ponies to find what makes them unique and special, so that they can broaden the rich tapestry of our culture.”

Lisa raised an eyebrow at the alacorn. “Laying it on a bit thick there, ain't ya?” she asked.

Cadance blushed a bit at the question. “Sorry, I suppose I got carried away,” she admitted, as the two left the commissary and started to move down the station's various corridors. More and more persons were starting to wake and get about their day, and so the two ponies had to watch their way a bit more carefully. “But the fact is that cutie marks don't restrict us at all, but instead just encourage us to be even more individualistic than we'd otherwise be.”

“I guess I can see that,” Lisa allowed, with a nod of her head. “So, if it's a pony's special talent, then how are their names always so fitting to the mark or their abilities?” she asked, in a curious tone. “It seems like there's some kind of prediction going on.”

“I wish I knew,” Cadance replied, with a shake of her head. “We've tried to study it ourselves, but even our best minds can only say 'it's magic'”, she added, and then shrugged with her wings. Lisa felt a pang of jealousy at the gesture, but squashed it as the alacorn continued. “But however it happens, it happens, which means we need to figure out what sort of talent you're quite good at, and let that suggest both a name and a mark.”

“Hmm...” Lisa hummed, as the pair entered an elevator. She slipped into heavy thought, and so didn't notice which level the princess pressed the button for with her own telekinesis. “Well, what sort of talents get ponies their marks, anyway?”

“Anything, really,” Cadance replied, as the doors shut and the lift began to move. “Whatever it is you're good at, or passionate about. Athletics, academics, music, dancing, creating, destroying, whatever it is you do that really stirs your soul, that can be a cutie mark and talent.

“So I suppose the question is: what do you like to do, miss Heinkel?”

A silence fell over the two as the elevator reached its destination, and the doors opened. The two left the lift and began to make their way through more corridors, and Lisa followed behind the alacorn absentmindedly for a while. After a few moments, though, she finally cleared her throat to garner the other pony's attention. “Well, this might sound kinda dumb...” she began, cautiously.

“I assure you, there's nothing 'dumb' when it comes to individual passions,” Cadance assured her.

Lisa managed a grin at the taller pony,and then sighed. “Well... I kinda like playing musical instruments. You know, the actual ones, not the synthesizers that everyone loves to use nowadays.”

Cadance smiled as she shook her head. “That's not even remotely close to being 'dumb',” she lightly chastised. “So, which is your favorite?”

“To be honest... the lyre,” Lisa replied, with a sheepish grin. “There's something about how hard it is to play it that makes producing music with it so rewarding.”

“Ah, a challenge then?” Cadance asked, as she stopped in front of a door and turned her whole body—as opposed to just her head—to face Heinkel. The latter nodded her head, and the princess chuckled slightly. “Well, I can certainly understand that sort of motivation. And you know, I think that might give us your name.”

Lisa cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Really? How?”

“Well, we've found that making an agent's cover name alliterative to their real name helps with memorization, and you like the lyre, so it seems obvious to me,” Cadance explained, with a beatific grin. “How does 'Lyra' sound to you?”

The unicorn paused and thought over the princess' question. Then she grinned after a moment. “I think that sounds great,” she replied. Then the smile faded a bit. “But is that all I'd need?”

“Technically, yes,” Cadance answered. “However, you might want to consider another name to match your family name, as many ponies have two word names.”

A pause entered the conversation as Heinkel pondered on this, though soon enough a grin appeared on her muzzle. “I think I got it. How about 'Heartstrings'?”

Cadance chuckled again. “It sounds wonderful, and delightfully pun-like; we'll make a proper pony out of you yet, miss Heinkel,” she added, with a grin of her own.

Lisa echoed the chuckle. “Seems like it,” she agreed. “So, now that's done, what's next?”

Cadance continue to grin as she nodded her head up and towards the top of the door they had stopped in front of. Lisa looked up and then blushed as she read the sign there:


Transgenetic Section

Outpatient Ward

“Now, we go get you a cutie mark,” Cadance explained, as she lit up her horn and pressed the door activation button. Once the automatic entry opened, she waved a hoof towards the room beyond. “After you.”

Lisa couldn't help but shake her head and grin as she walked forward. “Oh, you're good,” she said, as she passed the alacorn.

Cadance just grinned back. “I've had a bit of experience,” she admitted, as she followed the unicorn inside.