• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 753 Views, 13 Comments

The Sun Shines Over The Delaware - Anemptyshell

This follows an alternate reality, where instead of finding America in the New World, the British colonized the magical land of Equestria. What turns would a revolution take when the colonists have magic to aid them, and what relationships can bloom?

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Love is a battlefield

The snow covered ground crunched heavily under the sturdy boot of the stalwart general as he made his way to meet with one of his greatest friends and allies. He had been summoned from a war meeting, so, he assumed whatever his comrade needed was of the utmost importance. As he walked, many of the soldiers of the lands revolutionary bi-species militia greeted him. Curt salutes and hardy, “General!” or “How are you today, General Washington?” He would always return their greetings with one of his own, but his tent was still his ultimate goal. As he marched across the dreary landscape of Valley Forge, he couldn’t help but drift into the memories of the past, and how all of this came about. How he’d become general of an army of not only freedom seeking men, but of land defending equines. All because Great Britain wished to conquer the neighboring land of Equestria, the land they’d sent colonists not long before to befriend the same people they now sought to enslave.

Another thought that came to his mind as he walked was Ponykind’s reaction, or more precisely their princess’s reaction to the declaration of war.


George was born a native Equestrian, he grew up side by side with the natives, and as far as he could tell, they were all civilized people trying to live the best they could. However that perception was proven faulty when he experienced the disrespect and foul treatment the British soldiers would issue down on the pony populous. As a young man, George joined the military with this in mind, with the hopes that he could stop such treatment."? .

He even proved to be a natural combatant and leader, easily rallying men to his aid. As he quickly ascended to a commanding rank within the colonist forces, he still couldn’t eradicate the ill treatment of the local inhabitants. The british soldiers believed that Ponykind was nothing but a joke, a species that had no rights or freedoms.

This proved to be a major contributor to his allegiance when the British finally decided to conquer the peaceful pony population. As it was, many of the colonists were outraged by the conception of enslaving or slaughtering their equine allies and friends.

Though what truly won the hearts of the masses was Princess Celestia’s declaration to the ultimatum the British crown demanded. To this day, Washington could still remember it perfectly.


George stood amongst the rabble that had gathered in the mountain city of Canterlot, human and pony alike cluttered in the city streets, all making their way to the castle courtyard. Today would be the day Celestia finally addressed the looming threat that the great empire of Britain had issued. As the crowds bustled and buzzed with excitement and worry, George strode and weaved through the crowds, desperate to finally hear what the Princess of the Sun had to say.

He stood near the front of the large gathering inside the castle walls, being a high official in the human military granted him an excellent station for the upcoming announcement.

Even though, George was born in Equestria, he never had the privilege of seeing Princess Celestia in the flesh. Though from what he had been informed of by those around him, he was rather hopeful for her continued leadership. She seemed to be a completely different breed than human royalty, though in that aspect she was another breed. She was the alicorn ruler of Equestria, and George wanted nothing more than to see her defend her species in person.

Soon the crowds voices died down as the regal presence of the Princess took presence upon her balcony.

George watched as the elegant form of Celestia stood as a regal beacon of majesty atop her station. Her tri-colored ethereal mane waving in the breeze, she smiled down at the crowds, with a look of such grace and benevolence. The awestruck soldier could do nothing but watch as she addressed the coalition of gathered bodies. Her voice carried like music as it reached his ears.

“Today, my subjects, my friends, my ponies and humans, we are at war. The empire across the seas has threatened our ways of life, and believes they have the right to decide who lives and dies. However my ponies, I refuse to bow to such arrogance. I do not wish to join in a war, but, to my displeasure, we must stand at the ready to defend our homes, our freedoms, and our loved ones. We have faced adversity before, and this battle will be no different. The British are coming, and we will stand ready to meet them.” She finished, to the roaring applause of her loving subjects. Both human and pony were cheering, George joining, a wider smile across his face as he clapped and cheered.

Once the speech had concluded, all of the military forces and officers were brought inside. After such a morale boosting performance by the princess, the real meeting was about to begin. For while the Princess had seen battle before, most of her militant forces had not. If they planned on winning, it would take the combined efforts of both the colonists and natives to do so. George had the honor of being promoted to the General of the colonial forces, once the major populous of colonists sided with Equestria. George at first was shocked, and thought himself unprepared for such a duty, but the coaxing of his fellow soldiers and citizens alike, he accepted the rank and prestige.

Now he was marching through the castle halls on the way to meet with Equestria’s finest. It would be his job to lead, train, and ready all those willing to fight the tsunami of soldiers that drew ever closer. As they finally came to the war center deep within the castle, they quickly made their way to the large center table, where the Equestrian generals, captain of the royal guard, and even the Princess herself stood deliberating avidly.

Hours had passed, and plans had been set in motion, many of them General Washington’s concoctions. The group seemed rather impressed at the man’s drive, ability, tactics and warfare. One of Celestia’s generals even going to say he deserved a cutie mark in battle. George was surprised at how lively the group was, for what they were planning. This was only the first meeting of Equestria’s war council, and yet they all seemed as if the war had already been won. George assumed it was the charismatic and regal presence of Celestia, as every time she spoke, the room seemed filled with a greater sense of hope, and confidence.

As the night drew on, the group was at their limit for the night, Celestia turned to George, a gracious smile covering her muzzle. “General Washington, I would once again like to thank you for joining us today. We need every mind we can get, and you’ve proven to be more than we could have hoped.” Celestia mused, to the man’s angst.

“Thank you, your majesty, I’m more than happy to help. All of the colonies are, we may have been founded by the British empire, but this is our home. We work side by side with ponies everyday, it would despicable to betray them now,” the general explained, smiling at the memory of his fellow countrymen and how unbelievably brave they were.

Celestia’s smile only seemed to grow bigger as she listened to the idealistic man before her. “It brings me great joy to know that we have such caring friends among the colonists. Though, I believe the term colonists is no longer needed, when you chose to fight alongside my subjects, you more than earned your right as one as well. You and your people are Equestrians, and I accept your help and your friendship, General,” Celestia retorted.

“Just George ma’am, we are going to war together, there is no bond like that brought about by hardship Princess.” George stated, reaching a hand out in a gesture of goodwill.

“I agree, George, titles are meaningless on the battlefield, so please, feel free to address me as Celestia.” The Princess agreed, meeting his hand with a hoof, George wrapped his fingers around her forelock in a firm and friendly embrace.


Days turned to weeks, and weeks into months, and the war truly began. At the forefront of these battles was General Washington, fighting tooth and nail for the protection of the country he loved. However,as the war raged, the forces of Equestria found few victories in the early days of the war. Though even when hope seemed lost and they had to retreat, General Washington never showed weakness, and would fight until the last moment.

It was on the return of one of these battles that he walked into the current position of the Equestrian army. He was due to deliver his report to the council, though he was dreading that once again he had to explain another loss.

As he drew upon the home of the War Council, he was surprised to see the room empty. After scanning the room, he turned to depart and wait until the morrow to report. As he did so, he walked headlong into another body. Reeling back, he noticed that it was none other than Princess Celestia.

“Celestia, allow me to apologize for walking into you like that,” the flustered soldier assured.

“That’s quite alright, my friend. I take it you were looking for the Council? If so, they have adjourned for today, i hope that is not to much of an inconvenience.” Celestia explained, walking into the room and up to the long table decorated with papers and maps, of varying importance.

“I only wished to report another loss, it seems no matter what we try, the British numbers outweigh any conceivable strategy. I fear that I am a failure.” The disgruntled general huffed, bracing himself on the sturdy wooden table before him.

“I don’t believe that for a second, General, from what I've been told by those who serve under you, you fight with the fire of a hundred men. You are the first man into battle, and the last to leave the battlefield. You are a true warrior, and a true hero.” Celestia assured him, causing him to laugh under her gaze.

George merely shook his head, letting forth another grunt of fatigue.“Most would call those feats, the act of a fool, not a hero. If I were a hero, we wouldn’t lose nearly every battle we wage, and I wouldn’t have to watch so many innocent men and stallions die in front of me,” he pondered, once again meeting Celestia’s gaze.

“That’s not true, you put everything you have into the war, you are many things but a fool is not one of them. You are a soldier, a leader, a hero, a tactician, an optimist, and one of my dearest friends, you need to be a little more confident in your abilities,” Celesti interjected once again, her voice rising in defiance to her friend’s depression.

“Thank you Celestia, I truly appreciate your faith in me, I’ll do my best not to let you down.” leaning down, the gruff man brought the princess into a brief embrace, before pulling away and heading toward the exit. “You truly are a wonderful friend.” With that, he resided to his chambers, so he may continue the battle for another day.


Several weeks after that defeat, Celestia received a letter from Britain’s King. She now sat in front of the other presiding members of the war council, finally ready to unseal the dreaded letter, and find out what he could possibly want.

Alighting the parchment in her magical hold, Celestia ripped away the envelope and drew out the letter itself. As she scanned the writing, her face grew more and more furious. When she finally released the paper, letting it fall to the table, her eyes were ablaze in righteous fury.

Her Captain, steeling himself, brought voice to the question on everyone’s mind. “Your majesty, what did the King want?...is everything alright?”

The stallion quickly regretted his decision, Celestia let out a growl before she replied. “No, everything's not alright. The arrogant fool actually wishes us to surrender because this war is costing him to much money. He went on about how we’re wasting his time, and that in the end he always get’s what he wants, so we should stop delaying his victory.” She seethed, still fuming from the accursed paper that now sat atop the table.

Several voices mumbled about how maybe they should surrender, that, at this rate, victory seemed impossible, how they should just hope for mercy, or that they doubted the king would truly eradicate all of them.

These remarks were quickly silenced, by the voice of Celestia herself. “No, my little ponies, we won’t surrender, such cowardice is nothing but foolhardy. If we lose heart now, we lose everything. We must stand strong, for those we love, for those who can’t fight for themselves, for every human and pony that inhabits Equestria! We fight for them all!” She roared, standing and gazing out on the group, her eyes alit in the flames of war.

Another voice joined hers. “She’s right, if we give in now, all those who died did so for nothing! We owe it to them, and to ourselves to continue the fight. I took the role as general, so I could protect everyone, didn’t you do the same?” General Washington barked, standing now as well.

Mumbles of agreement became full on cheers as the council applauded both General Washington and Princess Celestia.

As they basked in the cheers of their peers, the two took in one another, both sharing looks of fire and determination and perhaps something more.


Cheers rang out amongst the tents, today would be a day for celebration. The Equestrian army, finally had a real victory, driving the British forces away from Manehatten. All around the camp, ponies and men danced, sang, and drank. The morale was higher than it had been in a long time, and both Celestia and George were adamant about giving their soldiers a day to relax.

The two stood near the center of the camp, watching happily as the soldiers laughed and played.

“We needed this, after so many failures, we finally have a real victory. It’s rather gratifying, wouldn’t you agree Princess?’” George asked, turning to view his companion.

She looked back at him, a grin stamped onto her face. “Yes, I couldn’t agree more, and we owe this victory to you. I told you, that you just needed some faith,” Celestia teased, bumping the man beside her playfully.

“this was only one victory, there are still plenty left to go.Though your confidence is rather encouraging.” the General rebuked.

“True, we have a long way to go, but i believe we are fully capable of meeting the challenge, don't you?” Celestia asked, returning her gaze to the partygoers.

“If we put our minds together, not even the whole Royal fleet could stop us.” George laughed “So Princess, perhaps you’d like to join me for a drink, this is a celebration after all.

“I would be delighted,” Walking side by side, they made their way through the cacophony, smiles never leaving their faces as they joined the party.


George was brought out of his revelries as he came within sight of the tent, it had been months since that party, and he only felt closer to the Princess, she was his dearest friend and comrade. Though as of late, whenever they were together, he couldn’t help but feel something else, something stronger. That party was the first time it surfaced, and even now, just thinking of Celestia drew on a warmth inside him that he couldn’t quite place.

He now stood directly outside of the tent, after coming to his revelation, he took one inhale of the crisp night air and entered the shelter.

The inside of the tent was as he remembered it, nearly bare, with only a few essentials to give it any character. The only thing new that now occupied it, was the regal Alicorn that sat at its center, a pleasant smile on her face.

Her smile only seemed to grow as she took in the sight of her human ally. “Welcome, General, I’m happy that you could join me this night. How go the preparations for the continued war effort?” Celestia asked, gesturing for the wary man to take a seat.

Washington calmly took a seat a few feet from his companion, and let forth a frustrated sigh. “Truly I wish I had better tidings, we’ve suffered defeat after defeat, and our forces are tired and full of doubt. Though I hate to admit it, I am at odds with our chances as well.” Meeting the now concerned face of Celestia, he couldn’t help a small, if not melancholy strewn smile. ”Though I still don’t believe all hope is lost, it has been quite hard to find as of late.”

To his surprise, Celestia now wore a look of annoyance and anger. “That’s not true, hope has never been more easily found than now.” She stood, gaping the distance between the two and meeting the now startled general’s gaze. “To all these who fight, for the soldiers here today, they all see a shining symbol of hope, one that I’ve seen ever since this war began. “ Hefting a tired sigh, she sat back upon her haunches and continued to stare at the bewildered man before her, thinking about how truly clueless he could be at times.
“This…this symbol, what is it? If such a thing existed, how could I have missed it?” Washington finally asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

Reaching out, Celestia placed a reassuring hoof on her comrade’s shoulder. “Perhaps, my dear general, it’s because you’ve been seeking a foreign source of hope. When in reality, it is you, your valor, courage, and natural affinity to lead that has spurred our soldiers to fight on. In the hopes of doing the impossible, with you at the helm, even I believe our victory is never out of reach.” As Celestia finished, she let her hoof drop from George’s shoulder, only for him to catch it in his grasp.

“You truly know how to raise a man’s spirit; it is always breathtaking to see you in your element,” Washington mused, a wry smile spreading across his face as he spoke. He let her hoof go, resting his hand once again on his lap. “You say that I inspire these brave men and ponies, but I believe it is you who holds that privilege, Princess. When you speak, it brings a sense of regal splendor that the royalty across the seas can only dream of,” he stated, nodding in self agreement to his own assumptions.

Celestia was stunned, her cheeks even going so far as to redden, though the cold weather helped dissuade the reason. She was truly humbled by her friend’s words. Though something else hovered on the edge of her mind, a feeling she had only experienced in the act of protecting her subjects. This feeling however was much deeper than she was used to, leaving the princess even more confused.

“Princess, are you well? Is something the matter?” Washington called, waking Celestia from her addled stupor.

Shaking her head, the princess returned her gaze to her worried friend. “No, George, I’m sorry, I got lost in my thoughts.” She managed, trying to regain her normal collected stature.

”To return to our discussion, I am truly happy to hear how much faith you and your colonists have put in me. It brings me great joy to know you can trust me to that degree.” Celestia expressed graciously.

“I won’t lie, Princess, some of the colonists fear you may become just like the King of Britain. A corrupt, selfish, power hungry and cruel ruler. They fear that in the end, we are only postponing our sorrows.” As he expected, Celestia looked mortified at his confession. Before she could speak, Washington raised him hand to stop her. “I would also like to state, that I do not believe one such as you could ever do something so vile and heartless. You are one of the most caring and honest individuals I have ever met, be them man or pony.” He finished, a slight blush creeping along his cheeks.

Celestia’s blush also strengthened at Washington’s kind words. Slowly, she nodded her head in understanding. “I can see those that fear my rule, and understand their fear; they have just left the rule of one tyrant, it only makes sense they would fear being pulled into another. More so, however, I can’t express the joy it brings me to know just how much trust and kindness you have invested in me. You have proven time and time again to be the man I always thought you to be.” Celestia confessed, her features softening as she spoke.

Intrigued, heartbeat increasing in anxious curiosity, George sat forward. “And what type of man is that, if you don’t mind my asking?” He queried, raising an eyebrow to further divulge his wonder.

Mischief twinkling in the mare’s eye, she continued. “A man who cares more about others than his own well being, a soul who seeks the best for all those around him, a leader who faces hardship with open arms and enjoys the challenge, and one-who I can’t imagine ever being without.” Celestia announced, her blush growing ever brighter on her face, as she watched for her friend’s reaction. While her nerves and regret gnawed at her mind, hope only took the form of the smallest tingle in the back of her mind.

George for his part was completely bewildered, unsure of how to take the information he had just been told. Did Celestia mean it simply as a friend or as something more? If she didn’t and he was wrong, would she be angered by his confession, would she resent him for making that assumption? On the other side of the scale what if she returned his feelings, how would that affect them with a war still underway, would it even be possible for them to be together, or would the rest of the nation shun then? The most prominent question though, was if he could put her through such hardships, simply for him? The first step to finding out is confessing, what comes next only the future will know. But he’d rather takes a chance, then wonder for the rest of his life.. No matter what happened here, he vowed that he would stand by her, even if it was only as a friend.

Taking a deep breathe, George steeled his resolve. “Princess, I have something that I need to tell you. We’ve been through quite the ordeal, this war has caused so much pain, but it has also brought about binds that could only be forged through hardships. Be those binds, men and stallions at arms, be it the colonists and the natives standing side by side, or it be bonds much more powerful and personal, bonds of trust, and binds of love. I know not if you feel as I, but I feel that in the end, I must be honest with you, if only for myself. Celestia, as we’ve stood side by side in this grueling war, I have developed feelings for you that I can no longer contain, even if I merely make a fool out of myself, I want you to know that I love you. I don’t know exactly when this occurred, but I know that this is no passing fancy. You wish for me to stay at your side? I accept, be it as a lover, or a friend, I will stay.”

George stared into Celestia’s eyes, awaiting her reply. However, a verbal one never came. Instead, the princess pushed forward and had her lips meet his, in a kiss of deeply sown in passion and faith. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds before Celestia retreated, a content smile on the Monarchs face.

“The bonds you speak of, I’ve seen myself, and as for our bind, I believe it is more than one sided. I’ve seen you do amazing things to help those around you, and at some point I too developed a deep seated affection for you as well. So, General George Washington, will you stay at my side, as the man I love?” Celestia asked, moving closer as to place a hoof upon the one man’s crossed legs.

Reaching out, the dumbstruck Washington cupped Celestia’s cheek in one of his hands. Then he moved in and delivered a short peck to her nose. “I would be honored, to stand by the princess, the mare that I love.”

As they moved in for another kiss, they were interrupted by the sound of boots outside of the tent. Turning to the entrance, they watched as a soldier walked into the small shelter and stood at attention.

“General sir, I have been requested to inform you that the war council wishes to see you immediately,” the young soldier reported, looking a little anxious as he stood before the two leading forces of the war effort.

“May I ask what for, has something important come up?” Washington replied, standing to meet the young man on even ground.

“Uh, yes, yes sir, they’ve decided it would be best to move out soon, the British forces won’t be expecting a direct confrontation in the dead of winter. So we’re supposed to march on the first light, sir,” the private explained, speaking as fast as he could, in hopes that the General wouldn’t be angry at him for delivering this sudden information.

“I see, very well, tell the council I will be there momentarily, you’re dismissed private.” George sighed, waving the soldier off, and not turning back to his new love until the sound of the soldier’s boots were long gone.

“It seems Fate has chosen to part us before our love could truly bloom. Curse these British bastards, curse them to hell.” The General fumed.

“Calm down George, this was to be expected. Our feelings were wrought in a time of war, but once the war ends, then we can truly test the limits of our bond, together, as is proper. For now though, I will await your return, I will rally our troops and prepare our strongholds, and, once we force the enemy off of our lands, we will celebrate our victory together.” Celestia soothed, standing and leaning against the angry Washington.

George hefted a heavy sigh, before running his fingers through the princess’s flowing mane.
“Then I suppose I should meet with our peers. So we may finish war all the quicker.”
“Indeed, go forth my brave soldier, and lead our forces to victory. But promise; promise me you’ll return to my side once you have.” Celestia whispered, closing her eyes as she nuzzled the man she loved.

Leaning down, George placed another short kiss on the lips of the beautiful mare before him, before making his way to the tents threshold. “Always, I will always return to you.”

With that, he walked once again into the snow.

Comments ( 13 )
Comment posted by The Communist CosmoCat deleted Jun 28th, 2014

wow......just wow never thought of that kind of couple

4610190 Want to know a secret, neither did I, this is what happens when your half awake texting a friend who writes insane shit, all day, everyday...feel free to judge me. :moustache:

4610216 ...Screw you! I created a new OTP in your mind! Don't deny it, I have the log to prove it! :flutterrage:

4610235 ...you mad bro, it may be true you planted the seeds, but i am the one who nurtured it to greatness...lol :rainbowwild:

4610190 wrote : "wow......just wow never thought of that kind of couple"

You think George Washington and Celestia is weird couple, try George Jefferson and Celestia.^_^

4610303 I know what i'm doing neeeext! :trollestia:

Eh. I don't think you picked the best idea for your talents. With the addition of magical artillery, weather-controlling air support, and superstrong infantry, the Revolutionary War would've been a much different game. Yes, I know the war is meant to be a backdrop for the romance, but I couldn't get past that. The man who planned the Battle of Trenton could do a lot with Equestria.

In any case, a sweet story, if one with a somewhat flawed premise. Best of luck in the judging.

(Also, how weird is it that George Washington is in two of the stories in this contest?)

Author Interviewer

4656990 would you explain, my dear sir. WiseFireCracker is curious.:moustache:

Author Interviewer

I literally have no idea how to take this story. The premise is completely ridiculous, but it seems to be trying to play itself seriously. I don't know what could have inspired it. When it comes to this story, I literally just don't.

The description for this story is a little misleading. It implies that the magic of Equestria would have a major impact in the Revolutionary War, a major impact that we would actually see. This is the major crux of the story: it's almost entirely telling instead of showing, with descriptions and summaries of events rather than showing the events actually unfolding. As a result, there's really no tension in this story. And without any evidence of tension, the romance really falls apart. It's extremely difficult to identify with the growing bond between Celestia and Washington, since it never felt like anything actually happened.

The idea is certainly unique, but the execution leaves something to be desired. I bid you good luck in the contest.

Did you seriously right now make a George Washington x celestia

Son....you are a genius

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