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[url=Music starts]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BmEGm-mraE

I woke with a start, there was a loud noise coming from outside that sounded like a bloody tank going over gravel!

{Calm down full, let’s go check it out.} I jumped out of the bed and looked out the window. Oh shit I was right it is a tank! Well a few of them but thats not the point <Or is it?>. I walked out of my room and down the hall to the stairs when I over heard some of the patrons talking.

“Looks like the rebels are here, what do you think they want.”

“Ain’t cookies, thats for damn sure.”

“Don’t be a smart ass!”

“I’m smart, and I’m a ass, I can’t help it.”

“You idiots! their here to refuel the tanks!” They all let out a ‘oh’ and went back to playing that card game I would never get.

[For the love of pony hell these guys have gotten a bit stupider ever sines we went to sleep.]
{Your right, must be in the air or something.}

I laughed and walked down the stairs and out the door to avoid glares. When I stepped out I saw the tanks in a line, so I walked the way they were lined up and found a gas station where a guy in some old looking army uniform from the civil war. “Um, hey.” I called walking up to him. “Whats all this?” He looked at me as if I was stupid.

“We’er refueling the tanks so they wont, you know, STOP during battle.” I looked at him a moment then face hoofed.

“No I mean what are they being used for?” [Fucking idiot!]

“Oh, well these are for the war between us rebels and the Lunar Republic!” Where have I heard that before?

“Alright, thanks.” I turned and walked away. I need to find a bloody bus stop and get some nachos in Canterlot. I was stumbling around for a hour until I found Snips and Snails again, eating some popcorn around that car of theirs. “Yo Snips! Snails!” They turned to me. “No where I can get a ride? Wait! Idea! Are there any flying vehicles?” I was the stupidest pony alive [I amd Full Moon and I approve this!] asking them ifd there are any flying cars! HA! There’s no way there are-

“Ya! You can take the bus to the Manehattan Intergalactic Bus Depot and get a ship up to Space Station 7, up there you can buy a ship!” ............

<I’m with him on this! We have enough bits to buy 20 main towns!>
{......Alighty then!}

“Thanks fellas!” I then ran to the bus stop as fast as I could as the bus was just getting ready to leave. I jumped on and put a few bits in the small box the driver had by him and took a seat.

[Siting on a bus! Siting on a bus!]
<Oh please god no...>
[What? Thats some good traveling music right there!]
{Shut up the both of you!}

I sighed and looked out the window, watching the almost dessert looking landscape roll by.

After about 10 hours the sun was going down and I had to get off this bus before I lose the lunch I never ate again.

[Man we don’t need to eat a lot.]

As the bus slowed down I ran to the front and waited for the doors to open, and when they did I was amazed! This was one of those space movie type things, flying buses taking off and going into orbit [Gum.]! I ran into the building and place a few bits on the counter where a very old mare sat. “Bus to Space Station 7 please.” She smiled and took the bits.

“Bus number 76. Hurry up, it’s about to take off.” I waisted no time running as fast as I could until I saw where it was docked.

“Final call! Get the hell on!” A pony shouted. I bolted up and into the space bus before the doors shut. I took a seat by the window and watched as the bus lifted slowly in the air and spun towards opening doors.

[Here we go!]
<Oh I can’t wait!>

We were all acting like little school filly’s with new ribbons! I prodly say that cause I was going to SPACE! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I looked to my side and saw Full looking out the window with me but closer, then I looked at New reading a random news paper. I looked back out the window and saw we were outside! HERE WE GO! ADVENTURE!

MAKE IT STOP! I sat in my seat curled up in a ball holding my stomach as we began to land on the medium sized space station. When I heard the door open I Shot out and to the nearest trash can I could find and let lose the acid waters. “WHY SPACE!? WHHHHHHYYYY!?” I cried as I let lose some more stomach pie. A random pony walked past me.

“First timer?” I nodded still in the trash bin. “Good luck getting down!” I let lose and yell of rage as the pony ran down the hall laughing.

[Get yourself together man! We have a space ship to buy!]
{Right.......One more.}

I let lose another flood and got up. “Ok I’m good. Now let’s go by a space ship!” I bounced down the hall happily.

“That the guy who broke out of cryo prison?” A random pony dressed in a police uniform pointed at a screen with Father Night on it.

“Thats the one! He even took on of their bags!” Another pointed out.

“Alright, I’ll send a detachment down there to subdue him then we’ll send him right on back.” The first one pressed a button.

Here it is! Oh and there’s one for sale!

[Fuck that get a war ship!]
<I don’t even think they sell those.>
[Oh, get something with lazer’s!]
{Can do!}

I walked in and looked around, all the ships were holographic and stuff! They must be stored somewhere else. “Hello!” I turned to see a pony in a suit and a huge grin. “Can I help you?”

“Naw, just browsing.” He nodded and turned away from me to walk back to the counter. I kept looking around until I saw one, it was simple and had two firing points on the front! “Hello my good sir!” I called to the pony in the suit. “I would like this one!” He smiled wider and bounced over.

“Very good sir! That will be 9,000 bits please!” I reached into my saddle bag and with the powers of awesome pulled out a large bag.

“Here you go!” He looked at me in shock but smiled and took the bag.

“Alright then! Let me go get you card key and you can be on your way!” He ran over to the counter with me following slowly. He ducked behind the desk and popped back out with a card in his mouth, I took it with my magic and put it in my bag. “You have a wonderful day sir!” I nodded and walked out of the stor with a smile on my face.

[Was it really that easy? Holy shit.]
<I know! I thought something would happen that whole time!>

And as if the universe diden’t hate me enough I heard sirens. “Duh fuck...” I turned and saw FUCKING COP CARS COMING RIGHT AT ME!


I turned tail and bolted down the hall at full speed. “SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!” I chanted as I ran around the halls away from the coming cop cars. I pulled the card out of my bag and looked at it, dock 9! Got to get to dock 9! The cars were getting closer and closer and I don’t think flying would help! I saw a colt riding a hover bored laughing without a care in the world. “HEY KID!” He looked at me wide eyes. “300 BITS FOR THE BORD!” His eyes got wider and he nodded. He jumped off of it and I droped a bag of bit by him. “Thanks kid!” He nodded and took the bag of bit in his mouth. I jumped up on the bored and looked ahead. “BACK TO THE FUTURE STYLE! AWAY!” I flapped my wings and I shot forward.

{[< HOLY SHIT! >]}

I sped down the hall like I was on speed! [Don’t do drugs kids.] I was away from the cops now and getting closer and closer to dock 9! We were going to make it!

Luna watched the whole chase on cameras set up in the station. “FLEETWOOD!” She called, soon enough Fleetwood was right there.

“Yes, your majesty?”

“Father Night is finally unfrozen, it's time we took care of him once and for all. The SS Chevron is leaving at dock 3, get on board and command her against him.” Fleetwood got a disgusted look.

“The Chevron? I HATE that ship! Just think what her sailors could be doing now.... “

By the Chevron the workers were in bridge dancing the robot to the beginning of Disco 79 When Fleetwood opened the door and saw them all. They all stopped and lined up in a salute.

“Fleetwood, Sir!” Fleetwood looked at them all for a moment then facehoofed.

“Start the ship.”



I Turned the corner and sped down the hall and into dock 9. I hit a button that locked the door from this side and ran over to the ship, sweet, sweet ship! I saw the card thing and put the card in it. I heard a dig and the door to the ship opened! “We are out of here!” I laughed and ran in. Being the ideot I am I sat in the main seat and presed a lot of colorful buttons, which worked! The ship rose slowly off the ground amd turned to the door. I heard a voice on the radio thing.

“Ship Bumble Bee approved for take off.”

{[< We need to change the fucking name of this ship...>]} As the doors opened I could hear the cops trying to get through the door. I threw everything to the space wind and hit the ‘go’ button. I shot out of the door and into space. “YES! WE MADE IT! WOOHOO!” I cheered.

“Hello Father Night.” Ah fuck... I screen lowered for the ceiling and showed the face of a pony that looked pissed. “I am Fleetwood of the SS Chevron and I have orders to take you in. Come quietly and we will not destroy your ship.”

“Fuck that! I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Have it your way.”

Fleetwood turned to his right. “Wilcox, engage tractor beam!” Wilcox nodded and pressed a button, my ship was suddenly going towards the big ass one to my left!

< NO TIME TO MESS AROUND tho that was funny,>
Alright let's see........... Aha! I pressed a red button and a lazer shot at the Chevron. It hit where the beam was coming from and stopped me form being pulled in.

[........Yup, we are space fucked.]