• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 2,968 Views, 86 Comments

Us Against the World - Chelis

Big Mac and Fluttershy starts to bond when their new school labels them as outcasts on the very first day. As time goes on, their friendship eventually grows to something more. but, when a new rumor surfaces about Fluttershy, everything changes.

  • ...

10). Dance

Being a simple boy and having his date literally ripped from his fingers, Big Macintosh chose not to get a fancy limo or even learned how to drive the pickup for the dance.

Instead, he took the bus.

It was a quick thirty-minute ride to the bus stop in front of the school where, from the outside, the party was just beginning. People were getting dropped off by their parents, and as in the case of two of the groups showing up, they had a limo. The problem was that the parking lot literally was not big enough for the both of them.

"Weld, I swear to everything I will kick you in the dick!" Lunar Promenade threatened from the top of the limo’s moonroof. Steel Welds was also on the top of his moonroof, motioning his hand as if he was jerking off and "sploshing" in her direction.

As Big Mac watched Steel Weld's limo pile out with first the guys and then their dates, Big mac spotted a familiar freshman in their midsts.


Her hair was all up in a bun, her brochet, earrings, and even sandal straps had pink and blue butterflies. it all matched the dress he picked out for her. His heart began to beat faster, and the butterflies began to awaken. His mind felt like it was in another place, and he began to involuntarily walk to her. There was no fear, no thought, no control. He was going up there and tell her how beautiful-

"You, boy!"

Big Mac's trance was interrupted by one of Promenade's handlers friends. She grabbed him by the arm and began to drag him to the party.

"Wait! I was about to-"

"You can talk to your pheasant friends later, Romeo! Your lady awaits!"

It was dark inside the school's gymnasium, with the only light coming from the stage lights and the random assortment of party strobes striking the audience. The DJ, a music-playing prodigy from the middle school was bored and on her phone texting. Her 'show' would come later when she was sure that the peak of the attendance would arrive. It was early in the dance so the vast majority of everyone in attendance were in their little cliques. The groups even carved up parts of the dance floor as theirs.

Steel Weld and his posse were checking out the other girls. Commenting amongst themselves over how tight one dress was or how fuckable some of the girls in attendance were... To the disgust of their dates. Fluttershy sat in silence, looking over at Lunar Promenade's table, where Big Macintosh was sitting. Steel Weld looked at his date.

"What are you-"

He saw Lunar being pelted by the brilliant dazzle that was the disco light. She was talking up her date, and she seemed like she was having the time of her life without him, the boy she had dated since they were freshmen. Steel's confident smile turned to a painful grimace.

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked. Steel did not say a word. He grabbed the wrist of Fluttershy and dragged her out of the gym and into the hall.

"Wait! Steel?! I don't want to-"

Steel Weld opened the nearest janitor closet. He ordered the couple already making out in there to leave, which they knew better than to object. He shoved her inside and locked the door behind him.


Over at Lunar's table, a member of her posse brought in her own entertainment: a flask of vodka. The girls spiked their own drinks with the clear liquid and felt the effects after one or two cups. The girls became louder, looser, and abrasive. They would give each others dares, like to make out with another girl or even dirty-dance with one of the 'lesser' students. Each of the dares ended with them drinking a little more and becoming even louder.

Lunar Promenade did not partake in that, instead she chose to interact with her date.

"What do you know that pink-haired chick anyway?" She asked.

"Friends with my sister."

"Oh? My brother used to do that. That's how I ended up with that prick." She said, pointing at Steel.

"So, why do they call you Big Mac?"

"Well, mah name-"

"I thought it was because you had a large penis." She said with a giggle, taking another sip of her Russian-blend punch.

He became silent, unsure of what to say. He took a quick peek to Fluttershy and was in time to see her get dragged away by her date.

"Well, I guess they are about to have fun," Lunar lamented, chugging down the rest of her punch.

"A-ah has to use the boys room," Big macintosh said, rapidly hurrying away, the pain in his heart increasing.


Fluttershy had never would have thought of being in a situation where she would end up in a janitor's closet with a boy.

She also thought if it did happen it would not turn out like this, or how she ended up getting that much of Steel Welds problems pressed on to her.

She was standing next to the door, unsure of what to do or say. In the middle of the cramped room was Steel Weld, sitting in a student desk with his head down.

"And yeah, it just hurts to see all this happen. Even though she is a complete bitch at times.... I still love her."

"Why don't you talk it out?" Fluttershy suggested.

"We try." He sighed. "But it ends up blaming each other for petty shit. I just want us back together."

Fluttershy began to think and had a small flashback of what her parents said once.

"Steel? I heard that a relationship is seventy percent fighting and thirty percent love. It's the thirty percent you think about... or something like that."

Steel weld looked up at the freshman. "You know what? You're alright, kid. Hey, I'm sorry about dragging you and your friend into our problems. I feel bad for it,"

"I-It’s okay. But I would like to at least have one dance with him," Fluttershy giggled.

"Yeah. Go find him."

Fluttershy reached for the door that was next to her.

"Hey!" He called out to her as she was about to close the door behind her. "There's love there. I can see it."

"Oh-um" Fluttershy said with a blush as she closed the door, leaving Steel weld to contemplate what just happened.


With the faucet going as cold as it can provide, Big Macintosh splashed a few handfuls of cold water over his face, trying to shake off the feeling off the pain. Seeing Fluttershy dragged off to do whatever it is they are doing made Mac's stomach sour.

"There you are!" Lunar Promenade said, walking seductively towards the taller freshman.

"T-this is the boy’s-"

She began to violently kiss and suck on his neck.

"Steel is fucking that friend of yours. I don't think it's fair he gets to move on like that when I'm here still not over him. Good thing I have you!" She said as she pressed her body against his to the empty toilet stall. In the last second, she turned around, resting on the toilet seat cover.

"Now, Big Mac, be a good boy and...."

She had lifted her dress to reveal herself, showing to Big Macintosh the fact that in fact-

"Oh yea, when I know I'm getting laid. I tend to skip out on wearing underwear," she said with a wink.


The bathroom door exploded outward, and a frantic Big Macintosh was running out of the bathroom and down the halls of Canterlot high.

"Big Macdonald! Come back here and fuck me!" Lunar Promenade commanded, running out of the bathroom with her dress back down.


"Hey," Big Mac said, finding Fluttershy on a concrete patio in front of the gym.

They started to sort out their stories to figure out what happened. Fluttershy could not help but to poke fun at Big Mac.

"I thought you knew what lady parts look like growing up in a farm?" Fluttershy asked.

"I have, it was... unexpected!"

They both began to giggle. As soon as they stopped, an invitation from the principal to join the first slow dance of the night to everyone in attendance rang out from the gym.

As the music started, they stared into each others eyes, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Want to dance?" Big Macintosh asked, extending his hand out.

Fluttershy smiled and accepted. As the stars in the sky began to twinkle, they danced. Big Macintosh's hands were around her waist. Fluttershy was resting her head on his shoulders. A single tear fell from each others face.


Overlooking the slow dance from the rooftop was Steel Weld. A nostalgic smile filled his face, his eyes were glazed over with the memories of a time not so long ago. He was not the only one.

"Remember when what just happened we had to endure in our freshman year?" Lunar Promenade asked as she joined her ex-boyfriend on the roof.


They looked at each other and smiled. There was twinkle in their eyes as bright as ever.

"I-I'm sorry," they both said at once.


As the song began its last, powerful chorus, the tears were streaming from their faces. Big Mac and Fluttershy faced each other, their hands still in their dancing form, and reached in for a kiss. Their hearts were racing, their spirits were in jubilation.

Their lips were to meet, until...

"You haven't changed a bit Steel!" The female voice hollered.

Big Macintosh and Fluttershy looked to the source, to see Lunar Promenade's back leaned up against an air conditioning unit. Steel weld was pressed against her body, his face down to her neck.

"I miss this so much," he mumbled.

"You know, I'm not wearing any panties. Take me. Right here, right now, my love!"

Back down at the patio, the freshman pair looked at each other, their faces red in embarrassment. Even if love bloomed twice in one dance, the older one out-embarrassed the other. They looked at each other, and not to Lunar, and Steel who was by all indication were about to make love on top of the roof of Canterlot High

"W-want to go raid the snack table?" Big macintosh asked.

"Sure," Fluttershy replied, holding his hand in the process.

They walked inside to the gymnasium and went straight for the table full of chips, sweets, and the ever popular chocolate fondue fountain.

Author's Note:

Ill be at bronycon! Come find me and make me feel #horsefamous