• Published 2nd Jul 2014
  • 596 Views, 3 Comments

Tales of The Forgotten: Firefly - Orion97

Many have dreamed of going to another world...sometimes I just wish I could go back to my own.

  • ...

Into The Fire

Author's Note:

I'm telling you guys now, you might feel lost if you haven't read Storm Quill's side of this story. I would rather catch up and be able to write my own material rather than rewrite what already happened from a different point of view (something interesting if done right but would bore all of you to tears in this case) So there's bit of a time skip, also from the fact that due to the events of his torture (The Dark Side) He might not remember some things all that well (not memory loss but you would forget less important things after a mega ass-kicking like that anyway) Anyway I hope you guys enjoy! I apologize if it seems like a cheap way out but I don't think anyone would be anymore pleased with just rewriting what Storm Quill wrote. Don't worry, as soon as it's caught up it'll get real interesting.

My mind whirled as if it were within the heart of a great storm. I saw myself in a sea of blackness and one thing echoed above all others.


Then another feeling surfaced, one that I was unfamiliar with. Rage, though I couldn't be sure why. It felt like I was dreaming.

The last thing I remembered was going through some kind of dark portal. I saw my own funeral. It was beyond strange but I was able to say my goodbyes. It was short though, and we had to return to the real world. After that it's a scattered haze.

The first memory after that was being thrown to a stone floor. My eyes glimpsed black chitin making contact with my cheek as I was thrown into a wall. Finally one picked me up and looked me in the eyes. Changelings. I had never seen them in person but I already knew what they were. I looked around for a moment and was able to spot two more changelings standing beside him, both of whom wielded spears.

"You're going to help us find Traysil!" It roared in my face. I gave him an odd look.

"And that is...."

"Do not toy with us! The only other of your kin in this world!"

Ah. Robert. They were not going to go gentle on me, I could tell already. Robert doesn't always play well with others. Suddenly a plan came to mind. I could only hope they weren't all that bright.

"Traysil!? That bastard! Let me go and I'll help you kill him myself!" I struggled to free myself in a mock rage. The other changelings exchanged odd looks.

"Zaet, if he hates the other human as well why not use him? What better to hunt a human than a human?" One suggested. I could barely believe it. Today might be my lucky day.

"Be quiet. It's just a trick." The changeling holding me huffed in annoyance. He pressed harder into my shoulders.

"But he's right! What threat am I to you if I'm lying anyway? Look at me, I have no weapons!" I said, trying to be cooperative. He held his hooves in place but took a long moment to examine my person for weapons or anything that could be used as such. That's when my fist made impact with chitin, which hurts about as much as you'd think.

The changeling I struck reeled in pain as I dropped to the floor, in an instant the other two were closing in with spears at the ready. I ducked and when they missed I leaped at both of them, catching their necks in my elbow. They fell to the ground but they wouldn't stay down for long, the one I had punched was already starting to stand back up. The two I had just taken down were trying to stand up as well when I seized one of their spears and took off running.

I darted away through a long hallway with my pursuers only seconds behind. Balls of fire and lightning zipped by as I rounded a tight corner and kept running. It wasn't long before I began to sense something else was off. This wasn't the castle I was in before and I had no idea where Robert was.

I shook away the revelation in favor of focusing on not getting shot today, though only a moment later they had given up pursuit for some reason. Regardless, I kept running. Eventually I found myself entering a large banquet hall of sorts. What I saw probably made my heart skip a beat. Changelings..by the hundreds, no...thousands.

"Holy shit..." I breathed as I skated to a halt. In an instant, all eyes were on me. In another instant, I ran like my ass was on fire.

"SHIT. SHIT SHIT SHIT." I shouted in terror as I sprinted in the opposite direction with spear in hand. Unfortunately my escape was cut off as changelings began to flood the halls ahead while the ones behind me continued their chase. Within seconds I'd be surrounded, so I did the only rational thing I could.

I tried running through them. On the plus side, they didn't seem to expect it but I was hurt nonetheless as I shoved my way past their numbers, receiving countless nicks and tiny, poorly-aimed slices to my arms and legs. Somehow I emerged past them but not a moment later it felt like my body was paralyzed. I had been struck with a blast of magic lightning. I only barely managed to retain my balance as they charged.

Running would be useless, if I turned again I'd just be zapped a hundred times worse. At least I'd go down fighting.

"Show me what you got!" I slid under the rows of spears and thrust my own out. I heard a changeling howl in pain. I don't know where it struck but I don't think it was lethal. As soon as the yell faded I was struck in the back of the head with the blunt end of a spear and my all-too-short last stand was ended as the world went dark.

When I came to, I realized both of my hands were now bound in ropes attached to the ceiling. A moment later I heard a bitterly familiar voice.

"Now...let's try this again!" A hoof made hard impact with my head, I could tell right away it'd leave a black eye at the least, though I wouldn't be blinded.

Through my other eye I could see his bruised cheek and behind him I saw another with a fresh cut on his face, droplets of green blood still falling to the ground.

He was the next to hit me, this time in the gut. Together, the two of them took their time torturing me. Sometimes they used sharp tools, I'm not sure what else. I'm almost happy that at some point my consciousness began to fade, and thus the pain. At one point I even began to laugh, it was meant to be defiant but it sounded half-mad more than anything and made my torturers even take a step back.

"Hehehe...when I get out...I swear I'm going to kill every single one of you..." I chuckled and glared at them with all the fury of the devil. I would accept my punishment. But they shall pay the devil his due...

We all have our demons. They would come to know mine.

A moment later I slipped into unconsciousness as the brutal torture continued.