• Published 3rd Jul 2014
  • 1,070 Views, 13 Comments

Accidental Necromancer - 1FunnyFox

Twilight Sparkle, friend, element of Magic, Princess, Necromancer?! A simple mistake threatens the life Twilight has built but even at her worst she'll learn that friends and family stick around.

  • ...

What's left?

Twilight breathed deep the cool night air that was gently brushing past her mane and coat and gave a contented sigh. She had to give it to Luna, it was a beautiful night, the stars shimmering in the cosmos and a faint light coming from the waxing moon. Regaining her focus she continued her trot towards the spot where her spell of detect dead had informed her of a fair number of bones. She had deduced fairly quickly that it could only be one place, the Ponyville cemetery. She had never had a reason to visit it before so she was uncertain what to expect. She was excited, that was the only way to explain the beating in her chest. This was new magic, it was exciting and differed so much from unicorn and alicorn magic. This magic involved rituals, complex channeling of magic without the use of her horn! The implications being that even an earth pony would technically be capable of using this magic. She’d have to bring this up to Applejack later to see if she’d be interested Twilight thought with excitement as she neared the cemetery.

Ponyville cemetery wasn’t a particularly dreary place, located on a small hill overlooking the outskirts of Ponyville, it was filled with deep green grass and a single large tree with branches full of some of the most lovely red flowers found near Ponyvile. The small wooden markers were carved beautifully and featured only the name and date of birth of the pony in question. (an old equestrian tradition) Twilight took in a few of the names as she made her way towards the cemeteries center, an odd feeling worming its way into her stomach. These were ponies, the thought was obvious but it sounded important in her mind so she gave it a moment’s thought. If she were dead and buried would she want someone she had never heard of to dig her up and practice magic on her remains? Twilight gave a large smile and a nod, she would be proud to help in someponies magical education after she was gone and so she removed the journal from her saddle bag and set to work.

The basic spell for animating bones was a simple affair to Twilight, she needed a few candles, a sharp object, (her horn was plenty pointy enough) and a good bit of concentration. She arranged the candles exactly as specified and stood between them before taking a deep breath and proceeding to read from the journal. She followed the side note of keeping her voice level and easy to hear whilst taking care not to shout.

“Bones below bound in silence
Give rise and move again
What was lost now found
Give rise by death unbound!”

With the last word said at a shout she pricked her hoof on her horn as she let a single drop of blood fall to the exact centre of the candles which flicked out as soon as the drop touched the ground. Twilight stood perfectly still, the night breeze through the big tree with red flowers the only real sound, a disappointed look overtook her features as she cast a minor healing spell on her small cut. Putting down her hoof she tried to think what she had missed as she started packing up all the materials back in her saddle bag as she looked at the cemetery in disappointment.

“I guess I must have made a mistake. Darn, I’ll get some sleep and try again later. Maybe if I...” She slowly made to leave the cemetery when a sound hit her, like grass and earth being moved as a bony hoof burst from the mound nearest Twilight. Twilight was so fixed on the bones slowly rising from the ground she didn’t notice the moon had sank below the horizon and in its place sat Celestias golden sun.

Twilight inspected six skeletal ponies with an awed look on her face as she ran a hoof over the smooth bones and gave one of them a soft push and squeed in delight as it righted itself. She had done it and she couldn’t feel more proud. She turned her mind toward the present and quickly decided she should do what she always did when she made a new magical discovery, show Spike. Twilight turned to the dead ponies and announced a singsong voice full of excitement.

“Alright everypony, follow me!” She happily skipped towards Ponyville a smile on her face as her legion of the dead followed behind her.

Lyra Heartstrings was a bit of an early riser she would admit to anypony. She liked the way the meadows outside Ponyville looked just before dawn and she had made a habit of viewing them each morning before setting off for work. She took in her surrounding with a deep and contented breath as she felt the wind gently ruffle her coat. She caught sight of a bit of movement and narrowing her eyes recognized the shape of the newest equestrian princess Twilight Sparkle, she waved a hoof which Twilight reciprocated as she moved towards her. Lyra noted a few other ponies trailing behind Twilight but paid them no mind as she greeted Twilight.

“Good morning princess! It’s nice to see another early riser like myself.” Lyra called out earning a chuckle from Twilight as she responded.

“I told you Lyra just call me Twilight, I’m the same old pony I was. Actually I just finished learning a new spell, if you’re interested.” Lyra gave an excited nod, she was being included in something the royalty of Equestria was excited about, it made her feel a little special. No sooner had she nodded then all sanity in the world hit a cliff in her mind as Twilight moved aside and Lyra found herself looking into six sets of soulless eyes. She froze, her body went stiff as her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. All of this Twilight did not notice as she had turned around and was rubbing her hoof across the bones of one of the ponies while speaking.

“The spell was really impressive, no unicorn magic required! With practice I might be able to raise hundreds of ponies if I had access to the bones across Equestria! I bet Celestia would be so surprised! I should march these fellows right to Canterlot and....Lyra are you alright!” Twilight had turned and the look on Lyras face was one of complete terror, Twilight took a step towards her and that was all the motivation Lyra needed, she fled into Ponyvile screaming all the way leaving a very confused Twilight behind.

“I wonder what happened? Maybe she was running late for something, yeah, that’s got to be it.” She continued forwards refocusing in on her accomplishment and trying to put Lyras odd behaviour from her mind. She quickly found her smile and practically bounced in place while shouting words like “Success, Perfect, Exactly like I theorized!” A small sound behind her caused her to turn and as she did she took in the sight of Princess Celestia standing as if she were born there her eyes trained on Twilight. A massive smile erupted across Twilights features as she ran up and gave a light bow before starting talking.

“I’m surprised to see you Princess! What brings you to Ponyville this early? Oh, quickly though what do you think. I already learned three spells from the book you sent me! It’s so fascinating I want to thank you again Princess.” Celestia took in the face of her smiling pupil surrounded by the dead and couldn’t help but shed a small tear, this wasn’t supposed to happen. Already Celestia could hear the ponies in Ponyville shouting about how Twilight planned to invade Canterlot with her armies of the dead. This wasn’t the kind of accident to just blow over, this was the end of Twilights life as she knew it and she didn’t realize it in the slightest. She just stood there smiling at her mentor as if nothing was the slightest bit different.

Twilights skeletons suddenly collapsed into dust and bone fragments and Twilight felt a chill run down her back. The magic had run out, it was her first time so she knew she could make it last longer next time, but she had proved she could do it so she wasn’t overly focusing on them. Instead she watched Celestia and became confused when she saw single tear fall from her eye right before she spoke.

“Twilight Sparkle, my little pony and most precious student I am so sorry I have failed you. I hope that one day you can forgive me.” Celestia saw the headlines, the political turmoil, the troubles with other nations that would erupt if they learned that Equestria had a necromancer for a princess, so she did the only thing she could, she took everything. In a brilliant flash of light Twilight felt a painful pulling sensation on her back and head and breathed sharply as her vision slowly faded back into reality. She was panting hard, she felt sore and most frighteningly of all, she couldn’t feel the magic around her. She looked at Celestia with a heartbroken and terrified face which Celestia responded with a look of cold indifference cracked by great sorrow as she spoke.

“Twilight Sparkle, you are stripped of your rank as Princess and all unicorn magic. You have broken ancient pacts, desecrated the remains of ponies and broken my trust in you. In light of your previous actions for the benefit of Equestria you will not be banished, now turn over the book and all materials related to your dark deeds!” Twilight Sparkle was lost, confused, this had to be a nightmare, or a test or anything other than reality! But Twilight had learned to read Celestias face, and the sadness behind it made it real. Like a piece falling into place Twilight realized what she had done and gave Celestia her saddlebag in silence. Celestia went in close and whispered in her ear.

“I am sorry, but this is for the best. Now go home as I explain things to the other ponies as best I can.” With another flash of light Twilight found herself in her bedroom, she was still shocked, she couldn’t comprehend what had happened so she sat on the floor and stared absently into the wall of her room.

Ponyville was in Chaos, the word was out, Twilight had finally gone and snapped and was planning on leading and army of the dead to conquer Equestria. Couriers had been dispersed to every city and town to warn them of the coming invasion after a Pegasus pony had confirmed Lyras tale with a quick flyby. Barricades were being constructed, windows boarded and families were hiding in basements as Celestia walked into the street and took a deep breath, the royal Canterlot voice wasn’t something she was very fond of.

“MY PONIES STOP! THE CRISIS IS OVER AND HAS BEEN DEALT WITH, TAKE DOWN THE DEFENSES AND CALM YOURSELVES. THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR.” The ponies froze, before one stepped forwards. Lyra Heartstrings was never one for bravery or questioning the Princess. After what she saw however, she couldn’t take chances.

“So Twilight is, stopped, banished? Or trapped in stone or something! She didn’t hurt you right Princess?” All the ponies seemed to nod in agreement save four who were currently pushing their way through the crowd. (plus one glaring at ponies from the air) All five stopped however when the Celestia spoke.

“Twilight became confused; she meant no harm and has saved you all time and again. I ask you to remember that. She has been stripped of her magic and title of princess but I ask you to treat her as you did before. She lost her way for an instant, much of this is simple misunderstanding. She is currently resting in her home, please believe she would never do anything to threaten Equestria. I need to clear this up with many others so I must leave now. Have faith in her, Twilight is no monster, she is the same pony you have all come to love and rely on.” With those words Celestia vanished as she teleported to the next closest towns to try and keep this at least partially contained.

The rest of the mane six had shocked expressions on, it had been true. Twilight had actually summoned the dead and been stripped of her magic, they realized one thing though, she needed them. There was a silent agreement and they all quickly set off to do whatever they could to help Twilight.

Spike had found Twilight, she had appeared in the castle and was packing like the gates of Tartauraus were opening behind her. Throwing everything she could get her hooves on into the largest bag she owned. When Spike had seen her he just stood stock still certain his eyes were mistaken, but there stood Twilight without wings or a horn. When he recovered he saw the expression on Twilight’s face, it was hard to describe. Shame, guilt, disgust, anger and a deep sadness that was coursing through her. Spike took a step forwards and Twilight finally became aware to his presence.

“Stay back Spike...I don’t want...I don’t want to hurt you..”Twilight squeeked out with restrained tears in her eyes. Spike paid it no mind as he approached while talking calmly, trying to piece things together.

“Twilight, what happened? You would never hurt me so just tell me what happened.” Spike reassured as he finally got close enough and laid a comforting claw on Twilights back. Like that a damn broke and she threw her hooves around Spike and pulled him into a tight embrace as she let her tears run down her muzzle as she tried to get out an explanation.

“You....right....evil...Celestia....took my magic.....running away!” Spike grasped enough and felt a horrible chill creep down his scaled spine, his letter. Now it was Spikes turn to start shedding tears, he was responsible, he should have found Twilight first, or just wrote the bucking letter last night. He’d let her down and now she was suffering because of him. He Responded his voice cracking slightly.

“I’m sorry Twi I..wrote a letter to Celestia. I was worried! Don’t run away Twi, you’re gonna be fine! Just fine, the two of us together forever Twi remember!” Spike’s words caused a pause in Twilights pit of depression as she recalled the day when she had said the two of them would be together forever. That they were family. Twilight regained her head and quickly shook off that Spike had sent the letter, of course he did, he was always worrying about her.

“Spike, I can’t stay. Everypony will...I need to leave before they come down here with torches because I...Spike I stole bodies, I used magic to bring back some ponies loved ones and march them around like puppets. I’m evil, that’s something only a bad pony would do and I did it! My friends....they all probably hate me.” The downcast expression almost killed Spike but a cough from behind the two caused them to abruptly turn and look straight at a very uncomfortable looking Rainbow Dash.

“Well I wouldn’t say your friends hate you. A little concerned, maybe but come on Rainbow Dash isn’t scared by anything. Twi we...we’ll you know were worried about you and stuff. Come on let’s talk. Go and unlock the door downstairs, we’ll all come in and chat.” Dash said trying to appear confident, mostly though she looked nervous and Twilight read that and felt her heart sink further. Spike after noticing the open window and correctly guessing Rainbows method of entry hurried out of the room to let the others in. Within a few minutes all of them were seated on their respective thrones and all eyes were on the former princess. Applejack decided to be the first to speak so taking a deep breath she started.

“Sugarcube, I don’t rightly know what got intt’a yah and I don’t care. Your my friend Twi and I plan on sticking by you know matter what. It’ll be hard work but we’ll win back Ponyville soon enough.” Applejack gave a smile she thought reassuring to Twilight as Rarity spoke up.

“Twilight, we would never assume the worst of you and the thought that you imagined us hating you is beyond preposterous. We adore you Twilight and simply could not imagine our lives without you. If any pony tries to lay a hoof on you they will be most un-delicately beaten onto their flank!” Rarity intoned and actually managed to get a small smile across Twilights face. Rainbow Dash simply nodded in agreement and threw in a “what she said” before the most timid voice sounded.

“uhhm Twilight, I think you’re a very wonderful pony but please don’t raise any more zombies. A few critters who were out saw them and have been panicked ever since. But I’m sure you didn’t mean to! You would never scare anypony on purpose. You’re a good pony Twilight and we all know that.” Fluttershy hid back behind her mane once she’d finished speaking leaving only one pony left to speak, a usually energetic voice was soft and choosing her words carefully.

“Twilight you really scared us. Your all horn-less and not princess-y but that’s alright because you’re still Twilight-y. We can have a ton of new parties and you’ll always be invited because were super duper best friends! A party wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t there.” Pinkie nodded sagely as she finished. Finally Twilight spoke, the faintest of sad smiles on her face.

“Thank you so much. You girls mean more to me than...books. (a gasp came from Pinkie at this declaration) But I can’t stay, It’ll ruin your lives to be near me. I know how this goes and there’s only one solution. I’m going into exile in the Everfree Forest. Nopony will be in danger or frightened of me and I won’t ruin any of your lives. Don’t look at me like that. Rarity you’ll never sell another dress if you admit your friends with some crazy banished princess. Applejack will never get enough money to fix her barn, Rainbow Dash you’d be rejected from the Wonderbolts. Pinkie, your parties would be empty except for me, who would come to any party where everyone’s terrified of one of the guests? Fluttershy, you said the animals are frightened, there frightened of me, I won’t drag any of you down with me, no discussions. It’s not much but it’s all I can do for you." Spike’s small voice suddenly piped up from right at Twilight’s side.

“There’s no way of talking you out of this is there Twi. (A quick shake of her head gave him all the answer he needed) Well I guess I’d better get packing.” Twilight put on a confused expression before realization hit and she started shaking her head and speaking as he stood from his throne.

“Spike, I’m leaving to protect you, all of you. I couldn’t imagine what would happen to me if you got hurt. So you need to stay Spike.” Spike looked back at her, straight into her lavender eyes as he spoke.

“Twi there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than by your side. You’re my family Twi, my only family and I won’t let you suffer alone. I’m coming and there is nothing on all of green Equestria that you could do to stop me! Now, were going to pack together, I’ll bring what I need and if you really intend to go and live in the Everfree Forest I have a place in mind.” With that answer Spike walked from the throne room and made to start packing his few possessions. He would never leave Twilight when she needed him, it was all too easy for his decision to be made for him, he’d sure miss hanging with the girls (one of them especially) but Twi needed him and that was good enough.

The girls watched stunned as Spike left and Twilight stood from her throne and gave her friends a small smile before turning and going to continue packing. Pinkie spoke up her voice filled with sadness.

“Were not even going to get to throw a going away party are we?”

Author's Note:

Well I was so surprised by the positive feedback I got to my story I decided I'd get you the next part quick as I could.
So what did you think? Still interested by the story and where it's going. Was Celestia to harsh or does the threat of a
diplomatic nightmare justify her. What about poor Lyra and her near heart attack? Mostly though did you enjoy it?

PS. I laughed at the picture Blood Brandy. Ebonysdagger, yeah she can be pretty clueless at times but we still love her.
OldMan there's some fancy italics (the poor mans cursive lol) work in this chapter but no time jumps. FutureJohnny thanks
and yes I bet there is some bad grammar here. All the things you warned me about I have no intention of putting in.
Aunt Celestia there will be some form of cliffhanger at the end of every chapter (gotta keep ya'll excited somehow)
Ok thanks for the feedback, hopefully this stands up.

Comments ( 8 )

Frankly, this took a less comedic route than I would have expected. Surprising, but still good.

This is good.
imglad I read this so far. Whens the next chapter?
if theres a next chapter.

Sorry, but the idea of such a penalty being given to one who doesn't even KNOW they've broken a law, much less to a hero, who never even had the chance to explain the book was in with materials given to her to study...

Yeah, 0% believable, and way out of character.

OK thats fine.:pinkiehappy: I was just shocked :pinkiegasp:I loved the first chapter and this one.:twilightsheepish:

If Twilight didn't know she was breaking any laws due to Celestia not teaching her and she sent that book...only one that should be punished is Celestia herself. :facehoof:

As others have said, the punishment is Achileus heel of this chapter. If someone does not like that scene, this chapter is ruined for them, it depends mostly on presonal headcanon and taste however.
For me, this does not exactly align with my view of Celestia. This is cruel and I do not see her as such. Sunbutt has some things to answer for here and claims no responsibility for her royal screw up.
But remember guys, this story is tagged as Comedy. It means we can expect some over the top behaviour and ridiculous situations same way we can expect silly talks in romance category.
Everyone's headcanon does not have to align with mine and this is used as main plot device to literaly leave Twilight only with her newfound Necromsntic powers to explore, so I can excuse it here.
I liked how Twilight went again overboard after recieving her punishment and decided to exile herself. Rest of the chapter is at least on par with first with, Lyra's scene especisly was fun to read. I hope this story won't stop, but also keep your time and do not rush it just to satisfy impatient readers. :)

I think the punishment was beyond unfair due to reasons already pointed out by others, such as twilight not knowing it was against the law, the fact it was celes's error that caused twilight to even get the book and other such things. But that aside i cannot wait to read more, and hope things get smoothed over and twilight returns to Alicorness :twilightsmile:

Technically speaking if Twilight can remember the spell she can still raise the dead.

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