• Published 17th Apr 2015
  • 2,613 Views, 101 Comments

The Magician's Mantle - I Caboose

Trixie concocts a plan to revive her tarnished image; take up the mantle of Mare-Do-Well and claim the credit for herself. When Shining Armor begins to pursue the aspiring vigilante, Trixie struggles to decide if the life of a hero is really for her.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Time To Shine

Tonight was a big night for Shining Armor.

The Canterlot Castle ballroom was alight with festive joy. The chandeliers that hung from the ceiling twinkled like starlight, and the moon's glow that shined in through the large stained-glass windows only added to the large room's serenity. Seemingly hundreds of ponies of all ages and status were located within, all sat around dozens of adorned circular tables, chattering to each other and divulging in exquisite appetizers.

Most of the well dressed ponies were turned to face a table raised above the rest, visible to all within the room. At the elaborate rectangular table sat three of Equestria's princesses, all wearing regal attire that matched their coats. The recently coronated Princess Twilight elected to sit with her friends from Ponyville, down with the rest of the castle guests.

Joining the princesses were several of their trusted advisors, notable members of the Equestrian royal services, and the Captain of the Royal Guard himself; Shining Armor.

Though he wouldn't remain Captain for much longer.

Tonight he was getting promoted.

It had been quite a shock when Shining had been offered the new position, by Princess Celestia herself no less! He had been Captain for so long now, and accomplished so much as it that he couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive about taking on his new responsibilities.

He was still apprehensive now, at the party in his honour.

Princess Celestia had approached him completely out of the blue, on a random day's afternoon. Apparently talks had been going on behind his back for quite some time regarding his purpose within the Equestrian forces; his commanding of the royal guard and carrying out his duties as the Prince of the Crystal Empire with his wife causing a bit of confusion amongst his peers and the public. Celestia and her equals decided that a more fixed position was needed within the guard, for someone to command the forces of Equestria as a whole; from the borders of the Badlands to beyond the Crystal Mountains.

And Shining was the unanimously chosen candidate.

The elegantly purple and golden robed stallion was then distracted by his wife sat next to him, who had been caressing his hoof every so often, instinctively picking up on her husband's nervousness. He was Captain of the Royal Guard, the Prince of The Crystal Empire, and he would still curl up like a foal in embarrassment for what his in-laws were about to do next. He was just thankful that Cadance decided, with plenty of pestering on his part, to not give a speech expressing how great and powerful he was.

He was a solider, and did everything that was expected of him. It wasn't anything worth bragging about.

From his right he saw Princess Celestia regally rise from her golden throne at the centre of the table, any conversations between the guests below halting at her valued presence. Sharing a nod with her sister at her side, Celestia commenced with her speech. Shining could not contain a dreary sigh, not looking forward at all to being the centre of attention. Humbleness seemingly ran in the Sparkle family.

Casting a gaze over her waiting audience, Celestia began speaking her well rehearsed words. "It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Canterlot. I hope you've all had a pleasant evening so far... The chefs apparently spared no expense," she paused due to the bout of mild applause and chuckling that followed, the kitchen staff that stood around the edges of the room bowing humbly in response.

"You've all come from far and wide, each with plenty of exciting tales to tell. Fine dignitaries from the Crystal Empire. Our allies to the east. And friends closer to home, for once you're all not here on my behalf," she gave a look towards the Ponyville table, each member having a different reaction from the eyes of the crowd falling upon them, ranging from glee to embarrassment.

Celestia held her head high once more, directing all attention back to her so she could continue. "We are instead gathered here tonight, in the halls of this ballroom, to celebrate a pony for his continued service to Equestria, and all its citizens."

Shining could not prevent himself from gulping down his expensive wine, even if he despised the taste. The eyes that followed him just prompted him to do something... anything but sit still. Cadance noticed his nervousness, squeezing his hoof tighter in response. The smile she gave him did wonders to relax him.

"He has made great strives to reconnect with the crystal ponies after their unjust banishment, his efforts having proven invaluable in making the Empire whole again and reintegrating its residents with the Equestria of today." Celestia speech was met with murmurs of approval, particularly amongst the crystal ponies present, forcing her to pause before they died down.

"You're all quite familiar with his military operations I'm sure. Transparency is a must, it keeps the tabloids happy." Laughter followed, though most of it was done out of expectancy rather than from finding the comment humorous. Celestia carried on regardless. "The umbrum that still lies beneath the snow, the changelings that still roam the land, and whatever unknown dangers reside within the Badlands. All have been contained or are monitored by the combined efforts of everypony here, and the stallion who made it all possible."

The applause that followed only made Shining look away. One could only listen to their accomplishments being read out so many times before it felt like showing off. Shining Armor did his duty and what was expected of him, and he felt privileged to be rewarded for it. But was a full-fledged party with him as the guest of honour really necessary? Making a spectacle of things was really just a desired formality rather than something which served a higher purpose. The quicker this was over with the quicker he could get to work.

Whatever 'work' now consisted of.

His thoughts were interrupted by Celestia launching her voice once more to conclude her speech, the crowd listening intently. "But as much as I would love to dally on about how spectacular a stallion, and dedicated of a guard Shining Armor is, I think we all know that already..."

A thunderous round of applause followed in agreement, and Shining, against his better judgement, gave a meek wave as a response, before once again making a grab for his wine. He didn't notice the devious smirk that adorned Celestia's face. "Or perhaps his wife would rather do it for me. Cadance?"

Shining choked on his drink, desperately turning to his wife with a pleading look. She just grinned in false innocence. This did not reassure him. "But you said-"

Cadance rose from her seat, mouthing "I lied" as she turned from Shining to face the crowd. The stallion just sunk back into his chair. If Celestia's speech hadn't killed him, Cadance's would finish him off. She would most certainly assure it.

"Thank you Princess Celestia," Cadance addressed her adopted aunt, before once again facing her subjects, sadistically enjoying her husband's growing unease. "Shining actually asked me to not give a speech tonight, under the assumption that I'd probably embarrass him. Even after all this years he's still just that little colt who couldn't even say hello the first time he met me."

Shining shrivelled into his seat at the crowds laughter, the memory of their first meeting at Canterlot Academy flashing in his sight. Cadance decided to let up a bit, realising she still had a speech to complete. "He's also the reason Canterlot is safer than ever before. Why the changelings that almost took our city are on the run! I've never seen him work harder than after the Canterlot invasion, on our honeymoon..."

"...in more ways than one I'll tell you that!"

The crowd roared with laughter, the loudest coming from Luna of all ponies. Celestia gasped at Shining's side, who found table to be a nice place to slam his head all of a sudden, rattling the cutlery that lay upon it. Cadance couldn't help herself, it was just the perfect set up. "Can you guess why he didn't want me to give a speech yet?" Cadance cheekily announced, the laughter continuing for several moments more.

Their honeymoon had been quite... exhausting. Shining had spend a majority of the time drawing up changeling defensive strategies, and Cadance had been more than a little shaken up from her experiences with the changeling Queen. It was definitely a passionate time for both of them.

"But in all seriousness..." Cadance began, ceasing the prior laughter completely. "Equestria is better off with Shining Armor at its defence, a fact all us princesses and advisors agree on." She turned towards Shining, the mischievous look in the eyes completely gone, in its place a look of utter pride. Shining sat bolt upright as he met his wife's loving gaze, returning it full force.

"Which is why we are gathered here tonight. To reward my beloved husband for his service, and also increase his workload ten-fold!" She half-heartedly joked, getting some of the ponies to chuckle, but more were focused on how the couple were staring into each others eyes.

Cadance was the one to break the gaze, much to Shining's disappointment. She still had a lot ground left to cover, and couldn't spend all her time admiring her husband in his ceremonial garments; as much as she wanted to. "Up until now, Shining Armor has been the Captain of the Royal Guard for Canterlot, and also carries out royal duties in Crystal Empire as its Prince," Cadance explained to the guests.

"We all felt it best that we erase any potential confusion or disruptions in communication by making Shining Armor the official liaison between the Crystal Empire, Canterlot, and any and all Royal Guard facilities across Equestria and beyond." Her voice was slightly duller now, having gotten to the point in her speech she had rehearsed word-for-word with little variation. "They'll obviously be a few kinks to work out, nopony's taken on a responsibility like this for over a thousand years, at the time of the Empire's disappearance." A few crystal ponies in the crowd nodded in agreement. "But if any pony is up to it, it's my husband."

Shining could not help it, he ducked his head again in embarrassment, but the smile that he wore was visible to the proud crowd from his raised position at the table. Cadance flared her wings slightly in excitement. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, it is my honour to relinquish Shining Armor's title of Captain, and bestow upon him the title of Marshal of the Equestrian Royal Forces!"

As proud as Shining was to hold the rank, even he had to admit his full title was a bit over the top. 'Prince Shining Armor. Marshal Shining Armor. Everypony's going to be so confused.' Even though he had his apprehensions, he couldn't express just how lucky and grateful he felt. Sure he would probably have a lot more work to do both in the Empire and Canterlot from now on, but he was chosen for the job.

And he did not intend to disappoint.

With a prompting hoof-pull from Cadance, he rose from his chair, his ceremonial cape fluttering slightly. He gaze stretched across the applauding crowd of ponies bellow him, many of whom he barely recognised. Some of the most frantic of applause and accompanying whooping was coming from his mother of all ponies, sat to his front alongside his father, startled by his wife's antics.

Ignoring the startling sight, Shining commenced with his own speech. "Thank you, thank you all. This is wonderful!" Shining couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He was certainly apprehensive, embarrassed, even finding the prospect of the future to be quite daunting, but that all came down to self doubt, or humbleness. He was just an average guy who became royalty. To stand where he was now was no new sight to him, but it was certainly one most would yearn for and more would fight for.

Shining didn't yearn for things, only taking what he earned.

"You know, when I was offered the position as Captain..." he began, silencing the crowd. He had the basics of a speech in his head, but he was always better at improvising. "...the very first thing I said was, absolutely! Followed by several hours of me pestering my then fiancé Cadance about how excited I was."

Start with a joke, that's how he was taught, then move into sincerity, which Shining found quite easy. "This time was quite similar," he continued, shifting slightly to his side to focus view on a lilac stallion who was sat to his left.

Still facing the crowd, Shining continued without interruption. "Although I was sure to ask a few more reasonable questions this time, such as who would replace me as Captain?" He turned further, allowing his audience to view the ceremonially armoured unicorn to his side, who sat with a thin smile as the gazes fell on him.

Shining gestured a hoof to the greying-maned guard, his cloak falling off his leg as it was raised. "And I think most of us will agree that Venal Juror, the stallion who seemingly appeared out of nowhere to some, having been positioned all over Equestria and beyond, will make a fine Captain. He has the record and experience and I have no doubts that he'll make the role his own." Shining then began to clap, prompting the rest of the guests to follow his example, the stallion named Venal nodding humbly to his admirers.

The crowd's expecting gaze soon returned to focus on Shining, who decided to give a few more words about himself. Though there was only so many times he could say how thankful and honoured he was were until it became redundant. "As for me... Heh, I suppose I'm just afraid of sounding pompous. Some are probably questioning what I'm actually going to be doing from now on, and I feel it's accurate to say that I'll be doing more the same... Except better. With more efficiently. More outposts on the borders, expeditions to the unchartered lands, as well as the occasional bake sale, which I'm sure Princess Celestia will be just ecstatic to hear!"

Following a shared laugh at Celestia's expense, who took a moment to tell Luna to remind her to outlaw student-led newspapers, Shining decided that there really was not that much more he could say. He would be giving plenty of speeches in the coming weeks, as well as having more opportunity to plan them beforehand. Any propositions he had as Marshal we're currently in their adolescence, it would take time before he would be able to reveal what the future would hold.

"But to be as bluntly honest as I can... It's my honour to hold this rank. I hope to do my family, my friends, my princesses, my predecessors, but most of all Equestria proud. Thank you, and enjoy the party!" Finishing with a bow of his head, Shining returned to his seat as the guests rose from theirs. Stomping their hooves in approval, joy and pride for the newly christened Marshal Shining Armor.

Dishes were served and thirsts were quenched, and within the hour the cultured atmosphere of the ballroom had made way for one of laughter and delinquency, courtesy of the resident party planner of Ponyville. The tables and chairs had been removed to allow access to a dance floor, with many of the intoxicated guests gradually making there way onto it as the night wore on and the music grew louder.

Shining and his wife had shared the first dance, but were now preoccupied with meeting with the guests, each feeling the need to congratulate Shining on his promotion. Shining persevered, it was easier than explaining to everypony he met that they didn't need to go to the trouble. He doubted he would have been able to stop most of them anyway; after all their entire reason for being in the castle in the first place was because of him.

"Shining Armor, congratulations are in order."

His next greeter caused him quite the startle. It was none other than Princess Luna, adorning an exaggerated grin, and accompanied by one of her royal advisers, who could not have looked more exhausted if he tried. It was common knowledge throughout the castle that Luna, purposefully or not, made life as difficult as possible for her staff, especially the ones she didn't like. Tonight obviously was not an exception.

Shining's reaction was immediate, instinctively slipping into a bow at Luna's presence. "Oh... Princess Luna! Sorry I was..." He couldn't continue with his apologetic explanation on account of Luna's outbreak of dry laughter, prompting Shining to raise his head in order to face her.

Luna titled her head to the side in an exaggerated expression of false annoyance. "No need for the pleasantries, Marshal. This is your night! Besides, you are still a Prince, you have no need to bow!" she boomed, drawing some bewildered gazes.

'Never will get use to that,' Shining thought as he rose from the floor, adjusting his golden cloak as he did, before returning to look at Luna with a smile. "I suppose I should be thanking you, Princess Luna, this was part your decision after all," he humbly expressed.

Luna involuntarily held her head high with pride. "The obvious choice, Marshal. There was no candidate more appropriate!" Shining looked away with a concealed grin, preparing to express his gratitude once again, but Luna wasn't finished it seemed. "Now I feel that you and your wife deserve some time to linger on your own terms, you'll be far too busy after tonight to do so. Go, I shall keep the peasantry occupied!"

She didn't have to tell Shining or Cadance twice, both taking the opportunity to walk away hoof in hoof, leaving Luna and her exasperated advisor behind, who took the time to reiterate to the Princess why referring to her subjects as 'the peasantry' wasn't proper to the times.

Luna was right of course. After tonight Shining would be busy breaking in his new role. Publicity tours, interviews, public speeches, school visits, all on top of the restructuring of the Royal Guard to make way for its new Captain and Marshal. It was certainly going to be exhausting couple of months.

As the night carried on further, Cadance left Shining at some point to converse with some friends and dignitaries she was familiar with. Shining similarly took to speaking with some guests, eventually finding his old academy friends amongst the crowd, who he had invited personally. The reunited group retreated to a table set up near one of the castle's balconies that overlooked the city, catching up with each other which included Shining telling them all about his new home at the Crystal Empire.

Their talking and drinking continued into the late hours of the night, with the party carrying on without interruption. Eventually the group of old friends collectively decided to leave the ballroom, with Shining intending to show off his and his wife's portrait and stained-glass window of their wedding to his companions, before heading out into the city to celebrate his last night of freedom.

"C-C-Captain Armor?"

Plans which would not come to pass however, as Shining and his friends where intercepted by one of his personal advisors before they had a chance to leave. Shining turned to address his long time assistant, identifying him immediately by his trademark stuttering. He didn't even notice that he had been addressed by the wrong rank. "Ah, Peddy! Just in time. The gents and I were about to go and be completely irresponsible, would you like to join us?" he asked with enthusiasm.

The aqua coated advisor identified as Peddy meekly shook his head in response, before straightening his neck upon realising his prior mistake in greeting. "Ah, s-sorry. It's M-M-Marshal now isn't it, " he stuttered out in apology.

Shining gave a low sigh, realising he would be correcting a lot of ponies in the coming weeks as they adapted to his new title. "If I must be," he said dejectedly. Taking in the appearance of his significantly shorter advisor, he noticed a brown envelope grasped firmly in one hoof, bearing the insignia of the Royal Guard; which only ever meant one thing. "I take it that envelope's work related?

Peddy nodded, holding the envelope out. "Yes, it's from C-C-Commissioner Book of the Filly-Fillydelphian Police Department," he explained.

Shining's posture straightened, any recreational thoughts leaving his mind. "There a problem?" he quizzically asked. It wasn't uncommon for local authorities to write to the Captain of the Guard for some reason or another. Some for minor complaints, others for matters of actual severity that required varying levels of investigation and response.

"Of sorts. He's r-requesting a Royal G-Guard presence. Something about a resent out-outbreak of fires, and a mysterious mare in a m-m-mask who's been spotted on several occasions over the past w-week." The trusted advisor explained, being one of the few authorised to read the Captain's mail.

Shining instinctively raised a hoof to grab the envelope to read it himself, but hesitated before reaching it. "Uh... not to be inconsiderate, but I don't really think this is my jurisdiction any more," he said with uncertainty. It was the job of the Captain to deal with issues such as this, which as of this night Shining no longer was. Even so, he was still reluctant to lower his hoof however.

His advisor was just as reluctant to lower the envelope. "With r-r-respect, Sir. Everywhere is your jurisdiction now," he goaded, waving the envelope slightly in emphasis. Shining resisted the urge to grab the paper, but silently questioned why he resisted also.

"B-B-But you're probably right..." Peddy began as he slowly backed up, much to Shining's initial confusion. "I'll hand this off to Captain Juror in the morning," he said as he turned to nonchalantly trot away.

Shining couldn't stop himself. "Wait, Peddy!" he called, rushing over and snatching envelope from the stallion's grip, who proceeded to look at him somewhat smugly due to Shining giving into the temptation.

"I'll... look into it," Shining stated simply. Sharing a quick goodbye with his friends before proceeding onto the balcony, his company walking away behind him. He took a seat at the edge, which held a breathtaking view of the city, and opened the envelope to examine its contents, his brow furrowing with every word he read.

"Absolutely not!"

"Not discussing it, Cadance."

After reading and re-reading the contents of the envelope several times over, Shining retreated to his and Cadance's suite within one of the castle's highest towers, and began to pack his bags immediately. He intended to leave in the morning and had many preparations to complete before he left, one of which was to inform his wife of his intentions to travel to Fillydelphia.

She took it about as well as could be expected.

"You were promoted four hours ago, the power couldn't have gone to your head that fast!" Cadance growled as she stomped around the room in anger, purposely avoiding Shining's pleading gaze, who had ceased writing a letter of response to the Fillydelphian police department in order to deal with his wife. So far to no success.

"I have to do a press tour of Equestria anyway, this way I kill two birds with one stone! If anything I have more responsibility to deal with this issue now then ever!" he argued. There was no doubt in his mind about any of this. Fillydelphia had a problem and the Royal Guard had been asked for help. He had already promised himself earlier that he wouldn't be a disappointment. He didn't intent to start now.

Cadance countered his points however, even though she knew there was some truth to them. "But it's almost Hearth's Warming!" she implored. "Why do you have to be the one to go? Send some guys from the academy they'll be happy to clean it up. Or better yet, give it to Juror! It is his job now after all!"

"It's my job too!"

Shining's outburst silenced Cadance, who stared at her husband in surprise of his tone. He didn't often raise his voice to her. Only when he felt passionate about something.

Shining rose from the desk he was sat at, with Cadance leaning against their large bed. He stared at her with pride and conviction in himself and his words. "I'm a Royal Guard, and now, I'm the commander in chief of all of them, everywhere. I'm not going to just hide behind a desk and give orders to the rest while I sit on my flank!" he finished in anger. Before releasing a heavy sigh and returning to his seat to continue with his letters. Leaving his wife stunned behind him.

Cadance temporarily paused her attempts to counter Shining's claims, starting to understand why he felt so strongly about this case. She still wanted to convince him otherwise however. "But Shining, that is your job now," she spoke in a softer tone as she approached Shining at the desk, no anger remaining within her.

Shining released his magical grip on his quill, slumping into his chair as he released another sigh. "My job is to protect the Princesses and Equestria, I can't- I won't do that from behind a desk," he stated firmly, the mere thought of the scenario angering him to no end.

Cadance drew closer, her husband's plight fully understood. "But you'll do it from the streets of Fillydelphia?" she asked, walking to his side so she could see Shining's concealed expression.

He looked weary.

"I can try," he said drearily, before once again continuing to scribble onto his papers. Momentarily pausing when Cadance proceeded to lean her head against his shoulder.

"You're hiding something, you know I know when you're hiding something," she said with certainty, drawing closer to Shining who was seemingly trying to ignore her. Cadance didn't like that. "Tell me, Shining Armor, or I'll get your sister to do it for me."

With a playful scoff, Shining ceased his writing, staring of into space as he felt his wife's mane with a hoof. "That mare in the mask. Mare-Do-Well," he began, recalling the witness descriptions and newspaper illustrations present within the envelope he had been given, which identified the masked mare who had been recently appearing all over Fillydelphia.

"Hmm?" murmured Cadance quizzically at his side.

"She shouldn't be allowed to do that," Shining stated with evident annoyance.

Recalling what her husband had told her about the mare in question from when he had explained the situation to her earlier, Cadance grew slightly confused, he had after all used the word 'hero' in his descriptions, and the Mare was apparently something of a folk tale of justice. Why would he have a problem with her? "Shouldn't do what? Help ponies?" she questioned.

Shining scoffed again, but not playfully. "You know what I mean," he said, as if the answer should be obvious to her.

"I really don't," Cadance replied, raising her head from his shoulder to stare at her husband in confusion.

This prompted him to explain, in an evidently angered tone, though not directed at Cadance. "The guards... the police. We're the ones who are meant to be protecting everypony. What does it say about us when there's some random mare out there doing it all on her own authority?" he spoke in disapproval.

Although Cadance agreed with Shining's point, she could not help but think that he was being a bit too forefront with his negative attitudes; jumping to a rather sudden conclusion to the ongoing situation. "Its not like she's hurting anyone," Cadance spoke with serenity, trying to cheer Shining up. "I think you're taking this a little personally."

Shining remained unconvinced however, arguing his point once more. "If ponies start taking the law into their own hooves... what's the point of me?" he asked, in a tone that to Cadance almost sounded like he was pleading for an answer. It just didn't sit right with Shining with what Mare-Do-Well was doing... whoever she may be. It was the responsibility of himself and those with the authority to stop those who were a threat. The line existed for a reason.

And Mare-Do-Well had crossed that line.

Pulling Shining from his seat, Cadance led him over to the bed, realising how late it was and just how tired they both were. Cadance decided to reassure him as much as she could. "You've done so much for Equestria, Shiny. One mare in a mask isn't going to change that," she cooed as they laid on the bed, magically pulling the covers over themselves.

'I guarantee she won't,' Shining thought with conviction. The Mare in the mask flashing through his thoughts, causing him momentarily ponder just who would be crazy enough to dress up like that. To break the boundaries like she did. 'She's already been spotted at several crime scenes. How long before she starts to make it worse? Or heck, becomes a perpetrator herself?'

Snuggling with his wife under the blankets, Shining took a deep breath as he magically dimmed the lights, subconsciously recalling the journey he planned to take in the morning. "I'm still going to Fillydelphia by way," he said in the dark, if only to reiterate the point to Cadance in the off chance it hadn't sunk in yet.

"Shiny..." Cadance groaned in their embrace, not in the mood to argue again.

"You know I made some good points," he pestered, in a skewed attempt to reassure her that this was the right course of action.

It appeared to work. "And you know that I worry," Cadance spoke, dismissively but with concern evident. 'Strange fires. Masked vigilante heroines. It's never a slow day for him.'

"I can handle myself," Shining chuckled as he grew more comfortable. Deciding to finish his letters in the morning, when he assembled his personal guard that would accompany him to Fillydelphia.

"I don't doubt that," replied Cadance. Who started to drift off, before her eyes sprung back open when one final demand crossed her mind. "This will not become a habit however," she stated, with Shining knowing he would have to obey.

He just nodded in agreement as he drifted of to a pleasant sleep. "If I do a good enough job, it won't need to be."

Author's Note:

Well this took a while to finish, I had a busy month.

What's this? Shining Armor's going to Fillydelpia? And what are these mysterious fires? Our heroine Trixie adventures are about to get a lot more complicated, in the next exciting chapter of The Magician's Mantle!

Same Pony Time - Same Pony Channel

If you're wondering if promoting Shining was necessary, or about the inclusion of the OCs, once again they are not the centrepeice of this story, and may or may not have importance down the road.