• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 1,501 Views, 40 Comments

A Musician's Shadow - Evowizard25

Octavia has an esteemed fan with a dark secret.

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A New Body, Same Goals

There is just something about music that connects to me. It soothes my soul. It lights my inner fire. It gives me courage and helps me get through even the most stressful of days. I have plenty of those, given how successful I am. Being famous is an aspiration of most. I have obtained it, at a relatively young age. Yet it can be strenuous, which is why I prefer not to think on it. My music is what keeps my attention and interest. My fans are important to me, but my music is my life. I would play on even if there was no one there to listen. It made me happy.

Which is why I was playing in the Crystal Empire. These poor ponies had been gone for such a long time, enslaved to a tyrant. I couldn’t believe it honest. To think, a pony would let himself be consumed by such dark magic willingly. Not to mention what he did.

I can still see the marks of the chains and whips on some of the ponies….Even the children.

That villain deserved to be blown to bits. I would have loved to shown him what for. My mother taught me a few things in self defense and I am quite nifty with a crossbow, thanks to my dear father.

Back on track, he crystal ponies deserved a little bit of happiness. Music could soothe the savage breast. A saying I took to heart. These ponies would hear me play. They would see me putting my heart and soul into every single note. They would listen to my true desires and aspirations. I hoped it would be enough to soothe them, give them comfort. I wanted them to know they were welcome in Equestria. That we would help them whenever we could. As I and my fellow musicians travelled through this place, we knew it was our duty to help them. I’d make sure a hearty portion of our next years revenue went to the Crystal Ponies.

The royal concert hall was thankfully in tact. Most of the crystal empire’s cultural icons had been destroyed during Sombra’s reign. He apparently didn’t like any of the crystal pony’s culture, the blasted sod of a stallion. Blimey, I can’t even begin to wonder why. I’ve just been here a few days and I’m already loving it. The music is a bit different though. They seem to prefer horned instruments to the string variety. Their music plays loud and with a hearty tune. Vinyl would love it here.

With that in mind, I made sure to play accordingly. Oh yes, I do most of the writing. Mostly basics. My compatriots always contribute however. I honestly can’t do it without them. True friends to the end. Hopefully Frederick would work his magic with Beauty Brass soon. Friendship is great, but love is something else entirely. I’ve never experienced it myself and I probably wasn’t going to for some time. All I needed was my music and that was all.

Going back to my music, it was louder than normal. The notes weren’t held for that long though as it was quick paced. There were added pitches of high notes at certain parts. We had played for nearly an hour now and we were reaching a crescendo. With a final triumphant note, I stopped playing.

Before I even opened my eyes, I could hear the audience cheering. They were stomping their hooves on the ground in joviality. Oh such inspiring sounds. I finally opened my eyes to gaze upon their adoring faces. I felt such love and care. I just hoped I gave it in return. I smiled faintly and bowed my head. I...I wasn’t crying. A lady doesn’t cry, even if I felt such joy like never before. It was the empire, the ponies around her. I had heard about how connected they were. How the Crystal Empire gave it’s ponies such jubilee. I didn’t believe them.

I did now. I felt the magic of the empire course through me as I smiled. Oh I was going to love it here.


Death holds no sway over the dark. We outlast everything, even light itself. Did they really think they could kill me with such a trinket? With love?!! The Crystal Heart is powerful, I give them that. Yes, it is the only weapon that can destroy me completely. Yet, they are all fools. I am no common monster. I am King Sombra. That blast destroyed my body. Yes, they won the day.

They would not win the war. Umbran do not admit defeat. We endure. We survive. We make our enemies bleed until they die of their wounds. I was bested twice by the ponies. They would not win a third time. The dark endures. Perseveres. We are everywhere. I am the dark and I will endure for eternity.

Of course, that spell had taken much of my power. If not for the strength my Umbran family gave me, I would be dead. A normal Umbran would not have survived such love and compassion given form. I am no normal Umbran. I have ascended beyond such.

I am Sombra, King of the Crystal Empire and the god of darkness! Even as weak as I am, I can kill whoever I wish. I should march on that purple mare right now and slay her. Oh yes, I wonder how they will fare without that mare to save them. Perhaps I should kill the little drake first.

‘You musn’t rush into anything, my child.’ The silken voice of my ‘mother’ spoke in my mind. ‘You must be patient. We waited under the ice for ages. We can wait just a little bit longer.’

Right as ever, mother. I noted. She was always right. Infuriatingly so. I could feel her smug smile, even though she had no lips to which she could smile. She was a thing, but so was I. We are Umbran, shadows given life. The light will fear us once more.

I just needed some time. Something to do. Information! Yes, a disguise would do. I shant go prancing around as myself, before or after my enlightenment. Hmm, it will take energy though. I have enough to do so, but I won’t be able to do much more than simple spells for a while. It shouldn’t matter. All ponies are fools.

With determination, I steeled myself for what was to come. Conjuring up a body is a painful and long process. Every fiber and nerve is new and for the first few days you are as weak as a kitten. I would have to take extra precaution. This was worth it though. Soon, my conquest will be complete. The Umbran, my race, will be free once more.

It was easy to form a base for my new body. All I needed was an idea. A picture in my mind. With that, all I needed was a basic understanding of the body type. A unicorn is good choice. I was once a unicorn, so my mind is easily accustomed to it. Hour after hour I poured my magic into my form. There was so much to check and prepare. I had to appear inconspicuous. I needed a reason to roam. Ah yes, a bard. Musicians travel the land. My cutie mark shall mirror that form.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity and I should know that feeling well enough, I was finished. It was hard to stand, so instead I laid down in the snow for a while. My flesh and blood body was susceptible to the cold, but I had enough magic to keep myself warm. That wouldn’t last. I needed to get to the Crystal Empire soon. Still, once I got my bearing, and after a few clumsy spills that I would have executed anypony if they saw them, I wanted to see my new form.

I was dirt brown with a light green mane. Inviting colors. I had been tempted to keep myself gray, but I didn’t want any suspicion. My subjects would fear gray unicorns. A picture of a lute was stamped on my flank. Perfect. I was ready to go and ‘mingle’ amongst my subjects. Disgusting thought, but it was only temporary.


The Empire was closer than I thought. Good. That gave me a bit more magic for myself. Not nearly enough that I felt comfortable with though. I am overlord of shadows, the god of darkness. I should feel above these peasants. These vagabonds that built their city over the ruins of my race. They will once again slave away in chains.

That was for later. Now, I had to ‘deal’ with them. None of them paid me much mind. Perhaps I garnered the occasional glance, but that was because I wasn’t a crystal pony. I would never degrade myself as to take one of their forms. Now I needed to find a place I could extract some information. Who was that purple mare and that drake? What was Equestria like these days? Was I worrying over their threat for nothing?

I needed to know. I was going to tear this place apart to find out……

What was that music? It was like the music of this infernal place, but different. It gave the crystal pony music purpose and life. How they could stand it is beyond me. I had to get closer. It was too faint here.

I trotted off towards the music. The sweet melody was enticing, especially...string music? There was barely any string instruments in the empire, only used when playing equestrian songs. I was curious as to who was playing it.

The concert hall? This is where the music is coming from? Well, perhaps I’m glad that I didn’t tear this place down. I just never got around to it, since I focused on just destroying crystal pony instruments. No real purpose and I could renovate it later. I pushed my way inside. Some of the ponies protested, but a quick snarl shut them up.

They knew their place.

I had to find out who was playing.I had finally pushed my way to the main hall, where in the middle of the room, were the band of musicians. They played such beautiful music. Ah, I remember the days of yore. Equestrian music was the only thing I could stand. The local musicians were too full of themselves. Too flaunting of their talents when they had none.

They never let me play any of their instruments. Spiteful xenophobes.

I listened to them play for what felt like hours. They played as one. Each helped and supported the other, yet one drew my eye. It was the the mare with the large string instrument. She was...she was...perfect. That gray coat. That black hair. I’d mistake her for an Umbran if I didn’t know better. She was obviously an Equestrian. Her coat lacked the shine and luster of the race that dwells here. Nor was her form hinting the rock hard body and neither did it show any signs of crystal growth. She was pure equestrian.

Then the music stopped. I didn’t care about the cheering. I only cared about this mare’s eyes. They were dazzling and filled with such passion. I have only seen one mare with such eyes….One mare who loved me with all her-

‘My son!’ My mother hissed. ‘You are distracted. Forget her. She hated you. She wanted to use you.’

Yes, she didn’t love me. I snarled at the thought of Radiant Hope. She wasn’t the one. She was just some ditzy unicorn...who had no one else but me and my caretaker.

‘They are gone,’ my mother assured me. My happy thoughts...what happy thoughts? Oh yes, subjegating my empire. ‘Yes, that is it my son. Forget that silly nonsense. Focus on freeing your family.’

I would. I would free my family and take my rightful place as king of the Crystal Empire.

But who was that mare?

Author's Note:

Greetings one and all. I did promise this soon enough and here it is. :pinkiehappy: This story starts out shortly after The Crystal Empire and will continue on during and after Love Needs No Reason. I hope you enjoy this and please leave a comment.