• Published 10th Jul 2014
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Dashie and Soarin, two wonderbolts in love - TheSouthernBrony

Rainbow Dash has finally achieved her life long goal to join the wonderbolts and even better: she has found the love of her life.

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Chapter 5

With Rainbow Dash's pregnancy confirmed, Soarin and Spitfire had to modify the plan a little, as they knew it would be bad for the foals' health if Dash drank alchoal while pregnant with them.

They canceled the reservation at the bar and instead opted for the party to happen at the park, where they managed to get a spot reserved for the event and instead of alcoholic beverages, the bolts opted to get things like sweet tea and soft drinks such as coke a cola and Pepsi.

For Rainbow Dash, being pregnant was both an exciting prospect, and a buck load of responsibility. She spent most of her days doing research on the subject, how to cope with pregnancy and how to take care of two young baby ponies.

While not the best at math, Dash did some calculations on how much it would cost to take care of two foals given the lifestyle she and Soarin live.

Fortuantly, being in the Wonderbolts means she and Soarin a buck load of money, and considering how much money they make every time they do a show at an event or a party, add to the fact that Soarin and Dash have their money saved in a bank, and there's lots of it, over 1000 bits, they should be able to afford raising the foals rather easily.

With that settled, Dash put on some TV while she ate peanut butter and crackers, since that's what she constantly has cravings for due to the pregnancy.

" you guys got everything" Soarin asked the other wonderbolt members.

" yes, we do, Spitfire. We'll have this party ready in no time", a male wonderbolt said.

" good," Spitfire said, putting a check mark on her checklist she held in her hooves.

Everything had been acquired, now all they had to do was wait till the evening of the proposal and have the best time ever.

Soarin walked up to Spitfire and said, " thanks for doing this, really, thanks".

'Don't mention it, Soarin, you and Rainbow Dash are really great together so I want to help you two out any way I can", Spitfire said, smiling.

Soarin sighed nervously.

" I hope this works," he said.

" Don't worry, Soarin, it will. Rainbow Dash really loves you, and she's told me before she'd happily marry you and that there's no other stallion in the world who makes her feel the way she does. You make her life happy, really happy. proud of you, Soarin", Spitfire said reassuringly.

Soarin smiled and said, " yeah, I love her a lot too."