• Published 13th Jul 2014
  • 10,639 Views, 490 Comments

Mutual Interests - Spirit Shift

After the events of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer has become a solitary recluse due to the entire town hating her. Can the girls bring her out of her shell enough to make amends with the town?

  • ...

CH9: Back to the Beginning.

Frustrated, Rarity gently lowered her head onto the Sugarcube Corner table and covered herself with her arms. “Afterwards,” she continued, addressing her other five friends, “Trixie continued to be an insufferable… well, you know, and another girl’s outfit won.”

Everyone at the table sat with confused looks as they listened to Rarity retell her story. Applejack lifted her hat and scratched the top of her head. “So… Sunset just up an’ bailed?”

“No!” blurted Coco Pommel. The meek girl was sitting in Rainbow Dash's chair while she was absent. Realizing that she now held everyone’s gaze, she backed down shyly. “W-we called to talk to her after everything happened… I mean….”

Rarity lifted her head and took a deep breath to calm herself. “Indeed,” she nodded. "Immediately after the contest, I picked up my phone and, very calmly, dialed Sunset’s number.”


Nearly slamming open the doors, Rarity tramped down the stairs of the building hosting the fashion show. Soon, Coco Pommel emerged from the doorway after her. She rushed to catch up with Rarity, who had stopped in front of the building and began digging through her purse. Coco glanced at her worriedly. “Rarity? What’s wrong? The show’s not over yet.”

Rarity stopped rummaging through her purse and nearly glared at Coco. “What’s wrong? Oh, I shall tell you what’s wrong. Several things are wrong. The first thing is that Sunset has been lying to me for the past few days about being here. Secondly, she’s willingly given up her spot for whatever reason, reducing all of our hard work to nothing. Finally, she gave her spot to Trixie of all people! She could have at least chosen a person whose natural colors actually fit the dress.”

Coco flinched but still reached out. “Rarity?”

Rarity ignored her and turned back to rummage through her purse. Eventually, she pulled out her rhinestone covered phone. “Since she refuses the explain her living situation, I have to call her to express how upset I am.”

Coco took a step in front of her to try and gain her attention. Hesitantly she spoke her mind. “Rarity, I really think you should calm down a little. I’m sure Sunset has a good reason for--” But it was too late. Rarity had already dialed the number and raised the phone to her ear.


Sunset finally counted the last of her money before stuffing it back into her wallet. “I hope that I’ll have enough…” she muttered. Lying back down on her makeshift bed, she began thinking about the fashion show and how it was going. Sighing, she said, “I wonder if Rarity has found out yet--” she sat a hand on her face and groaned into it, “--she’s gonna kill me, but it’s for the best. If I stayed--”


Sunset nearly jumped when her phone started ringing. Grimacing, she slowly lifted her head and read the caller ID. “Well… maybe she’s calm…” Sunset gingerly placed the phone on her ear and prepared to be yelled at. “Hello?”

Rarity’s voice came through softly and full of concern. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

The softness and concern evident in her voice surprised Sunset greatly. She sat upwards and glanced curiously at her phone. “R-Rarity? I--”

On Rarity’s side, Coco held a similar expression. When Rarity heard Sunset’s voice, her expression instantly softened. “Why didn’t you tell us that you were being bullied backstage?” she asked firmly. Coco let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

After a few seconds, Sunset sighed. “I wasn't being bullied. If I had stayed in the running, I would have won….”

“Well then why--”

Sunset interrupted her by continuing. “I would have won because no one would’ve shown up today. It would have turned out just like any other popularity contest. Rarity, I saw how the other contestants were acting. The entire time I was there, the only thing they were talking about was the fact that I was actually there. Then the very next day… they were gone, replaced by others who were doing the same thing. Nobody would’ve shown up if I had stayed. I’m sorry that this happened, but I had to leave if I didn't want to ruin your aunt’s reputation. Did you win at least?” she asked hopefully.

Rarity huffed, “With the replacement you left? Trixie? Really? I left before it even ended. There was simply no use in staying.”

Sunset held up her hands in defense and said, “She was the only one who would even stay in the same room when I showed up.”

Rarity shook her head and decided to return back to the topic. She opened her mouth to speak, but then glanced over at Coco. Wordlessly, she removed the phone from her ear, turned the volume up, and put it on speakerphone mode. “Nevertheless, the fact remains that you were pressured into leaving by the other contestants. If you had just--”

“No,” Sunset cut her off, shaking her head “don’t you get it? No matter what I do, no one’s going to accept me or give me a chance,” she said. “I’ve learned that this week….”

Coco gasped and leaned close to the phone. “That’s not true! I don’t know what you did but whatever it was, you can recover from it. Your mistakes make you a better person.”

Sunset momentarily removed the phone from her head, confused when Coco’s voice came through. “Coco, they were planning to go directly to Hot Topic and ask her to take me out and reschedule the entire thing. I don’t think I can recover from this. It’s over for me…” Sunset brought her legs up to her chest and held herself. “Thanks for trying, though," she muttered, her head hanging low. "I guess that I’ll never really understand the magic of friendship.”

“Sunset!” Rarity chided, “Don’t talk like that. We’re friends, aren't we?”

Sunset shook her head sadly and said, “I… I don’t know. You and Coco are friends, I know that, but I just feel like I was a third wheel there just to wear the dress. While you guys talked and joked and had fun dressmaking, I was just… there.”

Coco and Rarity curiously glanced at one another. Rarity turned back first with a sympathetic look. “Sunset,” she began softly, “you misunderstand. Being friends doesn't always mean that you have to engage in our conversations. Simply enjoying being with each other makes us friends. I enjoyed your company, and I made that dress for you. I’m sure Coco feels the same way--” she turned towards the girl next to her “--Isn't that right?”

Coco nodded furiously. “O-of course! We’re definitely friends. Rarity even slapped a girl for talking about you today!”

Sunset’s eyes widened in surprise as she stood up from her bed, “You did what? Why?”

Rarity flinched and blushed slightly. After glaring slightly at Coco, she answered, “I do apologise about that, but I did not enjoy Rose slandering you like she did. Personally, I don’t believe that it was possible for all of them to have nightmares simultaneously. I--”

At the mention of nightmares Sunset’s head snapped up and her eyes shrank to pinpricks as she sat back down on her bed. “N-nightmares? They all had nightmares because of me?”

“No!” answered Rarity, “That’s just what they claimed. Like I said, I think--”

Sunset stopped listening, and slowly lowered the phone from her ear. This new revelation struck her hard, adding even more guilt for what she had done. “The dark magic… of course,” she muttered. Lowering her head in depression, Sunset shakingly brought the phone back to her ear. “Girls, I… I have to go. Thanks for trying… really. I appreciate it, but there’s no hope for me anymore.”

Red flags began popping up in both Coco and Rarity’s heads at that last statement. “Sunset!” yelled both of them. Reluctantly, Coco let Rarity continue on first. “Sunset, don’t speak like that. It’s not your fault. You--”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be at school tomorrow,” she said softly, guessing at where they were going. “Though it’s probably better if you didn't talk to me. The other students might start treating you badly if you’re seen with me.”



“... and then she hung up on us,” Rarity said, finishing up her recount of the past few days. “Like she said, I did see her today. But she seemed completely lifeless. She didn't respond to anything Coco or I said to her.” Rarity sighed and covered her face with her hands. “I just don’t know what went wrong….”

Coco’s eyes fell to the table in sadness. “She looked so sad.”

“Oh no, that sounds terrible,” Fluttershy whimpered.

Applejack leaned forward onto the table and inquired, “Ah have a question though. What’s all this hooey about nightmares?

Rarity lifted her head from the table and glanced over at Applejack. “Hmm? Oh yes, I meant to ask you about that. I haven’t heard anything from Sweetie Belle. Has Apple Bloom been suffering any… undue effects from the Fall Formal?”

Applejack put a finger to her chin and thought about it for a second before shaking her head. “Not that ah know of. She did have one night terror about witches afterwards but that was just once. Why?”

“Rose told me that she’s been having serious nightmares about what happened,” Rarity answered. She shook her head. “She blames everything on Sunset.”

Fluttershy gently petted the turtle, whose head stuck out of her bag. “No wonder Sunset’s depressed, she must think it’s all her fault. We need to do something, and fast.”

There was a loud popping sound and everyone’s eyes turned around toward Pinkie Pie. Apparently, through the final half of the conversation, Pinkie Pie had blown up a countless number of balloons that ended up completely covering the back half of the cafe, with the most recent one blowing up in her face. “Oops, too much air. Sorry,” she giggled.

Fluttershy gave her a curious look and asked, “Pinkie Pie? What are you doing?”

Pinkie gave her a large smile before standing up and spreading her arms wide. “Warming up, silly. We’re going to need one heck of a party to get our Shimmer all sunny!”

Rarity and the others all looked at one another. Figuring that they had tried everything else they all shrugged. Applejack turned back to Pinkie and gave her a thumbs up. “Go for it pardner.”

“Please don’t make a scene, though,” Fluttershy pleaded. “We don’t want to make anything worse than it already is. What are you planning to do anyway?”

Pinkie simply grinned and wrapped a pink headband around her head that read “Party Hard.” She gave all of them a serious look, stood up on top of her seat, and said, “This will be my greatest challenge… ever!”


“Pleaaaasssseeeee!” Pinkie whined. “Sunset, are you even listening?”

Sunset Shimmer simply continued to stare listlessly at the book in front of her. For once, she wasn't reading a Daring Do book, but rather, one on philosophy. From the time Pinkie entered the room, she hadn't moved a muscle aside from turning the page despite Pinkie’s constant attempts to engage her in conversation.

Luckily for Pinkie, however, the library they were in was devoid of any annoying librarians that would shush her. This meant that she also had all the time in the world to get Sunset out of her funk. Unfortunately, even Pinkie Pie had her limits. After a full on song and dance number, several one-sided conversations, and even a two-person party complete with cake and balloons, Sunset continued to ignore her.

“Jeez,” Pinkie huffed, finally sitting down at Sunset’s table, “I’m used to one sided conversations, but I’m not even sure if you’re listening anymore. Plus, I think I’m actually out of ideas...” Pinkie rested her head on her hand and glanced around at the various leftover decorations from her various attempts at getting a reaction from Sunset.

After a few seconds Pinkie’s face lit up in excitement. “Wait, I have another idea! Even if you’re not listening, just listen! How about we call Cheese up, and… wait for it, stage a cheery song and dance number in front of the entire school that explains why you really are a good person! People always listen to a good song!” While Pinkie began to rattle off ideas and supplies, Sunset sighed and closed her book. Wordlessly, she began walking towards the door, only stopping when Pinkie appeared in front of her with a small smile.

“Sunset? Does this mean you like the idea?” she asked hopefully. With a quick “No,” Sunset pushed her way past Pinkie and once again headed for door.

Just as Sunset reached the doorway, Pinkie grabbed her arm. Sunset glanced backwards at pinkie with a look devoid of emotion. Pinkie responded with a pleading look and said, “Sunset… please? We just wanna be your friends.”

There was a moment of silence before Sunset responded in a flat voice, “Just stop, all of you. You don’t have to try and help me anymore. Don’t worry about your promise to Twilight.”

Pinkie’s hair flattened out slightly, and she gave the girl she was holding on to a teary-eyed look. “But….”

Sunset turned her gaze away. “I don’t belong here, anyway,” she said softly. “At this point, I’ve just decided to wait until the portal reopens, and go back to Equestria. Thanks for trying though.” Without another word, Sunset took her arm back from Pinkie and left the room, leaving the pink haired girl alone and sad.

Author's Note:

Jeez it's been too long. Sorry about the wait. Thanks for staying with me through it. And if you're confused about the blog post, you obviously didn't read the entire thing.
Please point out ze typos, thank you.
Edit: Woot Re-featured!