• Published 13th Jul 2014
  • 10,639 Views, 490 Comments

Mutual Interests - Spirit Shift

After the events of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer has become a solitary recluse due to the entire town hating her. Can the girls bring her out of her shell enough to make amends with the town?

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CH12: What is there to really doubt anymore?


Sunset Shimmer’s eyes opened wide at the sound of someone calling her name. She immediately began to look around and found that the only thing surrounding her was a blank expanse of darkness. Hesitantly, she took a step forward. When her foot hit the ground, a small ripple spread out across the invisible surface that she stood on and her reflection suddenly appeared below her. Sunset glanced down and took a look at her reflection. Once she made eye contact with herself, her reflection’s face began to contort into an expression of horror and fear before disappearing altogether.

Confused, Sunset took another step and caused another ripple. However, no reflection appeared this time. Holding herself nervously, Sunset took one last look around before reluctantly walking forward.

As she walked, Sunset began to call out for the one who called her name. Though try as she might, no one answered her call. She was alone in this dark world.

Soon, Sunset’s cries began to sound more and more desperate. She started running through the darkness. She needed to find someone. No longer did she call for the specific voice to answer her. She called for people by name. Rarity. Rainbow Dash. Coco. She even called for Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack. She wanted anyone who would speak to her.

After minutes of shouting and running with no response, Sunset fell to her knees in despair. Another ripple waved through the ground as her knees hit it. Weakly, she called out for anyone. At this point, she didn't care who it was, she just didn't want to be alone any longer.

A single tear fell from her face. As it hit the ground her reflection returned. No longer did it look fearful of her. Instead, it had a blank look of no emotion. Sunset stared at her reflection for a long time without saying anything. Until finally, the reflection raised its arm and pointed forwards. Slowly, Sunset followed its gesture to see a lone figure standing in the distance.

Shocked and excited to see another living being, Sunset bolted off of the ground and ran towards the figure with renewed energy. Even though she called for their attention, they did not respond. From what she could see, it was a boy whose back was turned to her. Though to Sunset, it didn't matter who it was. At least she wasn't alone anymore.

Finally, after a few minutes of further running, Sunset made it to the boy. Up close she noticed that he had blue hair and a leather jacket on. He seemed familiar somehow. She asked who he was, but he did not answer. When she tried to move to his front, he turned away, apparently intent on not facing her. Gently, she sat her hand on his shoulder to further attract his attention. He was still unresponsive.

Finally, she grabbed both of his shoulders and turned him entirely around. Immediately, she recoiled from the sight. Standing in front of her was none other than Flash Sentry. However, something was wrong. He was different. His eyes were glowing a sickly green color and he was hunched over in a frail zombified pose. Around his head sat a nearly invisible dark ring.

Sunset stuttered nonsense as she fearfully backed away. She knew what this was. She knew why he looked the way he did.


Sunset froze. There was the voice again. She looked around, frantically wondering where it came from.

“Why are you afraid?”

Her head ceased in its searching. There was only one place it could have come from. Angling her head down, Sunset gaped at her own reflection as it stared back at her in confusion. She was about to say something when something touched her back. Jumping forward, she realized that there was now another mind-controlled student behind her.

“Why are you moving away?” her reflection asked.

Sunset told her why. She told her that this isn't what she meant. Suddenly, two more zombified students walked into her vision from thin air. They began crowding around Sunset as she tried to run away. Turning, she ran back through the darkness.

Her reflection kept up with her, never moving by itself though. Its expression turned from confusion to anger. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” it asked, irritation evident in its tone. “You didn't want to be alone anymore so you made some friends.”

Sunset argued that these weren't her friends. More and more students appeared before her. Soon she had to stop running when they blocked off her path, forcing her to run in a different direction.

“Of course they are,” the reflection continued to reason. “Obviously, no one wants to be your friend. So you just had to force them. It’s not your fault. It’s theirs.”

Sunset argued that there were some people who wanted to be her friend. In a frail voice, she muttered three names.

Her reflection scoffed and scowled deeply at her. Its teeth were sharp and menacing now. “Them? They don’t honestly wanna be your friend. They just want to keep an eye on you so you don’t go crazy again. It’s as simple as that. Plus, that other girl, she wouldn’t even want to be near you if she found out what you did. If she found out the truth, she would hate you like all of the others.”

Sunset closed her eyes and yelled at her reflection to stop talking. During her outburst, one student grabbed her from behind and dragged her back. Falling on her butt, Sunset realized that she was surrounded by the people she used to control. Below her, Sunset’s reflection looked up at her with complete contempt.

“Who needs friends when you can have slaves anyway? They’re much better. They were willing to go to Equestria and fight for you! How’s that for loyalty?” it bragged.

As Sunset pushed them off, she argued that she didn't want that anymore. She argued that she had changed.

Her reflection simply laughed at her. “Changed? How could you have changed? You’re still controlling people, even if you don’t know it! You can never change who you are!”

Sunset screamed as the amount of students overwhelmed her and her vision began to blur.


“Rainbow Dash!”

Turning around, Rainbow Dash saw a familiar girl walking up to her. “‘Sup,” Rainbow greeted. Both of them appeared to be on their way to meet Sunset in the library. Once Coco caught up, they continued to walk towards their destination while making short conversation. “How’s CHS working for you? You getting settled in yet?”

Coco Pommel fidgeted with her bags slightly. “It’s alright. It’s very different than my old school.”

Rainbow glanced at her curiously; her stride relaxed and moderately paced for once. “Really? Like how?”

“Well,” Coco began to recall a few events that happened earlier. “There seems to be a lot of clubs in this school, but I don’t see anyone recruiting.”

“Oh, well if it's the middle of the year people usually go looking for themselves,” she answered. “If you can’t find one that you’re into you just make one.”

“Are you in any clubs?” Coco asked as they turned the corner. “And what about the others?”

Rainbow gave her a smug smirk. “I’m in a few sports clubs, but most of them don’t operate during this time of year. Pinkie Pie made the party club. Rarity’s the president of the sewing club. Actually, speaking of Rarity, have you seen her at all today?” When Coco reluctantly shook her head, Rainbow simply shrugged and continued listing off her other friends’ interests. “Fluttershy’s a part of the eco-whatever club, and Applejack’s a founding member of the going home club,” she smirked.

Coco gave her a curious look. Coming up on the library she graciously held the door open. “The going home club?”

Rainbow nodded thanks and walked inside. “That’s what she calls it. Basically, if she isn't hanging with us, she just goes home every day to help on her family’s farm. You would not believe the number of clubs people want her to be in. Seriously, she’s crazy athletic.”

Coco chuckled softly. “More athletic than you?”

“Whoa,” stepping in front of her, Rainbow gave Coco a playful grin and gestured to herself. “Let’s not get crazy. I’m still way cooler than her.”

Coco smiled teasingly as she walked past her, almost to Sunset’s corner. “Alright then. Rarity told me about the time… when....”

Rainbow noticed how she trailed off and rushed to check out what caused it. “Oh, she’s not here yet,” she observed. “Weird. Oh well, I guess we’re probably just early.”

Coco put a hand to her mouth and gasped. “No, that’s not it. Look.” She pointed to the various markings that littered the entirety of the table.

Rainbow looked at them with a disinterested expression. “Huh, never noticed those. What about them?”

Coco leaned close to the table and began to read some of them. “Go away, demon witch. Why aren't you in jail? You suck. I hate you. I hate you. Go back to where you came from.” Coco turned back to Rainbow who had a visibly disturbed look on her face. “And those are the more… tame ones. What did Sunset do?”

Rainbow opened her mouth, but another voice sounded out behind her, “What are you two staring at?” Both of them turned to see Sunset standing at the corner. Coco and Rainbow glanced awkwardly at one another before hesitantly stepping aside. Sunset raised an eyebrow and stepped between them. Looking down, she smirked at the writings on the table. “Oh hey, there’s some new ones today.”

Confused, Coco sent another glance at the girl next to her as they both wordlessly questioned Sunset’s attitude. While Sunset sat down and opened her backpack, Coco nervously walked up to her. “Sunset,” she said, getting her attention. “Wouldn’t you rather sit at a different table?”

“Yeah, I can go grab one,” Rainbow added. “There aren't many people here today, and I don’t think Cheerilee would care.”

Sunset shook her head sadly. “No, it’s fine. Whatever table I get would just get written on all over again. Plus,” she traced her fingers over the various scratches and marks on her table, “it’s a good visual reminder.” Sunset went quiet for a second before turning an annoyed glare back to Coco and Rainbow. “Anyway, are you two here to bother me again today? I don’t need you two here with me everyday you know.”

“Whatever. You know you love us,” Rainbow shot back as she took a seat in her usual spot across from Sunset.

Sunset scoffed and brought her backpack down on the table. “I’d really prefer it if I were alone,” she muttered.

Unsure of what to do, Coco also sat down and reached into her backpack. Yesterday, Rainbow Dash took her back to the bookstore to get books one, two, and three to go with her fourth. Though there was a fierce battle over who would pay for them, Rainbow Dash eventually won out due to her more abrasive personality. Apparently, she didn't like hand outs, but she loved giving them.

However, as she was taking her book out, Coco noticed that Sunset was pulling out a variety of papers and things. “What’s that?” she asked.

Sunset glanced up at her but continued to bring out things from her bag. “My homework,” she huffed, her tone aggressive and irritated. “I may be ostracized but at least I wasn't expelled. I still have to do it.”

Coco noticed the girl’s change in tone and began to get worried. “Sunset, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Sunset answered.

Rainbow Dash gave her a weird look. “You sure? You’re sounding kinda… past you-ish.”

Sunset nearly yelled at them in response. “I said, I’m fine!” She paused when she realized that both of them were leaning back in surprise. Coco was even looking a bit fearful of her. Seeing them like that instantly brought up some bad memories that causing her head to throb even worse. “I’m sorry I yelled,” she said, “I haven't been sleeping right lately and I have a headache for some reason. I’m just really irritated right now.” Tired, Sunset leaned forwards and sat her head in her hands. “Like I said, you guys should just leave me alone today.”

Coco’s expression changed from fear back to concern as she sat a gentle hand on Sunset’s back. Looking at her closely, Coco finally noticed the bags and redness in Sunset’s face. “It’s alright. We understand. Maybe you should get something to eat. Or maybe just go home and fall asleep?”

Sunset shook her head tiredly. “No, I have to finish this homework. I’m trying to lie low, and bringing any bad attention to myself is pretty much the opposite of that. Why do you think I’m always here everyday?”

Rainbow scoffed and shrugged. “Is that it? I was starting to think that you actually lived here or something.”

Sunset deadpanned. “No, that’s stupid. Anyway, don’t you two have homework that you need to do?”

“Nahh,” Rainbow scoffed and waved her off. “I rarely do any of my homework. You can still pass with a C if you don’t do any.”

Coco gasped in surprise, “Rainbow. That’s a horrible attitude to have.”

Rainbow Dash’s face puffed out with barely contained laughter as she leaned forward on the table. “Did you know that Fluttershy said that exact same thing the exact same way? I swear you two could be sisters!” Rainbow said, trying to hold back her laughter.

Coco pouted and reached into her bag while Sunset began answering questions on her worksheet. “Well, I do have homework,” said Coco, “but I usually wait until I’m home before I do it.” Suddenly, her face lit up in excitement. “Oh, I know. We should all go to my house and have a study session. I’ve always wanted a study session with friends.”

Sunset simply continued to scratch answers on her paper. “You two can do it. I’m fine.”

Rainbow gave her a dirty look before smirking. Reaching into her backpack, Rainbow pulled out a chocolate bar and handed it to the irritated girl in front of her. “Sunset, eat a Snickers. You’re... well you, when you’re hungry.”

Despite herself, Sunset gave a small grin as she grabbed the candy bar and bit into it. “Thanks, Skittles. But I’m still not going to her stupid sleepover,” she shot back.

“Umm, It doesn't have to end in a sleepover,” Coco weakly added. Though she wouldn't be at all upset of it did.

“Come on,” Rainbow urged. “We could grab some hot dogs on the way over there. I bet I know what you like on yours.” Rainbow reached over and flicked a lock of Sunset’s hair.

Sunset gently slapped her arm away. “I’m a vegetarian. Plus, I don’t feel like watching you try to run down the street and trip, Rainbow Crash.”

Rainbow continued to smile at her, although the strain was very noticeable. “Well maybe we can stop by the arts and crafts store and get some stuff for the shiny dress Rarity made for you, Sunset Glitter.”

Coco simply sat back and watched as the two traded not-so-friendly jabs at one another. Even though she laughed at the first few, she was slowly beginning to get concerned over the severity of the name-calling. Completely unaware of what to do in this situation, she simply began reading her new book.

Author's Note:

Those jokes were bad and I feel bad for laughing at them. No editor today 'cuz Ers is crazy busy. In the meantime would you guys please point out any typos you find? You'll get a handsome reward.