• Published 13th Jul 2014
  • 10,639 Views, 490 Comments

Mutual Interests - Spirit Shift

After the events of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer has become a solitary recluse due to the entire town hating her. Can the girls bring her out of her shell enough to make amends with the town?

  • ...

CH5: Okay, this is bad. But we can make it work.

Sunset thankfully woke up the same way she usually did, with her eyes slowly opening to reveal the same bright blue ceiling that she was so very used to. Seeing as how it was one of those times where she had just lain down, blinked and it was the next day, she assumed that she didn't have any dreams once again. Which, in her opinion, was a good thing. Anything was better than the one dream that she could have had… if anyone could even call that a dream.

Groggily, she sat up, wiped the disgusting crust out of her eyes, man how she hated eye crust, and made her way to the bathroom to continue her morning routine. As always, she quickly thanked whatever princess this world had, that this house still had both running water and electricity. About an hour later she came out of the bathroom fully dressed and clean as a whistle. Like usual she had no plans, so she supposed that she’d just go to Rarity’s place again.

Despite herself, she gave a small smile at the thought. Inside, she couldn't deny that even though the two didn't have much to do in the way of conversation, it was nice to just be in each other’s presence. It made her feel like, for once since the incident, she wasn't alone in the world.

She briefly thought back on the times when Applejack and, what’s-her-name… Fluttershy. To when those two invited her out. Simply put, it was awkward, and she couldn't really relax due to the fact that she could pretty much tell that that they were still either afraid of her, or distrustful in some way.

“I guess I can smell fear now,” she thought bitterly. But with Rarity, it was different, she didn't distrust her, or was secretly afraid of her. It seemed that she really wanted to be friends… and maybe they could be. Looking down at her phone she gasped at the time. “Oh crap, it’s almost 4pm!” she exclaimed. Quickly, she grabbed a book at random from a nearby Daring Do shelf and ran out the door. Glancing back briefly at the empty home that had sheltered her for a little over three years since she came to this world. Even after three years, Sunset still couldn't believe her luck. It wasn't run down, in a bad neighborhood, boarded up, or anything, and for some reason, no one ever came looking to buy it. She just wondered how long this good fortune would last her.

“Just a little longer I hope…”


Sunset stared dumbfoundedly, eyebrow raised in confusion. She had just opened Rarity’s door, and the first thing she saw, was said girl jumping around in a circle with another girl tightly wrapped in her arms, both of them, cheering and laughing about something. Sunset thought that there might have been a few words somewhere, but they were drowned out by the screams of delight. Her ears having reached their limit, she quickly made herself known.

“Rarity if you don’t stop screaming right now, I swear I will hide one of Snail’s disgusting socks somewhere in your house, and I won't tell you where it is!” she screamed above the noise.

The effect was immediate, Rarity shivered in disgust so badly that the shiver passed through the girl she was holding, causing them both to vibrate. Rarity immediately turned to Sunset and scowled.

“Don’t! You! Dare!” she warned.

“Now that you’re done shrieking like a banshee, I won’t have to…” she thought for a second, “well… maybe as a practical joke or something,” she mumbled.

Rarity continued to glare at Sunset, only to get a sly smirk in response. “Nevertheless, Sunset I would like for you to meet one of my old friends,” she said, excitedly pushing the girl forward. “This is Coco Pommel! She’s just returned from her stay in Manehatten.”

“H-Hi,” she said shyly. Sunset looked her up and down. She was definitely smaller and younger than her by at least a year or two, She had two tone light blue and white hair that was cut just above her shoulder, and wore what looked like a middle school uniform. Made evident by the tan polo shirt and red tie that she wore as well as the red bag that was slung diagonally around her shoulder. Sunset noticed that she was shrinking back under her gaze, gradually becoming more and more withdrawn.

Sunset looked away and nervously tried to ease the girl's tension. “So uh, exactly how long were you away.”

“Um, about three years or so, I think in another few months, it would've been four.”

“So I guess you don’t know about my… episode.”

Coco merely tilted her head in confusion before being directed away from Sunset. “Darling, could you be a dear and go fetch some of my designs, they’re upstairs in my work room, you remember the way, correct?”

Coco nodded before heading off to do as she asked. Seeing that she was gone, Rarity moved over and began to whisper to Sunset. “She doesn't know anything about what happened, and I intend to keep it that way for now. Though not as bad as Fluttershy, she’s still shy and somewhat easily frightened.

Sunset nodded in understanding, as she too didn't want yet another person disliking her. Much less one who wasn't even in the city when it happened. “So what was with the dance routine a little while ago.”

“Oh,” she blushed slightly, “that was just us getting a little excited over some good news.”

“Which was?”

“Well, first of all, Coco brought back some absolutely gorgeous rolls of fabric from Manehatten that she has agreed to help incorporate into your dress, secondly she agreed to help with the final design.”

“So what you showed me the other day wasn't the final design?” she said, slightly shocked that such a beautiful design wasn't even the complete product.

“Oh, good heavens no, that was just the final rough draft, and now that Coco’s here, it’s not even that anymore.”

“I see.”

“But the thing that we were most excited about, was the fact that Coco said that this time, she’s staying in this town, with us, and what’s more, is that she’ll begin attendance at Canterlot High!” she exclaimed, almost bouncing in excitement.

“Great…” she droned, not understanding what the fuss was about. It was just another student.

Coco came back downstairs and held out the old designs. “I’ve got the designs, Rarity.”

“Perfect, thank you! Now, let’s begin. Are you ready?”

Coco nodded happily before glancing over nervously at Sunset.

“It’s cool, don’t worry about me. I’ll just be over here reading like usual.” She turned and walked to her normal seat. “Call me if you need whatever.”

The two girls quickly began their work. What used to be a silent endeavor, was now a fierce discussion about every tiny detail.

“What sort of stitch do you think should be used here?”

“Isn't that a bit too short?”

“What would happen if we did this?”

“No, I don’t think that would work.

“Which color?”

“By the way, Rarity, I saw this book called 50 Shades of Grey in your work room. I didn't know there were so many shades of one color! Can I borrow it sometime?”


“Did you catch the-”

“Oh I loved the part when-”

It just went on and on like this for hours. Sunset surprisingly didn't feel annoyed at the constant chatter, but rather, she felt left out. She tried repeatedly to throw herself into her book, but every time, something that Coco said, or the sound of one of them laughing, would snap her back. What was worse, was that even if she did try to join in, there was no way that she could. She didn't know the first thing about fashion, or however many shades a color has. It slowly dawned on her that this might be the reason that Rarity was so excited that Coco Pommel was staying. Now Rarity had a friend who knew the same things that she did… someone who could hold actual conversations with, without fear of overwhelming them with a singular topic.

“So that’s what a real friend is like…” she mumbled.

Rarity turned back to her. “Hm, did you say something, darling?”

Sunset looked up at the clock that hung on Rarity’s wall. “Only 7, a little early, but that’s fine,” she thought. “Nothing, it’s about time for me to go, can’t stay out too late or my parents will worry.”

“Yes… I’ve been meaning to ask you. You’re not…” she glanced at Coco, “from around here… Where do you live, exactly?”

“Wh-why do you want to know!?”

Rarity flinched back at Sunset’s defensive tone. “I’m just curious, and slightly worried. I mean what if I need to meet you at home or come find you?”

“I’m not living in the dumps if that’s what you mean!”

“I didn’t say that. And trust me, darling, if you were living anywhere without running water, I would know.”

“Then it’s settled. Whenever you need to find me, you have my number.”

“Wait… I-” The sound of Sunset marching right out the door and closing it firmly behind her cut Rarity off. “I don’t have your number…” Rarity sighed before turning back to Coco, who simply watched the discussion with practiced silence. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Coco shook her head. “No, it’s alright. I’d be worried too if I didn't know where one my friends lived. What if they were injured, and you didn't know who to contact. Or… or what if she was kidnapped!?"

Rarity chuckled at bit at her friend’s paranoia. “That’s why we’re doing this. It’s my goal to get her to open up to others, and hopefully, for them to forgive her.”

“Why? What did she do?”

“She made a few… mistakes. Mistakes that, even though she regrets, she’s still paying the price for. I know that Sunset’s truly sorry for what she’s done, I can see it in her eyes everytime I look at her. So I’m hoping that, if she competes fairly in this fashion show, people might see her in a new light. At least, that’s what I hope will happen.” Rarity felt Coco touch her shoulder, looking up she saw her comforting smile.

“I know that it’ll work!” she said encouragingly.


The instant Sunset got home, she ran to her room on the first floor and flopped on her bed. She wasn't sad, or angry or frustrated, in truth, she didn't know what she was feeling, but whatever it was, it was bothering her horribly. She groaned slightly into her pillow as she felt herself being taken by the lull of sleep.

A few hours later, Sunset was awoken by a decidedly unfamiliar sound. The sound of her front door opening a second time. Despite having just woken from her nap, Sunset was instantly alert. She had made several plans for this particular situation. One plan was for her to just pretend that the home belonged to her, though that wouldn't work if the intruder was the real owner, or from a home dealership. Another told her to attack the intruder, but she had long since discarded that one. And a third told her to just take off. But having lived here undeterred for a few years, she had grown comfortable and complacent. Her stuff was spread out and littered across half the house, she’d be far too easy to track. One look at her phone told her that it was too late in the night for a few of her other plans. So that left one option with an actual chance of success, she’d have to pretend that the place belonged to her.

Getting up, she straightened up her hair and clothes, and confidently walked out of her room. “Who’s there!” she demanded. She heard a small noise and what sounded like something falling. She picked up her pace, if it was an intruder she could bring back out her attack plan. She stopped at the end of the hallway leading from her bedroom to the front door, when she realized that all of the lights were still out. Though it made sense, seeing as she pretty much just went straight for her room.

Why hasn't he hit the lights? "That settles it, only a thief would show up at night and steal in the dark,” she muttered quietly. Cracking her knuckles she strode out of the hallway and into the darkness.

She was immediately attacked from behind. Startled, Sunset immediately struggled to get herself free. Unfortunately, it was quickly made apparent that whomever the attacker was, they were strong. They tumbled and struggled for a time, constantly knocking things over. Sunset eventually grew tired, and pushed the attacker off. She was breathing heavily, but it seemed that the still hidden attacker hadn't even broken a sweat.

Sunset put all of her remaining energy into a punch, hoping that it would connect. But unfortunately, the assailant merely dodged the punch, took the outstretched arm, pulled Sunset forward and pushed her down to the ground on her chest. Before Sunset could recover, the surprisingly skillful attacker sat on her, and pinned both of her arms behind her back. Sunset struggled, but between her lack of energy and the other person’s surprising strength, she knew that the fight was over.

“Dammit,” she cursed. “Who the hell are you, and why are you in my house?”

“B-but this is my house!” the surprisingly girlish sounding assailant replied. “Oh, hold on.”

Sunset’s eyes shrank when she felt her whole body being lifted up and pulled over to the nearby light switch. Once the light was on Sunset heard a gasp just before she fell on her butt, her arms free. Turning around she saw the short slender figure of the girl she had just met earlier that day. Coco Pommel stood by the light switch, totally in shock.

There was silence for a time as the two girls merely stared at each other. Finally, Sunset coughed awkwardly and said, “Well… this is awkward.”

“Ohmygosh I am sooooo sorry,” she began sputtering out, tears building in the corners of her eyes, “I heard someone call out to me but this house was supposed to be empty and I heard knuckles cracking and I got scared so my training kicked in I didn't mean to hurt one of Rarity’s friends I don’t really have any and I really don’t want her to hate me and I’m sosososossosososo-”

Sunset got up, dusted herself off and pinched Coco’s lips, stopping the Pinkie Pie-like onslaught of explanations. “It’s cool, really.”

“Sowwy,” she got out, looking down with tears still present.

Sunset sighed and let go of the girl's lips, hardly able to believe that she had just lost a fight with this girl. It almost felt like losing to Fluttershy… if she was some sort of bear wrestler. Now her wrists and her back hurt. “You wanna get something to drink in the kitchen?” she asked.

Coco didn't meet her eyes but nodded anyway.

After making their way to the kitchen, grabbing a soda, and brewing up some calming tea. Sunset could see that the girl had calmed down sufficiently.

“So,” she began, “this is your house?”

Coco nodded. “Yes… at least, I’m pretty sure this is the address and the key I was given worked just fine. So this should be it, but why are you here?”

Sunset mentally debated on telling her the truth, but decided against such an action. “I’ve been crashing here for the last few years. I had hoped to stay for at least one more before I head home.

“Where are your parents?”

“Where are yours?”

Coco flinched, Sunset didn't just dodge the question, she went right through it. “M-my parents are back in Manehatten. They really didn't want to leave their well paying jobs, I guess,” she answered sadly. “I wanted to come back, and they trusted me to be responsible, so they bought me this house as part of an arrangement.”

“What arrangement?”

Coco took a small sip before continuing. “If I could complete both my school work, and my extra courses with high honors, they’d let me come back and live on my own.

“You’ve finished middle school?”

She nodded happily.

“You know that Canterlot high is an elevator school right? You could've come back before now.”

She shook her head. “No, I was already enrolled in the Manehatten school when we made the deal, I had to do it there.”

“I see, well one more question. Where’d you learn to fight like that? It was amazing.”

Coco looked confused for a few seconds before her face lit up pink and her head dropped in embarrassment. “O-oh, -um, i-in, y-you. D-do you really think so?” she finally answered.

“Of course, I was completely outclassed!” Sad but true.

“We-well, in a big city like Manehatten you have to learn how to protect yourself, and well…”

“You took combat classes.”

She nodded, embarrassed.

“Hm, interesting. Welp,” she said, finishing her soda and standing up, “I guess that’s my cue. I’ll be out of your hair once I gather my stuff.”

“What? But where will you go?”

Sunset stretched to work the kinks out of her body. “No, clue.”

“Do you have friends to room with?”

Sunset stopped stretching. “...I don’t have any friends?”

“Well… do you want to stay here?”


“I mean, we could be roommates. I’m an only child, so I’ve never had one before. It could be fun.”

“No thanks.”


“I said, it’s fine. This is your house, I’ll find someplace else,” she said, walking to gather her things.

Coco looked back and forth between her and the table. Quickly she gulped the rest of her still hot tea, and took off after her. By the time she reached Sunset, she was already packing her things. Coco began to panic, she couldn't just let her leave when she had nowhere to go. Finally, an idea sprung in her head.



“You can’t leave yet!”

“Why not?”

“Because, it’s the middle of the night. If I learned anything, it’s that cities, even small towns like this, are always dangerous at night.”

“Hmm, that is true.”

“So please, just stay the night.”

Sunset thought about it, briefly glancing out the window. “I guess you’re right. I’ll leave at sunrise.”

Coco let out a small sigh of relief. She really didn't want Sunset to leave without knowing where she would go. This way, she had more time to convince her.


The very next day, Coco stood in the exact same spot in the doorway that she stood in before, though now, her face was almost the exact opposite of how it was. She looked around the perfectly clean room, the bed was made up, all the clothes were gone, the room was clean, and there was a small note on the bed.

“I didn't think that she would leave literally at sunrise,” she thought. Moving over to pick up the note, it read.

Dear Coco Pomegranate (Sorry, I forgot your last name)

Thank you for letting me use this home for the last three years, but I can see that it’s time to move on. I’ll go out and find a suitable new place to live. Don’t worry, it won’t be in the dumps, I do have standards for my living place. I won’t be here much longer anyway; but while I am here, please don’t tell anyone about my living situation, especially Rarity. She’ll just butt in with the rest of her annoying friends.

~Sunset Shimmer

Author's Note:

I hate those eye crust thingies you get when you wake up. Was the bane of my childhood. Also Yay for Coco Pommel!
Please point out any of the many horrible errors we must have missed.