• Published 13th Jul 2014
  • 10,639 Views, 490 Comments

Mutual Interests - Spirit Shift

After the events of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer has become a solitary recluse due to the entire town hating her. Can the girls bring her out of her shell enough to make amends with the town?

  • ...

CH7: Something doesn't feel right here.

Sunset’s gaze drifted lazily from one end of Rarity’s shop to the other. “So… got any brothers or sisters?” she droned, desperately trying to ignore the growing tiredness of her legs. Standing on a raised platform for a long time would do that.

“Uhuh,” Rarity answered automatically. She leaned down and examined the hem line of Sunset's dress.

“Read any good books lately?” Sunset continued.


“Wanna recommend some good shows on T.V.?”


“I see." Sunset rolled her eyes. "What’s your favorite kind of soap?”

“Uhuh.” Rarity moved around and examined the back of the dress. Apparently noticing something out of place she grimaced.

“Interesting. I heard that you write fanfiction about your friends. Can I read some?”

“Uhuh.” Rarity stopped for a second and looked up curiously. “Wait, how did you--”

Sunset craned her head to looked down at her with a cheeky grin, “Oh look who’s awake. Good morning,” she said cheerfully.

Rarity frowned. “Sunset, please. I don’t mind polite conversation while I work, but--”

“Sorry, I tried polite conversation about 30 minutes ago. It failed horribly since ‘uhuh’ isn't really a useful topic of pleasant discussion.”

“Well excuse me if I have the pressing need to make sure your dress is absolutely perfect,” she whined.

Sunset deadpanned down at her. “Rarity, you called me down here at five in the morning. It’s eight now. You’ve been messing around with the dress for three straight hours! It’s fine!”

“No it’s nooooot!” she whined. Her voice seemed to be climbing higher in pitch. “The hemlines are at least 3 centimeters away from where I need them to be. The midsection does not blend the colors correctly, I can’t seem to find the mask that goes with this dress, and I am certain that a few stars are missing from the back!”

“Rarity…” she groaned, “it’s fine. Everything is perfect. When is the rehearsal? I don’t want to be late after you dragged me this far simply because you’re too OCD to let this go.”

“The first three rehearsals will be held after school at three o'clock starting this afternoon with the final one being held on Saturday at noon. The actual show will begin on Sunday at noon as well. So we must arrive at least 2-3 hours earlier than that. Participants must show up on time and prepared. The first two days will be the meeting of the contestants, the next two will be the meeting of the stylists. If you don’t have a personal one they will have one assigned to you,” she said, almost as if she were reading right off the paper.

Sunset nodded and moved behind the curtain to remove her dress. “Alright, so we have some time then. Got anything you want to do to kill some of it?”

Before Rarity could get a word out Sunset held up a hand, “Other than messing with the dress?”

Rarity sulked slightly before perking back up, “Well, I am quite famished.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Can’t imagine why…”

“I know just the thing! We’ll go out to breakfast. I’ll call up Coco and we’ll all go out to eat,” she squealed.

Sunset flinched, there were a few things wrong with that idea. Most notably the thought of her going out in public. Even if there weren't any outright name calling, Sunset didn't feel like she could deal with the constant glares and hushed insults that she was sure existed. “No… I don’t think I’ll be able to do that. How about something else?”

Rarity looked slightly disappointed. “Alright. How about we all have breakfast here then?”

Sunset thought on it. For some reason the thought of Coco coming over didn't sit well with her. “That’s better. I guess.” It also didn't help that every time Coco and Rarity went off on a tangent without her, Sunset got this really weird feeling. She didn't know what it was but she definitely didn't like it.

“Perfect. I’ll give Coco a ring immediately!” Rarity moved to the other side of the room and took out her cell phone. “I would call the other girls but they told me before hand that they’re busy today. Shame. Oh! Good morning! I wanted to know if you would like to have breakfast with us this morning. Really? Yes, Sunset is already here… How long have we been up? I don’t see how that’s important. Wonderful!”

Rarity hung up her phone. “She’s on her way. Apparently, she had just finished making her own food.”

“So did she eat?” asked Sunset, silently hoping that a yes would result in the girl staying at her own house.

“Partly. It was only a small bowl a cereal. She said that she’ll still come eat with us.”

“Alright then," she sighed. "Hey, can you turn the heat up, it’s getting cold in here.”

Rarity giggled, “Yes, that sounds about right. Winter’s knocking on our doors after all. We may not get a lot of snow here until late in the season but we certainly do feel the cold.” She went over to her thermostat and turned the dial up slightly. The entire room warmed up instantly.

Rarity turned and headed toward her kitchen. “I’ll go prepare us something to eat.”

Sunset sat in a nearby chair and cracked open her book. “Have fun.”

Several minutes of quiet reading later there was a light knock at the door. With a cheery "I'l get it!" Rarity quickly opened the door and ushered Coco into the warmer environment. “Welcome!" greeted Rarity, "I hope the chilly whether didn't bother you.”

Coco smiled and took off her red jacket. “Oh no don’t worry. Manehatten gets much colder earlier in the year. I’m used to it.”

“Lucky you,” Sunset muttered, not looking away from her novel.

“You just sit tight," said Rarity as she ran back into her kitchen. "I’m almost finished.”

“Would you like some help?” Coco asked, more than ready to hop into the room with her and assist.

Rarity turned back to her with a shocked, almost offended expression. “Absolutely not! A good host does not allow her guest to work. Now you stay here and talk to Sunset. I’ll be right back.”

Obediently, Coco sat down and watched Rarity walk off. Coco fidgeted, not having anything to do left her feeling restless. She looked toward Sunset, sitting motionlessly and reading. “Umm, hi.”

Sunset did not turn around to face her. "Sup.”

“What are you reading?” Coco wondered, looking down at the book that Sunset seemed so interested in.

“Daring Do and the Spirit Amulet,” she answered instantly.

“Oh really? What’s it about?”

For once Sunset managed to crack a smile. “It’s the second in a set of books about Daring Do and the mysteries surrounding this kid named Spirit Shift. Personally, I’m liking this arc so far.”

“Sound’s interesting," Coo smiled bashfully. "I’ve never read any of the Daring Do books before.”

Sunset turned to face her with a look of complete shock. “You haven't? What’s wrong with you?!”

Coco flinched, but immediately apologized. “I’m sorry! I bearly had time to read anything past instruction manuals and learning material. I only had maybe a few other kinds of books.”

Sunset still gave her an odd look but accepted the apology nonetheless. “It’s alright," she sighed. Sunset turned her back to Coco and continued reading. "You should really read it sometime. All of the books are really good; my favorites actually.”

Coco fidgeted nervously, clearly hesitant on asking her next question. After a few seconds of silance she mustered up the courage to finally ask. “Can I borrow one sometime?”

Sunset glanced back at her, her eyes seemingly examined her trustworthiness. Eventually she simply shrugged and turned away. “I only have the one with me and I’m not done with it yet. The new one’s coming out soon and I need to finish this one.”

Sunset went back to being immersed in her reading and Coco struggled to try and think up a new conversation topic. She didn't want to bring up Sunset’s living situation, nor did she want to say anything offensive. So she decided to bring up another curious topic. "Excuse me, Sunset?” Sunset hummed in response. “I was walking home the other day and I head a few girls talking.”

Sunset began turning a page. “Pointless gossip probably.”

Coco Pommel fidgeted some more. Although, this time, it wasn't from restlessness. “They were talking about you….”

The page that Sunset was turning at the moment ripped slightly, causing Coco herself to flinch in return. Sunset continued to turn the page as if she didn't even notice the tear. “Oh really? What about?”

Coco briefly entertained the notion of dropping the topic. “I know it’s rude to eavesdrop but it sounded like they didn't like the fact that you entered the contest.”

“Not surprising,” she answered monotonically.

“They were saying really mean things about you. I didn't hear all of it but one of them said something about you being a demon and a cheater.”

Sunset chuckled a bit, still faced away from Coco. “See?" she muttered darkly. "Just stupid gossip and rumors.”

Coco craned her head to look at her directly. “Are you sure? Why would they say such mean things about you?”

“I don’t know. Jealously? Resentment? Who knows?” she shrugged.

“I still don’t think you deserve it,” Coco mumbled.

Silence once again reigned supreme for a few more minutes. Wondrous smells emanated from the kitchen as Rarity continued to cook. Stomachs rumbled hungrily for the food that was just in the other room, angry that they were forced to wait until they could be satisfied.

Still bored, Coco tried for one last shot at conversation. “So… do you have any brothers or sisters?”


Breakfast went smoothly, Rarity made pancakes, omelettes, and other breakfast type things. She even fixed a few things meant to represent lunch since she ended up considering this event to be more ‘brunch-like’ considering what time it was. The only downside was the lack of constant conversation between the girls. Time passed slowly, but eventually, the group left and headed to the pageant rehearsal.

Sunset moved alongside Rarity and Coco through the open city streets. Even though she tried to tune them out, she could still hear the onlookers' hushed whispers about her. “Look there's the she-demon of Canterlot High,” she could imagine them saying. Before she knew it, Sunset had begun distancing herself from the girls, letting them walk on ahead.


“Well, this is odd,” said Rarity as she took another look around the stage. Checking her watch she noted that it was now 30 minutes past time for rehearsal to begin. However, looking out on stage from her seat, she could see that out of the projected 85 signatures, only about 40 actually arrived. She glanced nervously over at Hot Topic who sat next to her, an unidentifiable look on her face.

Her Aunt, stylish and hip as always, wore casual clothes so well that even someone ten years younger than her would have to admit looked nice on her. While most adults who wore teenage clothes would just embarrass themselves, Hot Topic always somehow made it look cooler than the kids they were designed for. Don’t let her young looks fool you; from tank tops to dresses, she was an expert in all things fashion. Rarity secretly hoped to be like her someday, but right now, she was barely holding her own nerves in check.

“I-I’m sure the rest will show up… eventually,” Rarity assured.

“It doesn't matter, we’ll continue regardless. However, the others will be disqualified if they do not show up by the final rehearsal.”

“Well… I suppose that’s fair.”

Hot Topic leaned over and whispered in her niece’s ear, “Between you and me I feel better working with a smaller group anyway,” she smiled. Her joke managed to ease Rarity’s nerves somewhat.

Up on-stage, Sunset glanced nervously at the girls lined up next to her. Just about everywhere she looked, someone was staring at her. It didn't help that even though it didn't look like it, it definitely felt like just a bit more space was between her and the girls on both sides than the space separating everyone else.

"Whatever!” she thought. “They’re just people. Mean looks and hushed whispers won't hurt me. Not like I’ve been jumped yet. Let’s try and focus on something else…” Sunset began looking around. Her eyes found Coco Pommel who stood behind the curtain at the edge of the stage, peeking her head out and probably thinking the same thing she was: “I wonder why this is taking so long. I feel like we’ve been standing here for an hour. Aren't we supposed to be strutting, or posing... or something at least?”

Hot Topic stood up and clapped loudly to get everyone's attention, “You, and you! Stand up straight!” she yelled at two of the girls who were leaning and whispering to each other. “Sorry for the wait. We're going to begin.”

“Ugh, finally!” someone shouted.

“You! Leave!”

The girl that Hot Topic pointed at flinched back in surprise. “What? Why?”

“Personality is important," she announced. "This isn't just a rehearsal, I’m also judging if you are worthy to be in my show. Get your act together or get out.”

The girl rolled her eyes. “Alright. I’m sorry.”

Sunset chuckled a little, oblivious to the glare she was receiving from the girl. The rehearsal continued from there. Hot Topic directed everyone to their places, several other girls were sent home by the end of the day, and Sunset rediscovered how much she disliked being told exactly what to do. A few times she almost said something snarky to Hot Topic only to remember why she was here. The only hard part to deal with, however, was what had happened to her during the break.

The girl who spoke up before came up to her. Sunset recognized her as the girl who showed up just as she was about to leave town hall. The girl with red hair. She knew that she had seen her at school; but try as she might Sunset just couldn't remember the girl’s name. Next to her was the girl with curly spring green hair.

“What are you doing here?” said the red haired girl.

The girl next to her moved closer to her friend. “Rose, you-”

“I’m doing a favor for a friend of mine,” Sunset responded.

Rose looked shocked and disgusted, “What friend? Who on earth would befriend someone like you?”

Sunset flinched slightly, slightly hurt, “I can-”

“No one,” the girl interrupted. “No one would help you. In fact, I bet you’re cheating. You probably used your demon powers to brainwash the judge already.” The girl’s rising tone began drawing a crowd of onlookers around them. Sunset’s nerves gradually fell with the amount of people training their eyes on her. “I bet that’s how you weren't sent home today.

“I-I didn't…. That’s not--”

“In fact… I don’t even know why we entered this stupid thing with you here!" She turned and grabbed her friend's arm. "Come on, Daisy. Let’s go.” Her companion nodded submissively and left alongside her.

Conveniently, it was at that point that Hot Topic, Rarity, and Coco decided to return backstage to regain everyone's attention. “Alright,” said Hot Topic, “let’s continue. Next up we will practice which questions might come up. I hope you all know who designed your outfit and what it’s made out of.” Hot Topic left and everyone else moved with her. Sunset stood unmoving. Her head had lowered to the ground, hands clenching her arms.

Rarity and Coco glanced at one another before carefully moving over to her.

“Darling, are you all right?” Rarity asked, concerned.

Coco also moved closer to her. “What’s wrong? You look upset.”

Sunset quickly stepped forward so that they were behind her. “I’m fine, it’s alright.” Sunset moved her arms as if to brush some hair out of her eyes. “Come on... let's go,” she said, following the others outside.”

Coco and Rarity looked at one another curiously before following after her.


The next day was relatively the same, only this time even fewer people showed up. Coco, reluctantly, couldn't show up to rehearsal with them due to having a prior engagement with Principal Celestia. Although Hot Topic went through the motions with a straight face, Rarity could tell that her aunt was very unsatisfied with the turnout.

Soon everyone relaxed when break time rolled around. Rarity decided to stay to talk to with her.

Hot Topic leaned back and sighed. Turning her dark blue eyes to her niece she frowned, “Rarity, what’s going on here? I pulled a lot of strings to get a fashion show scheduled here; in winter no less. We’re just lucky you guys don’t get snow too early…. But, girl, you told me that dozens of people would be interested in this.”

“But they were!" Rarity assured her. "We had over 80 signatures on the signup sheet.”

“Well I don’t mind holding a small show instead. The only problem is that this building was specifically chosen for a large scale event. Not to mention, Toity is out there advertising this thing like crazy and I’d feel bad if we disappointed some people.” Hot Topic sighed again and rubbed her temples, “This is only the second day and we only have a third of our contestants. I feel like by the fourth day no one will show up.”

Rarity hopped out of her seat. “I will go talk to our guests. Maybe there's a virus or cold going around. That would explain the absences.” Hot Topic nodded and Rarity ran backstage, nearly bumping into Sunset in her haste. “Oh, excuse me, Sunset. Why aren't you with the others?”

“N-no It’s fine. I was just… heading to the bathroom,” she lied.

“Alright. Well I’m going to go ask the girls a few questions. Excuse me.” Sunset moved aside and allowed Rarity to pass. She then turned and looked over to Hot Topic who was still leaning back in her seat.

“So it’s decided then.” A group of girls all nodded in agreement. One of the girls turned to Rarity as she stepped up to them.

“Excuse me, girls," she began, "but do you have any idea why the attendance is so low today?”

All the girls did in response was glance at each other, scoff, and leave the room. Rarity looked on, completely confused. Over in the corner, Sunset Shimmer narrowed her eyes in suspicion.


Back at home, Rarity calmly drank her tea while Coco sat across in the other seat. “I just don’t know what went wrong,” she sighed.

“So they just walked out?” Coco asked.

“I know. I asked a few others, but they all acted like I did something wrong. They simply gave me these weird looks.”

Coco tilted her head in confusion, “Weird looks?”

“Yes. It was strange. Some who didn't leave looked at me with sad expressions on their faces. Others had… unpleasant ones. Some wouldn't look at me at all.” Rarity took another calming sip. "It was all very unnerving."

Coco toyed with her cup, nervously turning it back and forth. “But none of them would talk to you?”

“The ones who seemed like they would were pulled back by their friends,” Rarity explained, “By the end of the day only 15 people were present. If Auntie’s prediction comes true we might end up cancelling the whole thing.”

“Ohh, no," she gasped. "Won’t that be expensive?”

“Well there's the…." Rarity shook her head. "No, let’s not think about such things at the moment.”

Coco nodded and changed the subject. “Where did Sunset go?”

“She went off on her own after it was all over. She seemed upset… No, distraught sounds more accurate.”

“I know. She was acting weird yesterday too,” Coco informed.

“I wonder if someone said something to her…” Rarity muttered.

“Like what?” Coco thought back to the things she heard out on the street.

“Oh nothing.” Rarity finished off her tea and stood up. “It’s getting late, you should get home.”

Coco looked out of Rarity’s window and noticed that the sun was indeed in the middle of setting. “Oh, you're right. I should go before it gets too cold out. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Rarity waved goodbye at her friend and closed the door behind her. Looking out her window, she had a perfect view of the setting sun. “Mother nature really is the best muse,” she muttered. “Oh! Idea~! A sunset themed parka! Perfect for the coming winter!” Fully distracted Rarity took off to find her planning book.

Author's Note:

Bout friggin time! My god this took way too long. So... many... rewrites!!!!!
I'll be frank. I know nothing about fashion shows so I had to do a fair bit of research in order to even get this much. I'm pretty sure that I still messed a few details up though. If I did then please let me know so I can fix it.
Also!I DID A THING GO LOOK A MY THING! #shamelessselfpromotion
Opinions and comments and typo alerts below if you please.