• Published 4th Dec 2014
  • 5,379 Views, 875 Comments

Seven Days in Sunny June, Book III - Shinzakura

In the past year, Sunset Shimmer's life has changed radically and now she finds herself with a family and friends - a life she treasures. But big changes are on the horizon....

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July 4: Nowhere Girl

Opening her eyes just before the alarm went off, Fluttershy sat up in the hotel suite she shared with Rainbow. While they had both returned from their nightly events at the same time, Rainbow had stayed up to play games on her phone for a bit and probably would be completely dead to the world…

…which surprised the chiffon-haired girl as she looked over to her friend’s bed, seeing it empty. I wonder where she is.

The question was answered a few minutes later as Rainbow stepped out of the bathroom looking, well, as right as rain. However, the chilly “Oh, you’re awake,” that issued from the Hispanic teen’s lips didn’t put Fluttershy at ease.

“Rainbow? Is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes – you.” The look in Rainbow’s burgundy eyes was harsh, not angry, but disappointed. It seemed as though the scowl on Rainbow’s face was there to prevent her from doing anything else. “You should know that Sunny and I had breakfast with your parents, yesterday,” Rainbow informed her. “And you know what? I was willing to go to bat for you. Even though Discord is the most awesome rocker ever, I was willing to go to bat for you. Do you know why? Because you are my best friend – we’ve known each other practically since second grade!”

Fluttershy sat up, saying nothing.

“But after today? I really don’t know if I can look you in the face. You’re the kindest, sweetest girl I know – but not anymore.” She sat down in the chair across the room from Fluttershy, an action that the other girl took clearly. “The man I met yesterday – the man your mother is married to, loves and had a family with – was not the Discord that I see on stage. You know who I saw? I saw your father – someone that I see inside you every day. Well, everyday…until now.” Rainbow stomped over and pointed right in Fluttershy’s face, adding, “But do you know who I’ve seen here these past two days? It’s not the Fluttershy I know. No, it’s Tirek’s stage persona. Not the person you told me he is, but the ‘fuck you, I do what I want and I own the place’ attitude that I’ve seen on TV countless times over. And you know what? The past few days? That’s been you.

You may not want to have anything to do with your dad, but that’s not my problem. And frankly, I’m tired of having to explain your bitchiness to our friends, your family, and everyone who’s come across you!”

Fluttershy’s eyes reflected heartbreak, but Rainbow didn’t care. Instead, she stormed out the door, not bothering to look back.

Fluttershy sat there, hand reaching out towards the door as if willpower could bring Rainbow back to her. But as the gulf of time between the present and when Rainbow left grew, Fluttershy eventually brought that hand back to bury her face in it, along with the other one. Her heart wrenched in two as she realized she had not only started to push away the person she wanted least near her, but those she wanted close by as well.

And if Rainbow was willing to tell her off…how did the rest of her friends feel?

“Rose, you had Goddamn better be right about this,” Rainbow said at breakfast a few minutes later. “I just hit Fluttershy hard and I’m not going to be able to forgive myself if she doesn’t recover.”

“You hit Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, aghast. “What were you thinking?”

“Ah think she means in a metaphorical manner, Rares,” Applejack added. “Y’know Rainbow wouldn’t hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it…or couldn’t take it.” However, as a precaution, she looked at the person in question and asked, “Ah am right, aren’t Ah?”

But before Rainbow could comment further, Rose interjected. “Look, I already explained myself – I’m not going to do it again, Rainbow. You’re just going to have to trust me and Sweet Pea, okay?”

“Yeah. You I trust – her I barely know,” Rainbow grunted as she sat back in her chair, crossing her arms and pouting.

“Gee, thanks, Rainbow. You’ve really inspired me with your touching care,” Sweet Pea snarked.

“Look, Pea,” Sunset replied. “Don’t take it personally. Rainbow’s just a little freaked out right now.”

“Could’ve fooled me.”

“It’s okay, everything’s going to be fine,” Twilight commented, trying to assure the other girl. “It’s just…well, even I have to admit some trepidation to this whole plan of yours. After all, you have no real guarantee that it’s going to work out the way you think it will. Fluttershy’s an unknown variable in this—”

“It’ll work, Twilight, dear,” Rarity drolled. “It might…perturb Fluttershy, but as you know, in the end, she’ll see reason.”

“And how are you so sure, Rarity?” Rainbow demanded, banging on the table.

“Rainbow, enough,” Sunset told her. “Twily and I trust Pea, and you should too. Besides, she was honest with us about her past, and that was probably hard for her to do.”

“Fine, fine,” Rainbow grunted, finally acquiescing. “But you’d better take care of her, Rose. Fluttershy’s delicate, believe it or not.”

“I will,” Rose assured her friend. “We’ll both be there. Now go hit the concert and have some fun. Leave the tough stuff to me and SP.”

“And that’s my decision,” Discord said. “I know it’s not one you guys wanted to hear, but it’s one I have to make for myself and my family.”

“And I still think you’re out of your fucking mind,” Screw Loose told him. “Fuck what the label has to say, Dee! What’re they going to do, drop us? If that happens, everyone from Sony to SubPop’ll be coughing up cash to sign us! Or maybe we should just create our own label, indie all the way!”

“You can’t do this!” Freebase gasped. “I just signed a deal with MusicMaster to promote their line of bass guitars!”

Screwball rolled her eyes. “Way to think about priorities, Free,” she snarked. Turning to Discord, she continued. “You know, Trickyfingers just asked me if I’d take their lead guitar slot. I was thinking about splitting my time between the two bands. I hope I don't have to plan on making it my permanent gig. Asshole that Free can be aside, I like to think of us all as a very dysfunctional family.”

“Yeah, thanks, Violet,” Screw Loose laughed.

“Anytime, Skylark,” Screwball replied with a grin. “But seriously: I like being in this band. I was seriously stoked when I heard I was being picked as the replacement for Tirek. And working with you all has been the highlight of my spoiled-ass Hollywood life.” The smile fell from her face as she admitted, “Maybe I’m just being a selfish fuck, but I don’t want it to end.”

“It won’t, not immediately,” Discord explained. “If I’m retiring, the label’s going to at least want one last album and the fans are going to want a farewell tour – a real farewell tour, not like that shit Big Nose is pulling.”

“Big Nose?” a voice asked behind Discord. It was Posey, interjecting herself into the conversation.

“He’s a rap star, known for his raunchy lyrics,” Screw Loose explained. “About five years ago, he supposedly found God or Islam or something like that. He then decided he was going to retire and start his farewell tour. Two albums, a world tour and one reality TV show on TNT later, and he’s still ‘just about to retire’.”

“I see,” Posey commented, sitting down next to her husband. “Well, you know Discord is as good as his word: if he says it’s just one farewell tour, then it’s just one farewell tour.”

Freebase looked at Discord, then at the others with a scowl. He promptly stormed out of the room, angry as could be.

“Violet, do you mind?” Screw Loose asked.

“No; besides, I get the feeling you three need to talk alone,” the younger woman answered. “Boss, seriously think about what you’re doing. I’m not saying this just as your guitarist, or your friend – I’m saying this as someone who has been a long-time fan of your work. This band has been through so much – you and Skylark are rock legends. Things always end too soon, boss. Don’t let something else end early, too.”

“You’ve really fucked this one up, you, know that?” Screw Loose snarled. “I really hope you come to your senses before you make your announcement on stage. Because right now, you are seriously off-base.” She then turned to Posey and added, “And you need to knock some sense into this idiot.”

“He’s like this because of our daughter,” Posey told her friend.

“Yeah. Makes me wonder where she got that from.” Giving one last glare at her bandmate and friend, she then walked out after the others.

Discord sighed. “I guess practice is cancelled then.” He plopped down in a nearby chair and ran his hands through his hair. “Oh, fuck me, did I screw this one up but good.”

Posey bent down to her haunches and looked her husband in the eyes. “You know, I’m reminded of the lyrics to ‘Love is Like an Insane Chimera.”


With a soft smile, she quoted from his lyrics:

“Love is like an insane chimera,
When ya least ‘spect it, it’s gonna getcha
Stripping hearts with love it’s gonna letcha
Now take m’ heart and let’s play ‘fetcha!’”

“Yeah, and that’s why it was one of my earlier songs,” he admitted. “Doesn’t have the wordplay I’m known for now.” He reached into a nearby cooler, pulled out a bottle of raspberry lemonade, opened it and took a swig. “Am I crazy to be doing all this for Fluttershy? Will she even realize that I’m giving this all up for her and Angel?”

“Does it matter if she does?” Posey asked. “You’re making a difficult decision – one I’m not even you sure need to make—”

“It was rock n’ roll done did m’ family in,” Discord commented in a way that made it clear that he was quoting. “And before you ask: Paisley Dreamer. Sixties British psychedelic rock artist. Was on top of the world…but his wife left him and took the kids, because he was never home. Drank himself to death in a Birmingham hotel, but died on the exact same day as Mojo Risin’ of the Doors, so guess who history remembers.”

“Love, I would never—”

“I’ve had that nightmare so many nights,” he said, his eyes unfocused, looking away. “That I was alone, you were in the arms of another man that my children called their father, because that’s all they knew. That I was wasting alone and away in a penthouse with some cheap hooker I hired just for the illusion of attention. That I died, and the next day the papers said, ‘He was a rock star. He died. The world moves on.’” He looked at his wife, and his face was haunted. “I see that hatred in my daughter’s eyes. That’s all I can see now – that Fluttershy hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you, hon. She just doesn’t understand.”

“Yeah. She hates Discord – and she can’t see the difference between the rock star and the man who gave her life.” He seemed to withdraw into himself as he added, “And that’s why Discord has to die – so that my family can live.”

The hours continued on, and as one set rolled into the next during the day, the crowds watching the concerts raved along with the bands onstage, having the time of their lives. The final day of the music fest was specially set for the bands hand-picked by ticket purchasers as to who would play, and a variety of styles rolled onto the stage, from the Polyphonic Spree to the MacPans, from Sapphire Shores to Bucket of Fireworks and more. Each band played to the utmost of their abilities, and to the audience in the seats and those watching from international pay-per-view, this was going to be one of the greatest moments in modern cultural history.

At the moment, Depeche Mode was on stage, getting the audience to sing along. The crowd lapped up the ambience, feeding it back to the band, creating a symbiotic effect of entertainment for both performer and listener alike. There was not a single person in the rows who wasn’t enjoying the whole of the concert…

…except for seven girls, all of which were trying to get their mind off the fact that in twenty minutes, the final act of the evening would come on: Discord and his band. And it was hard for them to notice the absence of three of their group: Sweet Pea, Melancholy Rose, and most of all, Fluttershy. It made it hard enough that the three of them could barely stand to be at the concert.

“Whatever I’ve done, been staring down the barrel of a gun…” Pinkie sang along, trying to raise the spirits of her friends, despite the fact that her own was flagging. Fortunately, she had memorized the lyrics to all Depeche Mode songs in case of Depeche Mode emergencies.

“Pinkie, dear, while I appreciate the…enthusiasm,” Rarity said, “I don’t feel that this is the best thing right now.”

“Is there something you need from me?”

“Pinkie, I’m quite serious about this.”

“Are you having your fun?”

“Pinkie,” Rarity said, feeling a little exasperated that her friend was ignoring her. “Would you listen to me, please?”

“I never agreed to be,” Pinkie said with a wink and a grin, “your holy one!”

“Rares, just give it up right now,” Applejack said, trying not to laugh as Pinkie continued singing along. “She’s tryin’ to help us get over our funk right now. And personally, Ah’m not going to blame her for that.”

“I understand that, Applejack, darling. But if she was going to do that, I’d rather that she’d done so when Sapphire Shores was on stage. At least I know all the lyrics to her songs.”

“That’s okay, Pinks,” Octavia said, patting her mock-distraught friend on the shoulder. “I don’t know any of the bands here, so I’m just as lost.”

Twilight looked at Sunset. “So…do you think the others will join us soon? Especially….”

Sunset sighed as the band onstage finished their song, thanked the audience and stepped off as the intermission kicked in, letting everyone head off towards the restrooms. Watching as the crowd filed away from them and towards the long latrine lines, Sunset looked into the nighttime sky and asked, “Girls, what if I was a unicorn and had magic powers?”

Twilight blinked. “Sis, I’m trying to picture you as a unicorn.”

“I thought you saw me as one in your dreams back when you were sick.”

“No, I mean real life this time,” Twilight explained. “For starters, you’d have to be a horse, white and with a horn in your forehead.” Octavia facepalmed, and behind the two of them, the others tried very hard not to laugh as they knew the truth. Pinkie was about to say something, but a glare from Rainbow got her to immediately pipe down.

Rarity finally recovered enough to say, “Well, were I to go along with this mental exercise of yours, Sunset, for one, I would start by saying I’m sure you would make for a very lovely unicorn, certes. That being said…I fail to see how such an instance would make a point.”

“The point I’m trying to make is that if you, or anybody, really, were to ask me to fix it with magic…I couldn’t. Magic doesn’t work that way.”

“That’s because magic isn’t real, Sunny,” Twilight pointed out.

Pinkie admonished her: “Twily! You’re ruining Sunny’s SuperFunPretendyTime!” Applejack shook her head at that and facepalmed.

“Anyways, the point I’m trying to make is that if I was a unicorn with all sorts of magic to fix stuff, I couldn’t fix that. There are no shortcuts to the human heart, and there never will be. It’s not who we are, after all.”

“That’s rather…poignant—” Rainbow began.

“Poignant,” Octavia corrected, pronouncing it the right way.

“Yeah, that. Anyway, that’s rather insightful of you, Sunny. But I think we all know what you mean, and we’re all worried if this is going to work. I sure hope it will.”

Instead of replying, Sunset pointed at a star in the sky. “That star was formed billions of years ago – it might not even be there now, having gone nova long before any of us was ever born – and yet its light continued on so we could see it, having travelled countless millennia to get here. There was no guarantee it was ever going to touch us: there’s so many asteroids, worlds, comets, stars, etc., between that one and us. And yet somehow it arrived here to bathe us in its radiance.

“The point I’m trying to make is that there’s no guarantees that anything will go right. Maybe Pea and Rose will fail. Maybe Fluttershy’s too wrapped up in her anger and hate to let go. Maybe there’s no way the breach can be mended. But maybe…just maybe…magic will happen.” A smile came onto Sunset’s face. “After all, friendship is magic.”

As the girls relaxed in their chairs, two concertgoers that seemed reminiscent of Snips and Snails walked towards their seats. Though she hadn’t intended, Sunset could clearly overhear their conversation:

“Man, where’d the fuck you hear that rumor?”
“I’m tellin’ ya, man! It’s solid! Discord’s quitting the biz!”
“Bullshit. No way that shit’s happening. I’m betting at best, Freebase is announcing he’s leaving the band. Good thing, too – he’s nowhere near as good as Steel Strings was.”
“Naah, man! It’s true shit! Heard it from that guy I get my weed from, says he overheard it while walking past the dressing rooms.”
“Yeah, as if I’m going to believe some pothead that works here.”
“Hey, bro, he got us the tickets, right? He knows what’s up. Just watch – in a little while, it’s gonna be a whole different world.”

The two continued off towards their seats, mindless of what they’d just revealed to Sunset. Part of her wondered if it was true – Discord would do anything to get back in Fluttershy’s good graces, but would he go so far as to actually quit the industry he clearly loved so much and had such an impact on? And would Fluttershy even respond to that?

Part of her wanted to leave now and slap Fluttershy silly – she certainly had the skills for it. But that would be the old me, the person I don’t want to be, she inwardly admitted. I have to believe that Fluttershy can change, just like Twilight believed in me – just like they both did.

A loudspeaker kicked on with a metallic screech before a loud voice boomed over the air: “IN TWENTY MINUTES, THE MOMENT YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR HAPPENS – DISCORD TAKES THE STAGE!”

Sunset took out her phone and looked at the time. Twenty minutes until something – of which even she wasn’t sure – was going to happen, and one way or the other, it was going to be permanent.

I believe in you, Flutters, Sunset thought to herself. Don’t let me down.

Still dressed in her pajamas, Fluttershy sat down on top of the bed, flicking on the TV. So far, there had been nothing that had interested her, and she’d already seen the most recent episode of Filly Fantasia. Finally, she checked the PPV channels to see if there was anything that could have interested her and when that didn’t happen, she finally gave up and put it on Comcast Music on Demand, who had the US rights to the festival.

She promised herself that she wouldn’t watch the whole time; in fact, if anything, she could use the time to pack her bags for tomorrow’s flight back home and to find a way to apologize to her friends. She had to admit that circumstances had made her less than polite to those who had cared enough to come with her, and she had treated them less than kindly. Additionally, she’d met Rose and Sweet Pea while here and she hadn’t made a very good impression on them, she was sure.

She spent the majority of the day writing drafts of apology letters on her tablet while listening to the music. Some of the bands she liked; others not so much, but it was clear that they were putting their all into it, performing for the crowd that wanted them here. They too wanted to be here, sharing their music and style with those in the audience, and though no musician herself, Fluttershy was impressed with the showmanship and professionalism that so many of the bands displayed.

She barely remembered times back when she’d seen flashes of that in her father…before he became what he was. He was still successful, but there was the side he showed to the public and the side he showed to his family. Discord, the musician, would have never acknowledged his daughter. Discord the man loved her more than anything. But one day he went away, and all that was le—

Fluttershy shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts. She didn’t need to be morose now while she had letters to write and….

The camera closed up on several people dancing in the rows; whether by fate or just by chance, the camera zoomed in on a Hispanic rainbow-haired girl, bopping along to a white girl with unruly pink hair. Several of them were just enjoying the show, and it simultaneously warmed and broke her heart to see her friends, on TV no less, having the time of their lives. Fun because they were enjoying themselves. Pain because they were having fun without her.

I should be there, a part of her soul chastised herself. I should be there, with them, having fun. I should be getting to know Rose and Sweet Pea better. I should have spent more time with my mom and my brother. Turning off her tablet, Fluttershy looked at her reflection and said simply to herself, “You are just a rude cunt, aren’t you?” And that was something she couldn’t deny; after all, the signs were there – she had done this before, after all: it had been the first week of her freshman year at Canterlot High, and after her meeting with Counselor Iron Will, he’d given her some pointers on being more assertive, and had lent her some motivational CDs from speaker Bill E. Goat. Unfortunately, she’d taken the lesson the wrong way and had been an absolute nightmare to her friends, and this was during a time when Sunset was too sexually involved with Flash to meddle in her affairs, or else it would have been worse. Still, the damage had been done and though she’d been forgiven back then, it had laid the grounds for when Sunset split them apart until the arrival of Princess Twilight.

But as she looked at the person reflected in her tablet, she had to wonder if that person was really gone. After all, what if everything they’d said about her father was true, and it had been her that had been the blockade to it all? What if it was she who was to blame and not her father?

She looked at her hand, holding the tablet. She could still see the bruising on the hand; Sunset couldn’t heal everything, or else it would have been too suspicious. Her father had never raised a hand against her…but when she’d seen him for the first time in years it had been her to lash out. And now her hand carried the symbol of her sin.

As Depeche Mode took the stage, she realized that the whole day had passed and she hadn’t eaten a thing – and her stomach was now demanding tribute very loudly. She still had to finish these letters, so going out, even to one of the restaurants in the hotel, was not an option. Turning back on her tablet, she went to the hotels intranet site and ordered room service: a chicken sandwich, sweet potato fries, and a diet Cherry Coke. That done, she went back to what she was doing.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door, followed by a muffled, “Ruum sabis!” Fluttershy, by this time had slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, went to open the door—

—only to be bowled over by Rose and Sweet Pea as they walked in, pushing an empty cart. “Sorry, but your din-din’s been cancelled,” Sweet Pea snarled. At the moment, she was wearing a black cape that seemed like something Rarity would make for some of the cosplayers that commissioned her. Rose stood there, carrying a backpack. Both girls had severe looks on their faces.

“Oh, girls – it’s, ah, surprising to see you here,” Fluttershy stammered. Part of her wondered where her dinner went, and why were both girls here.

“Oh, we gave the dinner to a homeless guy down the street,” Rose said. “He absolutely appreciates it. Besides, you won’t be able to hold it in when you see what we’ve brought you.”

“What you’ve brought me?” Fluttershy asked. “What did you two bring me?”

“The ugly truth,” Sweet Pea said in a cold, clinical tone, as she reached for the neck clasp that held the cloak that draped over her body. She tapped the jewel, which was actually a clasp release…

…and the cloak fell away, revealing nothing but what Sweet Pea had been born with.

Fluttershy looked at the girl standing in front of her with wide, shocked eyes. Sweet Pea was just standing there, naked as a jaybird, and not bothered by it in the least.

“Wow, you really aren’t bothered by this, are you?” Rose asked sadly.

Without taking her eyes off Fluttershy, Sweet Pea said sadly, “Do you know what my dream is, Rose? That I’ll meet the guy who will sweep me off my feet and I’ll be able to blush when I disrobe.” The naked girl uttered a cold, cruel laugh. “So many girls dream of being sexually proficient with their true loves. I’m terrified that I will be.” She sauntered over to Fluttershy, moving in a very sexual manner; Fluttershy reacted, sliding back on the bed until her back was against the headboard.

Sweet Pea moved in closer, sliding onto the bed with movements that were practically instinctive. Everything on her was a purely sexual thing, and that freaked out Fluttershy to no end. Finally, with no more room for Fluttershy to move, Sweet Pea invaded her personal space. “You think your daddy mistreated you? Girl, you have no idea what mistreatment is,” Sweet Pea said, reaching out with a hand to caress Fluttershy’s cheek. “Your parents are still alive. Mine are dead – and my uncle used me as his personal sex toy. I had to run away and sell myself on the streets to survive.”

“What?” Fluttershy gasped.

Sweet Pea retracted her hand. “I have your attention. Look at me, Fluttershy.” The chiffon-haired girl turned away, and Sweet Pea screamed, “LOOK AT ME, YOU GODDAMN HISTRIONIC FUCK!” Fluttershy did and gasped: Sweet Pea’s body was a mazework of scars, puckers and other indicators of a hard life. “Do you see this?” she said, pointing to a pucker on her right breast. “A client did this to me in Sunnytown. Paid my pimp extra to hurt me, he said. My, ahem, ‘employer’ never told me a Goddamn thing.” She then pointed to various scars on her body, detailing all the injuries she took, all the times her pimp punished her, all the times she did drugs to numb the pain. “If I could show you the scars inside me, from the abortions I’ve had, those are even more horrifying.” Sweet Pea’s eyes started to tear up as she said, “The very first one was due to my Uncle Tripwire.” Fluttershy gasped.

Like a wounded animal, Sweet Pea climbed off the bed, then went over to Rose and hugged her fiercely; Rose returned the embrace but glared at Fluttershy with an anger that raged. Finally, Rose said, “You did good, Pea. Go shower.” Sweet Pea wordlessly took the backpack from Rose, then without asking, walked into the bathroom. Fluttershy could hear Sweet Pea sobbing before the shower turned on.

“I…I didn’t know,” Fluttershy said, looking at Rose with guilt.

“I had it easier. My birth mom merely abandoned me. I’m sure you’ve heard about what she did to Scootaloo,” Rose said, her voice taut and still angry. Reaching down to pick up Sweet Pea’s cloak, she folded it gently, then said, “Would you hold this for me, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy did so, never taking her eyes from Rose’s scowl. “Look, I owe you an apology for last night.”

Rose gave a slight smile as she said, “Apology accepted.” And then she slugged Fluttershy, as hard as possible, in the stomach. Fluttershy collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, as Rose shook her knuckles. “I meant what I said – I accept your apology. That is on behalf of your father – and I daresay you hurt him worse than I did you.”

Fluttershy, eyes filling with tears, looked up at Rose, terror on her face. “Why?”

“Because your father loves you – and is getting ready to throw away his career, in front of the whole fucking world, just to appease you! He’s throwing his whole life away for the daughter who doesn’t fucking deserve it, in my opinion – especially one who uses her brother as an excuse!”

Fluttershy, ignoring the pain, got to her feet. “How dare you—”

No, how dare YOU!” Rose roared. “Your father wanted to help your brother! Discord was going to fucking bankrupt himself if it meant helping his son hear! I know because my mom is his lawyer!” Fluttershy looked with surprise, and Rose went for the kill. “Your parents never told you because they thought you weren’t mature enough to handle it. Guess they were right.

“All you have done is blame your father for everything while wishing that you had him back. Guess what? He’s always been there – but you’ve been pushing him away! And now he’s throwing away everything for you – and do you think that’ll make him happy? It sure as fuck won’t make you happy!

“You have one chance to fix this – one fucking chance. And you’d better do it before he gets on stage.” Rose pointed at the television as Depeche Mode finished up their set. “You have thirty minutes to make it down to Candlestick Park and make it right. Because if you don’t, and Discord throws away everything for you? You will have a world full of hatred – and all that will do is make you old and bitter.”

Fluttershy looked at the TV and the caption at the bottom that read DISCORD ON IN THIRTY – BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. “Oh, my…I have to get down there!” she gasped, taking a step before falling to her knees in pain.

“Oh, quit that – I pulled my punch,” Rose said, offering her a hand. “I’m a sport archer – I know my upper body strength.”

Fluttershy took it. “Rose, I’m sorry.”

“I’m not the one you owe an apology to,” Rose said with a winning smile. “You can apologize to everyone else later. Right now, we need to get you down to Candlestick, because you have someone you really need to apologize to.” Walking over to the bathroom door, she called out, “Pea? Ready?”

“Yeah,” Sweet Pea said, running a towel through her hair one last time. Looking at Fluttershy, she began with, “Look, Flutters….”

“No, Sweet Pea. I owe you an apology – but I’ll have to do it later,” Fluttershy said, rushing over to get her phone and purse. “Right now? I have to save my dad.”

“And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for!” the announcer said. “DISCORD!”

In the audience, the din grew as hundreds of thousands of adoring fans called out “Dis-cord! Dis-cord!”

But for seven girls, they looked at each other with worry.

“She didn’t make it,” Rainbow said sadly. “The one time she needed to be here, and she’s not.”

“Maybe she is,” Pinkie assured her friend. “I believe in Flutters.”

“Well, whut says our magic unicorn?” Applejack asked. Octavia and Twilight would see that as just a reference to Sunset’s earlier statement, but Applejack meant it sincerely.

“Magic 8 Ball says ‘try again,’” Sunset said sadly.

One by one, the members of the band took the stage to ovation, especially as the band chose to wear costumes for the night’s performance: Screw Loose was dressed in a bizarre Catholic schoolgirl outfit. Freebase walked out in Star Wars Imperial Stormtrooper armor, sans helmet. Screwball, ever the flashy one, came out dressed in full samba attire, straight as though she’d walked off the carnivale in Brazil. The crowd went wild as the trio started to warm up their instruments.

And then Screw Loose started a drum roll, her hands deftly moving her drumsticks in rhythm, ready to introduce her boss and longtime friend. However, her heart was roiling: Dee, don’t do this. You’re only hurting yourself.

And a split-second later, Discord ran out, wearing a dog costume. His oversize collar jingled and jangled as he ran onto the stage, finally skidding to a stop in front of the microphone. It hid his still-recovering black eye well; for those who hadn’t heard the story his PR spun out of utter bullshit, they would think it as part of the costume.

Grabbing it with an ease borne of years of long practice, he shouted, “Good evening, Pasadena! How’s the crowd out there in beautiful Lake Michigan? And to all two of you watching on TV – oh your cable bills are going to suck!” The crowd cheered and laughed, though something seemed forced about his sense of humor, as though he didn’t have his heart in it.

Starting to twirl the mic stand like a baton, he added, “So let’s get this show on the road, shall we? Let’s do a little dance – a mambo!” The sound of the crowd turned to a massive roar as Discord hinted he was starting off with “Mangy Mutt’s Mescaline Mambo”, a goofy little song that he’d written in high school. While it had never been a single, it was a crowd favorite and often played at concerts.

Sure enough, the other three band members started up, Screwball hammering on the guitar just as Tirek did when the song was first recorded. Screw Loose, long familiar with the song, let herself slide into the rhythm, while Freebase started grooving on his guitar. The trio passed the first part where Discord was supposed to start singing. He didn’t. Hoping that he wasn’t about to give up now, they fiddled around with an extended opening to the song that Screw Loose had written for a concert in Copenhagen back in the mid-90s. Getting to the second cue, Discord skipped that as well, standing stock still on the stage.

Finally, he put his hands out, calling out to the three, “Okay, that’s enough.” The three members of the band immediately stopped, their music sounding as discordant as their frontman’s name.

Discord looked at the audience, bringing his microphone to his lips. “I’m done. I quit.” The audience fell as silent as the grave, as though they hadn’t heard what he said. So he said it again. “I’m done. I can’t live like this anymore. I’m…I’m a liar and a coward.

“Do you know that wild party man who sleeps with a girl in every concert venue, does more drugs than South America can produce and parties like he patented the idea? Do you? Because I don’t – that’s not me. Me? I live a lie: a carefully constructed lie that my record label built because they didn’t like the idea that Discord was married and with two wonderful kids.”

That got the audience’s attention. Someone in the crowd yelled, “No fucking way!”

“Yes, fucking way – how do you think babies are made?” Discord responded with a trace of a smile that was his image, before he went back to his true self. “You know, they call me ‘The Chaos God of Hard Rock’ or ‘Alternative’s King of the Jesters’. Do you know what I listen to? I love the Cardigans. Sigur Rós. The Cocteau Twins. Coldplay. OMD. Thievery Corporation. Despite what I said in an interview, I don’t own every Red Hot Chili Peppers album. My wife does; not me.

“Do you remember when I said that Tirek was the worst guitarist there was and I wish he went to hell? I don’t. I never said that. When he wanted to go solo to be in ECI, I was proud of him – and why not? He’s been my best friend for most of my life, not my rival. That was all PR bullshit. He’s my kids’ godfather. He’s happily married to a great woman, and no, she’s not a former Playboy centerfold – Blender magazine lied. Well, them or our label, what’s the fucking difference? I don’t even know myself.

“All I have wanted is downtime to spend with my family: My wife, who I love more than anything; my son, who needs me; and my daughter who has had to go through life without admitting who her father is – she’s a high school student and I’m sure most people think she doesn’t have a father. That’s my fault – I let the assholes at my record company dictate my life. I let the press build an image of me and instead of tearing it down, I kept it up. I hurt my family by doing that.

“No more, do you hear me? NO FUCKING MORE! I won’t watch my children grow up from afar anymore. I won’t spend my anniversaries on tour, managing to ‘sneak a day in’ with my wife. I’m tired of it, and I’m tired of lying to my family, my friends, my band – and all of you.

“So I’m done. I quit.” He put the microphone back on the stand, getting ready to walk away. “I just can’t be the Discord the world wants me to be.”

He turned to walk away from the stage, when he heard a voice:


He looked up, as if imagining things. He realized it was real a second later as he was tackleglomped by a teenage torpedo. Discord, the irresistible force ramming him like a freight train, and the microphone stand crashed onto the ground in front of an audience of 50,000 present and millions worldwide watching via broadcast.

“Fluttershy?” he spoke, not believing it. His voice echoed through the speakers, as he hadn’t turned off the microphone.

“Dad,” she gasped. “Don’t throw away your career for me! I’m not worth it!” Fluttershy said, hugging him. “I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“No, sweetie,” he said, caressing her face gently. “It was I who hurt you. And that’s going to stop now.”

“Not if you quit! That won’t make you happy! That won’t make anyone happy!” Fluttershy cried. “Just...don’t.”

“My mind’s made up.”

“No, it’s not.” Fluttershy did something then that shocked anyone that knew her – and most certainly the seven standing just mere feet away from her in the seats: getting off the ground, she grabbed the microphone and as she faced the crowd, spoke: “Um...hello. My name is Fluttershy, and as you can guess...I’m Discord’s daughter. It’s true what my dad says: my brother and I have had to pretty much live our lives without him because of his fame and the way the public reacts to that. I won’t lie: it hurt, and for quite some time, I actually hated him. I refused to speak to him, I never told my closest friends who he was – I even went so far as to tell people that I didn’t have a father...and that was unfair to my mother as well.

“We came here, because my mother, my friends and Uncle Tirek and Auntie Skies hoped that I would be able to work things out with him.” She looked at him for a second and then looked back to the crowd, admitting, “I didn’t. I was the one who gave him the black eye – it wasn’t from some bar fight, which I know MTV reported; or the jealous husband of some guy whose wife he was hitting on – that I know E! reported. I did it because I wanted to hate him so much for abandoning us…for abandoning me.

“But thanks to my friends, I was reminded that there are always two sides to a story, and I recently discovered the truth. And I’m ashamed of how I acted – what I’ve become. I never wanted that. I never wanted to hate the man who gave me life and who loves me.” She reached down, offering a hand to her father, asking, “Dad, will you forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” he told her; it was barely audible on the microphone as he took her hand and she helped him up.

“And will you all forgive me for nearly taking away this man who has meant so much to you?” she asked the crowd then looked at the band.

In the crowd, seven girls were completely and utterly speechless. To add to the chaos, both Rose and Sweet Pea arrived a second later with victorious smiles on their faces. “Okay, I didn’t expect her to go that far,” Sweet Pea commented.

“This was your gals’ doing?” Applejack asked, aghast.

“Yup!” Rose beamed. “Pea and I make a good team.”

Octavia looked appreciatively at both girls, then at the teen pouring her heart out to virtually millions. “Yeah, that you guys do,” was all she said.

For Fluttershy, bearing her soul was both a heartwarming and terrifying moment. But then she looked at her friends in the crowd, and all nine were looking at her with smiles and support. With that strength, she then looked at the crowd, who was cheering - and somehow, the cheering was for her.

“May I?” Discord asked for the microphone, a loving smile on his face that the crowd could see clearly. It wasn’t the Discord they knew – no, it was somehow better.

Fluttershy happily handed it over, then got on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, Dad,” she said, hugging him, and the crowd did a loud, murmuring, “Awwww….”

“I love you too, sweetie,” he said as he put his arm around her. Then, facing the audience, he said with a grin, “Guess I’m unquitting, huh?” The audience roared its approval, so loud that the world was nothing but noise and storm for a few minutes.

Discord took off the dogsuit, wearing too-tight jeans and a patchwork t-shirt underneath, then jogged over to the band. “Hey, pass me the banjo,” he told them.

Screw Loose was positively beaming. “Knew you couldn’t do it,” she told him.

“It wasn’t me,” Discord replied with pride in his eyes, pointing to his daughter. “It was all her.” He then shut off the mic and explained what he wanted to do.

Freebase looked at him oddly.

Screw Loose laughed.

Screwball simply shrugged and said, “Somehow I’m not surprised.”

With that, Discord walked back to the stage and handed Fluttershy the banjo, then whispered something in her ear.

“But...but….” Fluttershy stammered.

“I know you know how to do this, kiddo. Besides, you love that song, right?”

“Yeah, it’s Grandpa’s favorite,” she admitted, “but I’m not a performer. It’s not like I’m in a rock band or anything myself.”

“Yes, millions of people know who you are now, so nobody’s going to really know the difference,” he said, pointing to the audience and the cameras. Her eyes went wide and he laughed. “You had no problem telling them how you feel, right? Just relax and remember what you were taught.”


“—will do fine,” he assured her. Flicking on the mic, he then shouted to the world, “And now for something completely different from other things which are not quite the same as this is.” He paused as if in thought. “Hey, I wonder if that phrase is trademarked. Anyway….”

Out of nowhere, the band started playing “Back to Donegal”, a traditional Irish folk song and a favorite of Fluttershy’s Irish-born grandfather (Discord’s father). However, the lyrics were less of the type of the famous version by Bing in the 40s or even the somewhat inebriated 1992 version by Angry Love. In fact, it seemed that if anything, Discord was making up the lyrics as he went along, all in his usual careless style.

But the surprise went to Fluttershy, who played along on banjo, and who seemed to not only have the instrument down pat, but even had parts in the song that required her to solo.

Octavia’s jaw dropped. “Wait – I thought she said she didn’t know how to play an instrument!”

Rainbow said off-handedly, “Actually...she admitted to me two nights ago that she actually knows how to play the guitar, the bass guitar, the banjo and the mandolin. She didn’t learn them from him, but from her grandfather instead. She just tends to hide it because she never felt she was that good at it, and...well...you know the rest.”

“Not good at it? I’ve met professional players who aren’t as good!”

“Octavia, dear, I’m sure she had her reasons for not telling us,” Rarity piped in, “and she’ll probably be more forthcoming in the future. After all...her biggest secret’s out now, correct?”

“An’ Ah’m sure she’ll tell us,” Applejack assured the others as the song concluded just in time for the Fourth of July fireworks to begin.

Watching from backstage, with tears in her eyes, Posey had a smile that couldn’t be stopped as it grew so wide she nearly looked like it would split her head in twain. Her family was finally whole once more, and they could finally be together as one.

Here, you’re gonna need these,” Tirek said, handing her some tissues. She looked up at him and surprisingly, he’d been crying as well.

“And here I thought you were a big, tough guy,” she gently teased, gratefully taking the tissues.

“I am...but I’m also a softy,” he said, wiping his own eyes. “And I wonder how much of that is going to be public now.”

Afternoon Skies approached them both. “Spruce and I just got off the phone with the label. Discord’s caused, well, discord: Marketing’s apparently tying themselves in knots trying to explain themselves; and Rolling Stone is camped out in front of the New York office, wanting quotes. This is not going to settle anytime soon.”

“Good,” Posey told her friend. “It shouldn’t.”

The following day, the girls were all at the Napa airfield, ready to go home. “So, you’re not coming with us?” Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy shook her head. “I actually took the following week off as well, so Dad asked if I’d come with him to his tour dates in Sacramento and then the tour bus should be able to drop me off at home while he’s on the way to finish up the rest of his tour.”

“Sounds like you have a lot of catching up to do,” Twilight commented.

“Yeah. But it’ll be worth it.” Fluttershy hugged her friends and thanked them for everything, not sure of what else she could say. “I don’t deserve to have friends as good as you all.”

“We’ll send a bill for services,” Rose cracked, and Sweet Pea laughed.

“But I guess that means you’re moving to LA?” Pinkie asked sadly, her hair starting to deflate. “That’s where your dad lives, right?”

Ha! As if,” Discord said, walking up to them all, Posey and Angel in tow. He was dressed in a polo and slacks again, very much not what was expected of him – and something he relished. “Actually, we’re keeping the Malibu place as a vacation home. We actually own undeveloped land in San Palomino...something something Golden Oaks–”

“Wait – you own that undeveloped plot at the end of the street?” Twilight asked. “That means that Fluttershy’ll be living down the street from us!”

“Not immediately,” Posey explained. “We still have to build a home there and that’s going to take a bit. We’ll actually be renting out the penthouse in Marriott Renaissance Retreat downtown. And since we’ll still have ownership of the house we’re currently living in, Fluttershy can still use that as an address so she doesn’t have to change schools if she wants to stay at CHS.”

“I do,” Fluttershy said, putting her arms around Rainbow and Sunset. “I wouldn't want to leave my life just because it’s changed.”

“Well, flight’s getting ready to go, so we need to get on board,” Posey told them all.

“Best of luck, Flutters,” Sunset said, hugging her friend. The others did the same in turn, and said goodbye to Discord, Rose and Sweet Pea as well, the other two promising to keep in touch with them.

A few minutes later, the aircraft reached for the skies, with the girls, Angel and Posey onboard. A few minutes after that, Rainbow groaned. “Oh, man!”

“What, Rainbow,” Sunset retorted, holding onto the seat for dear life and not in the mood for her friend’s histrionics.

“We totally forgot to get his autograph!” Rainbow cried.

“He’s moving to Canterlot, dear,” Rarity reminded her. “You can get it at any time.”

“Yeah, but...I would be getting the autograph of Discord, the rock star!” Rainbow explained. “When I see him again, he’s just gonna be Flutters’ old man – and who wants an autograph from their friend’s dad? Ick.”

In a dusty, forgotten library in Switzerland, Divine Right looked into a book that centuries ago was forbidden – and nowadays forgotten. With it in his right hand, he summoned a ball of violet spellfire into his left. He then peered into the flames, looking for an answer only he would discern. He didn’t worry about anyone else seeing him, as his bodyguard-slash-lover Piano was on station with orders to “dispatch” anyone who approached.

“Canterlot,” he whispered. “So it begins in Canterlot.” Somehow, he wasn’t surprised. For a rather pedestrian American city, it had a surprisingly large magic field, for reasons no one could explain – and one that had, just as inexplicably, seen a lot of use as of late, far more than that of the rest of the world.

He grinned. His empire would begin with an end. It was fitting, after a fashion.

And after all, it was his divine right.

Author's Note:

In case anyone's curious about what song Discord and Fluttershy are playing on stage:

And for those not familiar with Rory McLeod, keep in mind that he's an English rock star on par with Paul Weller: famous in his country, not as much here in the States. He did this song for the shits and giggles on stage and it eventually ended up on his 1992 album Travelling Home.