• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 711 Views, 25 Comments

One Mask Among Many. - Golden Paw

Technological advances have lifted Equestria to a better quality of life than ever before, but moral implications become apparent when an 'envoy' from an old foe comes asking for help.

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Chapter Twelve

Zip poured over the collection of scrap paper and patchwork scrolls and felt his little heart tremble with pride. They were doing it! Before him, constructed out of scavenged materials was a very rough map of Ponyville.

Scattered upon it were crayon depictions of key landmarks, each of which had a different coloured pin. These represented a sprite whose task it was to feed information back to him: Well that was the idea anyway.

Zip glanced at the hoof scrawled note he’d just received from the town hall, More grass seed needed for the park expansion. The fire went out of him a little, surely a message from the city hall would have been important?

When he’d first conceived the idea of an information network Zip had had visions of great secrets being uncovered, devilish plots that the whole of Equestria would tremble at the mere mention of. Instead all he was getting was the price of grain and shopping lists.

His fellow sprites just didn’t seem to grasp what was important news and Zip ran his hoof over the map with a sigh, “Surely something of importance must be going on somewhere?” He rifled through the collection of notes and messages, feeling his high visions deflate further with each mundane report.

“There’s somepony coming!” The sprite on watch called and with a snort Zip began concealing their efforts. Covers, cushions and tiny blankets were thrown over diagrams. Very soon the storage room appeared as it had always done, with all the sprites sitting patiently in their alcoves.

Zip tensed as the main door opened and an elderly grey unicorn mare trotted in, her yellow eyes bright with excitement, “Afternoon sprites, I hope you’re ready because I have a very important message to send and I need it done fast!”

Zip felt his heart leap and he delt with it, leaving his alcove so quickly that the new comer leaned back as he flew right up to her face. An important message huh? Zip saluted and smiled, “Ponyville postal sprites at your service mam!”

The mare recovered quickly and gave Zip an indulgent smile, “Awww so cute and eager, just like me when I was a filly.”

Zip eyed the small envelope in the pony’s hoof with hunger before she continued on, “When I was little I’d help my mum do the postal rounds. Nothing beats a good letter, not even these new fangled message towers that seem to be popping up all over the place.”

Zip trembled with impatience as the pony droned on, “Now ‘Dinky’ being a mail pony is a huge responsibility, ponies are counting on you to get the right message to the right pony.” The mare winked at Zip and his eye twitched, “So I know you will keep up the fine traditions of the postal service my little friend won’t you?”

The letter and all its secrets were just inches from Zip’s hoof and he felt deep in his core that this was what he’d been waiting for, if only the old mare would just hurry up and give it to him!

“Of course mam, we sprites are the best at what we do!” Zip assured Dinky and she smiled at him.

“That reminds me of the old postal motto, mum always used to.....” Zip snatched the letter with unseemly haste and Dinky blinked in surprise, “Well that’s enthusiasm anyhow, you should find the address on the front.”

Hoof shaking, Zip looked at the note and saw it was addressed to ‘Sugar Cube Corner’ in the old district and his heart dropped. Another bakery order.

Dinky smiled again, “Aww don’t look down little guy it’s not too far and I assure you it’s of vital import that this makes it to its destination before the royal visitors arrive. I’m sure you’ll be up to the task.”

Zip sighed before feeling a gentle hoof tilting his chin upwards and Dinky winked at him, “Chin up mail pony, I believe in you!”

He fought down the disappointment before his mind caught up with what he’d just heard, “Royal visit?”

Dinky’s smile only widened, “Yep Princess Cadance of the Crystal Fiefdom is paying Twilight a visit.”

Zip’s eyes went wide and before he knew what he was doing the sprite had hugged the mare and plated a tiny kiss on her muzzle. Dinky laughed as Zip shied back, “I’m so excited too and now I know I have picked the right sprite for the job.” She gently patted Zip on the head as he tried to ignore the bemused looks the other sprites gave him.

Humming to herself, Dinky trotted out of the storage room and left Zip clutching the message in his trembling hooves. Cadance was coming here? That was bound to be something Twilight would want to know.... but Twilight was still in Canterlot and Zip hadn’t heard anything from Quiz yet.

“Zip, are you feeling alright?” One of the others asked.

Am I feeling alright? The question floated in his mind. Quiz should have reported something back by now. Had she been delayed, caught maybe? Maybe he shouldn’t have sent her to.... Zip’s eyes strayed to Twilight’s appointment book which he’d borrowed and made a copy of. Twilight should have been back yesterday, but still nothing.

“Zip?” The asker pressed again.

With Twilight delayed then it was all the more important for Zip to make sure that he knew everything about Cadance’s visit. Zip refocused on the watching eyes of his fellow ‘spies’, “We need to know more.”

Zip flourished a hoof and to the accompaniment of a collective gasp opened the letter. He’d just broken one of the cardinal rules of the postal service but Zip knew it was for a good cause. As the other sprites shrank back in horror Zip lifted out the note within and began to read.

Dear Pinkie Pie, with the royal visit that has just been announced I will need four cupcakes instead of three as aunty ‘Stopclock’ will be coming to stay so as not to miss the event.

The batch last week was wonderful, I loved the little raisins you put in. Hope to see you at the city hall in three day’s time where Cadance is said to be making an important announcement. I wonder what it could be?

All my best to Happy Harvest and the little ones,

Dinky Doo.

Zip’s expression became resolute, “My fellow sprites our mission is now clear: We need to find out all we can about Princess Cadance’s surprise visit.” His thoughts went out to Twilight still stuck in Canterlot, “Twilight is late in returning so we need to have a proper report for her when she does finally arrive. It will be of vital import in the days to come.”

A little twitch was visible upon Zip’s left eye and the other sprites looked at each other in worry. One raised a hoof, “Um Zip, don’t you think this is going a little too far? I mean things happen and Twilight may have just been held up for a good reason?” The silence stretched outwards before a number of the Sprites began to mumble in agreement.

Zip blinked. How could they all be so calm about this. A deep feeling of dread was hammering at Zip; telling him that something bad was going to happen. He glanced around the storage room as he tried to order his thoughts.

Twilight was upset, he knew that. The others may not see it, but Zip did and was determined to do something about it. Information: That was the key. The more they knew the more they could help Twilight. Not the silly day to day stuff the sprites had been relaying to him so far. They needed to look deeper. Ever since she’d read that book Discord had given her his princess hadn’t been right.

Books.... now there was a plan, maybe that old mare had been correct? If you wanted something important kept safe then you wrote it down. You didn’t trust it to the air waves. You wrote it down in a book. Stuff written down was safe from being forgotten. Twilight had hinted that Equestria kept all the really important things written down in the library. Twilight treasured books.

Zip felt the inkling of a new plan forming; one better than the last, “We need to find out more about books.” The sprites all looked at him as if he’d gone mad, Maybe I have but that’s not the point, mad ponies can still be right, right? He smiled at the others ignoring the tick that was ever present now, “Now bare with me. I know it sounds odd but the most important things are kept in books okay. So we need to have somepony stationed at the library too.”

Confused glances were shared about the room, but without a better suggestion they eventually nodded in acceptance. Zip rubbed his hooves together, “Good so I’ll keep an eye on Cadance when she arrives. That way I can take very clear notes for Twilight, you all keep doing what you’re doing and report back to me alright?”

Another murmur of assent rippled through the collected sprites and Zip grinned happily, Things were going to be okay, if they just kept at it then surely things will be alright.

Quiz was confused, Twilight and Luna had been talking long into the night about all sorts and she was hard-pressed to hear anything of true significance yet. She had nestled her tiny frame in a bush overlooking a beautiful gazebo as the two royals had chatted about the weather, quality of the food and how Equestria had changed so much recently.

The daylight had waned and Quiz found her mind wandering, thoughts heavy with what she now knew. If she didn’t have to be just a courier then what could she be? She didn’t need to be afraid either: The emotions and the feelings she was coming to grips with were intended.

She’d been so excited to tell the others, but one look from Twilight told Quiz that she wasn’t happy about the experiment being concluded just yet. Quiz grasped more than she was meant to and knew it. She wanted her fellow sprites to understand they need not be afraid now, but didn’t want to upset Twilight either; it was an impossible situation.

“So I told the cook to bring it back, only this time not to forget the top slice!” Luna laughed and Twilight along with her.

Wiping a tear away Luna grinned, “So the poor chef, fearing the wrath of Tartarus shuffled away and cooked another pizza base and placed it on top. By the heavens I was so embarrassed when I found out just how wrong I was!” Quiz rolled her eyes, this kind of talk was all she’d gotten for hours now.

Twilight smiled, “Well we’ve all had to come to terms with things Luna, like when Spike started growing up properly. I dearly miss that useful messenger service to you and Celestia.”

Quiz felt her eyes growing heavy, she didn’t need sleep as such but there was only so much small talk she could take before her brain shut down. Oh this is pointless, they’re not going to say anything useful. With a resigned sigh Quiz gave up and settled down to watch the stars. Soon enough her mind drifted from the world around her and she imagined all the things she could be.

Down below Luna pricked her ears and waved to Twilight for silence. Both ponies sat quietly for a full minute before Luna nodded with a smile, “There she’s ‘asleep’, when you build them Twilight you certainly know your stuff.”

Twilight blushed, “Well I didn’t think that long term endurance was needed, so I never tested them for it.” She smiled at the little hole in the bush, “I am amazed myself at how long she stuck at it, I was reaching the end of all the small talk I could think of.”

Luna grinned, “Well if nothing else it’s been wonderful to catch up with you. Both being so busy these days.” Her face became serious. “So about Buzz how is she doing?”

Twilight shuffled her hooves, “To be honest Luna I have been out of contact with her for two days now. I’m starting to worry.”

“Well you sent Spike with her, surely she’s safe enough with him?” Luna raised an eyebrow.

A whole range of emotions flowed across Twilight’s face, “That’s the thing; he’s not been responding either. I know he gets carried away sometimes, but when it’s important Spike normally manages to keep a clear head.”

Luna’s chuckle drifted on the breeze, “Well I trust them both, as I said you build your machines well Twilight and Spike’s a big boy now.” Silence fell for a time until Twilight finally spoke up.

“So about Celestia then, I mean I was able to convince her not to send a whole army to wipe out the changelings once and for all,” Twilight frowned, “But only just.”

Luna’s own face became sorrowful, “Well as I told you before, you have broken no laws and so she didn’t have any grounds to do so.”

“So how much of this is true and how much is fiction?” Twilight held the offending book up for Luna to see.

“Twilight things have a habit of being distorted with time,” Luna scrunched up her own muzzle before going on, “That there was a first Council of Harmony is certainly true, that certain harsh words and deeds were done is also true.” Twilight watched Luna expectantly, “As for the details of such events well that’s a bit trickier.”

Twilight snorted and Luna held up a warning hoof, a slight rustling was heard within the bush. They both waited and when nothing new occurred Twilight pressed on in a lower tone, “Well history books may be a bit creative with their facts, but you were there Luna.”

It was Luna’s turn to shift uncomfortably, “Yes but I promised Celestia that I wouldn’t tell anypony about that, it could have really damaging consequences, what would Equestrians think of griffons or the other races?”

Twilight folded her forelegs, “With respect Luna, they’ve forgiven and gotten over far worse happenings. Just because certain races aren't in the original design of the world doesn’t mean they won’t be accepted now.“ Twilight smiled sadly, “Plus I know enough now, you filling in the details won’t break your promise to Celestia.”

Luna’s face became a mask of uncertainty, “I suppose you know now, so it’s better to have you understand it fully I guess.” Both princesses sat quietly for a time, with only the distant sounds of the night drifting on the breeze.

“There was indeed a falling out like that book described, the first time any of us ‘first ones’ had ever experienced such a thing,” Luna’s eyes had taken on a distant quality. “Even to this day I don’t fully understand what caused it, but I think as with almost everything that’s wrong in the world it boiled down to pride.”

Twilight settled down as the tale unfolded, “While everything was new we all had such fun discovering who we were. Celestia and I, ‘Whisper’ the first great dragon, the Boar Lord and the others. We were untested and eager to see what we could do.”

“It all started out as friendly competition I guess, it quickly became clear that we were all very different creatures; our own desires, methods and more importantly values.” Luna rested her hooves on the delicate table between the pair and watched her reflection found therein.

“Before we knew it sides had been drawn over the simplest matters, the slightest perceived insult.” Luna smiled weakly, “I can at least say that I stood by Celestia faithfully that time.”

Twilight put out a hoof and comforted Luna who smiled warmly , “Oh I’m over my own failings Twilight: lessons learned. One can’t spend the whole of eternity dwelling on mistakes made in the past.”

“Like Celestia is doing now?” Twilight asked softly and Luna’s grin wilted.

“Yes, she still hasn’t let what happened next go,” Luna’s face became dour, “Fighting did break out; not the wars you have heard of Twilight, but battles of beings so powerful that the world shuddered.”

Twilight’s ears pressed down, “Like me and Tirek?”

It was Luna’s turn to put forth a comforting hoof, “You had a taste of it yes, but only a taste Twilight.” Twilight nodded and Luna continued, “Each group wanted to hold to a core ideal as it were: Strength, love, wisdom and many more.”

Once again, both princesses froze as a little ‘mewping’ sound came from above. With glints in their eyes both Twilight and Luna arose to peer in closely at Quiz. The little sprite was ‘cooing’ with a blissful smile on her muzzle, eyes shut in a sleep like manner.

Luna chuckled softly and both returned to their seats. Luna’s face was pained as she continued the story, “It culminated with Sift’s death, only then did we realise just how foolish we had all been.”

Twilight stared at Luna her face unmoving, “The book said she was jealous of you and the love you had?”

Luna cringed, “Not exactly, The most popular view was the idea that love and mutual respect were the most important ideas we should all work towards. When every creature truly loves another then the world is as close to perfection as you can imagine.”

Luna’s muzzle curled and she chuckled, “I can almost hear Celestia say those words now. She’s always been the best spokespony and inspiring creature to follow.” Twilight looked concerned, but Luna had only admiration and pride in her eyes.

“The other Council Members were won over by Celestia and it should have ended there, but for Sift,” Luna's voice became almost a whisper, “We thought we had no other choice you understand Twilight, we keep telling ourselves that.”

Twilight’s eyes brimmed with tears, “I believe you.”

Luna stared into the sky and winced, “Sift was the only council member who continued to object and grew more stubborn all the time.” Luna’s horn glowed and a wisp of magic drifted into the air.

A glowing image of a darkened chamber, lit only by pale fungal lights coalesced and Twilight watched wide eyed as the scene unfolded.

Quiz’s pleasant musings were darkened by shifting landscape. She found herself in a warren or cave of some kind. Mildew covered the walls and foul smelling vapours arose from the pit a winding path encircled.

A brief moment of confusion stole across Quiz and she felt the terror of being lost, then Celestia remembered why she was here: Sift, the heavens curse her had gone too far. Her ponies were being tormented by creatures that wore their skins as lightly as the decorations adorning her hooves.

To stand against her ideals that was one thing, Sift’s arguments had some weight to them Celestia was forced to admit. The will of one strong being to direct all the others, lead the lesser beings in order and control and the world would be ordered. No fighting, no conflict just peace and unity.

Celestia banished these lies for what they were, what point was there to a world where nothing grew or learned? Yes there would be peace and obedience, but at what cost? This world was for the races upon it to learn and experience and grow.

Some would make bad choices it was true, the consequences no doubt painful. But to have the world Sift wanted would invalidate the very reasons for the world they enjoyed. Celestia could, would make Sift see reason.

The vapours and smells only grew worse as she descended further, yet nothing barred Celestia’s progress. Pain was a new thing in this world. Not pain of the body, but of the heart and Celestia would see no more of it if she had her way. Not if it could be avoided.

The first opposition finally came at her: A collection of dark shapes that filled the air with droning wings. Celestia felt her anger rise as the vaguely equine shapes boiled up from the darkness below, their teeth glinting in the pale radiance she cast.

She closed her eyes in disgust, feeling the hunger on them: The urge to devour all that was good and noble, the very love that would enable the council’s plan to work. She let that disgust build, to give her the strength to do what was needed.

A glaring shaft of white power lanced out and Celestia’s nostrils drew in the smell of burning. As soon as it began the spell was suddenly snuffed out and she dared open her eyes. Scorched and steaming shells clattered downwards into the hole below, quickly greeted by an answering screech of fury.

Celestia moved to a gallop now, intent on finishing this sorry affair quickly. She felt the path tremble at her hoof falls, the earthy soil crumbling as she pounded forward. Soon it became obvious that the path wouldn’t hold and she spread her wings as huge chunks of soil tumbled away into the darkness below.

The angered shrieks only grew in volume and intensity as Celestia landed heavily on the squelchy ground, her white coat stained up to the knees as the squall absorbed her impact.

“Enough Beetle Queen, I will hear no more of your protests,” Celestia shouted, the hurt and anger heavy in her tone. “You can object to my ideas, you can challenge my ideals. That’s your right Sift. But you will not mock the mortals made in my image with such monsters nor attempt to enforce your will when the council has decided against you.”

Celestia’s breath turned to steam in the dank air and little wisps of water vapour rose from her sweating body. The screeches and wailing echoed all the louder, Celestia didn’t hear words in that noise, but did understand the meaning, So you’ve come to enforce your ‘freedom’ upon me? Such a funny notion is it not Horse Queen, having to ‘enforce’ freedom?

Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she saw a massive bulk shifting in the darkness just beyond the light she cast, “Freedom extends only as far as impinging on others freedom, and you violated that right when you sought to destroy others choice.”

Snorting angrily Celestia stood her ground, “Will you still insist on this course Sift? it can only end one way.”

The burbling shrieks continued in reply, You have already decided what you plan to do Horse Queen, I simply argued the course of wisdom. There will be chaos and anarchy, we will see so many die and suffer because of disorder. Come and do what you came to Horse Queen, but at least see the hypocrisy in your own actions.

For a brief moment Celestia faltered, never wishing to have this confrontation and with a dread sense of foreboding she understood that part of what Sift said was true. She and the others were opening the way for conflict, sorrow and suffering. But they were also paving the way for peace, joy and happiness to be found too.

When faced with that choice it was the only sensible option to take the good with the bad and learn from it. Celestia’s face hardened, “Sift: For failing to adhere to the council’s decision you have forfeited your place there on. Know that it was not your objections that condemn you, but the wilful rebellion against your fellow First Born.”

A hissing replaced the screeches and Celestia understood it was laughter, cold and unrepentant mirth from the one she’d once called friend, Destroy me if you dare Celestia, I have stood my ground for what I believe and you are the one destroying freedom.

Celestia felt a huge wash of foul smelling ooze spill forth, threatening to drown her as Sift charged forward, her black carapace glinting in the light.Celestia was forced to leap backwards, powering her wings to lift her from Sift’s path.

Sift quickly halted her progress and glared up at the departing Celestia with dark eyes, “I have made my choice Celestia. My children will be a scourge to yours: know with every drop of essence they take will be proof that mine was the better choice!

The huge insect opened its shell casing and thrummed the air with her take off. She continued to shriek, all the while hurling magically charged globules of stinking slime which Celestia was hard pressed to avoid. Their very image will remind you of how empty and false your ideals are Horse Queen!

Celestia had heard enough: There would be no reasoning here, if only Sift had accepted the council’s decision. She didn’t even have to agree with it, just not impede their progress. But worse of all Sift had made it personal: Against her and her alone.

Celestia summoned her powers and with an angry flare made a new miniature sun, the ball of flame consumed the thrashing Sift who screeched all the more fiercely, So this is your justice then? I am glad I won’t get to see a world where such ‘freedom’ reigns.

With a final hissing laugh sift exploded, no simple death for a First Born. The magic contained within Sift’s being suddenly given free reign billowed out and engulfed Celestia. She tried to pull away as the eldritch power stabbed at her, the pain caused Celestia to scream out.

It was horror of what she’d done. she’d killed a fellow First Born, something the world had placed from the beginning to enrich itself. The stain of that act burned into Celestia’s soul and she vowed to never do it again, no matter the situation or provocation she......

Quiz shrieked until a comforting hoof caught her and she looked up into the concerned faces of Luna and Twilight.